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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. To quote my favorite nigh-invulnerable superhero: Neat!
  2. See! This is why we need more letters in our character names! Can't even get close!
  3. My Bots/Traps MM was the quickest to 50 for me, though not the most fun. That would be my Storm/Ill Defender, she has such a bag of tricks there is almost always something she can do. Good on teams, too, at least once the PUG realizes they didn't hire a HEALer, they hired a DEFENDer.* * Favorite feedback at the end of a TF during which nobody but the bad guys took much damage. "Good heals, BTW!" Didn't have the heart to tell them...
  4. Well argued, and I agree. Either a /bindsaveall command or a tick box under Misc Options to "Include defaults when saving binds" would work for me. I expect the former would be easier to implement, while the latter invites discussion of whether it should default to on or off.
  5. I agree on alignment tips! What I like is the deliberate attempts to making them different from run-of-the-mill missions. Sometimes you start a map at an unusual place, or the goals will be offbeat. Good stuff!
  6. Defender-stacked teams rock and roll! Turns out, enough defense is a really good offense!
  7. Also, a pro tip: When fighting Freaks, the shockers who rez come back more powerful the more PCs are standing nearby when they rez. So, knock 'em down and back off! So many teams can't seem to grasp this.
  8. The Science Museum I worked at got some emergency oxygen stations in case of visitor distress. Our training in their use began with the trainer declaring with theatrical emphasis: "Oxygen... is a DRUG!" Some smartass immediately piped up with "Addictive on the first hit, too!" I've been through CoH withdrawal, back in 2012. I was clean for ~8 years. Didn't like it.
  9. IIRC, on Live, Jim Butcher, writer of the Harry Dresden stories (and the great Furies series) kept getting reported and genericked. For playing Harry Dresden. Despite stating in his bio who he was, giving a link to his website where he talked about playing CoH, and generally doing everything he could to enjoy his own copyrighted character. Still kept happening. Let's not get that bad, OK?
  10. The friend who introduced me to CoH walked me through character creation and the tutorial, and we levelled and got our first mission. It was clear on the other side of Atlas, and on the way: "What are you doing?" "Fighting these guys. They're trying to steal that lady's purse! That's not right!" "..." My very patient friend let me fight every bad guy on the way to the mish. When we came out afterwards, I was disappointed to see all the same NPCs being menaced in all the same ways. I was crestfallen until my friend explained spawns to me. Still feels like a never-ending battle.
  11. What irks me is, if they had stuck to their remit and not tried to become Mall Circuit City, they could have been the favorite store of the Maker movement! What a waste...
  12. I have a friend who hosts a Zoom room (used mainly for tabletop gaming) and another who runs a Discord server (used for CoH and other MMOs). I love 'em both for doing it, but both applications drive me nuts! Zoom has a terrible interface, is wildly different across platforms, and has ongoing privacy and security issues. Discord has a terrible interface, ongoing privacy and security issues, and unique technical aggravations. (I run and recommend TinyWall, a small add-on to Windows firewall that blocks any program from accessing the Internet until you approve it. Most programs, including frequently-patched ones like Firefox, require only one initial approval. For whatever reason, Discord needs to be reauthorized every time it updates. Which it does every time you launch it!) And, yes, both tend to have at least one participant who hasn't spoken to another human all week, and just wants to chat.
  13. The Lost guys with TVs on their heads: Do you get anything but the ugly channel?
  14. I have a friend who probably takes an hour in the creator every time he makes a character. I'll be sure to tell him you hold the record!
  15. Be sure to let it through your firewall to update itself for the latest patches.
  16. I love Mot! One of my favorite late-game experiences. Screw TFs, give me a mish where the cave tries to EAT ME! Plus the skiTzopHrenIC tEXt is fun!
  17. Simple: When you enter an Ouroboros Portal, an attochip is implanted painlessly in your character. (There are unproven rumors that the chip releases some kind of antiviral vaccine as well. /em shrug) You are then awarded the "Entrusted with the Secret" badge, and can summon O-portals. How do they know where to send the portal? They track your attochip!
  18. Hold a "Basewarming" party when you're ready, please. I'd gladly make an alt or transfer to see something cool. The Base Builder is limited in many ways, but as always, creativity thrives within limitations.
  19. Me, too! But that was back when Nick Fury used to hang out with Doctor Strange!
  20. While visiting the UK there was one of those once-a-century storms. We were pretty much socked in at a tiny hotel with a tiny bar. (Think Fawlty Towers, only with really nice proprietors.) i was trying the local ales, and my wife was sticking to Guinness. Someone made a remark about their new Budweiser tap, and I (not having tried it) remarked "You know, the Budweiser tastes like #!*% here." They replied, "Why? What are we doing wrong?" "Nothing. Tastes like #!*% at home, too!" As someone who grew up thinking the Brits perfected comedy, I was delighted to see him snarf his beer. I later learned they had licensed the name and logo from Anheuser-Busch, but they used the original (Dutch?) recipe. It was actually not bad.
  21. There are reticles for that, too! Shouldn't the 20th badge be "Legit at Last!"?
  22. I have a Natural character or two that uses some kind of Sprint, Athletic Run, and Combat Jumping in lieu of a Travel power. It's livable, and you can always park in the Shadow Shard or run Mayhem/Safeguards for temp jetpacks and such.
  23. Agreed that hard stuff should be hard. Who knew? (And looking forward to the days when fewer teammates raised on a steady diet of PI Council mishes are whining about fighting Malta in our PUGs.) Roger on the Leadership pool. Even a couple of stacks make a noticeable difference. Skip one LotG enh in favor of the +Acc unique from the Kismet set. Or is it called +To Hit? Whichever, it does the opposite of what's on the tin. There are also some uniques that reduce status effect duration. And, in conclusion, if you spend too much time mezzed, blinded, or unable to hit? Be a good kid and eat your grapes and bananas! They're good for you!
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