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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Thats the old Opportunity. Before the changes. You're right. The wiki and Mids need to be updated. What Opportunity does now is grant -15% resist all for 15 seconds, -15% ToHit for 15 seconds, -15% resist to all mezzes for 15 seconds, -15% end drain resistance for 15 seconds, -15% resist recovery debuff for 15 seconds, -15% resist regen' debuff for 15 seconds, -15% resist recharge debuff for 15 seconds, -11.25% defense debuff for 15 seconds, -15,000% stealth radius for 15 seconds, and it very quickly fills the Opportunity bar even when there is no combat going on. So what about Opportunity needs to be fixed?
  2. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Opportunity
  3. I would be more inclined to see it turn the character into a pterosaur instead.
  4. I said the potions would have a duration of 5 or 10 minutes. See below: (Edit: The boots/sandals would have a duration of 1 hour or however long the jetpack temp power runs for.)
  5. This would be entirely too OP. Sentinels already get Scrapper defenses as ranged characters, so adding the ability to constantly proc absorb from all your attacks would make them impossible to kill. Opportunity already debuffs the target's damage resistance to everything. (And that isn't counting the damage resist debuff Sentinels apply with their own attacks. When the Opportunity bar is full, you can make that debuff -25% instead of just -5% from your regular attack use.) And the proc already adds to the Opportunity bar. That is part of the price Sentinels pay for being much sturdier than Blasters despite still being a ranged AT. Not sure what you are asking for here. The Opportunity bar already increases with every attack the Sentinel makes.
  6. Was talking with someone and I decided to throw my hat in the ring for new P2W temp flight power options. I don't actually expect to see any of these implemented, but to add variety to the themes available, I'm making the suggestion. Contracts: Angel Contract Demon Contract Djinn Contract These powers would summon the stated entity that you paid to have a contract with. The stated entity carries the character around. You have to have the entity let you go in order to fight. Transformations: Swarm of Bats Large Bird Giant Bat Flock of Birds These powers would turn the character into what they say. Mad Science: Flying Shark Pterosaur These powers call forth the summoned, science created or lab bred/made creature that either the character grabs hold of or grabs hold of the character to fly around. Goes away when the power is not active. Magic: Potion of Flying Winged Boots/Sandals The potion would only have a duration of 5 or 10 minutes and would remain active for its entire duration without means of turning off, but would not have any associated models for the power. It would have an animation where the character drinks the potion in question though. The winged boots/sandals would replace the foot models used by your character, and they will flap for as long as the power is active. (Requesting the boots/sandals also be made available in the costume creator if made and added to the game.) Technology: Flight Belt Anti-Gravity Belt More varieties of jetpacks (Edit: Wonderful Windup Wings [From the costume creator. You strap on these mechanical wings and go. Lasts as long as a jetpack.]) These very large belts will obscure the character model for the belly. The flight belt would have controls and actual thrusters, likely ported over from the existing jetpacks. The anti-gravity belt would have controls and bulky doodads that grant the anti-gravity power. (Requesting the belts and any/all jetpack models also be made available in the costume creator if made and added to the game.)
  7. As a person who has several characters that have no travel powers, relying on P2W powers like Ninja Run or Athletic Run, not to mention that most of my characters are fliers (and are so by means of the Fly power pool), I get what you are saying. However, that is the thing to me, it is a balancing act depending on the character and it should be. If players want to go to P2W and buy their travel powers from there? Fine. Do it. It is why they have those powers available. However, a power like flight bought from a vendor should always have a visual representation of what it is. I don't care if it is a jetpack, a rocketboard, an energy disc, a magic carpet, a massive belt with jetpack thrusters like the jetpacks have, a flying machine holding the character up from above with magic strings like a puppeteer making their marionette fly, a catapult that flings the character across the map, a swarm of flies grabbing the fly attractor on you and carrying you off, or whatever. If a player wants their character to have innate flight though? Take the Fly power from the Flight pool or the Mystic Flight power from the Sorcery pool. (If your winged character is not able to fly but wants to be able to? Then just like any non-winged character, you still have to buy a device that lets you fly, strap it on, and let it carry you through the sky.) When you go to P2W, you are buying a device that lets your character fly. It is not intrinsic flight. You can buy training to make you run faster or jump higher, no device required. A device that turns you into an animal would disappear or at least can be justified as disappearing into the transformed state. (A P2W power that turns you into a flock of birds or bats, or into a bird or bat, to fly around? Great, no device required on the character model because it blends into your transformed state like turning into a panther.) A device the lets you leap over buildings, fly across the sky, teleport across the field, or make you run faster than Speedy Gonzales on speed? That is going have some sort of visual cue on the character that shows the device granting the power. Because you are buying a device with the power, it is not an intrinsic power of the character. Most times someone asks for a no model form of flight from the P2W vendor? It is because they are mentally stuck on incorporating the Holy Quad into their build, so they don't have room for a flight power as well. Fine. Pursue the Holy Quad. Play however you want. That flight power from P2W though? Is going to have a device that is rendered on the character to show they have it. Whatever form it may take. Flight belt, power ring that covers your character in a <color> aura (suppressing your other auras like a Green Lantern ring, if a ring can be added to the character model without deforming the hand or cutting through the other fingers somehow), jetpack, sky surf board, flying shark you grab and hang on to until you let go to fight as it keeps flying off, take your pick, I don't care.
