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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. That's a good point! 😆 And something I'm guilty of doing from time to time. I would rather not see that become used overly much. One thing I've learned from my own RP, if a statement takes up too much space but needs all that space, the other RP'ers are more than happy to wait for the rest or they add the rest to the previous to do their own RP in response. Otherwise, shortening your RP into smaller, more manageable sections tends to be appreciated. (I never enjoyed having to wade through 3 paragraphs of someone's RP before I could finally make my own RP response.) RP is supposed to be interactive, and wall of text is not really interactive.
  2. Add in how much the -DEF from the support turned a miss from a team member into a hit, the +ACC/ToHit that also turned a team member's miss into a hit, the -RES increasing the team member's damage, the +DEF that turned a hit on a team member into a miss, the -ACC/ToHit that turned a hit on a team member into a miss, the +RES that reduced the damage team members took, the heal that turned a team member's imminent demise into just another injury, the status clearing that turned a team member from a spectator back into a combatant, the -RECH that reduced the number of attacks the target was even capable of, the -END/REC that also reduced the number of attacks the target was even capable of, the +RECH that enabled team members to attack more frequently, the +REC that also enabled team members to attack more frequently, the stuns that stopped targets from attacking at all for a while, the fear/terror that also stopped at least some of the attacks from targets, the immobs that kept targets from scattering or flat out running away, the holds that stopped targets from doing anything at all, the sleeps that paused targets' attacks for a while, the teleports that yanked targets back into attack range, and so forth. And you would need to track all that separately to give a fair and unbiased view of what happened during the TF. And that is on top of adding the code to track all that information since as far as I know, it is not currently tracked as linked to any given character. That is a lot of information for no gain I can see other than stroking someone's ego.
  3. The Razzle Dazzle proc is pretty nice. Chance to immobilize the stunned target? Chance for free hold! (Edit: The downside being that Razzle Dazzle's immob is only Mag 2.)
  4. I would agree with this statement if it wasn't for the fact that most of my stunned targets flee at max movement out of the area in separate directions. Breathing space acquired? Yes. Now I have to wait for them all to come back though since I can almost never seem to find them. Edit: Don't get me wrong. I like Stun. When it works, and the mobs wander about, I love it. It's just that too frequently, they run away at max speed and depending on the map, I can't find them until they finally wander back.
  5. If it can be done, my recommendation would be as follows: 1) Targets affected by stun effects have all queued movement immediately cleared without activation. 2) Targets affected by stun effects suffer max movement reduction on any movement inputs while so affected. 3) Stun effects use a weighted command system, where standing still is prioritized followed by the slow stagger as movement options for affected targets. I think these changes would make more players more inclined to take and use stun attacks than a +2 magnitude proc for the effects. Further, these changes would work very well with the proposed +2 magnitude proc, giving added incentive to invest in it.
  6. Okay. Screenshots please. I am disinclined to find my CO file and go back in for such a screen shot. However, just picture this: Take a shark, chop off everything from just before the gills on back. Make that severed section closed off with skin and drop that on top of a human neck. As long as you are looking at it from the front, it looks okay. The moment you no longer have a head on view though? It looks like a chopped fish dropped on top of a human neck. Edit: Fine. Here you go.
  7. Except as a confused enemy, they do not trigger counter-attacks from the other mobs when they attack. Changing them to be of your faction would result in the other mobs killing that mob, most likely before that mob can really do anything helpful. I would rather the confused mobs not give players xp for the damage they do and the mobs they defeat than have confuse become a waste in that any mobs I confuse are basically immediately killed while also alerting the other mobs to my presence.
  8. You do. However, they are on set timers unlike the Demonlings and Umbral Beasts NPCs summon that go away when the summoner/creator dies. Edit: So if a "pet" will go away eventually regardless of whether anything happens to the summoning NPC, they remain even after that NPC is defeated until their timer finishes. If a pet does not go away after a set time, it goes away when the summoning NPC is defeated. That's the difference. So the Dark Servants and Phantasms are more pseudo-pets than pets.
  9. Wow, that took a while for me to puzzle out. I was trying to figure out what the proposed power set had to do with trick shooting.... I don't know the numbers part, but the set does look interesting. I disagree with @honoroit about the sleep mag though. Since Hypnotize reduces targets' recharge, movement speed, and defense all at the same time, I think the sleep effect is a bit strong. I would either drop the -DEF if the Sleep magnitude is increased, or just drop the sleep component altogether. The devs would have a better understanding of balance though.
  10. That would be the part that made no sense to me. The fact the Live devs coded powers to track their caster when created by a PC but not by a NPC. After all, actual pets created by the NPCs still track their creator and despawn upon their defeat just like they do for players, but pseudo-pets don't.
  11. Disagreeing with a suggestion isn't being toxic. It is disagreeing. And some of us gave reasons why we disagree. This has been implemented in other games to toxic effect. That is what we are saying.
  12. That's the point. When a PC dies, all pseudo-pets immediately go away. When a mob dies, none of their pseudo-pets go away. There was a reason given for that back on Live that I can't remember. I only remember that it made no sense to me.
