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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. if you mean taunt exists as a power you can select, like scrapper confront, or say stalker placate - yes.
  2. I'm worried about the Placate comment. Like maybe that is next on their agenda. I take it on all my Stalkers. It keeps me alive until I can finish developing the character. Sometimes even in high level missions after full development. First Confront, now Taunt, next Placate?!
  3. @honoroit, you posted proof of @Greycat's comment. The only builds I see being spread are the min-max builds that abandon everything that isn't damage, self-protection, or a means of improving at least one of those. Those builds may be popular for the current meta, but they aren't by any means indicative of Taunt not being part of players' builds. It just isn't a current meta build.
  4. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/First_Ward https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Night_Ward The Praetorian story line goes out to level 35. It's just that starting at level 20, it is not limited to Praetorian characters for accessibility. (Edit: And as a gold side player, you also need to know you can just go there and do arcs instead of going directly to Primal Earth.) (Edit again: First Ward even has a Loyalist contact that seemingly reports directly to Tyrant. She always has missions to give players until they out-level the zone. She just has no arcs.)
  5. I really like the idea behind this, lore-wise, but mechanically it'd lock almost everyone out of those pools (very few people are still gold when patron pools unlock, and you can't get back in once you leave). As well as completely prohibiting non-gold characters from accessing it, making it more restrictive than red side patron pools which anyone can get as long as they do the 1 unlock mission at the end of the first arc.
  6. I don't typically play Tankers, but every Tanker I've teamed with had Taunt and used it. In some cases, rather frequently. Either to corral enemies, pull them off my or my friends' butts, or to pull spawns out of heavily populated rooms so our ranged characters aren't eating spawn alphas trying to snipe lure spawns over to us. So from my experience, it is rather prolific. If you have hard data proving otherwise, please supply it. Otherwise your statement is purely anecdotal, just like my counter-point. And from a game balance perspective, I don't see the OP being implemented without Taunt losing current features to compensate. I'm willing to bet that if the OP were to be implemented, Taunt would no longer be auto-hit but instead get the base 75% chance to hit an equal level target, could be avoided by the target's psi' defense, cost 8-15 END, get a longer recharge, and would do the same damage modified by the target's psi resist regardless of what target it was used against. Which would make several players I know unhappy because they actually take and use Taunt. (Edit: I'm probably back on your ignore list, so you aren't going to see this response, are you?)
  7. The difference between taunt as is at target cap and taunt as changed by the OP at target cap? As is doesn't break soft mezzes, but the OP does. So the likelihood of loose mobs going after allies you don't want them to? Goes up. Edit: Also, slotting the damage proc into Taunt? Is a player choice about how (s)he wants their taunt to work. The OP takes that choice choice away and makes it mandatory.
  8. 1) Tankers and Brutes are the only ATs with 400 threat ratings. Scrappers come in 2nd at 300. All other ATs are 200 or 100. 2) Any AoE can already do this. So why should Taunt need to fill this role? 3) Taunts are already attractive picks for anyone that has a desire to keep mobs off their squishier allies or even pull groups out of hazardous areas. 4) I have no idea what you mean by this. So my question becomes, how is the OP needed enablement? And I still have my previous questions such as: What about the loss of utility, from having taunts do their own damage even without the proc, thus breaking soft mezzes like sleeps? Why should an attack do more damage to higher tier foes than lower tier ones, taking away the advantage higher tier foes have in survivability compared to lower tier enemies? Why there should be a new damage type added to the game that increases based on having non-damage enhancements slotted? Would the proposed illusion damage be subject to psi' damage resist and defense, need new DEF/RES created, or would it be unresistable for being non-standard damage? What about the 0 END cost for what is now an AoE attack instead of a non-damaging tool to pull targets off allies or just to pull them to you? What other changes would be needed to balance out the proposal, like making all taunts now have a to hit check to see if it connects, taking away another advantage of taunts? What about the aggro cap that you mentioned, especially after you consider that soft mezzes will now be broken by taunts? Why Tankers/Brutes would even need yet more damage sources in their power sets than they already get from their power sets? If also applied to "punchvokes", why do their regular attacks need the extra damage boost automatically built in?
