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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. "Leaving is good. Never coming back is better." - a different Doctor I assume other folks, like myself, mainly remember the amazing people we met on Live. What we forget is that there were toxic players even way back then. Far fewer than most MMOs, but they existed and could really wreck your night. You just may have found one of those. Sorry, and Non Carborundum Illegitimatus! And, now that it's stuck in my head: "What I need is a decent shirt. To hell with the raggedy. Time to put on a show!" - ibid.
  2. I like to use them before 50, when I'm hitting a plateau. The plateaus are a lot less steep these days, though.
  3. I tried HC launcher in beta, and never, ever missed the others.
  4. Case-Hardened Karl Directed-Energy Man
  5. Well, we have a profanity filter (which I leave on, as I consider it a challenge: Silence, thou poxy whoreson!) so maybe they could give us a built-in thesaurus? Not that there aren't plenty free ones online. ALso, see above. Two pages back or so someone gave some very good suggestions for naming variety for the Seven Deadly Sins.
  6. Nope, 1 too many letters. Go for The (comes free!) Obtuse Dark Angle!
  7. Absolutely! The Fair Use doctrine also covers things like review, commentary, and critical analysis. Though making a character out of the last ones could be challenging. (Not a lawyer, but I used to have to keep up with copyright stuff for work.) Unfortunately, most famous comics characters are also trademarked. Trademarks are a whole separate kettle of fish, and, unlike copyright, must be defended or you can lose them (c.f. Kleenex, Aspirin, Heroin). This I am no expert on, but one of the biggies is "Could a (really stupid) consumer confuse your product with mine?" Awwww! I still think that revelation was a turning point, but I guess we'll never know for certain. I hate that settlements usually stipulate secrecy. There are some nifty card tricks you can do with the blank one. And, yes, the ad one is good to practice throwing!
  8. I agree. For some reason, I find myself drawn to the Shards. Especially this time of year, the eyeballs should just be reaching peak bloodshot. But if I can't have that, give me monkeypool!
  9. I love that the Marvel lawsuit really fell apart when Marvel's lawyers confessed that they themselves had made the infringing characters they presented as evidence. You know they would have had the generic-bat applied had they actually played them!
  10. Roll back? The 0XP/2xInf tradeoff. It grates against my sense of symmetry. Just say it only works outside of AE and call it a day. Best QoL improvement? By far -- by lightyears -- it's the shift from profit-driven to fun-driven game design choices! The original game had plenty of time-wasters, things you needed to check back on in a few days, and things designed to keep you subscribed. Want more characters? Pay for another account! And keep paying, or they're gone! Then, when it went "free" to "play" (note irony quotes) even more clocksuckers appeared -- but now, for a low, low fee you could skip to the stuff you really wanted to do. Honorable mention goes to: seeding and pooling stuff on the AH, streamlining travel options, ditching arbitrary level barriers, adding the Notoriety menu, /ah and /respec commands, easy server jumping... Let's just say I'm a fan.
  11. There is a nice version of this as part of a medley on "Saturday Morning Cartoons' Greatest Hits!" Worth getting just for the Ramones' version of Spider-Man, but has many other faves. And, OK, I guess it was a duck. A pigeon is funnier though!
  12. That's good to know. This guy was a leaper, so no transloc, and as I said he's fairly non-biodegradable, so I wasn't worried. Just wish I'd gotten a picture!
  13. In other news, you can put a waterwheel under your tap, run it all day, and charge up your toothbrush!
  14. Torchbearer. Skyway City. On a debugging league. Suddenly a pigeon swoops down, grabs my character, flies him up to the top of the map, and drops him. I was amused, bemused, bordering on ceemused, and completely failed to get a screenshot. But, well done Devs! Haven't seen that one before! (Before you ask, he was my tankiest of tanks, and completely unfazed. Argh! on the screenshot, though!)
  15. No throne, but a definite throne room vibe in the big boss' Shadow Shard base.
  16. Good advice, Andreah. Running around with /noparticles 1, I discovered that some critters and some effects are pure particles. (Which is against the game guidelines as stated, and also very confusing until you figure it out!)
  17. You are correct, sir, thanks! Apologies for the misinfo. Suppress helps when I've been making myself go blind.* * Mom warned me that was a risk.
  18. And, now I must go watch the British singer Foxes cover "Don't stop me now" again. (The version without the Doctor Who clips.)
  19. Looks like Metallo to me. He's in for a surprise if he expects his kryptonite heart to work on Statesman.
  20. Suppress FX is your friend: https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/SuppressCloseFxDist_(Slash_Command) (And I agree, it was probably a gaudy aura causing the eyestrain.)
  21. They'll have to suss it out before the other servers join us, so expect some action before too long.
  22. "Dev Island" -- Care to give a tour? Actually, does anyone want to offer a tour to their favorite place? I'd be willing to jump servers to visit a good vacation spot!
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