  13. To the best of my knowledge, the nukes were not made any weaker. (Edit: Even before any of the nerfs you list were implemented, I never saw anyone able to nuke a boss and kill it unless there were multiple Blasters doing so more or less simultaneously or the boss was near dead anyway.) They had their target caps reduced. Tankers can't herd entire maps any more, and as someone who remembers when Tankers did herd entire maps and the rest of the team couldn't kill them fast enough, winding up with the team except for the Tanker dying and the team being rather upset with the tanker who would routinely still be out grabbing even more aggro, I'm very happy the target caps were implemented. Tankers don't herd entire maps any more. (Thank goodness.) They do still herd entire rooms. Hells, I've watched a friend playing a Scrapper run around herding the room for us. So the point still stands. The herding you say used to happen but doesn't any more, still happens. Just not at the excessive level it used to. And that doesn't change the fact that Blaster nukes went from something you used when you were being overwhelmed or when there was a large force around your team to instead being used as freely as that Blaster's T1/2 attacks. Actually, more frequently than in the case of several players I know. Because nukes don't have a cost to their use any more. (Power creep). Nukes can be gained and used 6 levels earlier than before. (Power creep.) Which means the incentive to keep them in reserve until actually needed or you have the support available to deal with the consequences of their use is gone. (Power creep.)
  14. Yes please!!!!!! (Especially the dragon head. Shark heads too, as long as they aren't painfully idiotic like CO's....) I've seen this somewhere before.... I can't place it, but I recall something like this. It would at least be funny in the game, so definitely!
  15. Works for me. Where do I make the ritual sacrifice to the devs? 😛 (Dry humor probably only I enjoy aside, I do actually think this is a good idea. Either have the legs point forward as described or trail behind like they're additional legs.)
  16. Did I have a Blaster when they game launched? Yes. I also had a Scrapper and a Defender. Yes, I remember Tankers running around herding things, and they would still be doing so today except that isn't the meta any more. The meta shifted from herding and controlling to just steamrolling as you go. Tankers can still run around herding things, and on some groups that don't focus on the current meta, they still do. Blasters still nuke. And in fact, since nukes are all crashless now, Blasters playing in the current meta nuke everything whether there is a large group or a moderate size group just to clear them out and move on. So because of the power creep in the game, in this case power level availability and nukes becoming crashless, Blasters now nuke everything 6 levels earlier than before and do so against everything regardless of whether an actual need exists for it or not. So not only do the things you say used to happen still happen, but they are done so now far more frequently. That's called power creep.
  17. A strictly personal review that is not subject to others being able to view and only provides data on your own character? I can live with that. Barring any arguments made that convince me it would also be a bad idea, I'm fine with players being able to review their own performance. Though what value such information would actually be is beyond my understanding.
  18. This has been brought up before. It has always proven a fairly unpopular idea. I'm against it. Edit: I should probably explain why I am against it. In the games I've played where they did this, it leads to some very toxic and elitist game play. I would rather not see that come to CoX.
  19. I'm still waiting for parity between bunnies and birds/cats. We have bunny ears, but not bunny heads. More bird head options is great, but lets not leave the poor bunnies out in the cold here.
  20. Flip side to that argument: If the best answer as to why something that already exists should be changed is "because I think it should be", that is also not a good enough reason. (Edit: Especially since the main argument against isn't "I think it should be" but is about the power creep that even those advocating for the change admits it incurs.)
  21. Correct, resistance reduces the duration, it does not prevent the effect. And there have even been calls to change those resists to protection. (Yet more power creep.) However, immobs aren't as worthless as your statement seems to imply. When things go sideways and you need to bail, being immob'ed is a good way to kill PCs. A good example is Malta. Sapper saps your END pool to 0 and a Tactical Operative immobs you, things can get ugly in a hurry. Or the nuisance factor. You're on a team, the team clears and moves on, meanwhile you're stuck waiting for the immob binding you to wear off. These situations can be dealt with by popping a Breakfree if you have one or have 3 of another to make one. If you lack any and don't have the requisite duplicates though? It gets annoying and/or frustrating fast. (At least it does for me.) Situational usefulness aside, the point of my response was to point out that Weave provides double the buff of the closest pool power buffs for defense and it also provides added functionality. Regardless of how others may view that added functionality. Two reasons why if Weave were to have no or reduced prerequisites, it would most likely be nerfed.
  22. Training to fight does. I am sorry about your experiences, but you aren't a super hero/villain. I am also unaware of whether or not you have received any dedicated hand-to-hand training, but any training I saw or underwent taught the strikes and blocks first, and you built up your defenses when you learned the practical side during the sparring after.
  23. Right. Pics or it never happened. Here's the quote.
  24. Incorrect. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=pool.fighting.weave&at=blaster Weave is both +DEF (All) equal to twice the second best defensive buffs in the pool powers and it grants +48.44% immobilization resistance. As such, if it was made to no longer have its prerequisites, it is very likely it would be nerfed to compensate. Earlier in the thread, it was requested it be made inherent since there was opposition to it not have its prerequisites. So even this power creep thread saw power creep.
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