  9. Thanks. I forgot about that. Someone asks to join a team/league, leader sends invite, and then gets a message that the requesting player can't be invited. Are they the wrong alignment for the task in question? (Like the Jade Spider TF/SF.) Is there someone already on the team/league that has that person on ignore? (Why should that even be a problem for the team leader, since that person is ostensibly the one giving everyone their directions?) Is the requesting player the one that has someone already on the team/league on ignore? (See team leader's involvement statement of point 2, and how does the requesting player find out? Do they just stand there wondering if the team/league leader is ignoring them because they can't be invited to the team/league?) Yeah, sounds like a major headache in the making.
  10. People make mistakes. Bug reports have been filed on the Suggestions and Feedback forum. Website suggestions have been posted on the Suggestions and Feedback forum. (I'm guilty of having done this as well.) Edit: All anyone is asking is that you give enough information for the rest of us to be able to understand, rather than assume we share the same references as you.
  11. Problem with that is if only a team member has you on ignore. If it is just one person, you can infer comments made by others' responses. And only whomever is directing the team's actions needs to be heard. On a league, this is much more pronounced. If you are put on Team 5 and the person that has you on ignore is on team 7, but you can see the posts from the league leader and the team leaders, what problem is being introduced if one member of team 7 says something you can't read? Why would you want to punish yourself and limit your options in this way?
  12. You know you can actually explain the OP, right? However, let's just run with what has been provided so far. Let's run with the OP is about giving taunts a damage component that scales up based on target tier, and increases said damage by slotting taunt enhancements rather than damage enhancements. Brutes and Tankers have an AoE taunt effect. It has a 15 feet radius with a 5 target cap. (I don't know how or if Gauntlet affects the Tanker's taunt.) And characters that dip into the Presence pool to get Provoke to also have a taunt power also gets an AoE effect with a 15 feet radius and 5 target cap. Now you have an ally that put the enemies to sleep. And the Tanker/Brute or Provoke character uses Taunt or Provoke to get the attention of other mobs and pull them away from the squishy character that threw the sleep and possibly other squishy allies. That Taunt/Provoke does damage, breaking the sleep. Or someone uses an ability that inflicts the fear status on one or more targets. That Taunt/Provoke effectively breaks the fear effect by triggering an attack from the affected mob. Add in that now there would be a damage mechanic that gets buffed by taunt enhancements rather than damage enhancements, and does more damage against higher tier mobs. What are the chances of seeing Brutes, Scrappers, Stalkers, and Tankers turning Taunt/Provoke into spawn killing attacks? I can see it happening. Hells, I'm contemplating trying a taunt-to-death character if this gets implemented. Base recharge of 10 seconds, 0 END cost, and does more damage the more powerful my foe is? And all I have to do is slot taunt sets to make it even better? Including the psi damage proc? I could wipe out even Malta spawns while completely END drained by Sappers. All I would need is a stock of breakfrees to avoid being held and TAUNT everything to death. Edit: Seriously, it wouldn't be any problem at all to get a Tanker/Brute with Taunt and Provoke, reduce their recharges so I can spam them back to back, and never have to worry about my END ever again as I now have a 0-END AoE attack chain. The damage heals back automatically after a short while? Was never a problem when using Spectral Wounds which this seems to be based off of. Edit again: Even better for those Tankers and Brutes? Taunt is an auto-hit power unless used in PvP. So they will never miss, and are guaranteed to always do damage with the OP.
  13. Given the author's insistent ambiguity? I'm inclined to agree. A thread title with no relevance to the thread itself that I can understand. An OP with multiple possible meanings and no clarification. A "clarifying response" that provides even less information than the OP. Yeah, feels like a trap alright.
