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Everything posted by Slithershot

  1. I have 12 50s. All of my toons are 50 cause I have a fire farmer. I've been crafting/converting since the people in this thread opened my eyes to it. I've made.... approximately 1.6 billion in the past 5 days. I'm addicted, and I wish I'd known about this sooner. My fire farmer is going to be a very lonely girl unless I feel like making a new alt.
  2. Finally got the client to find my GPU (which is vastly more powerful than my CPU). Been chugging along and I'm even ranked now. Huzzah. COH team is ranked 572 (191 for just match). I'm proud of yall, even if we're not mostly helping coronavirus, I love seeing this community pull together and do what they can!
  3. I've been trying my hand at it. Converting seems to be working really well (Found a guide and been following it), and since it's a mechanic that's turning an unwanted enhancement into something highly desired I don't feel like a piece of trash exploiting people with no money. Instead I'm exploiting the rich and impatient, like you said. I'm dandy with that 🙂 It's not instant gratification influence like fire farming is... but a steady stream. And it doesn't make my eyes bleed. Cheers.
  4. The bigger question, as someone with serious alt-itis, is how do you guys make so much money? Like, 1 billion per week? Are you making it by like fire farming or are you playing the AH and stepping on a bunch of little guys to keep the prices up and your profits large or... selling yourself in pocket d?
  5. Stay Classy homecoming team. 🖖 I don't even understand how people are getting 2 million points when it's taking me all day just to do one work thing lol.
  6. I've joined up as HC_slithershot. I see some people are running their GPU. My CPU is chugging away, but my GPU just says ready. Is there a way to engage both of them that I'm not seeing? Edit: nvm, they both workin now
  7. Slithershot

