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Everything posted by KingofMonkeys

  1. Thank you! The entire base is kind of a love letter to RPGs so a RPG map seemed fitting lol
  2. Server/Shard: Torchbearer Base Name: Nightflank Castle Code: PIZZA-2544 Builder Global In Game: @KingofMonkeys Special considerations: /Visscale 5 recommended. Easter eggs and Secret passages included. Legend speaks of a dragon slumbering under the grounds, should he wake- it would spell the doom of Nightflank. Scroll map of the grounds:
  3. Wuigly Squigly Plant/Dark Dominator Lawful-Chaotic Neutral (varies) usually resides Villainside. A powerful magic being from the netherworld. Few mortals have had close dealings with the reaper and lived to talk about it. The prescence of a "Grim reaper" has been noted in urban legends and folklore through human history. It is not known if he is a single entity or one of many. One thing is for certain, he is a physical embodiment of death. A reaper robed in tattered cloth and darkness. Wuigly draws his dark energy from the netherworld, and is able to drain the life force of living things if he so wishes. His prime directive is ferrying certain souls from one side to the next, but he is also in pursuit of powerful magical artifacts that do not belong in the hands of humanity. As a reaper, he expresses little concern for human squabbles and doesn't generally show any kind of human emotion, beyond what appears to be slight annoyance. Playstyle: Absolutely wrecks +4/x8 mobs with Seeds and proc'd Creepers and a few different sources of AoE dmg. Strangler is proc'd up with dmg procs and the dominator build up ATO so he essentially rotates it with his attack chain for additional dmg. He has capped S/L with his Ice armor (Netherworld armor in this case), and has been able to solo some less dangerous AVs from time to time. He was my first villain on the live servers back in 2006 as a Plant/Thorn, he has returned as /dark as gather shadows gives a perfect blend of mez potency, added defense and damage. I never get bored of playing him!
  4. Obviously I would love to spawn (reward free) mobs in my base for the thrill of it, or for an event. I know the AI is wonky for summons above the base, but maybe a temporary solution would be something like AI blocks/planes that can be placed to help fix npc/hireling AI? I would love to have some mobs attempt to infiltrate my castle, I know the AI hurdles would make this nigh impossible but one can dream. Base PvP mode toggle On/Off NPCs/Animals/Robots that have preset animations or even walk around if the AI allows it. Interactable objects like doors/plaquees/chests that can display a text popup or even trigger a switch, yes/no gate open, etc The ability to rename teleport points WhowilldieLava texture at long last Some contributions off the top of my head 🙂
  5. Come by the castle tomorrow between 6pm to Midnight pst to celebrate Halloween with some treats, a grim reaper will greet you at the gates. Explore the castle, come pet a dragon!
  6. Journey to a faraway land this Halloween and come stop by Nightcastle on Torchbearer. There should be plenty of treats to be had, and maybe a few tricks. A mythical island abandoned long ago- a tall castle looms over the grounds below. Explore the keep, jump into an arena, navigate a hedge maze, or even climb a mysterious witchtree. Legend has it a dragon slumbers somewhere beneath the castle grounds, it would be unwise wake him. If you would like to join in for fun giving out treats, participating in a scavenger hunt, or maybe just want to see some cool Halloween bases- send Dacy or myself a message on the forums or on Discord. If you want to tour the castle or pet a dragon, come stop by @ Pizza-2544 (Dont forget to use /visscale 7!) More details for Halloween Coming Soon™
  7. For sure, stop on by anytime! Its gotten a few upgrades and tweaks over time, and I sure wish sometimes I had more teleport points! But it's already pretty much a halloween base I might just sprinkle some pumpkins in here and there and spooky it up a little more before the event. Will definitely make a thread here soon to let people know and garner some interest before the event. As for anyone else interested you are welcome to come by if you want to pet a dragon @ Pizza-2544
  8. Cool, thank you! Thought I may as well offer. Depending on how many hands are on deck there may be potential for certain puzzle / scavenger mini games as well. I can easily close a few gates and raise a drawbridge to spice things up for getting inside the actual castle walls. Guests can come by if they want to pet a dragon as well.
