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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Then let me be a bit clearer. We can already achieve a global range buff of +65%. Right now. On any Blaster, Corruptor, Defender, or Sentinel. That is just global range buffs from an Alpha and set bonuses, not enhancement range buffs affecting specific powers or powers that also increase our range globally for a short while. Tacking on an additional +25% global range buff would extend ranged player character ranges to the point where they can fight with all their powers at slightly more than the game's default snipe range. Only cone attacks would not reach this range. And snipes would reach beyond the ability for anything other than possibly Hamidon to hit back at. In my book, this is excessive. Even if we run with what @Major_Decoy posted for bonuses, a +25% global range buff from a single special enhancement runs several steps past an Ultimate tier buff.
  2. Well, gosh darn it. Guess players will just have to go obliterate grey mobs for their badges like several already do, while using their new, improved ranges to fight anything they aren't worried about badges over at beyond mob combat range. The only time this wouldn't apply was while on an indoor map. The benefits of improving resist as compared to improving range? Well, with resist, you have a hard cap based on your AT of what you can achieve. So even if you manage to max out all your resists, the mobs can still potentially defeat you because you're going to be in range and as long as they can hit you, they will damage you. I would be far more in favor of, or at least still be undecided, at +15%. No, I mean that a single special enhancement granting +25% global range buff is excessive. I'm neither in favor of nor against the OP. I am undecided.
  3. Cardiac and Intuition both have the ability to grant a +20% range buff. Bombardment and Experienced Marksman both grant a +5% range buff stackable up to 5 times for +25% range buff. Blasters, Corruptors, and Defenders get a +7.5% range buff from their ATOs, or a +10% range buff from their improved ATOs. Each of those are stackable up to twice if you split the set into two sets of 3 for +15% or +20%. I'm not even looking at the PvP only range set bonuses which are also +7.5% each. So before you add in a dedicated special enhancement that grants a global range buff, you can already get +65% range buff as a global effect. That isn't counting the range buffs built into specific enhancements like the ones from Artillery Strike. Another +25% range buff from a single enhancement would put a character at +90% range global buff before factoring in other specific enhancements. Even with the Sentinel's reduced range of 60 feet, that's 114 feet range. Blasters would have a better than snipe range of 152 feet for their basic attacks. And their snipes would hit out to 285 feet, well beyond any mob's ability to fight back. And that is still before slotting Artillery's range enhancements for another +25.6% range or Far Strike's +12% range on any given power.
  4. But you don't *know* that. You have no basis to make the statement that existing NPCs need only be adjusted to become MM pets. All you have is your guess, as educated as it may be. I actually have (limited) experience with it. So it isn't really a guess. The dynamics of the game itself may be different, but I doubt it. Look, I wasn't looking for an argument. I simply wanted to make my own concerns noted. I have done so. As far as this specific part of the thread is concerned, I'm done. Making new MM power sets is something I want. I'm not trying to step on that.
  5. Because those entities already exist complete with attacks, damage scale, resists, HP, defense, and movement. All that would need to be done with them is adjust their tier to lieutenant and possibly adjust their model size. As opposed to taking an existing model that lacks HP, resist, defense, or even recharging attacks, and generating all that from scratch. Or taking the models, poaching attacks from another source, and then re-animating the attacks to mesh with the different model, while still needing to create from scratch the missing elements of HP, resist, and defense to make sure they stay in line with current MM pets. (Edit: Especially if the dust devil and water spout retain their deal damage by occupying the same area as the target(s) instead of using recharging attacks, which would need to be toned down while still figuring their survival to maintain balance.)
  6. Yes. I am well aware of that. However, using existing defeatable mobs as the base helps streamline the creation process since all that would need to be done is shift them to lieutenant strength and possibly rescale the model, particularly given the volunteer status and size of our dev team, and possibly increases the likelihood of implementation. Barring those two concerns? The new pets derived from a dust devil and water spout would be more interesting and desirable. When a Storm Blast character uses Category 5, they only have their own attacks to empower/trigger it. If the MM's pets could also do so, that is 6 extra "players" empowering/triggering the modified Category 5. As compared to Gang War, which seems to be the best of the MM T7s, which summons minions of the MM's level. I am less inclined to make more Gang Wars and more inclined to make more Serums (AoE instead) and Fortify Packs. Just my personal view on the matter.
