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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Wanna try again? (This is where the link goes. No exclamation marks.)
  2. Gauntlet also has the raid tag. Standard Effects 100% chance Child Effects 100% chance 14.96 second Taunt (Mag 4) if target.HasTag?(Raid) && (@ToHitRoll + 0.2 < @ToHit) 100% chance 14.96 second Taunt (Mag 4) if !target.HasTag?(Raid) 0.5 PPM 6.0 second Taunt (Mag 4) Edit: And is single target only. So how does that work for an 8-feet radius aura? Best you can claim is a 6 second taunt.
  3. Tag Raid: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/entity-tags.html?tag=raid&q=bears It's not just iTrials and the like. The Ghost Ship has the raid tag. Lusca has the raid tag. A lot of mobs have the raid tag.
  4. I am? Because here is where I got that information from: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=tanker_defense.willpower.rise_to_the_challenge&at=tanker It's kind of funny that this thread is about RttC and Entropic Aura, but you are citing... let me check your links... Fury and Gauntlet? Which is not what the OP is talking about. Edit: Also, I'm curious as to what you do with your /Willpower brtue as opposed to what I do with mine. Mobs are more than happy to just up and run from mine unless I'm smashing their faces. They don't stay there if they are on my flanks/behind me where my attacks can't hit. (Edit again: Which is why I didn't even know that RttC even had a taunt effect. Because RttC doesn't seem to taunt anything. As stated in my post you quoted.)
  5. Yeah, if the issue that would prevent the OP from being implemented is that the devs don't want to increase taunt effects for just Scrappers, then it is a non-issue. Tanker Willpower: 100% chance 1.25 second Taunt (Mag 3) if target.HasTag?(Raid) && (@ToHitRoll + 0.2 < @ToHit) The issue isn't Scrapper versus Tanker. The issue is there are apparently two sets that have no mentionable taunt in their aura taunt effects. My /Willpower brutes have no mob holding ability. I didn't even know RttC even had a taunt component. So I agree with the OP. RttC and Entropic Aura should have their durations upped to the 13.6 seconds every other set has.
  6. A timer would solve your problem without taking away the randomness other players enjoy.
  7. That is how RNG works. If you want to simplify the process, then ask for the RNG to place a block on abandoned missions for a period of time to increase the likelihood of getting the mission you are after. Some players like the RNG element. Especially if solo. Some teams like it too. It gives them more missions to run from the same contact. Other teams don't like it. That's just how it goes. (Edit: Maybe ask for like a 5 minute timer to be placed on abandoned missions. That should be well more than long enough for your teammates to cycle through to the mission the team leader has with little fuss.)
  8. I very rarely take Aim or Build Up. So nice to know that makes me fool.
  9. Unless they are taking turns talking to Stephanie, I still don't get the problem. There is an equal chance for each character to get the same mission. Sure, her position limits the space for characters to gather around her, but still. Edit: And she doesn't really have a lot of missions. 5 missions in her arc and 2 filler missions. And the first and last missions in her arc are guaranteed to be the same every time.
  10. All I have to say is that depending on the arc and contact, a set mission progression can be very nice and so can a random mission progression. Like I said, it depends on the arc and contact to me. The only issue I have with the random arrangement in Striga is when you get an unassociated mission popping up in the middle of the arc. Ouroboros actually includes a non-arc mission as listed on paragonwiki and homecoming wiki in the arc for one of the Striga contacts. (Can't remember which.) As far as the OP goes, if you are teaming, it would be nice if the contact(s) gave everyone the same missions when they ask if they are at the same point with the contact. Except for filler missions since those don't have a progression, just a completion. (By the same token, I've been on teams where the missions not lining up was preferred so they could run those missions again without having to go look for a new contact when the team leader is done. Team leader just selects one of the members' missions from the same arc, and they can keep progressing without needing a new contact. Though, those are more farming teams than anything else.) If you are solo, then different orders as long as the overall flow of the arc is consistent keeps things interesting. Though I do disagree with @Coyotedancer's comment that larger teams having to cycle through the contact to get the same mission becomes more exponentially annoying since all members can be talking to the contact at the same time.
  11. Knockback isn't random. It is always away from your character.
  12. That works. Is it a single slot each or a single slot per linked character slot? (Edit: That is, can the pets have different costumes to match the PC?) Is it still limited to regular character models or are there beast and plant customizations?
  13. Not every character has the spare costume slots to devote to pets. (Edit: It also precludes having custom animals for Beast Mastery. Or plants for the Flytrap summon.)
