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Everything posted by Rudra
It's the current meta, isn't it? To max out your damage and steamroll everything? The emphasis is how I feel about how others keep presenting the meta to me. It is not disdain. It is not me telling others how to play. It is the emphasis on maxing out damage and steamrolling that I am constantly told about is the current meta. Or is that not the current meta and I am mistaken? The presentation that uber maximum damage at all times!!!!! is what I see and hear every time someone pops on the forums and talks about the current meta. That is not disdain, it is how the current meta is presented. You play your way; I'll play my way. And stop claiming I am telling others they are playing wrong.
Nowhere do I say others play wrong. So you can take that garbage and bury it. Even in your quotes of me, nowhere do I say "here is how you play correctly" or how to properly use any given power.
That is a matter of personal play style. I don't use my nukes until I'm up against something that needs it. Some nice heavy damage to get the target's attention, clear out the support, and set me up to eat the target. Edit: I just play the way the nukes used to be. If you were using a nuke, you were in a situation where you needed everything dead because once you used it, you were dependent on a tray full of blues to keep you in the fight.
Funny. That was my point too. That you can use other powers until the situation calls for Storm Cell or Category 5. Because you are on a high damage team. So the supplemental damage and effects from those powers are far less critical until you go up against an EB, AV, monster, GM, or other situation that bogs the team down.
Which was the later argument brought up. And not part of what I was arguing. As I said, multiple times already, my whole argument is your claim that the activation time is too long and the powers do not factor in fights at all on high damage teams is wrong. Again, like I already said, I was not arguing damage or power effectiveness. I just wanted the garbage claim that, at least in the case of Category 5 which you brought up, it affects any fight any team may find themselves in as fast (or faster in many cases) as other Blaster primary T9s. Nothing in any of my posts claimed Category 5 was the most powerful, most damaging, most effective attack. Just that it has a shorter cast time than some other powers, applies its damage sooner than most other powers, so can and does affect a fight it is used in. My other points were that not every power needs to be the best or particularly useful in the very quick fights high damage teams find themselves in as they steamroll maps. That a power can be reserved for the EBs, the AVs, the monsters, the giant monsters, and other times when the team bogs down.
What they actually need, at least for Category 5 per this discussion, is to condense the window in which the power does its damage. What they would be willing to settle for with Storm Cell is if it moved faster so it was useful in more fights than the one they just finished. Edit: Well, "need" is strictly a point of view. "Want" is probably the better word here.
Then go back and read the part where I acknowledged the proper word was "sooner" instead.
If the set underperforms, then make a request based off that. Not off the argument that the activation time is too long (since it has a faster activation time than most other Blaster primary powers of the same tier) or that it doesn't affect the fight (since it applies its damage sooner than most other T9s). It was your claim that the activation time was too long that got this entire argument going. I'm not arguing damage. I'm not even arguing effectiveness. I'm just arguing that if other T9s can and do affect the current fight any team is in regardless of what they are fighting, then so does Category 5. Your problem with the powers is the damage. Not the activation time.
I never once addressed damage. Damage was never part of my argument. (Edit: When that damage first starts being applied, so its ability to affect the fight at all, is what I am arguing.) My argument is your claim that Storm Cell, and then Category 5, do not affect the fight is wrong. And they obviously do. I'm asking you to just be honest about what you want. The damage to be condensed into a very short time frame. Not becuase the activation time is too long, but because you want more of the damage to apply in the more frequent short fights teams have. Edit: Not that the powers are bad, but because they don't fit your preferred play style for use on high damage teams.
Let's start with your "The activation time isn't the issue bit". Edit: And there is still the 'but actually the power getting to apply and be a factor 'at all'' bit too. Now that that argument is dead. Let's address me being the one that shifted the goal posts to Category 5. You want to try again? Or maybe you would rather go back and actually read the thread.
Adamastor doesn't just spawn though. He has to be summoned by the players. I get what you are saying though. Being able to AFK fight Adamastor while others summon him, farming him for merits. Yeah, I agree that is an exploit. Thanks for the explanation.
