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Everything posted by KingofMonkeys

  1. Awakaned, PPD Quantums, Rularuu, Vanguard. A lot of the time its either not having adequate positional defense or lacking defense debuff resistance that makes things annoying. I usually roll at +4/x8 though so its a bit more manageable if I nerf the difficulty a bit.
  2. Always nice to find a good balance between efficient function and thematic aesthetics. Have everything you need within sneezing distance of the entrance, while still having plenty of play room for the spectacle and creativity.
  3. /powexecname Rest
  4. Just took a tour. Wow. Got major Star ship Enterprise vibes. Escape pod is a nice touch! How long did it take to make? Whats the object count? lol
  5. Quite enjoy my Savage/Energy stalker. Hemo from hide is ridiculous, AS nearly always procing hide again is nifty, and quick snipe Zapp is nice for cowards that try to run. The AoE? Quite a lovely surprise. Ball lightning > Savage Leap > Flurry and Shred if you wish, BU everywhere in between. Definitely not what I imagined playing a stalker would be like, feels more like a Blapper or a Shield scrapper jumping around throwing procs and AoE all over the place. Blood Frenzy and Energy Drain to squelch any endurance issues. Making stuff bleed all over and cower. Fun stuff.
  6. It stacks, its ok. Used to slot it in Midnight grasp and could regularly stack it multiple times with my attack chain. Took moonbeam for better damage so ended up dropping MG and the proc entirely tho.
  7. How about fixing the stuck-in-base portal bug? Is that on your "radar" too? 😛
  8. Indeed an annoying bug, albeit not a common one. All we can do is keep bringing it up/pointing it out to the devs and maybe they will do something about it (Like making the portal object collision intangible so you can just walk through that sucker regardless).
  9. No Shave Coronavirus? Who wants to grow beards and grow barbarian haircuts to promote that quarantine lifestyle?
  10. Dont you touch mah KB to KD in bonfire! In all seriousness, would much rather see under performing sets buffed instead of nerfing the ones that are popular now.
  11. Oh I need X badge for Y accolade, not sure if I have it. Hmmm, these things are all organized in this window but it might take me a couple minutes to find it since I have so many now.. I know! I'll just type the badge name in the search bar and it will pop up automatically! I want this badge as my title, I know a quick way to activate it! *cough cough hint hint*
  12. Distortion Field + Burn Patches + Bonfire with KD+Dmg procs is what's for dinner. I call it flipping meat in the frying pan lol. You can throw a slowed response and or fireball in there for a little extra seasoning.
  13. Did a full base tour of our castle
  14. Sleeping dragon in his cave. Made mostly from Mot pieces, Mot spikes for Dragon teeth. Tongue is ruladak's heart.
  15. Havent tested it but its most likely the same issue with /stuck or whenever somebody enters said base with a bugged portal. Imagine using the insta teleport would probably still just plop you inside the portal while it is still bugged. As the "Walking from the portal" sequence only happens when the base portal is behaving like its supposed to.
  16. Any experienced base builder or even base visitor has probably encountered the bug where one is trapped inside the base portal upon entry at some point or another. Building above the base is a wonderful, awesome feature in Homecoming, and has opened up many options for bases. This pesky- albeit somewhat uncommon bug can ruin a good base visiting experience. Players will be trapped inside the base portal with no way to gain access to the base, not even /stuck helps in this instance. The problem seems to occur if the portal is placed on the outside of any given room, and has any sort of object or surface nearby to possibly interact with it. Base items tend to shift up or down slightly as one exits and re-enters their base after editing, likely a side affect of the funky code. As it stands the only way to fix this issue in-game is by moving the base portal object onto a "legit" surface inside a room or simply moving it out of the place it was stuck and then re-setting it where you want it. However, the bug can often times resurface many base loads later. Having access to /editbase 1 can alleviate the issue (via the method above), but it is quite a terrible buzzkill to visit a friend's base or come home to your own only to be trapped in the portal. My solution, outside of completely fixing the issue via the coding entirely- would be to make the base portal object intangible. That means, any player could simply move through or out of the base portal because it does not prevent movement as the solid base object it is now. While I do not have access to the code, and understand that base code is spaghetti as is, perhaps it wouldn't be too difficult to simply change the parameters of the object so as players can simply move through the portal should the bug occur. Its a band-aid fix, but would allow players whom experience getting stuck inside the portal in certain bases to simply walk out as if no harm were done.
  17. Very difficult and proud of it 😛BTW a hint to anyone who visits- when you enter the Night Castle the 2 griffin statues right in front of the portal have a quartermaster and trainer respectively.
  18. New base items look great! Hope those are the first of many, many more new base items 👍
  19. How old is your PC/GPU just curious?
  20. Imagine enabling PvP wouldn't be the hard part, the hard part would be making sure griefing/balance issues didnt crop up. I can just imagine someone trying to have an opponent spawn in a room and other players could attack them from the outside and they couldn't do anything. Of course at a certain point if your base sucks and you grief people nobody is going to want to fight/duel in it, but I don't pvp anyhow. I'd just love to have mobs ambush my castle but I know the AI would be too wonky on "Over room" surfaces lol
  21. Yeah its always a good idea to replace it in a "safe" resting place after doing any kind of editing. I believe its like every few times you load the base or edit or w/e that objects may shift down or up ever so slightly. Enough to cause the bug sometimes unfortunately. Ive noticed brick walls doing this and objects on tables and stuff as well. My portal is ontop of grass so its happened in the past and its very annoying.
  22. I always get in the habit of moving my base portal back to where it belongs (not intersecting with the floor, even if its not currently bugged) on 1/4 every time i do any kind of editing in my base. Just as a preventative measure. Havent seen this happen since, think its a code thing.
  23. Torchbearer! Been working on it off and on for the last 6 months. Going to post an update soon with new pictures cause ive added more detail. Seems like its forever a WIP lol.
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