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Everything posted by Rudra

  1. Alignment probably didn't exist as a character flag before Rogue and Vigilante were added; the game likely just checked your archetype to determine if you should be treated as a hero or a villain, as those were side-specific at the time. Tacking those on to the existing character structure would be much easier than trying to change something as fundamental as the live devs alluded to those other things being. If you want to go back even further, when the game was just City of Heroes, there were no alignments. You simply had a player character.
  2. I have to disagree. Picking alignment is simply the last step of character creation, it is the last action you perform in the character creator before entering the actual game. The very last window in character creation is the Register window. Up to that point, nowhere do you choose your alignment. And nowhere on that window do you choose your alignment. Once you have finished with that last window of character creation, you click the "Next" button which tells you on mouse over that it takes your character into the game. So after character creation, as part of loading your character into the game, the game asks you if you want to do the tutorial with the tutorial determining your alignment or if you want to skip the tutorial at which point you choose your alignment so the game can do your character's initial spawn. (Edit: During character creation, the "Next" button for every window other than "Register" says "Next" on mouse over. Only the Register window's "Next" button says "Enter Game" on mouse over.)
  3. Your alignment has never been determined during character creation when you choose your origin, AT, and power sets. Alignment was always chosen after your character was made as part of entering the game itself. (Edit: That's why the alignment and tutorial choice does not come up until you finish designing your character and click the final "Next" on the Register page to enter the game. Because alignment is not part of character creation, it is part of game play.)
  4. You are guaranteed 2 Prismatic Aethers for completing any 1-star Hard Mode/Advanced Mode TF or SF. More for completing higher difficulty ones. Also, last I checked, they can be bought from the AH for 3,000,000 inf' each. And they randomly drop, albeit very rarely, from enemies defeated in all content. I hear you though. It's not something I'm actively pursuing either since the only guaranteed way of getting them requires I do things I don't have the time to do. They do have 3 badges for them though. One for buying 10 costumes from Benevolabs, one for buying 100 costumes from Benevolabs, and another that simply costs 50 Prismatic Aethers from Benevolabs. Though I get why things like the auras are tier 3 Premium Costumes and cost 250 Prismatic Aethers, I also think that was the dumbest thing in the world to do after taking even the Vanguard costume pieces out from behind their merit wall so players can make whatever characters they have in mind. So after making everything available to players without level requirements or merit purchases, now they add costume pieces, auras rather, that are hidden behind a merit barrier. Makes perfect sense. To someone not me.
  5. Costume Aura: In the Character/Costume Creator, select the Auras button. Path Aura: In the Character/Costume Creator, select the Auras button, then select the Path Auras button under it. Prismatic Aura: Gather 250 Prismatic Aethers, either via random drops or buy them from the AH. Go to Benevolabs, go to the Tier 3 Premium Costumes, and buy an aura. Toggles: Available mostly from armor sets.
  6. I'm willing to bet you will never see the Primalist. At least not as originally intended. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Primalist
  7. Which ones? Because yes, we do have final responses on some of them. The Avilans for instance will not be made. They were being considered so players could have winged characters, but then it turned out that wasn't necessary. The Devoured are very unlikely to ever see implementation because their inherent exists in Brutes already. And I have to wonder about the Hyper-Advanced Clockwork since their trademark ability is covered by Bio Armor.
  8. Ya couldn't just say "don't hold your breath"? 😄
  9. Uhm... considering the game calls for a keyboard and mouse? Probably not? Not saying it won't ever happen, just that I can't really see this game going phone app because of the control scheme and how hard finding some objects would be on a phone screen.
  10. If we're going to address the double xp turns off inf' from defeating enemies, that is the tradeoff for doubling your rate of leveling in a game that has already expedited the character leveling rate. And as @Luminara has stated, players choosing to go the double xp route for leveling still get salvage, enhancement, and recipe drops from enemies that can be traded for a profit on the AH. And if you are doing actual game content instead of AE, you also still get mission reward inf' even with the double xp booster.
