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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. If my build calls for higher level than me set IOs? I often just leave those slots empty until I reach the minimum level to start slotting them. The exception being if my build calls for level 50 required IOs like Hecatombs. Those I will slot with a generic IO to keep the power competitive against high level mobs. You're most definitely right about the leveling progression though. Between the constant patrol xp and the heavy xp boost the game got when it went private pirate server so that those that knew about and were granted access to the game could very quickly recreate their lost level 50 incarnate characters, there isn't much call for the low level sets unless a player is looking for the set bonuses. And that is even before you get into the XP Boosters available from P2W. The current iteration of the game is set up to get you past all the content and to level 50 as quickly as they can without just cutting out the content. Which is why blue side and red side characters that want to do content at level have to watch their progression and mind the Turn Off XP option, let alone the poor gold siders that had that problem even before the game had its leveling shifted to high gear.
  2. If Ageless is added to my build, Dull Pain's recharge drops to 126.3 seconds. And if Revive is dropped in exchange for Maneuvers or any other +DEF power (with only the LotG proc) and Dull Pain replaces Numina's Convalescence with Panacea as well, the recharge is exactly 120 seconds. At the cost of 3.75% ranged defense. (Edit: Of course, turning Maneuvers on would grant +3.04% DEF....) Personally, I would rather the ranged defense and the emergency Revive.
  3. According to City of Data, since Mids doesn't show Dull Pain's duration that I can see, Dull Pain has a duration of 120 seconds. The recharge of Dull Pain in my build is 167.4 seconds. So you would be without for 47.4 seconds. So not perma. While it was active, you would have 2,311.15 max HP and 605.4% regeneration rate..
  4. Using the base is faster than the hospital in a PvP zone. 10 minutes in on Siren's Call, still working on getting rid of patrol xp. It is going faster than Monster Island though. So thanks. Edit: 17 minutes on a level 10 character. Much better than the hour it normally takes using PI. Will check a 40+ tomorrow. (I can only endure getting rid of patrol xp for so long.) Still requesting dead characters be exempted from accruing patrol xp.
  5. You can access Bloody Bay at level 15 (the wiki says any level, but I'm not sure if that's correct) - run into a mob, die, go to SG base, go back out through the portal and zone in to the same mob again. Rinse, repeat, and be done in about 5 minutes. No, you can't. I've tried it. I've tried Bloody Bay, Siren's Call, Warburg, and Recluse's Victory. It takes just as long in any PvP zone as it does in any PvE zone, because while it may have once upon a time accrued greater debt for being defeated by mobs in a PvP zone, that is no longer true. (Edit: I've even tried the monsters in the Hive. They tend to take a while to kill you too. And though the hospital there is a field hospital, you still have to find a Monster to start the process all over again. Preferably a triple spawn of them so it doesn't take long for them to kill you.) The hazard zones are your best option because of mob spawn sizes, but those don't lock your level to the zone. You can start an Ouroboros arc and then go to a hazard zone, but you still spend a lot of time loading the base/hospital to rez, loading the zone to exit the base/hospital, finding a group to kill you, waiting for group to kill you, then loading the base/hospital to rez. Monster Island works because it is a field hospital, so you only load to rez, then you jump into a spawn of Rikti Monkeys that you can see from your gurney. Otherwise, it is Peregrine Island so the super purple mobs there can kill you relatively quickly, hindered by the spawn size and the fact the Possessed Scientists seem to miss a lot, because at least in PI, there are usually (but not always) CoT spawns not that far away. (Edit again: You are also either unaware of or ignoring that many times when you exit the base or hospital, the mob(s) you used to defeat you have despawned an annoyingly high percentage of the time. I've done this often daily for different characters I wanted to play that day. Only to use up my available game time or burn out and walk away from the game. The only expedient means of dying to get rid of patrol xp is to either play that character every day so it only takes a few deaths, or use Monster Island's Rikti monkeys.)
  6. Depending on the character level and the last time the character was played, that can take up to an hour. Using the Rikti monkeys on Monster Island via the Smuggler's Submarine makes it faster, but you can't access that zone until level 45.
  7. With your character out doing patrols as a super instead of specific missions while also working their day job while logged off. Because, reasons. (You get patrol xp no matter where you log off or what state the character is in while logged off. Because, reasons.... [Edit: I take that back. The reasons were given. It was so your character can catch up to characters that played while you were offline.])