  8. Nobody said anything about "locks". This seems awfully presumptuous. Doesn't seem all that presumptuous to me. We already have to wait on NPCs to shut up before we can progress missions. And we currently only have to wait on their text comments, let alone any vocals that may be added. Given what we already have to do with the text only comments, it seems logical to expect the lock to remain in place for the vocals too. Case in point: Lady Jane in the Lost Savior arc, Infernia/Glacia/Penelope Yin on their respective TFs, and even Morgana in the Lords of Death arc. (Edit: I can't recall how often I've sat at my computer grumbling "Shut up, Lady Jane. Or at least walk and talk.". At least in the Lady Jane, Infernia, Glacia, and Penelope Yin cases though? They are at least allies. A Skull shows up with obvious intentions of killing the NPC you are trying to protect (and you as well), but I have to sit there and listen to her monologue before I can do anything? You only let the person trying to kill you monologue when you need time to recover, escape, or set up your BIG BOOM attack. (Or you think (s)he/they is enough of an idiot to tell you his/her/their plans so you can figure out how to stop elements of it you haven't figured out yet.) I'd already be shooting, blasting, slicing, smashing, whatever her the moment she revealed herself. Now add vocals to all that. So if others want that option, I'm fine with them having that option. If it is to be implemented as the default that cannot be avoided? Hells to the no. The OP seems to be a request for an option, so I don't really care either way since I can choose to not opt in and deal with it.)
  9. Came back to edit my previous post, but there was a post after it, so I'm making a new post. I would be fine with a flight belt. Make it some large contraption the character wears around the waist and overrides/hides any belt costume item the character is wearing. It should have various controls and thrusters on it as well. As in it should look like a belt-based thruster/flight system. (It should also be available as a belt option for characters without needing to buy the P2W version.) A flight ring? Our characters cannot currently have rings added to their hands to the best of my knowledge. So no.
  10. I'm all for proliferating the P2W jetpack models to the character creator. I'm just against a no jetpack, flying carpet, void skiff, or rocketboard flight being available at P2W. (Edit: Especially considering the OP. Why make a winged character that can fly if you're going to go to a vendor and buy an item that grants you flight instead of giving the character his/her/their/its own native ability to fly? Just take the power.)
  11. I am still against this suggestion. Flight with no jetpack, rocketboard, void skiff, or flying carpet? Or rather, flight without any obvious external to character means that had to be purchased from a vendor selling premade products to the character? Take the Fly power. If it is that integral a part of your character, fit it into your character build.
  12. We already have that mission in the Kings of Death arcs where if you manage to get ahead of the cutscene trigger point or the Skulls spawn close enough to the trigger point, the Skulls can start attacking your character before the cutscene finishes going away and your power tray is functional. (Fortunately, the delay between their ability to attack and yours is a minor thing. If we had to sit there and wait for the voice overs for the cut scene though? What are the odds we get our game functionality back after we've been defeated?)
  13. Nope. Neither the "Who Will Die?" nor the "Pandora's Box" SSAs have any voice overs. The only vocal parts of the game I am aware of is the Galaxy City tutorial.