  7. Fair. However, I would still recommend replacing the proposed dust devil and water spout with actual mobs that can be killed currently. And I would still recommend not letting pet attacks empower/trigger the Cat 5.
  8. Busy. This suggestion is very busy in my view. Anyway, some concerns I have on this: Minor concerns: All proposed pets would need to be converted over to lieutenant strength to maintain pet balance. All Animus Arcana and the Magmite Lord would need powers removed and tied into the MM pet upgrade powers to maintain balance. All Animus Arcana pets would likely need new powers created to be granted them via pet upgrade to maintain balance. Moderate concerns: The Dust Devils power from Scirocco conjures 3 at a time, has a set duration before they go away, and is WAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYY overpowered for a T1 MM pet even for a single one. The dust devils from the Dust Devils power have no HP and are not subject to attacks. Making them very difficult (in my opinion) to make into a viable MM pet. The Water Spout power has a set duration before it goes away and has no HP, making it not subject to being attacked. This makes it difficult to convert into a viable MM pet in my opinion. Major concerns: Granting the MM the Category 5 power from Storm Blast, even modified, would be extremely overpowered if the pets were also able to build up its power. Proposed changes to suggestion: Replace the Dust Devil with a modified lieutenant strength Bedrock. Replace the Water Spout with a modified lieutenant strength Jack Frost. Either prohibit pets from adding to the modified Category 5, or replace Category 5 with a player version of Scirocco's Dust Devils power.
  9. @SpookTheHerd, you do know you can respond to multiple items/posts in a single post, yes? In your post, you can click the "Quote" button as many times as you want, and it adds the quote where the cursor is in your own post. Same thing for highlighting sections of someone else's post and click the popup "Quote Selection" button. (Edit: Also, I don't mind if a player joins just to get the badge. A "Hi, can I join long enough to get the 10 Times The Victor badge and then bail?" is always met by a "Sure" by my friends and I. It is when someone joins and then just disappears after defeating Mary for the 10th time so we're stuck going "Did they DC? Should we wait for them? ... Oh, no. They just quit and are doing other things now." that causes me frustration.)
  10. Dumb question: would that track how often you earned 10 times the victor or just how often you defeated her? Edit: And would you have to complete the TF to get it or could you just defeat her 10 times, bail, start a new TF, defeat her 10 times, bail, and so on until you get it? (I've witnessed players bail on our Katie Hannons after we defeated her the 10th time and they got their 10 Times The Victor badge. Not a common occurrence, but very frustrating when it happens.)
  11. Sorry, but I'm struggling to think of anything. The current method seems to be the simplest and most efficient. Otherwise you wind up with a super long window you have to scroll through to find that 1 recipe you're after. (Edit: The only other option I can think of is adding a search window like in the AH.)
  12. Works for me. Since it isn't the roundel itself, just a smaller standard 2-color chest emblem that can be used with another costume piece to mimic the roundel, it at least lets others that want the same thing to show different nationalities do so as well.
  13. I could see that, except that all letters of the alphabet are represented for our costumes. Whereas the OP is only providing the British roundel. That isn't equal representation. That is a hard limit on what nations characters can base themselves on. You want a nice big <insert letter of choice> on your chest to show who you are? Go for it! You want a nice roundel to mark your national affiliation or other purpose? Go for it as long as it is of British origin. There's the equivalency. Now, I haven't tried what @Greycat mentioned, so while I'm fine with a basic roundel robbed of other marks like @srmalloy described since you would still get to portray the country's colors, I don't yet know if it actually can be done. So I'm not arguing against the OP, I'm just pointing out that your comparison is a false equivalency because we do have all the letters of the alphabet, but the OP would only make a single country's roundel available. Edit: In my book, there is a distinct difference between creatively creating a nation's roundel using existing options as opposed to having an actual roundel provided, but only for a single country. If roundels are to be made available, then all country roundels should be made available. Including their emblems on the roundel as appropriate for any given roundel.