  8. Most likely not. I never bother to aim for perma anything. I just gave it a nice little recharge so that it could be used often, not constantly. (Edit: If it is perma? That would be completely by accident.) (Edit again: If I'm being completely honest? I think most attempts to make things perma is a waste of effort. There are some things that are definite advantages, though none currently come to mind, but others? I find it works much better for me to forego trying for perma anything and more focusing on general survivability rather than on any specific trick or tactic.)
  9. They had to have seen it. With the exception of Firefall(?), every MMO I saw launched with multiple character slots per player. (Firefall just made your character every AT, you chose which AT you wanted to be at any given moment and could change it at will by talking to a specific NPC in each zone.) The Live devs stated that Patrol XP was introduced to the game so that players that had been away from it for a while could quickly catch up to players that had remained actively playing. So it was less a "Rested XP" to encourage players to take breaks, and more "Catch Up XP". Which while still well-intentioned, was pure garbage to shove down everyone's throats.
  10. I threw another one together. It didn't turn out the same, but maybe it will give you some ideas to work with.
  11. She pauses before attacking Malta, picks out the Sapper(s), and then murders them before I can call them out. Edit: As for her timing her heals? She is routinely clicking a heal when her health hits somewhere between 30-50%. If her health drops below 20%, she pops an incarnate heal or a green inspiration.
  12. Yeah, I also focused on improving my END usage and getting my recovery up as much as possible. So I wasn't really focused on anything in particular, just trying to be a generalist for multi-situational survival.
  13. Uhm... not that I know of. I didn't save the build, so I would have to go back and remake it to find out. I did have 5 sets of Touch of Death though. (Edit: I also slotted Weave with 4 slots in case that made a difference?) (Edit again: Oh yeah, I always slot my +Perception power regardless of what it may be with 6 enhancements from Gaussian's Synchronized Fire Control.) Edit yet again: Storm Kick doesn't grant any defense bonus, either passively or by Mids activation, in my version of Mids. So it definitely isn't that. I just threw another one together with no enhancements, and I can't make Storm Kick do anything on the build.
  14. Sure, but let's look at your cited foes. Super Stunners have no -regen attacks. They do have -END and -Recovery attacks, but regeneration characters aren't exactly in a panic over that. (My friend's Katana/Regeneration Scrapper doesn't even notice the Super Stunners' attacks.) And the only forces Crey has that have -regen' attacks are the Cryogenecists and the radiation Paragon Protectors (including the Elite version). And the rad' PPs are priority kills for me and everyone I know because they like to murder every AT regardless of build. (They're radiation after all.) Sure, my friend's Katana/Regeneration Scrapper dies from time to time, but as she says, it is always her own fault when it happens for not paying attention. Now bear in mind, I would actually like to see Regeneration get buffed. I agree that the nerfs it suffered were over the top. (Just like I'm not a fan of the constant nerfing Brutes got back on Live.) However, like @Troo said, the set isn't as bad as seemingly everyone likes to make it out to be. It just takes a lot of attention and work. (Edit: The main problem I see is how do the devs restore Regeneration without making it unkillable like it pretty much was before the nerfs?)
  15. Then how is this? Note that the numbers on the left are with only auto powers active, while the numbers on the right are with Combat Jumping, Tough, Weave, Acrobatics, and Focused Accuracy active. (Build is a Martial Arts/Regeneration/Leaping/Fighting/Concealment/Body Mastery Scrapper.) Also be aware that there are no incarnate powers on this build. (Oh, also, all procs are turned off as well as Dull Pain and Instant Healing. Dull Pain puts regen' rate at 432.9%. Also, while I put a fair bit of concern into boosting regen', it was not my end-all-be-all goal on the build.) As for the mobs that can shred the build? That would be why they were introduced. To give players a challenge they have to figure out how to deal with.
  16. This is what @macskull is talking about: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Booster_Salvage (Edit: Though it should be noted that ED still affects them.)
