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Everything posted by Rudra
Can we get Veteran Levels added to the login in screen please?
Rudra replied to Heatstroke's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Information is Power. Therefore this is power creep because its giving us more information and thus more power. There, I completed the circle! Oh for crying out loud. The three of you need to grow up. -
Can we get Veteran Levels added to the login in screen please?
Rudra replied to Heatstroke's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The OP does not make player characters more powerful, more efficient, or more optimized in any way. What are you talking about? -
Unless I am mistaken, for that to work, those items have to be destructible in the first place. Then for the event, that capability is turned on. To the best of my knowledge, nothing in Kallisti Wharf is designed that way. So the map would have to be remade to make what will be destructible into actually destructible objects that won't leave holes in the map.
Depends on the placate being used. I've not been affected by Succubi using theirs depending on the character I'm on. As in, sometimes that Succubus hits me with her Placate and I can't attack her for an annoyingly long time, and other times she does the animation but I am not placated, on the same character.
The problem that arises from that, two actually, are the map already exists with the zone not being destructible requiring a new map to be made, and what happens when mission doors are destroyed and players not doing the event find they can't access their missions any more until X time after event completes. (That's why in my suggestion for the zone event + GM, I called for only objects that spawned specifically for the event to be destructible.)
Void! Arrows! Void! Arrows! Void! Arrows! ... I mean... I like this idea.
Those were changed back on Live so that if you earned them and changed sides, the respective badge for your new alignment was auto-awarded. This led to several players figuring out which version was quickest/easiest to get and then side-swapping as needed to get the easier version since they would then always have that accolade power regardless of what alignment they decided to settle on or primary. (Not saying that's a bad thing. Just saying what happened. I'm fine with players doing that.)
So you know, Arctic Mastery is an Ancillary Power Pool, not a Patron Power Pool. Also, Ancillary Power Pools are designed to give the AT something they are missing. In the case of Brutes and Tankers, that would be ranged damage. I'm not saying they can't have something like Ice Sword Circle, just that it currently goes against the premise of the APPs. So I would recommend coming up with a new power set that includes it, either as a new primary/secondary or as a new APP.
Blaster/Corr/Defender Soul Drain turned into a cone
Rudra replied to kelika2's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
If all you care about in the game is raw damage, then a rather significant number of sets are "flawed". Darkness Manipulation offers the player a rather wide assortment of options for dealing with foes. And if you want to compare Build up to Soul Drain? Build Up: 5.2 END cost +20% ToHit +100% damage 1.17s cast time 90s recharge 10s duration Soul Drain: 15.6 END cost 90% accuracy (according to Mids)/1.2 accuracy (according to CoD) 55.6102 damage to foes (at level 50) +10% ToHit +2% ToHit (per target?) +50% damage +10% damage (per target?) 2.37s cast time 120s recharge 30s duration 10 feet radius 10 target cap I don't see what the problem is with having Soul Drain as opposed to Build Up. So if I'm reading it right, and that is a big if, then Soul Drain caps at +150% damage buff for 30 seconds. To Build Up's +100% damage buff for 10 seconds. And Soul Drain does good damage to all targets in its radius. I'm surprised you aren't a fan of it. -
Blaster/Corr/Defender Soul Drain turned into a cone
Rudra replied to kelika2's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Theme. Variety. ToHit Debuffs. Fear effect. END recovery from foes. DoT aura. TAoE disorient attack. How many reasons do you want? -
Can we get Veteran Levels added to the login in screen please?
Rudra replied to Heatstroke's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
The OP is asking for Veteran Levels to be displayed, not the incarnate level shifts. Those never go to 0 after gaining them. They just don't normally get displayed. -
Thanks for the link. So there is no difference between them? There is just three different ways to craft the same thing? That's weird. Okay then. Then there is no need for my suggestion then. Disregard.
I went to craft some empowerments today at my SG base empowerment station, and apparently there are three different versions of each empowerment. The only difference I could see were the salvage required for crafting. Would it be possible to add some designations to the empowerments in the stations so we can identify what each different empowerment is? Like I could craft 3 different Cold Resist empowerments, each one has different salvage requirements that don't overlap, and I can only craft one of them. I don't understand what the difference is between them.
Can we get Veteran Levels added to the login in screen please?
