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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Yeah. All the stuff I've done since I hit 50 and STILL no Alpha slot opening up. Starting to think RL has some serious bugs.
  2. Sounds cool, matey but you do realize September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day? Don't fergit yer crewmates, or risk bein' called an landlubber!
  3. Oh, ditch Wordpad and give Notepad++ a try! Your fingers will thank you! I was my state's Y2K webmaster, and that thing would have been a godsend! Came out in 2003, darn it!
  4. With your encyclopædic knowledge of Latin, I just figured you were from Themyscira! Oh, you kids and your fancy markup. In my day we made HTML 1.1 by hand. In Simpletext. And we loved it!
  5. Condolences! I have knee troubles, too. Everyone wants superpowers {usually something splashy like a Blaster or Tank set) but personally, I'd be happy with Hover.
  6. As the other player who took Group Fly, I believe I'm qualified to answer your question. Group Fly moves you just slightly slower than the teammates you use it on. You also get the "teammates b*tching about Group Fly" power at no extra cost. (As though it's your fault they don't know to go to the Gull!) BTW, can we get a patch on Group Fly that doesn't allow your teammates to outfly you out out of your area of effect, thus getting the free "Plummet" power?
  7. Off topic, on live I once teamed up with a player who did very well on our team. He was very quiet, though (and I'm a notorious banterer*) and after a few missions, he confessed he was 8 years old. I really hope he's here, somewhere! *Also, why can't banterers have a special tag? Roleplayers get one!
  8. OK, there are a few threads that make me think I might not be the most ancient of days player on the Homecoming server. Are you older than me? I just turned 58, which should mean I know better, but (to my surprise) that's not thing that actually happens. You don't get wiser, you just remember all the mistakes you made when you were younger. Then you pretend you are wiser to the youngsters. Oops. Should have used the spoiler tag, but I can't figure out how to use it! OK. so the oldest player wins 20 million inf from Yomo er, 1 million inf from me, and a promise to team up with you any time you want, as long as it's not too far past my bedtime.
  9. That would be cool. I was very disappointed when my city made a monument to Arthur Ashe that looks very much like he's threatening a bunch of kids with his tennis racket, presumably for scribbling in the book in his other hand. He was an educator, an athlete, and a scholar, but this statue incorporates all the elements without any harmony. (This from a city with a -- usually -- deservedly famous art school.) Let us hope CB gets a first-class statue. He's earned it! He (and Jackie Robinson) will always be superheroes in my book.
  10. Tonight I got one I figured there was no chance, but I gave it a shot. At least the 10% of players who visit the Forums might get it. A Mercs/Traps Mastermind called: General Discussion (Just on Torch, though so feel free!)
  11. It would also help if you tell us what your goals are for your character! RP, solo Hami, something in between?
  12. Thanks, I totally missed that! Didn't think to check the Beta boards... Helps out a lot!
  13. Booby-trapped glowies that explode when you click them?
  14. Curious how many to devote to this game. For when I get micro-managy.
  15. That would be cool! Should he be in Black Panther costume, or is that too geeky?
  16. If I remember correctly, my first run of Posi was with my Grav/FF controller. By hour 4, all but one other character had dropped out, and we were confronting a front-loaded door mission. It was only with the help of Doctor Door* (remember that?) and much persistence that we finally finished the TF. Still, it was pretty epic This was before Propel was fixed, and two toons were taking on a mission set for a full team. Good times! *This was a feature added to compensate for a bug which caused your character to suffer minor damage when you went through a door. The net result was a slight heal effect. Bouncing in and out of a mission was one way to handle the deadly front-loaded type. I really missed it when they killed off Dr. Door!
  17. Not going to find a lot of NCSoft defenders around here! I heard there may have been some nationalism involved, apparently the head of NCSoft wasn't a big USA fan. Most of their other games were hugely popular in Korea, City of Hero (sic) not so much.
  18. Ah, you whippersnappers! I remember turning 50 like it was... A long time ago. Sigh. On topic, it should be noted that you don't need to run Mender Ramiel's arc to unlock your Alpha any more. It just happens with normal adventuring, as long as you have trained to 50. Well worth perusing: Actually, all of RTM's guides are worth the read.
  19. Which raises the question: How does Phantasm turn on his pet window?
  20. Remember running to the right Origin store to sell enhancements? They were worth a fair amount more if sold to the appropriate vendor. Also, contacts who would "do you the favor" of selling you enhancements at a 100% markup over the stores. Oooh, thanks, guy!
  21. Ah, but they could always buy the Armor Piercing advantage on their N-Ray vision! Unless you bought Hardened shit. And that's nasty.
  22. What I do: Buy all the Envenomed Daggers you can from the P2W vendor, put it on autofire. Damage negligible, but nullifies AV regen a treat! P2W will also sell you Offensive, Defensive, and Recovery boosters. Expensive, but they can really help. (They are really, really cheap if you buy them at level 1 in the tutorial; prices scale quickly as you level. Good reason to mail yourself a chunk of inf.) Also, I use the Base Empowerment Station (handily located near my Base Medical Revival unit) to raise my defenses against whatever I got killed by. Oft neglected, with these devices a few bits of common salvage can do all kinds of wonderful things to your hero for an hour or so at a time! Free to add to your base thanks to Homecoming's great base policy (Paraphrased: Do What Thou Wilt Shall be the Whole of the Law). Good hunting!
  23. You reminded me of one thing I thought was cool about DCUO: It's always daytime in Metropolis and always nighttime in Gotham City. Too bad about Champions Online. I was a huge fan of the Champions paper & pencil game, precisely because you could create any character you wanted. The innovation that game effects were what you bought in the rules and everything else was Special Effects was a nice innovation. Made for very consistent rules. (True story: I once wrote a virus in Champs! It was contagious telepathy that would make other characters telepathic if you used it on them too much. Good times.)
  24. Yeah, that's the downside of the clean break Homecoming made with the pirated rescued resurrected forensically preserved codebase from Live. I can see how there could be considerable liability with using the old database, but it is something of a shame. Condolences, and if no one else has said it -- or even if they have -- welcome home!
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