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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Valid point. I always make a point of getting all the injured PPD. So I do sabotage myself on time playing solo. However, with 30 seconds on the clock left, I've watched Harkens dawdle at the corner for 28 of it and he cannot be recalled. Usually, time runs out on me on the floor just above the ground floor, but since Harkens is at the stairwell down, mission ends but does not fail, and he can be walked the rest of the way to the exit. If I'm moving fast enough? I can reach the mission exit with about 10 seconds left, and Harkens will not move to the exit. Mission failed. On that most aggravating of runs though, I actually had a full 30 seconds waiting at the exit, even running back to see if Harkens lost me somehow, and he would not round the last corner until the timer finished.
  2. Not sure if Harkens is scripted to survive if he makes it to the elevator that would get him to the ground floor, but I think that used to be the case. If you get him PAST the elevator to the ground floor, he WILL die. His pathing is beyond terrible and I've sat at the mission exit watching him veeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyy slowly make his way there around the last corner as the timer ticks down until the mission comes up failed. Get him to the elevator and timer runs out? You're golden. Get him past it to the ground floor? Timer /will/ run out, he /will/ die, and mission /will/ fail. Every time.
  3. The Protector Bots from the Robotics power set has the same problem. The protector bots' force shield is completely unaffected by defense enhancements slotted into the pet. A protector bot's force shield grants +13% defense at base, which is surprisingly high. With a defense enhancement slotted, it still grants 13% defense boost.
  4. I mean other than the Rikti you save that help you fight.
  5. Not in that mission. It is a bug that crops up on ambushes, mostly with the Rikti. For some reason, the ambushes are considered not the same group and draw aggro from mission start mobs. It can be both helpful and entertaining when the glitch happens. There are some Rikti missions where the Restructurists and Traditionalists are on the same map and will fight each other, but not during any of Levantera's Welcome to the Vanguard arc.
  6. I can see it now. "I'm an incarnate Praetorian here to help!" "Uhm... which side?" Congrats on getting to 50 as a Praetorian, especially considering I don't remember any contacts actually sending you to First Ward and Night Ward capping somewhere in the 40s, but I think it is assumed you would be a villain/rogue or hero/vigilante by the time you go for incarnate powers seeing as how the mission to go Primal as a hero or villain is given to you at 20. While I can't say for certain as I am not a developer, I'm inclined to think not being able to go incarnate as a Praetorian is actually more of an oversight or statement of intention rather than a bug.
  7. My 2nd post still stands. The quantums are not part of the mission. They are not coded as static targets for scenery. They are spawned because a kheldian player character is on the map. So they ignore the already defeated condition imposed on the Family. Unfortunately, this is not a bug, just a problem in working the coding. This was addressed back on Live and I doubt anything can really be done about it still. Kheldian characters get to blast targets in that mission before targets are supposed to be available to attack. As for the defeated units standing up, they are effectively locked into an emote. Combat starts (because the Quantum Gunner is an active hostile), the 'defeated' Family stands up dropping their emote due to combat. As they are scripted to not be a target or engage in combat, their actions end, leaving the 'dead' Family standing not able to do anything or be affected. Pretty much like how other mobs drop their emotes when combat starts. This happens on pretty much every map with pre-defeated units and nearby active hostiles. You can see it on missions where 'defeated' Freakshow suddenly stand up because a hostile Banished Pantheon mob in their vicinity aggroed on you. My apologies. I am trying to be as informative as I can but my answer may seem like I am talking down to you. That is not my intent.
  8. And even at that, they aren't bugged. Since you are presumably a kheldian, quantums can spawn in your missions. Since they are not specifically coded for that mission like the Family, they do not spawn dead. So, congrats, you get to fight mobs before anyone else on that mission.
  9. If that is the mission I think it is, they are supposed to spawn dead. The mobs you are supposed to fight or avoid don't spawn until you find Hammet's corpse. The fact the Quantum Gunners spawn ready to fight is the bug, not the dead Family.
  10. Did you try a work around such as typing it in another box and then cutting/pasting into the mission fail box? I agree you shouldn't need to, but this work around worked back on live.
  11. I thought the Cure The Lost mission only counted for the individual that had his/her specific instance of the mission selected as the team's active objective? Was a problem back on live that if multiple players on a team had this mission, it would typically only count for the active mission holder even if joined completion was selected. Either way, my best advice for those that are going to do it: do it alone or at least make sure you are not trying to complete your listing for the mission concurrently with whomever has it selected as the team's active task. Not helpful for the OP, I know, sorry.
  12. For the past few days, every time I unsummon my pets in Peregrine Island and then cross to the base portal and enter, my pets are all there again. I don't know if it is something about PI, about being a Ninjas MM, or if it is something else. It always happens in the Portal Corporation area, regardless of whether I unsummon inside a Portal Corp. building or just in the central plaza. I have unsummoned inside the buildings, exited the building to the plaza and had no pets with me, crossed the plaza with no pets in tow, and then all my pets are there again when I enter the SG base.
  13. The Manticore and Sister Psyche wedding gift mission blue side does not show complete in Ouroboros after completion. Yes, I checked in with the contact after it was over to ensure completion. Yes, I know this is very low priority, but like the They Call Me The Doctor mission, it is still something that should be fixed. (When not superseded in priority.) As one of many people afflicted with alt-itis, knowing what missions/arcs are complete or not when randomly playing any given alt is helpful.
  14. It's not just this mission. However, yeah, the heroes are often killed by enemy AoEs. The only way to deal with it is to have a ranged attack, including prestige ones, and blast an enemy from a safe distance to pull them away from the NPCs. This /usually/ avoids the problem, but not always. (The other mission with this problem is the rescue the injured PPD mission blue side. One of the injured PPD invariably spawns near the boss at the end and is immediately killed by the boss as a valid target.)
  15. (After 20 minutes, I said to hell with it and just cleared the mission without pets.)
  16. Problem is, sometimes they don't load at all. So not a question of knowing when available. After 20 minutes in the mission, the buffs still had not activated for me on my 1st run through. Running it through Ouro' as a 2nd run, it ran fine and all powers/buffs loaded immediately. I don't know how long the OP waited, but 20 minutes is well beyond knowing when to act. It is a glitch/bug that only sometimes crops up, but that does not reduce the concern of it not loading.
  17. How is "With great power comes great responsibility" an answer to the problem or even relevant? As for what happened, I don't know what caused the glitch. I was invulnerable to the Crystal Titan when I did it. My minions couldn't hurt a thing though despite having all the same Incarnate Limitless Radial Freem abilities until after I went through the arc a 2nd time. So apparently the powers don't always load.
  18. The Revenant Hero Project is listed before They Call Me The Doctor in the Pillar of Ice and Fire. I also had already completed the Revenant Hero Project arc previously. The concern is not the badge, it is knowing what missions/arcs I have or have not completed. Oddly enough, They Call Me The Doctor shows completed after doing Mender Lazarus' task force. The failure to show completion when completed or showing completed when a completely unrelated arc is completed may be minor in the overall scheme of things, but is still something that needs to be fixed.
  19. I've run the "They Call Me The Doctor" mission from Ouroboros 5 times now. I got the "The Doctor's Ally" badge the 1st time I completed it. I spoke with the contact after the mission itself was done each time to make sure I got all the steps. And the mission still shows as not being done in the pillar of fire and ice.
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