    Optimal Brute

    My main scapper is a war mace/shield. Pretty sure it would be just as good on a brute, if not even more durable (she does not die already). Mace is already stupidly strong with rediculous AOE. Add in shield charge and against all odds? Mass destruction and huge ST numbers.
  8. Is claws/regen just that obscure these days? lol
  9. Or at least that's how I feel right now. I remember liking this build on live (It was my main rp character, after all). I have seriously fond memories. But right now, I just can't figure out how to make it viable, and I'm hearing so many different things on what a good build is and what my rotation as claws should be for optimal damage output. I want to make this claws/regen fun again. As a result, I've scrapped (hah. Oh, the joke is that she was a scrapper.) three potential builds entirely and I'm back to square one. Does anyone have any builds that I can ponder over? I've Can anyone help in that regard? This is the best build I could come up with. Villain Plan by Mids' Reborn : Hero Designer https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer Click this DataLink to open the build!
  10. I named my thugs after the warriors (The gang movie). Interestingly enough, you can't name a pet snow, so I had to improvise a bit.
  11. There's a time and place to joke about things. You post something in broadcast/help/lfg that you think is funny. Fine, whatever, people are free to ignore you and move on with their day. You make a character and jump around in peoples faces as <insert powersets here> named "Coronavirus" or some juvenile joke/pun relating to it... you've become a straight up troll. There was thought and time put into it, rather than simply making a comment. Is it worth the laugh you might get from one or two people? No, not really. But that never stopped anyone in the history of ever. To be honest, this all just boils down to "Common sense aint that common". Trolls don't typically use nor care about common sense. They thrive on upsetting other people. You can't fix a troll. It's in their blood. Next topic.
  12. Eh. It'd be passable... I guess. Problem with that is I'd want them to be huge, as would a lot of other people I'd think. It wouldn't be as fun having tiny dinos to me, and having big dinos in a cave mission or an office... that's just asking for trouble. I can think of a lot of other sets that I'd rather see before dinosaurs 😛
  13. As someone who actually suffered through leveling to 50 as a rockhead on live... I personally wouldn't mind an overhaul of the set in general. It might actually convince me to make one again. It seems pointless to me that all the other armors have no purpose once you get granite armor. I'd like to see granite armor get a nerf stat-wise, and then allow the other armors to be active at the same time. That way it would function like almost every other defensive set in the game. Now, as far as the root... I've always thought it was kinda silly. I'd rather see rooted just turned into a different power entirely. I don't particularly like the concept of the power itself. There's few other "required" powers in the game that so horribly cripple someone for their most basic functions. Okay, fine, it's a thematic thing, but that doesn't change that nobody wants to play it because of the drawbacks. In a time of IOs where almost any other set can reach survivability with a cheap build that can almost be compared to a stone/granite tank, it's lost its place as a gimmick. Idea 2: Keep everything the way it is.... but make granite big. Really big. POWERFUL BIG. You're a friggin golem of rock... when you hit something it should HURT. Give granite damage. Lots of damage. Fine, make it a slow lumbering ogre, but make it hit like one too. If it's going to be a gimmick set that barely anyone plays because of silly thematic drawbacks, fine, but make it a fun gimmick.
  14. Go with anything but all black. It's an old outdated cliche, and you will stand out from all the other Broody Angsty Mcdarkbroods. 🖖
  15. Short answer, yes. Long answer, YEESSSSSSSSSSSS More specific answer: Okay, so I'm not a numbers girl, but every time it procs, you get a fancy chunk of endurance added to your bar. When it's in something like stamina/health/any passive buff power, which is ALWAYS on, it always has a chance to proc. Which means it works without you having to do anything, and you just happen to notice your endurance isn't completely drained all the time anymore. That's more or less how it's going to work in practice. Nearly every build ever has this enhancement in it for good reason (Sometimes several of them, because you can slot more than one if you're more endurance hungry than an irish boxer) Edit: Side note, always buy the "attuned" version of an enhancement in the auction house if you have the ability, because that will scale with you. Endurance for your whole life 🙂
  16. I'd run a few ITFs. Really your first step is incarnates. I'd make sure you know what incarnate stuff you would like to try before you build it (Because that stuff is hard to come by for a new 50). Second, download mids. https://github.com/ImaginaryDevelopment/imaginary-hero-designer/releases Find yourself a good build, preferably one that's super strong and unrealistically expensive, and figure out what makes it tick. 80% of the time it's set bonuses and global IOs. First, you deck yourself out with basic enhancements. Every slot filled. Then you look at the build, and find the cheapest sets you can afford. Feel free to find cheaper sets to stick in there. The global IOs are usually the most important (Global defense increases, global resistance increases, Procs that go in health, stamina, luck of the gambler recharges, etc) Figure out how many of those you can afford and prioritize based on your survival. Everything else will come in due time. If you want more specific advice, hit me up if I'm online @slithershot and I'll be happy to help where I can.
  17. I'll throw my hat in for thugs/time. I've played everything but demons (which I've heard is the contender), however thugs is by far the strongest I've ever felt as an MM. Ninjas were stupid amounts of damage, but only when they weren't dead. Which was often.
  18. Awesome. Thanks guys! I hadn't really considered mez protection since I usually play scrappers. That gives me something to think about. The assault thing sounds.... mm. Yeah I don't know. I might just end up going support for that one then.
  19. So, I decided to put my mercenaries MM six feet under. I just couldn't get into it. And.... I joined the cool kids club and made a thugs/time MM. I'm already kicking it at 50 with near capped defenses and I'm now face to face with the question.... what incarnates should I take? Hold up, how do these even WORK on MMs? Do they buff pets too? I KNOW NOTHING JOHN SNOW! I don't have endurance issues, so I'm not real worried about that. My defenses are damn near soft capped and my pets seem pretty sturdy in group play (which is all I'll be doing. I'm not looking to break the world soloing AV's, though I've no doubt that I probably could). ALPHA: Will musculature actually buff my pets damage, or is it just sitting there making me slightly more threatening than a pool noodle as I hover there and toss debuffs, buffs, and heals with no attacks? Musculature seems like a no brainer if it does, in fact, buff my pets too. If not... should I just go spiritual and call it a day so I can throw gang war at everything under sun? My recharge bonus is at 161% atm with hasten and chrono shift. Destiny: Barrier looks really nice for destiny, but at the same time, ageless is always great for recharge... but how much recharge can I / should I stack? (Keep in mind I do not have any of my luck of the gambler recharge bonuses slotted yet, and I have a few "Fancy" sets that will give me a little more recharge, so I'm leaning towards barrier?) Interface: I've got absolutely no idea what to pick here. Gravitic, and stack recharge debuffs on the enemy? Reactive, for more shredding power? Hybrid: Again, does assault affect pets? If so, is it any good? Are either of the support cores worth it? For control core embodiment.... does that include knockdown? Like, will I have a chance to proc psionic damage every time my bonfire makes someone flop about? If so, that sounds interesting but not sure if it's viable over the other two
  20. Awesome 🙂 Thank you very much. So, to clarify... would you suggest that I be taking the damage that does slip through, or that I try to let my pets tank the damage instead?
  21. So I broke down and did it. I made a merc/dark. It's just as terrible as I thought it would be... but I'm gonna stick with it cause I'm sadistic like that lmao. Problem is... I've never played a merc mm beyond level 20. And I've never played /dark beyond level 20. But... I know the sets complement each other well with the massive debuff stacking. I know I put -res proc in the soldiers and spec ops. But beyond that... I have absolutely no idea how I should slot and build this thing. Is merc/dark tankermind a possibility? I was considering rolling into cold mastery for the armor, and then grabbing provoke and just trying to facetank everything while my soldiers chip away. Is that viable? Is there another path I'm missing entirely?
  22. Slithershot


    So.... with the new patch, are Mercs viable? I mean. They probably need some sort of buffs still but... the entire crew not running into melee to punch things rather than shoot them is a huge buff to them no?
  23. Necro! Kinda. So I've been playing this toon a lot more lately, slowly gearing her out with my 5 other projects. I've come to find out that.... I literally never use sweeping cross. Everything else is always up, and the damage is just mediocre at best on the rare occasion that it -is- the only thing off cooldown. Does anyone else have this experience? Or am I just like... using it wrong?
  24. Yeah I agree on the theme idea.
  25. I see a lot of people passing on sweeping cross in the brute section. What's your take on that? Thanks for sharing your build, even if it wasn't for me ❤️
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