  11. Uhm, yes, there are. Because you don't need IOs to beat the game? You don't even need SOs, though they do help. And playing through the game using SOs maintains the original feel and challenge of the game.
  12. Does your character have any active damage or debuff auras? Those disrupt self-destruct powers. (It's why I make sure I have something like Rise to the Challenge available and turned on when fighting CoT. It keeps the mages from going boom when near defeat.)
  13. Inspirations (are supposed to) drop often. You can combine any 3 inspirations of the same type into any other inspiration you prefer or need. Stepping out of a mission to hit up a vendor or the AH is not actually a big deal. As you get higher in level you can store more inspirations on the character. You can also e-mail yourself a stockpile of inspirations if desired, though only 1 inspiration per e-mail.
  14. No. IOs have to be crafted. Even the ones you may buy from the AH had to be crafted by a player. SOs can simply be purchased from contacts and vendors. Also, it doesn't matter if generic IOs (at high levels) are better than SOs, because the game is still balanced around SOs.
  15. Why? You can already buy every basic inspiration for less than what you can sell even common salvage for to any vendor. (Even the basic rez inspiration is just 150 inf compared to the 250 inf' you can vendor trash common salvage for.)
  16. So not even just wandering into someone else's mission or TF/SF, but full on forced PvP if someone chooses to invade your mission or TF/SF? I can't give my response to this idea without getting banned.
  17. If you do her arc through Ouroboros, you are capped at level 44. So she is mismarked.
  18. In the first Ashling Corlett mission to infiltrate the Crey facility and retrieve the data, the mission is flagged as "Defeat Lead Researcher" and "Defeat All Crey". However, once the lead researcher himself is down, even if his spawn is not, the mission completes.
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  19. Isn't she max level 44? So if you're level 45+, she shouldn't be talking to you outside of Ouroboros unless you already started her arc.
  20. This has nothing to do with the OP, and for that I apologize. However, I have to ask: am I the only one that immediately thinks of assault rifle wielding guys in camo storming the beach each time they read Marine Affinity? (I almost want to say this should have been a Mastermind primary, but that is covered by the Mercenaries primary....) (Edit: Especially with the Corrs blurb at the end of the thread title. Marine Corrs....)
  21. So this is a mule set power? Yep, most definitely a dedicated mule set power. On this alone I find no reason to have this implemented. Why does this need to be stipulated? You are not required to put any enhancements into any power if you wish not to. (You are advised to, but it is not required by any means.) Then it isn't a set bonus. It's a special enhancement or a proc bonus. You get 6 slots dedicated to this power, but can only slot 3 of the enhancements made for the power?! What other sets does this power allow? Why would inspirations be used to craft enhancements? Oh good. So a player can go out, buy 3 inspirations from a nurse or other vendor for 50 inf' each, use them to craft a signature power enhancement apparently for free, and then sell that just to any vendor for a 350 inf' profit. No. You aren't the first to request a signature power system, but I don't get the desire for an added signature power being added to the game. For instance: And so far, the proposed methods are excessively complex to implement in the game and boil down to requests for greater god mode ability than we already have. So I oppose this request. Especially because of the provided exploit/abuse built into the system.
  22. But you don't wield short swords two-handed?
  23. I don't know anything about Elden Ring games, but I do know that the few times I've had the game glitch and bring other teams into my mission, I most definitely did not love it. And I'm relatively sure they didn't either seeing as I had already cleared most of the map each time.
  24. Whadya know? There is! It's near the northwest corner of the map, less than 100 yards from the Resistance Underground access. It's as boarded up, run down, and abandoned as the others, with stacked car wrecks in one corner of the lot, but it is most definitely there. Thanks, @lemming.
  25. Just checked Kallisti Wharf. No, it is the same model as the one in Pocket D. The only difference is it has a crime scene body line drawing, a wrecked PPD car, and a few other ruined cars. The station itself is just as boarded up and not usable as the one in Pocket D. (It is at the far southwest corner of the villain side island.) Edit: And just finished checking King's Row. While it is possible I simply overlooked it, I did not see a gas station there.
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