There you go, @Wravis. Two times it was said. And I highlighted the part where @DrunkFlux is commenting that the power doesn't factor at all. @DrunkFlux's comments were that Storm Cell and then Category 5 are rarely relevant. Their activation time and burst is lacking. Except for Category 5 where I did the comparisons. Category 5 applies its damage faster than eight of the other Blaster primaries' T9s. (Edit: It may not apply its total damage faster, but it does apply damage faster. I guess sooner is the better word.) So its activation time is not an issue. It applies its damage before even the powers @DrunkFlux says (s)he prefers for doing damage soon. I'm not arguing full damage here. I'm arguing against the garbage that the power has no effect on a battle because the mobs die before it can do anything, when it actually affects the targets before eight other T9s. (Edit again: It even has a shorter full cast time than multiple other T9s.) You two can change the goal posts all you want. Can Category 5 affect the fight before things all die off? Yes. Is it a factor 'at all' in a fight? Yes. So drop the garbage and just admit what you want. You want the damage squeezed into a smaller time frame because you can't get full damage to apply as quickly as you want. Not this garbage that it can't affect the fight at all because its activation time is too long.
Except I'm fine with Archery. And Ice Blast. Because they don't take forever to do anything. You're wrong. Sorry buddy.
So I am correct and the claim that Category 5 cannot affect the fight is bullshit and the complaint actually is that Category 5 does its damage over time instead of one lump sum or over a very short period of time. So drop the garbage about Category 5 not being able to affect the fight and be honest with what you want. An upfront damage attack that you can use for uber maximum damage at all times!!!! so you can keep going with the current meta instead of finding a way to make it work with the current meta.
Okay, and where is your proof? I provided mine.
Correct. With Inferno, it deals all its damage 2.643 seconds into its animation. (Edit: Actually, it takes Inferno 10 seconds to do its full damage. 1.833 seconds for initial burst + 8.1 seconds of DoT for 9.933 seconds of time rounded off to 10 seconds.) However, you claimed: And you can obviously fit Category 5 in just as easily, more easily in many cases, to have any effect in the fight.
Same can be said of pretty much every other T9 listed in the scenario @DrunkFlux posits.
Did I? You said: And what I compared? Was the cast times and how long into the animation you have to wait before damage is applied. Also: No, it doesn't. Read the linked page. It does some of its damage at 1.833 seconds into its animation. Then it does the rest of its damage over the next 8.1 seconds.
Water Blast: Geyser has a cast time of 2.93 seconds as compared to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Geyser applies its damage 1.833 seconds into its animation as compared to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Geyser has an accuracy of 1.4 as compared to Category 5's 2.0. Sonic Attack: Dreadful Wail has a cast time of 1.97 seconds as compared to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Dreadful Wail applies its damage 0.567 seconds into its animation as compared to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Dreadful Wail has an accuracy of 1.4 as compared to Category 5's 2.0. This is a power I will accept as outperforming Category 5. Radiation Blast: Atomic Blast has a cast time of 2.93 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Atomic Blast applies its damage 2.067 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Atomic Blast has an accuracy of 1.4 to Category 5's 2.0. Psychic Blast: Psychic Wail has a cast time of 1.97 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Psychic Wail applies its damage 0.567 seconds into tis animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Psychic Wail has an accuracy of 1.5 to Category 5's 2.0. I can also agree that this power performs better. Ice Blast: Blizzard has a cast time of 2.03 seconds. Blizzard applies it damage at 0.833 just like Category 5. Blizzard has an accuracy of 2. just like Category 5. I would call these two equal. Energy Blast: Nova has a cast time of 3.0 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Nova applies its damage 1.833 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Nova has an accuracy of 1.4 to Category 5's 2.0. Electrical Blast: Thunderous Blast has a cast time of 2.93 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Thunderous Balst applies its damage 2.367 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Thunderous Blast has an accuracy of 1.4 to Category 5's 2.0. Dual Pistols: Hail of Bullets has a cast time of 2.47 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Hail of Bullets applies its damage 0.2 seconds into its animation to 0.833 seconds for Category 5. Hail of Bullets has an accuracy of 1.4 to Category 5's 2.0. Dark Blast: Blackstar has a cast time of 3.0 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Blackstar applies its damage 1.833 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Blackstar has an accuracy of 1.4 to Category 5's 2.0. Beam Rifle: Overcharge has a cast time of 2.9 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Overcharge applies its damage 1.833 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Overcharge has an accuracy of 1.4 to Category 5's 2.0. Assault Rifle: Full Auto has a cast time of 2.5 seconds just like Category 5. Full Auto applies its damage 0.3 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Full Auto has an accuracy of 1.35 to Category 5's 2.0. Archery: Rain of Arrows has a cast time of 2.0 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Rain of Arrows applies its damage 1.8 seconds into its animation to Category 5's 0.833 seconds. Rain of Arrows has an accuracy of 1.0 to Category 5's 2.0. There, every Blaster set between the two posts. And Category 5 outperforms most of them for how long it takes to cast, when it applies its damage, and the likelihood of its damage being applied when it activated.