Rudra replied to Heatstroke's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Works for me. You can consider me a yes vote. -
That's fine, too - but I am giving a suggestion on how to go about buffing brutes in the event that a tanker nerf is not on the cards, which is in line with the OP. I have no objection to tanker nerfs, but it is hard to say whether that will be the avenue chosen by the devs, especially since the main tanker buffs have been allowed to continue for three and a half years now. My point is that doing the buff/nerf treadmill on pure damage is not the way to go for balancing brutes. If brutes must be buffed, we should look towards AOE or mitigation as possible other avenues for balance, because raw melee damage is the schtick of stalkers and scrappers. The issue is that, since Brutes and Scrappers and Stalkers all use the same mitigation scale, the main way they are currently differentiated is through their damage output and HP. Brutes need some buffing in the direction of the tank role to better differentiate them from the others and HP alone is honestly not enough. Even if tankers are nerfed, consideration should be given towards increasing brute mitigation at least marginally or giving them a mild buff to AOE radii/target caps. I actually agree with this part. Whereas I very much disagree with this part. Pointing out that power creep is a thing and is being proposed, or that it will occur if specific events are put in motion, is not a knee jerk reaction. It is pointing out something that some players do not seem to see or seem unwilling to see. The base game is not and has not and looks like will not be any more difficult than it was back on Live. Yes, we have Hard Mode content now, but that is not the base game, it is a high difficulty option for some TFs/SFs that looks to eventually be proliferated to other TFs/SFs. It does not affect the base game. Further, I have absolutely no control over any of the devs, so my only option for pointing out that a proposal would make the base game even easier than it is now is to point it out in the thread being discussed. I have no means of holding a round table discussion with the devs about their design philosophy. I have no means of altering what they are working on or will be working on. All I can do is flag something that is a concern to me and hope the devs read it and agree. Neither did my comment shut down discussion as evidenced by the first half of your post in response to me. A productive discussion can be had, even between someone like me advocating for a minor (unstated type) nerf and anyone advocating for a buff. As I said at the start of this thread, I was and am fine with the OP, because it is a sidegrade rather than a buff. I also resent the fact you are implying that I am not working with reality of the game as is, as I am very much trying to keep the current state of the game in mind when I make my posts. Also, the constant stream of buffs originated back on Live where the Live devs seemed to vastly prefer buffing ATs to find parity than to nerf them. Particularly as the game got older. Most likely because the player base tends to get upset when faced with nerfs. So what HC is doing isn't new either.
I have to disagree. Constant buffing to find parity just means the ATs keep getting stronger and stronger. Finding AT parity can and should include nerfs as well. After all, Brutes saw nothing but nerfs to bring them in line with the blue side ATs after proliferation. A small scale nerf to Tankers to also bring them in line with the other ATs is not a bad thing. If the only response to balance is yet more buffing, then we have constant power creep in the name of balance. And making Brutes match Tankers in some of the areas you have listed would have Tanker players screaming for Tankers to get buffed again to differentiate them from Brutes. Instead of more power creep, a small nerf to Tankers feels like the correct response to me.
WoW did (does?) that. You would attack a spawn, one of the enemies dropped, and the others would then run off to the other spawns in the area and have everyone converge on you. Made solo play in some areas extremely lethal. As in not doable solo. Now on the one hand, it does make sense and I often wonder how mobs can watch their allies run by them on fire, bleeding profusely, with myriad arrows sticking out of them and just say "There goes Bob". (When mobs in the same spawn don't react to their ally getting trounced? I just figure the other mobs really don't like that guy.) And seeing mobs more proactively responding to things would be more interesting and challenging. On the other hand, I remember several times in WoW when an easy fight became an impossible fight because mobs would run off and grab other spawns, which sometimes would then run off and grab other spawns if they also took damage, and the whole thing would just cascade into certain death for the player. And it often never took much more than a single attack at any mob in a spawn before everything in render distance is now running at you. Add to that how that would simplify the ability to herd mobs for teams when they self-trigger into attacking, and the current meta goes from being preferred by most of the community to being enforced by game AI.
