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Everything posted by Rudra
In the Crossing the Line Morality mission, this barrel near the entrance cannot be shot unless you are behind it (approaching it from the entrance) or on the side (where you may sometimes be in trigger distance even if trying to stay away). It is clearly out in the open from the front of the rack, but attempts to shoot it give the "Target Blocked" message. Entering the 1st room after the initial hallway with its 6 pop-up turrets, it is the barrel at the front of the rack on your immediate left.
At the end of the hero option of Beethoven's 5th Symphony tip mission, Doc Quantum gives you a reprimanding message. In it he says "I thought you'd be willing to put the life of one over the good of the many. It seems I was wrong". In doing the hero side of this alignment tip, you are putting the life of one over the good of the many. So either he was right in his assessment and the second line of his comment should be to the effect of "It seems I was right", or the first part of his comment should something to the effect of "I thought you'd put the good of the many over the life of one". Either way, putting the life of one over the good of the many means you prioritize the life of one over the many rather than the other way around.
Can't find this posted yet. Anyway, on the "I don't care. I want her dead!" alignment mission brief, there is some confusion as to what is being said. You are given a choice to stop Longbow from killing Polar Shift, or doing the vigilante thing instead. However, the line reads "Also, you'll need to arrest the Vigilante heroine and show the Longbow Operative the error of his ways, even if it means knocking some sense into her." The assumption is that the individual you are knocking sense into is the as yet unnamed Longbow Operative, since the mission has not been accepted yet. If that is the case, then it should be "even if it means knocking some sense into him." since the first reference for the operative is as a male. If this line instead refers to Polar Shift, it is poorly placed and makes no sense. Edit: How did I leave the "e" off "care"? And thank you all for not making fun of it.
I already knew where Doc Quantum was. The concern is that the mission says you got a clue but does not give one. Completing the mission was not a problem.
In the 30-40 hero morality tip Crossing the Line, where you have to clear your way through traps to use a computer to get Longbow to stop an attack that does not exist on Doc Quantum, using the computer says "You found something" and the big clue notice pops up. Except... there is no clue... at all. Mission is not over, so this is not a case of the tip clues being erased as part of completion, it is just... not there.
Did a search of the topic and this didn't show as posted. On the tip mission Calling in a Favor, the active mission marker and the mission summary both say to go to the goon's hideout and arrest them. Since it is plural, you are arresting "them" and there are three goons you have to deal with, it should be goons' hideout instead.
They should probably fix the capitalization error while they're at it. The "w" in "we" should be capitalized since it is the first word of the 2nd sentence.
Also, for clarification, all this assumes the damage you took that kills you is less than the health you gained from the heal if the damaging heal is what "rezzes" you. (Though it can be funny to watch your character die twice from a single attack when the heal is less than the damage. Which I've had happen a few times too.)
It should be noted that any heal in the game that works off damaging a target to perform a heal function can actually rez you. Twilight Grasp has been doing it forever. When you use the power, you are alive and meet the live requirement for the power to affect you. If you used it when you are about to die to stay alive, it is assumed it will heal you in time, so no dying. If you die in that very small window before the heal applies, the heal is still being applied to your existing health. So when it happens, your health bar may blink black and then show more health, or you may fall "dead" and get back up because the game thinks the heal saved you from dying. Trying to duplicate the effect is insane, but I've had it happen multiple times over the years on Live. It is the same as when a non-damaging heal is triggered by the player. The heal applies instantly and you live. The damaging heal applies, but not instantly, and you live despite the game having you briefly animate as dying. So yes, I've been rezzed from defeat by my own Howling Twilight while trying to rez teammates, and I've been "rezzed" by Twilight's Grasp just trying to save myself. (And yes, please never try to fix this. On the rare occasions it happens, it makes me happy to not have to fly/run/teleport/leap back to the mission.)
The Calling In A Favor tip mission in the 20-30 range blue side has a consistency error. So not really a typo, but this topic looks to be the correct place to flag this. The tip starts off by saying that the Family is going to eliminate witnesses. Then on the same window, it changes to saying the Family is going after jurors. Doing the mission, all the mobs refer to jurors. When the mission ends, the mission completion text references jurors. If the discrepancy in the tip itself is intentional, then color me confused and disregard this post. Otherwise, you should change witnesses to jurors in the launching tip.
Ha ha ha. Gift that keeps on giving. Good one. This is an old bug. It was fixed on live, but apparently it has come back. The presents are not supposed to keep applying unless additional presents are used to gain the effect multiple times.
I don't know why the mission exit clues/statements aren't there, but can they be put back in? Or the comments from Mercedes referencing them taken out? She keeps going on about notes the Magic Man does not leave for your character after each mission. So reading through the story, the player is left searching the clues list and scrolling through their chat log to find references that aren't there but that keep getting referenced.