  14. Tips and radios/papers don't work the same. Once tips are unlocked, you can get them randomly from any defeated foe. No contact interaction required. They are level-locked for what tips you can get, so you can out-level specific tips until you reach the 41-50 range, but you can always get tips even from grey mobs once they are unlocked. So when you defeat a foe, the game checks to see if a tip drops, checks your actual level, and assigns you a tip from a pool of level-assigned missions. These missions are always the same. The same foes, the same map, the same objectives for any given tip mission. Radios/papers however are contacts. They aren't random drops like tips are, you "speak" with your contact who is always available through a "phone" and that contact gives you a choice of 3 missions to choose from. Like those contacts in First Ward/Night Ward that give you a constant choice of 2 missions when you speak with them. Which as far as I can tell, locks them to their appropriate zone as a contact. So to make radios/papers always available to the player regardless of what zone they are in would be to make contacts able to grant their missions regardless of character level. Which likely would mean that a high level character would be able to get grey missions from the out-leveled contact. Unless the contact system itself was changed.
  15. It is not an issue. I was merely noting that it would feel weird. Anything new that changes how I experience the game is always weird. Then I eventually get used to it. And given the amount of work that would be required to create level 50 appropriate versions of groups that don't scale that high, I feel it would be best if the OP just stuck with factions that reached the correct level for the character/team.
  16. Just like when on a TF/SF, your contacts window is emptied of all contacts other than the Ouroboros arc's contact. (Edit: Even the Find Contact button is disabled.)
  17. Depends on the pie. Are we talking pizza pie, dessert pie, mud pie, or something else? And quality of ingredients is important too.
  18. *sigh* I get sent to Atlas Park, Skyway City, Steel Canyon, Independence Port, and Talos island at pretty much all levels. It's just Kings Row that I pretty much never see past level 30-something. Anyway, how did this turn into an argument? All I said was that it would feel weird to me, not that I was against it. In fact, in both posts for this particular discussion, I made a point of stating I was not against it. I am not arguing against it, yet it seems like you think I am.
  19. You don't get sent to KR for door missions against Nemesis, Rikti, Council, Carnies, Freakshow, and other higher-level groups? There is a mission in the Manticore TF that has always, in my experience, been in KR, and I've never seen Crey in the zone. Radio/paper missions are always door missions; there shouldn't be any reason why you can't get a level-50 radio mission against the Carnies in KR, just like there's no reason why Harvey Maylor can't send you to KR to check out Carnies in a warehouse. Not to the best of my recollection. I don't recall any level 50 missions sending me to KR. (Level 30 with its Council, Freakshow, et al? Yeah. Not level 50 though.) And like I said, I didn't make that comment to say not to do that. I'm fine with it. All I was saying is that it is going to feel weird to me.
  20. Gonna be kinda weird to fight Carnies, Malta, and other factions with no presence in KR in KR. Not saying that is a reason to not, just saying it's going to feel weird. To me at least.
  21. It's the same thing, just phrased slightly differently. I can't speak for what the current devs can do. The problem back on Live was that there was no way to exemplar a character without another character to exemplar to, except by use of the TF mechanic. Your request has been asked for multiple times by different people. I'm not saying it can't be done now, only the devs can say if it can or can't. I'm just telling you why it wasn't done before, which may well be the same situation as now. Like I said, only the devs actually know. (Edit: Though I should point out that even if you exemplar down to a lower level character, I'm pretty sure you can't hit up your out-leveled contacts still. So even if the exemplar system as is were to be used somehow, it still wouldn't let players access out-leveled contacts.)
  22. The reason why we have Ouroboros was because that function either could not be incorporated into the game or was otherwise too difficult to incorporate into the game. If the current devs can do it, great. The Live devs said it essentially wasn't possible at the time though.
  23. If we had the option to turn off patrol xp, this wouldn't be a concern.
  24. I'm not following the purpose of this thread. Can you explain, please?
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