The discussion was about Storm Cell. Not about Cat 5. If you want to talk about Cat 5 too? You like Meteor? Okay, how's this: Meteor has a cast time of 2.57 seconds. Category 5 has a cast time of 2.5 seconds. Meteor starts applying damage at .5 seconds into the animation. Category 5 does so at .833 seconds into the animation. Meteor has an accuracy of 1.0. Category 5 has an accuracy of 2.0. So Category 5 is 1/3 of a second slower in applying damage than Meteor, has double the accuracy so it is much more likely to do its damage when it hits, and has the faster cast time. What about Fire Blast? Okay: Inferno has a cast time of 3 seconds to Category 5's 2.5 seconds. Inferno does not apply its damage until 1.833 seconds into its animation as compared to the .833 seconds of Category 5. Inferno has an accuracy of 1.4 as compared to Category 5's 2.0. I can do more comparisons if you want. So please, go on and tell me about how bad Category 5 is compared to the oh so much better powers you would rather use.
Calm down on the vigilante/rogue restricted storylines
Rudra replied to PresidentDSG's topic in Suggestions & Feedback
Could also make some exclusive Hero and Villain arcs too. Edit: For instance, maybe a villain-only arc from Arachnos to investigate why so many of their operations were not only compromised, but shut down in response to the Sgt. Schorr arc. Why use character villains? Same reason Marshall Brass uses the characters to investigate Dr. Aeon. They need a free agent to go and avoid revealing their involvement and vulnerability. Or perhaps they need a not known Arachnos member to infiltrate Wyvern as a "rogue" (only pretend) to investigate how Sgt. Schorr pulled off those missions. -
And my point is that if the mobs are melting that fast, what does it matter if you pop Storm Cell or not? Use your other attacks until you need Storm Cell. If I pop Rain of Fire and everything dies before it starts? Okay, I didn't even need to use that power at all. If I pop Build Up and the target dies before I can use my next attack? Then I didn't need to use Build Up. Not every attack or buff or debuff needs to be fired when you're just fighting opponents your team can eat before anyone can even blink. Some powers are not needed as often as others on some teams. That does not mean those powers need to be changed. Can you give me a reason other than you can't fit Storm Cell into your sequence while on a high damage team to change Storm Cell? Can you even give me a reason why every power in a power set needs to be able to be used efficiently in every fight? Some powers are best reserved for when they are needed. Other powers can be used as much as the player/character wants in every situation.
Dumb question: How does someone camp Adamastor? He can only be summoned once per hour. And if you know when he was last summoned, you can be there for the next one. I'm missing something, so please explain it to me.
Capes and wings are currently mutually exclusive since they both take the same costume slot. So that statement is false. (Edit: And it was specifically the cape and wings options working with the Ghost Widow hair I was asking about with the tangling issue.) That doesn't mean any developer is going to want to put their name on something they know clips. Depending on the severity of the clipping. Look, I'm not against Ghost Widow's hair being made available to players. Just like I'm not against players getting access to long skirts. However, at least for the skirts, the current devs have shown us just how bad the clipping is. And hoooooooo boy is the clipping seriously bad for those. Which is why they won't release them to us players. If the devs find out that the Ghost Widow hair does not interact with other player options as badly as the Live devs said and so decide to give it to us? Great! I don't play on the other servers. So I have no idea how the Ghost Widow hair does or doesn't work for players on those servers. All I am saying is what was previously told to us.
That very statement also applies to the need for using Storm Cell on a regular basis while on a high damage team. Not really. It comes down to the fact it does not mesh perfectly with the current meta of "uber maximum damage at all times!!!!!!". When the spawns melt before the team? The extra oomph from Storm Cell isn't necessary. When the spawns are able to stand up to the party? It's a great time to use it.