  14. No one said you shouldn't bother imagining things. Imagine up the world, propose whatever you like. What was said was that limiting badges by AT takes away form other players' fun and desires, including their character concepts. Why should my character have to be a Controller to get the Control Freak badge? Other ATs also get controls, and even characters without a single control power can be a control freak, something the player may be proud of and want to announce. Especially if the character can manage battlefield control without actual control powers. There is also the consideration that there are players that collect badges like a magpie collecting shinies. And it is extremely frustrating to see a badge and know you can never get it on that character, let alone 12 more badges that you will never be able to get on the character. Collecting badges is fun in its own right, and having badges in the game that can't be acquired steps on that fun too. From a personal point of view, it's like giving players like me the middle finger. "Behold all these new badges! You want them, don't you? Well, guess what? YOU CAN'T HAVE THEM! AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!" All specific AT teams can be a lot of fun, yes. No one is arguing against that. See my first response in this post for what is actually being said.
  15. I am not buying this because it seems like suggesting the letter and number symbols shouldn't be available because other fonts could have been used instead. False equivalency. We do have all the letters and we do have all the numbers from 0-9. (Multi-digit numbers seem to be a problem.) So for this comparison, what @srmalloy said is correct. It would require all available roundels to be treated the same. (I'm not particularly sold on this argument because we don't have every type of lion head or other symbols, so a basic roundel with no other emblem on it would be fine in my book. [Edit: Then again, as @Greycat pointed out, we pretty much already do have access to a basic roundel.]) Your argument about us not having different fonts for the letters/numbers would be akin to saying the we would need different sizes of roundel. Not the different available roundels from all nations that use them instead of only making a single nation's roundel available, thereby only allowing a single nation's supers to get to have their roundel for use.
  16. No clue. Good question. Foot Stomp says yes, it can. (Edit: So does Lightning Rod, which used to require you to be on the ground, but now just requires you to be near it.)
  17. I 'love' how when anyone disagrees with a suggestion, it is because they 'hate fun'. It's never because of any of the reasons actually given, it is always because anyone who disagrees obviously hates fun.
  18. Here's the problem with that logic - you never have to reload your firearms, replenish your arrows, can use fire attacks while in the water, and so on. If we're going for realism, then do so across the board and more consistently, If not, then let players use their powers freely... I subscribe to the Hollywood/Anime school of video game logic. For simplicity, firearms have infinite ammo. Thermal weapons and fire attacks aren't hindered by the presence of water. Electrical attacks/lightning still shoots straight instead of dispersing in water. Causing the ground to shake to harm my foes requires them to at least be near the ground. There is only so much I can suspend disbelief for before I just throw my hands up and say 'this is pure nonsense'. (Edit: Note that being able to hover off the ground and use things like Foot Stomp is fine with me. You are still near the ground and the upheaval could theoretically affect foes also hovering near the ground. Like I said though, making the ground shake and rumble to hurt my foes fighting me 100 feet in the air goes well beyond suspension of disbelief.) (Edit again: Also, please note the differences in what I posted. Firearms having infinite ammo for instance. They have the ammo they need to function, they just don't run out. Thermal weapons and fire attacks working normally underwater. The attack source is still capable of generating the thermal/fire attack, it has the ability to function. It however, disregards being underwater as completely shutting down the ability. The electrical/lightning attack not being dispersed underwater. The source is still functional, it is capable of producing the attack on its own, but the added hindrance of being underwater is ignored. Using an earth tremor attack to affect something not even near the earth however, is lacking its attack source: the ground. It isn't that the attack is an earth-based attack being done in mid-air. Earth blast attacks are fine because the character is the source of the power. It is that is a ground-based attack, and being mid-air takes away its primary source: the ground.)