  14. Like I said, I am neither in support of nor against the OP. As long as we are not forced to have it, I couldn't care less. (Like with @biostem, I find that I read much faster than any voice overs in any game I play. That gets rather frustrating when I've read the content but still have to wait for the voice over before I can select anything in the appropriate game. So I personally would not use a voice over feature if it was made an option except to see what voices the game has for the voice overs. If others want voice overs? Go for it. I don't care.) The whole point of my 1st post on this thread was to bring the previous threads on this discussion to the author's attention. Sort of a "Heads up. This is what you can expect for responses."
  15. It's been asked about a few times. I'm not saying yes or no to your suggestion, but you may want to read through the linked threads. (They were all on the 1st page of a search for "voice".) (Edit: I'd say there are as many pros as there are cons for voice acting to a game. One of the things I did not enjoy about Champions Online, and I admit there were many things I did not like about it, was the crappy voice acting. And AI isn't exactly known for having a good range of human emotion or projection.)
  16. What I don't understand about your post is: 1) You say other defense sets can achieve practically the same defense, but that doesn't mean they achieve the same defense. 2) You say SR's only gimmick is it can reach defense caps easier, gets very high DDR, and has scaling damage resist. (I count 3 gimmicks in that list, so "only" doesn't work.) You also ignore its other mitigation abilities like Confuse resist (which is a toggled ability), the +60% Perception buff, and the Slow resist. (Edit: Seriously, the Perception buff is helpful. No SR character I know of [or played] ever had any problems seeing a fleeing invisible CoT spectral demon of any kind or Tsoo spirit, even the incarnate ones. KoA in the area invisible? Not to a SR Scrapper. And the 40% slow resist means it is very easy to make the character immune to slows.)
  17. It seems to be an uncommon bug. The last time I did that arc, there were two Captain Castillo's. The new spawn and the invisible first spawn. I only noticed the new spawn fighting though. Didn't notice any attacks coming from the original to me or the new spawn after he was supposed to go away.
  18. He is/was the only contact the game gave me with the arc. It's not like I can just take my characters to the other contact to get the missing arc. The other contact won't even talk to me when I have Pavel as a listed contact.
  19. Sure, and players on Scrappers that want the improvements the Taunt sets grant their Confront and like being able to pull single targets out of rooms will then have to no longer slot any taunt enhancements to improve their taunt or any taunt set enhancements to improve their taunt because then it will become an AoE and they will no longer be able to draw out targets any more. My take on that is "NO". Edit: If a Scrapper player wants an AoE taunt, take Provoke from the Presence pool. It is an AoE taunt effect. And they can even get it 8 levels earlier than Confront, and it has no prerequisites to get.
  20. As long as you are not talking about taking Intimidate away in exchange for the taunt aura, sure. I actually took and use Intimidate on my Blaster. (Edit: Invoke Panic is useless to my characters because I have to be in their midst to use it. Intimidate lets me hover at range and make someone leave me alone until I'm ready for them.)
  21. Not sure if this counts as a costume problem and I didn't see any posts on this doing a quick search, so just posting this here. The Defected Heavy Troopers in the UPA spawn their missiles free-floating in air. When they flip their launchers into firing position, the missiles appear between the launchers and the mob.
  22. We're done. I look forward to your next actual suggestion, but I'm done being trolled on this one.
  23. Are you going to have a limit as to which wall that one window can be put on so your east window isn't looking south too? Don't be ridiculous. You're not OWED anything. They do the best they can. Who said anything about being owed anything? This is a question of being fair and impartial, giving all players the same access. If we get windows that look out on a zone? Then it would be unfair to not provide that for every zone.
  24. Okay, now I know you are definitely trolling.
  25. One window per zone would mean that every base that used a window for any given zone would have the exact same view from all windows despite them being on all possible outside looking walls. Using the city hall example, a base would have the same view of city hall on their north wall as they do on their east wall as they do on their south wall as they do on their west wall. That would be the height of inconsiderate laziness for base object additions. And that would be my guess as to why the windows we do have do not give actual exterior views, so players can have their windows at least without having to wonder why all windows have the exact same view of city hall. Edit: And only having windows for only some zones and not all zones will be a giant middle finger to players whose bases are supposed to be in the zones that didn't get done.
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