  9. Dacy, If you so wish I can volunteer my Nightcastle for your Torchbearer Halloween event- should no other options come up. I should be available in the evening that day, I probably wouldnt mind having volunteer helpers though for the gift giving. Extra hands always help.
  10. I'll put my vote in for Plant/Dark. Gather Shadows is fun as a power build up with seeds and your other mez. Negative dmg is only somewhat resisted ingame as well, The t9 in dark is pretty optional strangely enough, If you asked me, I'd prefer to consider moonbeam the t9 of dark assault. Once you get perma dom you can take ice mastery for sleet and max out S/L def. Powers like smite and engulfing darkness will take you into melee so having S/L def paired with dark's -tohit is nice, you can build to have fun in melee and in the safety of range if you so choose.
  11. A little aerial defense incase a dragon comes by, used a lot of Wood pieces to build this mounted crossbow.
  12. Nope. Space sky is really the only way to make it pitch dark night, which comes with the distracting sun unfortunately. Night Ward is the next best thing, but the options are limited.
  13. Then I would like to be able to use my "interuptable" version of the snipe mid combat as well, as in, even tho the little yellow circle is there, if any enemy is far outside of range, I want to still be able to utilize the snipe range, make it interuptable. But at least I will still feel like I actually have a snipe power. The point I'm getting at is the loss of range/utility is what sucks the most about this change.
  14. The point I'm trying to make is why make the change at all then? Was it so broken that it needed to be changed? Cause I kinda feel like having the extra range midcombat was a nice perk for fliers/runners and the like.
  15. Yeah its baffling, so a snipe should be no better than any ranged attack? Sure it has extra damage, the extra rech/endurance is paying for that, but 80' in combat or no is just kind of silly. Waiting for a dev's response on why they felt the need to change this.
  16. Still haven't had a dev address as to why snipes had their fast cast range reduced from 150' to 80' midcombat. Completlely unnecessary change imo =/
  17. Please make ALL the animal heads/floating skull/unique head options available with half helmets/hoods/globe/and other accessories. For example, floating skull can be used with a hood for a grim reaper, or I can put a top hat on my bird's head. Or a lizard man with a viking helmet. Seeing as the dev's are expanding on and opening up the flexibility of the costume editor (asymmetrical pieces is a good start!) I'd like to see this addressed as well.
  18. Wait till you get to complain about ageless/domination every 70 ish seconds /theft of essence barely cuttin it. heh
  19. Still not a fan of the change to fast cast snipe's range, it was a nice way to deal with fliers / cowards and the like mid-combat. They should have something a little more than 80' imo.
  20. I'll just say, the range nerf (bug fix?) on fast cast snipes mid combat is a bit of a bummer, I can understand if this was broken/not working as intended but it was really nice to have a way to deal with cowards that fly away and run to great distance on open maps, watching them cling to hope of escape only for my dominator's snipe to dispose of them mid combat. Would it be too much to ask for a middle ground between 80' and 150'? Or at the very least only reduce the range for Scrapper/Stalker fast snipes?
  21. Just gotta say I am really going to miss shooting the fast flying cowards with my snipe while im dealing with the rest of the baddies in range.
  22. Like the new changes, but if we're taking a look at travel powers... Any chance we can make it so Walk does not make you retoggle everything when you turn in on? I should be able to go from walking to not walking without losing all my toggles. Secondly, would be nice to get more customization for hover, any chance i can get a hover animation with beam rifle pointed forward similiar to the walking animation but while hovering?
  23. Executioner's block. Grave dirt looks not unlike dried blood in a certain light..
  24. As dissapointed in the Hemo nerf as I am, Savage still shines most with Savage Leap anyway imo, i love having a stalker with ridiculous AoE Tping in and out of groups.
  25. Hey fellas, no worries just lost a brick wall somewhere down there lemme know if you see one. Thanks!
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