  19. I'm more in favor of @TheZag's OP. Some attacks just make sense for the character or target to be on the ground to use. There should be some leeway for it though, like with Foot Stomp. As long as you are hovering at the ground, you can use it. Works for me. I love that change. Taking away that restriction though? Could mean my foot stomping brute can hover 100 feet above the ground and still stomp it to cause a harmful tremor.* The addition of "wiggle room" to abilities that require the user or the target to be on the ground would fix the problem @TheZag described, where you go to use such a power because you obviously can, but the game tells you that you can't because reasons. The target somehow isn't actually on the ground despite him/her standing on a slope. You're somehow not on the ground because you are standing on a slope. Other silly glitches. (Targets jumping and evading the ground-based attack though? I'm fine with them doing that. Just means my timing sucked at the time.) I'm all for the OP. Not so much about just taking the requirement away though. Edit: * - If my character is surrounded by flying foes 100 feet in the air, I shouldn't be able to blast them with an earth tremor attack like Foot Stomp since there is no ground anywhere near us for it to work on. If I'm fighting in the water and do that? Then I'm standing on a sand bar, a shallow reef, or similar.
  20. No, there aren't. First GM is Deathsurge in Cap. Then Scrapyard in Shark, Caleb in Nerva, and the Arachnos Flier in GV. St. Martial has an event instead.
  21. So you want to be completely invisible to other players that don't have enough perception to see you in PvE? Gonna make it hard for PBAoE healers like my MM to heal you....
  22. You beat me to it. 13 new badges, but you can only ever get 1 of them? From a personal point of view, that sucks....
  23. Oh? So a character that's a Hero can just go to Arbiter Rein and run a patron arc? Or join the last mission of someone else's arc? They can't access the zone. If they could, like Vigilantes can, then yeah, they probably could join someone's mission and unlock the patron pools like Vigilantes do. (Edit: Unlike the Praetorian zones that anyone can access.)
  24. What happens to a villain who get a patron pool and then change alignment to Hero? There is a difference though. Patron pools can be unlocked by any character. All that is required is to do the specific unlock mission at the end of the 1st arc from the patron. So you can start hero, go rogue/villain, and get a patron; start hero, go vigilante, and tag along on said mission; or be a rogue or villain and unlock those pools by doing the patron arc. Your proposal as is would lock out anyone that is not currently a Praetorian alignment since it is impossible to become a Loyalist or Resistance past level 20, or at all if you don't start gold side. There is also the consideration that no character can have more than one alignment at a time. Even the Praetorians. So either you are a Loyalist or you are Resistance. Which alignment you start as unlocks access to a specific contact that can modify specific missions, but otherwise, no character is both Loyalist and Resistance. The game does not track multiple alignments per character. This is evident in a character's inability to use Resistance doors after going Loyalist even if they started as Resistance, and vice versa for going Resistance, until they change their alignment to again be the correct one to use the correct doors. So dumb question, as in I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but how would a character be both alignments to access both sets of pools?
  25. Except if the leader has you on ignore, you will never get on the team anyway. And if you have the team leader on ignore, you will never even know the leader is forming a team to even request an invite in the first place. Both circumstances already resolve themselves in the game and aren't really covered by the OP. So the only real consideration for the OP is if a team member has the person on ignore or if that person has a team member on ignore. And if a player has another player on ignore, they won't be seeing the ignored person's comments anyway and can focus on what the leader and possibly other members are saying. Or if the other person has the player on ignore, there won't be any interaction between them because the other person can't see the player's comments. So... not to bash the OP... but I don't understand it. (It feels like the author is looking to punish himself/herself/themselves by limiting the number of teams (s)he can join.) From a strictly personal point of view, if I'm being ignored by someone on the team or league, I don't really care. That person's lack of interaction with me can be the result of several different things, all of which is their business rather than mine. I can still enjoy interacting with the rest of team even if one person on the team isn't interacting with me. And if I have someone on ignore? I can't see their comments anyway, so unless that person goes out of their way to use their powers to annoy me, which would be evident to the rest of the team, who cares? Though I understand I tend to have a weird outlook on things.
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