  17. The advantage of boosting your end game enhancements is you wring out what little efficiency is left in them. At the cost of losing those enhancements' benefits when you exemplar to more than 3 levels below them. The advantage of catalyzing enhancements is they remain viable, granting full set bonuses, for their full normal range of level availability so you can exemplar down and do non-50 arcs and TFs/SFs without losing effectiveness. So no, any set worth having at end game is not best boosted to +5 unless you never plan on doing any lower level content again. (Or unless you're willing to fork out the money to have a catalyzed build and a boosted build to swap between.)
  18. The PvP sets aren't themes. PvP and PvE use different rule sets. So the PvP IOs grant PvP bonuses. They also grant PvE bonuses because it is assumed that PvP players won't be PvP'ing 100% of the time, and losing their bonuses when they go PvE would really suck. (And now we have Temporal Warriors that are stuck doing only PvP 100% of the time....) A new set for like Halloween could be interesting, but that boosts guns power sets, or fire damage, and so on? Unless the devs released a set that was like that for absolutely every theme at the same time, no. How would they even be classified? PvP sets are PvP sets. (Edit: And are still divided into the base categories every other set is.) Winter sets are broken up into Melee, PBAoE, Ranged, and Ranged AoE. Not cold damage. Even ATOs aren't just guns, or fire, or cold, or whatever. Any offensive power that AT has can slot the ATOs. A fire damage set though? Would it be ranged, ranged AoE, melee, melee AoE, or would a whole new category need to be created? Or would it need to be created as say ranged, and then be duplicated for ranged AoE, melee, and melee AoE for fairness? If people want new sets, I'm for it as long as they aren't asking for god tier enhancement bonuses and/or set bonuses. Themed sets though? Let's not. (Edit: I haven't forgotten that Overwhelming Force is a universal damage set. It is a universal damage set. It boosts every possible power it can be slotted into equally, with no specialized benefits like PvP sets. Anyone can choose to go do PvP whenever they want, even if they choose to never do so. An Ice/Electric/Dark character can't choose to go Fire whenever they want.)
  19. That is a matter of opinion, highly dependent on what you are looking for. (Edit: Conveniently, it also serves to show that there are low level sets that players should be happy to slot. It all depends on what they are looking for.)
  20. So... basically... we already have premier low level sets, so there isn't a problem to fix? (Edit: Or is the statement that the uncommon low level sets need to be competitive with what are considered rare and very rare sets? Or that sets that can be slotted multiple times should be competitive with unique sets?)
  21. This is true and it partially solves the problem, but the enhancement values themselves are still weak at those lower levels. Granted, but from my personal experience, playing without any enhancements whatsoever until level 20 has never been difficult in the slightest except for very specific missions. (Specifically the Shining Stars mission where you fight the five Praetorians with your Shining Stars allies since the Shining Stars like to die amazingly fast leaving you alone against the 5 bosses most times.) Aside from that one specific mission though? I routinely play without any enhancements until after level 20. So having attuned IOs that scale down to 10 just makes the game less problematic. At higher levels? Where mobs seem absolutely certain to maul and maim you while ignoring your feeble attempts to hurt them if you're still without enhancements? Yeah, the IO bonuses are much more important. Now please bear in mind, I'm not against the OP per se. I'm just wondering why IO bonuses need to be improved at the low levels where they are far less important. (Edit: The biggest problem I saw with TOs, and why I have no qualms about them having gone away now, is because too many contacts only sold players TOs when the game had progressed to DO default, and even at SO levels, you would routinely get TOs. And they were very much not helpful at those levels.) (Edit again: So I guess another reason why players may not be using low level IOs is because they don't really need them.)
  22. There is also the option to use attuned IOs. Since most low-level IO sets are 10-25 or 15-30, you still get to the cut off point you mentioned. At lower levels, the boosts you get from IOs are not as needed to remain competitive or even have an advantage over the mobs you face. And if the IOs are attuned, they will increase in potency as you level.
  23. Like @TheZag said, I'm not a fan of patrol xp. I understand why it was added, and I'm fine with that. It just annoys the hell out of me that the Live devs never once thought there might be players that would want nothing to do with it, and so never gave us a means of killing it, I mean, turning it off.
  24. I get the impression it is more a response to having necro'ed the thread.
  25. ... things never work that way. When a thread is made, the forum community debates it, goes off into tangents from it, goes back to the original for more debate, and keep going until everyone has had their say. Take it as a compliment. You brought up a subject that people are interested in.
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