  14. Didn't think of that. And though Sands of Mu (available from the P2W vendor for free) can't be enhanced (except by globals?), Shadow Maul and Flurry can and you can pretty much build a chain across those three. Threw a Mids build together with just Shadow Maul and Flurry in it to check and got the following results: Shadow Maul (6-slotted with Fury of the Gladiator): END cost: 5.3 Recharge: 5.92 seconds. Cast time: 2.37 seconds with 2.367 seconds animation time. Flurry (6-slotted with Gladiator's Strike): END cost: 3.39 Recharge: 1.62 seconds. Cast time: 3.07 seconds with 3.067 seconds animation time. So you could feasibly just keep going back and forth between these two. 😄
  15. What would this new power set consist of that is not already covered by the Speed power pool, Street Justice, Staff Fighting, Claws, or Dual Blades melee power sets? What would the specific powers be? How would you make it unique from existing sets? It's all well and good to say you want something, but if you don't clarify what it is you are asking for, how is anyone supposed to know what to go for? What exactly are you asking for? Asking for alternate animations for powers can provide the solution for a lot of what we players ask for. And requires less work than trying to come up with a whole new set that is different somehow from every other existing power set in the game. And the devs are arguably rather busy, seeing as how this is not their job. So providing more data can go a long way to helping your suggestion.
  16. No, PvP zones set the character to an appropriate level for the zone. Though they are good for hunting because of that. What the OP is asking for is to make the hazard zone mobs levelless. So a level 50+1 incarnate (since they are not incarnate zones) can enter the hazard zones and see things like white con Hellion minions that still lack the abilities to fight back at that level. Edit: Rather, I should say, so that any character can enter the hazard zones and see hazard zone mobs that con at their level. Even if those mobs still only possess the abilities of level 8 mobs like in Perez Park.
  17. Why? If you want to farm, there are already lots of options to do so.
  18. The weather? In the cave? 😜
  19. I will always say that line of thinking is nonsense. Why? Because you can project an effect and not be affected by it. You can manifest an effect and be the only one affected by it. (And obviously, you can project an effect and affect both yourself and others with it.) While you can project an effect and be the only beneficiary of it, your presentation to do so makes absolutely no sense. You will never change my mind. We are going around in circles and it is very wearying. Edit: Why you will never change my mind: Gun Drone: If the character can get or make a gun drone that can create a barrier on the character, then why doesn't the character get/make a belt or other item that constantly provides that same effect? (That would be an armor.) If the character has to wear special gear or possess special enhancements anyway for the gun drone to provide that benefit? Then again, why not just incorporate that benefit into the special gear or enhancement? (That would be an armor.) If the gun drone can provide that benefit without need of any such trait/ability, then why can't it benefit allies within the gun drone's range of benefit? Energy Orb: If the character can manifest an energy orb that both repels (and damages) foes and also provide the character a defensive benefit? Then why doesn't the character just manifest and maintain a smaller orb to sustain that effect continuously so (s)he doesn't have to rely on the hope the attacking orb is successful to provide that benefit? (That would be an armor.) Ice Storm: If the character can use the power of their ice storm to ice up (gaining defensive benefits), then why doesn't the character just maintain that ice shield? (That would be an armor.) If it is the storm itself providing that benefit, then why would it not also benefit any allies in its area of effect? Especially when they see it harmlessly layering on the character and protecting him/her. Rain of Fire: See ice storm, except substitute burning things to get ash and maintaining the ash on the character as a sustained defense. Also note that armors do not require they be able to slot resist damage enhancements. Regeneration is an armor set and it slots heal/absorb enhancements. The provided logic for why it would only benefit the originating character boils down to either all characters using the AT are selfish to point of cruel, completely incompetent in the use of their own powers, or there is no justification for the effects to be applied in the way you are calling for. This is why you will never change my mind on the matter. Correct me on any points you disagree with. I am going to leave it at I disagree and be done.
  20. Just verified. Beam rifle does not have that option in the tailor still.
  21. Well, more like how auras have the option to always be on (on specific body parts or as a whole) or to only turn on when combat starts (on specific body parts or as a whole). Wings already check to see if the character is leaping (they spread) or flying (they flap if appropriate or have active exhaust). So the simplest solution would be to make a second set of the wings in the game. Choose Demon Wings (Normal) and they work as they currently do. Choose Demon Wings (Flight Only) and they are not even rendered unless you are flying. No need for fancy coding beyond hiding and showing the wings in flight. Just some renaming and duplication. Edit: Just like how we have access to both the original not animated tails and the newer animated tails in the tails menu for our characters.
  22. And here is where that analogy comparison breaks down. Tankers and Brutes ice up. They manifest a personal power. Defenders, Controllers, and Corruptors project their abilities at a single target, icing them up for protection. Your proposal is an AoE effect that somehow only benefits your character. It isn't an innately a personally manifested defense like Tankers and Brutes. It isn't a single target projected ability protecting allies. It is an ice storm affecting an area but only benefitting you. That logic fails.
  23. I thought only offensive auras suppressed while mezzed. FFGs aren't offensive.
  24. Like I said, your proposal seems to be a better idea for a power set than an AT simply because of how you want it to work. It is much easier to make a set based off kinetics or negative energy that fits what you are describing without having to go through a super-athlete's nightmare acrobatics course of mental gymnastics to explain why it does what it does. Edit: Blast set: Necrotic Blast. Each attack heals the character or grants minor absorb. Available to Sentinels, Blasters, Defenders, and Corruptors. Manipulation set: Rejuvenating Melee. Each attack grants a minor END boost or recovery boost. Available to Blasters.
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