Arachnos maps in general are pretty broken since they have actual map areas behind walls and under floors. While not too common on other Arachnos maps, there have been several defeat all missions on Arachnos maps where the mobs spawn in these inaccessible spaces as a normal spawn point for who knows what reason. Just as bad are escort missions, such as the one where you have to retrieve the 3 Rikti for Kelly Uqua. I have routinely found that one of the 2 Rikti you actually have to escort (the third runs off claiming to be fine alone) will somehow manage to get under a ramp leading out of one of the depressed hall corner rooms and make his way below the floor to the sub-floor the map has as scenery. This normally happens if I shortcut the corners to speed the map instead of running to the middle of room and waiting for the escorted Rikti to reach me and position himself to navigate the ramp.
This one also does not turn up on a search of the topic. Still Ashwin Lannister. In the 1st Defeat Warriors in Talos Island mission he gives, he tells you that the Warriors are promoting members if they can defeat you. He then suggests you go beat some up to show it is a bad idea to use you for an "initiation trail". 1st, it should be an "initiation trial". (Insert joke about walking all over character here.) 2nd, it is missing the end punctuation.
Don't know if this counts. Ashwin Lannister has a mission to capture Dr. Archon Pontiero. (In the wiki, it is listed as Dr. Ricci.) When you accept the mission to capture Archon Pontiero, he is suddenly now Archon Lucretia. Done this mission a few times. It is not part of any story arc. And this always happens. Mission "Capture Dr. Archon <insert name>" shifts to "Capture Dr. Archon Lucretia". It is not as funny as the myriad "Defeat Archon Archon <insert name>" missions in the same level range (20-30), but there it is.
Did a search but didn't see this one already posted. Lars Hansen in Striga gives you a mission to defeat Council in their base. Completion gives you the mission to defeat the base commander and his men. However, the clue you find that sends you there says "These orders, found on a Council agents, read:". Agent should be singular. You find the orders on a Council agent, not on multiple Council agents.
It may be okay to do so, though I have never seen it done so except in that instance, but it reads like a drunk telling a story.
On a side note, out of sheer humor, I love being given holy shotgun shells and no shotgun. With my mighty finger, I flick the back of the shell to fire it! 😄
Here's a fun Engrish one. In the Tobias Hansen arc, he gives you a mission to clear a mausoleum of Banished Pantheon. To aid you, he gives you Holy Shotgun Shells. The yellow text that pops up when he gives the shells is "Take with you these holy shotgun shells." Minor at best, but should be "Take these holy shotgun shells with you".
All of which is well and good, but fails to address the original reason for this topic. Tami Baker should still have been giving the OP the mission(s) from her arc as it was already an active arc at time of out-leveling. You can sit on a level 1-4 arc that you started until you are level 50, and then when you remember you never finished that arc and want the contact to finally disappear from your active list, go back at level 50 and the mid-arc contact will still give you the rest of the missions for that arc despite you being 40+ levels above limit. So, yes, Tami needs to be fixed to make her match basically every other arc giving contact in the game. It should be noted that this seems to be a Praetoria thing. Chloe does something similar, except in her case the mission she fails to give because you out-leveled her is not actually part of her arc, but is instead a single-player after-arc mission. So at least /she/ makes sense, even if it is just as annoying.
Which is "funny" since the event screams at you that the prisoners/Freakshow/bosses need to be dealt with in pretty much every part of the Brickstown map. Also annoying since the basic prisoners, the Freakshow, and the bosses will run out of the event area and break the event fairly routinely. While not a fix, on the rare occasion I bother with the event, I just wait for the runners to (hopefully) come back and get event credit/rewards.
(While I'm wishing for things, can we also get lit chandeliers? They look weird turned off. Or appropriately sized flames with light radiance to be able to put on? Sorry. Ending wish list now.)
I know this is not a bug, but I don't know where else to post this. The "doorway" rooms in the bases are unlit. Why? No clue. So they break the flow of base design because they are always in darkness/very dim. Yes, I know I can hide lights in the ceiling to brighten it, but only if I have ceiling to hide it in. Can y'all turn on the switch already? Or pay the electric bill? Or SOMETHING?! Please?
It doesn't matter if I use Twilight's Grasp or Radiant Aura. My pets can be standing right next to me. I use my AoE heal and... my ninjas, or my bots, or my whatever MM I am running at the time's pets are still injured. Nothing shooting them. The target is held and unable to fight back. And my heal misses my pets. Heals ME, but misses the pets. Combat ends? The heal affects the pets every time. Combat ongoing even if the last remaining target is held? Good chance the heal misses the pets. Doesn't ALWAYS miss, but has a good chance of leaving pets damaged.