Blaster/Corr/Defender Soul Drain turned into a cone
Rudra replied to kelika2's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
No thanks. I currently enjoy having Soul Drain as a PBAoE. -
I understand your position, but try looking at it from the devs point of view as well. To paraphrase what one of the devs said in a thread where long skirts were requested, while there are players that are fine with any amount of clipping, there are players that are not. And it is the dev who will be associated with the released costume pieces/options, not the players. And from what I have seen, there is a definite stigma applied to devs that give players something that the community views as rushed, incomplete, or otherwise unacceptable to them. As for not getting close to the look you are going for? I understand that as well. In fact, that was part of my comment you quoted. Existing costume options will not make that character design. Get close, yes, but not make that design. However, that is what the Suggestions and Feedback forum is about. If we look at what the devs are willing to give and are not willing to give, we can tackle what you want from a different angle. Option 1: A new alternate bolero that includes the High Collar's mantle and collar. This would give you the ability to make the example character as is without the clipping, which depending on the difficulty of making the new bolero, may be fine with the devs. Option 2: Since the High Collar back piece and the Magic Robe shoulder piece can already be used together to make the bolero-cape itself, the sleeves and gloves is the missing part. So a new sleeves option based on the Magic Bolero would provide that missing element. To maintain the Witch Wing gloves clipping through the sleeves to make witch wing sleeves, we can ask the devs to make Bolero Witch sleeves in the gloves part of the costume creator to preserve that part of the example pic. Option 3: Stick with the OP and ask the devs to allow the bolero and cape to be used together again. However, given the severity of the clipping of those two costume pieces, this option is not likely to ever be implemented as requested. If anyone else has other options, I'm all ears. However, while it will take time and effort by the devs, options 1 and 2 from this list would give you the ability to make that costume in a manner that should not cause any backlash to the devs.
I was worried that may be the case. However, at least for female characters, the Magic Robe shoulder piece can also be used with the High Collar back detail, which combined with the Sleeves gloves option, almost achieves the look the OP is after. The sleeves aren't as fancy and are much narrower though. (I just checked.) So a new sleeves option in gloves that replicated the bolero's sleeves would be a new costume option that may not be too difficult to add that would give the author the look (s)he is trying for. Edit: Though it would not be able to be used with the Witch Wing(?) gloves used in the example pic.... That would pose an added problem. Unless winged sleeves were also added? Edit again: I am trying to find options that the devs may find acceptable. Given that they have already stated a lack of willingness to push out costume pieces with such excessive clipping, alternate options that may not be too time and resource intensive to make the author's desire possible seems to be a better option to pursue.
We already do. At least for female characters. I can't remember what the restrictions are for it to show up in the costume creator, but the bolero's fur wrap is available as a separate piece.
Power creep is an addition or change to the game that makes player characters more powerful, more efficient, or more optimized without a matching increase in game difficulty. The OP is requesting a new game difficulty. That's not power creep.
From the severity of the clipping I see in the example pic? I'm guessing it was disabled because of the clipping, rather than because of any server issues. That is just my guess, not known fact, but I'm fairly willing to bet on it. Edit: Something that may work better for you as a suggestion? May be to ask for a new back option that combined elements of the High Cape (?) and Magic Bolero into a cohesive piece rather than trying to layer them and deal with all the clipping. Like maybe the devs can take the bolero and have an extra version that also included a high collar like that. Edit again: Or maybe something like that high collar could be made as a Shoulder option in the costume creator so it could be applied to more costumes than just that cape and the possible new bolero.
I don't think this will work. I'm not certain, but I am pretty sure that any changes made are at the expense of previous versions. I don't think the previous versions are retained after they are buffed, nerfed, or sidegraded. Meaning the devs would have to go back and recreate previous versions, then flag them as the same group when we see their names and affiliation, but still have them flagged as a completely separate and distinct group to avoid having members of either version spawn in groups they aren't meant to be in. Edit: Currently, at least for the most part, units with the same name but different capability are differentiated by level. The exception being mobs like Paragon Protectors that I assume have a powers based flag to identify them despite having a shared display name. Other mobs in factions that would be a concern for just showing up in basic content are limited to the specific content they were made for, and in the case of the Goldbrickers, also have a different level. Otherwise you run into the bug I routinely see with Crey, where you're running a level 30+ mission and level 20 Crey mobs spawn because they are not differentiated from the other Crey mobs. Now apply the Crey low-level spawn situation to say whether or not you get weaker or stronger versions of Malta or Crey mobs.
Okay, the author is clearly just trolling the forums. Can we get this thread locked please?