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Everything posted by Slithershot

  1. With a DB/EA stalker as one of my mains, I can safely say it easily puts out some of the highest single target damage I have across all my characters. That being said, I use one combo on the regular, and that's sweep. And only because it fits into my attack rotation naturally. Occasionally I'll use weaken if I'm using thousand cuts for the AOE but.... 80% of the time it's sweep and only sweep. Anything else and my damage would take serious dips. How can that be fixed? Hell if I know. Frankly, I love my DB character so much that I don't care. As to the suggestion, I don't see how extending the combo activation window would hurt anything. It would rarely benefit me, but I could see it being a huge QoL improvement for all the other ATs that use the combos and such.
  2. Yes, that's exactly what I was getting at. Thank you 🙂
  3. No, I mean like the domination buff works as fury does. With scaling numbers as the bar goes up and down. Thanks for being condescending though ❤️
  4. I don't see the harm in transforming domination into a "always on" fury type of situation with a dynamic buff that goes up and down with the bar. I think, conceptually, it would fit better anyway. Aside from that, I don't think dominators have anything else that really hinders them in any way aside from their own (lack of) ability. But that's just my opinion 🙂
  5. Holy shit this thread has gone off the rails so hard it's a frickin sled. 1. Invuln 2. Stone 3. SR 4. Shield 5. Everything else Done. Movin' on.
  6. Just wait till you get to the later levels. You'll be shredding things like they're texas BBQ.
  7. Also, nerf regen.
  8. So uh, There's been lots of suggestions made here. Really good ones I think. Is anyone working towards any of it or are we kinda throwing coins down a big ol' hole of "Would be neat!"? I know we roleplayers are the red headed stepchildren of online mmos and all. 🙂
  9. I'm just saying I think it's misleading people who may not otherwise know what to look for, or what they're looking at, or even what's being explained to them. I'll drop it though, said my peace 🙂
  10. No, I understand that. I do. I just don't think it's something that can be measured on a spreadsheet, or by times. Tanking is a lot more complicated and nuanced than damage in general. You can't time it. You can't really put numbers on it. Tanking is... you either survive, or you don't. To not give a tank all the tools they need to survive is to do a set a disservice when you're trying to attain a baseline. You can't really test a good bit of tanker sets without a secondary because some of them really do require something from their secondary to survive... and sometimes survive even better than your basics like Invuln or granite. It's not really a baseline if you're not testing a realistic scenario.
  11. I think the problem here is that "Tankability" can't really be tested with a broad brush like "Damage ability" can. On the one hand, even the weakest damage type (claws) overcomes its inherent weakness by sheer relentless attacking. This doesn't really apply to being "tanky". You could be S/L capped and damn near feel invincible to a good chunk of the game. But walk into a couple of roman bosses and they chop you up like a thanksgiving dinner. Some sets that matters to, others it doesn't. The problem in testing that is... you really can't. At least, not in a spreadsheet, like you can with damage. There's -WAY- too many factors that go into being a good tank, and your build and armor is only a quarter of that each. The other half is how you take the weaknesses of those sets and put flex seal on those bitches so they stop leaking. Some do that through certain pool powers. Some do it through their offensive sets. Some just need the right combination of IO set bonuses. Some need all three of those, and then some. I think the point I'm trying to make here is... while this test means well, I think it's incredibly misleading to people who want to roll a tank, and play it well because what I see there does not represent anything I've learned about tanker sets. Except granite. Granite is always granite.
  12. Rather than drone on and go back and forth, I'll just point you to the scrapper testing thread as kind of an idea of what I'm talking about 🙂 https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/10506-scrapper-melee-primary-testing-standard-environment/
  13. Yeah, that's true, but other sets also tend to have an alpha strike power that does the bulk of their damage. Dual blades doesn't really have that without assassins strike.
  14. Can't speak on dual blades for scrappers. I imagine the AOE is pretty good. But for stalkers, it's one of the top single target damage options if you don't focus on combos. The difference is that stalkers have the assassins strike, which at least doubles your single target damage (along with the build up refresh ATO which is amazing on its own). I feel like not having that as a scrapper may make the single target feel a bit lackluster, compared to other sets. Which may be what you're feeling. But, again, I'm not super well versed on the scrapper version 🙂
  15. this one worked, thank you
  16. That's what I'm tryin to figure out, why? And how do I fix it? 😛
  17. So, I've downloaded your new launcher. Just found out about it. Took me awhile to get it downloaded... had to completely shut down my anti-virus in order to get it over the walls. First question.... why did I have to shut down my anti-virus to install your launcher? Secondly, this pops up every single time I open the launcher... again, why? I'm no technical expert so is there something nefarious lurking or what? I'm not saying ya'll are trying to install viruses on my system but bitdefender sure as hell is worried about you 😛
  18. I feel like I've just watched someone throw a tantrum, deny they threw a tantrum, and then get mad when someone calls them out for obviously throwing a tantrum. There's a fine line between ranting and constructive criticism (of which this thread has a healthy amount of both). I'd now like to share a graph of how this thread has walked that line.
  19. I'm okay with this completely.
  20. I'm sorry for my late response. I found a builder and the base is in the works. Thank you ❤️
  21. The only combo I use consistently on my stalker is sweep. Tbh, DB is rediculously strong and top 2/3 in stalker damage for the moment (Energy melee will no doubt factor in after the beta) I agree that the combo system doesn't really work in DBs favor if you want an optimal rotation, but eh... that is what it is and I'm not sure how you'd fix it, or if I even want it "fixed" cause it would inevitably end up being a nerf to overall damage, whether that be ST, AOE, or both.
  22. Signed for minimal FX option
  23. What Saiko said. After Switchfade gave me the rundown on the set, it's easily one of my stronger heroes to date. Sub 2 minute pylon times, rarely dies. Decent AOE with the sweep combo and top 3 single target damage. At least till the changes. I have a feeling energy melee is gonna make quite the comeback for stalkers.
  24. Frankenslotting for both set bonus and acc/dam/recharge maximum
  25. My longer answer is this... In live, red side was still pretty popular. Now that we have the ability to change our alignment at null the gull... Villains are redheaded step children outside of standing around pocket D boasting about whatever totally inconsequential villainous act they've done. Im not sure if something like this would actually change things for the better... But I agree with damn near anything that will put a little balance in the force, and breath life into the forgotten isles. This probably deserves its own thread but I think one thing that needs to happen is... We need a new generation. A new generation of heroes and villains. City of heroes is famous (to us) for the AE. So now, I say unto you dudes... Why not clone our heroes and villains and throw them into the game as arch villains and heroes after you complete a story arc of the suggested magnitude in this thread? Scale stats to AV level, same build as you. It would give people reasons to rob and protect banks. It would cement that you have ACCOMPLISHED something. You are SOMEBODY, somebody to be feared... To be rivaled. You are a name to be remembered, and possibly feared in paragon gosh darnit! Or you are regen, and people will seek you out as an easy kill. But alas, you will be remembered! Anyway. I think we need more stuff like this in general. As it is, this game is amazing, but it has been seriously lacking in "progress" of story and character development for a long time, even during live imo...so why not do what city of heroes does best and use the players, and procedurally generated content?
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