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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Actually, a weird thought just hit me, based on a rereading of some posts. Would it provide a spoonful of sugar if the devs added /ebp as an alias for /enterbasefrompasscode? In the most delightful way! I know I wouldn't object.
  2. Very much so: There is no wrong way to provide feedback! My apologies if I seemed snarky, post edited. Snark nuked. (Been a long week.) It is ("comtraya!") better to read the whole thread, but speak your heart! Thanks!
  3. Thanks for posting your feedback! If you search on this topic in this forum, you will find many pages discussing the exploit and PVP stuff. No worries! This, unfortunately, can happen in a popular topic in a forum format: it grows so swiftly, it invites a TL;DR. Regards, Doc
  4. /enterbasefrompasscode SANCTUM-110 is mine, feel free. (Sorry, it's the maid's week off.)
  5. We can traverse obstacles, just not go through them. If you can lay a targeting reticule down, you can go there. Not as nifty as matter penetration, but not sneeze-worthy.
  6. Null is my favorite seagull ever, and more options for him is always welcome in my book. Could it be generalized to let us set it to any specific option? Might let whole swaths of players set things to their liking. "Gruntle powers, activate!" (I suggest the Gruntle power be non-resistable.)
  7. Probably my characters. In any event, my apologies on behalf of all the Gravity controllers! (Although, it should be mentioned, we can be taught to play nicely.)
  8. Understood. I can see that happening, but is that a Fold Space problem, or a teaming problem? Wouldn't minimal communication keep this from being an issue? Granted, there is no game mechanic that can solve Toxic Group Syndrome, but one can always hope for a player-based solution.
  9. It's an hour now, you can earn it while perusing the P2W options almost by accident. Also, I noticed I could still use my stored Wentworth's teleport tokens on Beta. Is this intentional, or an oversight? I kind of liked it!
  10. Agreed! I think it's worth pointing out that this is a unique power effect. Creative players will find entirely unexpected ways to play with this new toy. New toys are cool.
  11. Absolutely! Not sure about other graphics cards, but the nvidia control panel lets you boost the contrast to ridiculous levels. (Raising gamma may actually reduce visibility for some vision types.) Thanks, QuiJon, for bringing this up. That's an objective measure of usability, very welcome in this sea of opinion!
  12. Would a Souvenir ease the pain at all? I know when I realized (late 2012, I think) that everything I bought for this game was gone, I was stung. The various tchotchkes were all I had left.
  13. I take it you aren't a Verizon victim subscriber? I've had lag attacks that last for ten seconds, easily. It helps, don't get me wrong, but a stationary Hover that cancels on move wouldn't exactly unbalance the game.
  14. Play nice, kids! Plus, some of us were using Gravity since before Wormhole was added! Replacement, I like most of your ideas, but why not have the Hover last until you decide to move? Lag seldom kills super-speedsters, fliers, or super-leapers. Why should it be able to doom Teleporters?
  15. I'd like Wormhole to remain a cool power in itself, rather than being Fold Space-Pro. Someone uptopic suggested a boost for Wormhole (or maybe it was LRTP) if you had invested heavily in the Teleportation Pool. I don't know if that would be easy to implement, but it sounds interesting. Maybe it's just a database change, and we'd be in luck! OT: In any event, it would be cooler to boost Wormhole than to nerf Fold Space!
  16. A stackable but lesser extra mag would fit with some of the power changes in this release. But those usually require multiple applications. Would a sniper-like "take twice as long for more effect" mechanic do? I think it would work for me.
  17. I was worried about this, myself, but I think we'll be okay. Have you tried it? The differences are notable. First, Fold Space doesn't let you choose you targets. It's grab-whatever-is-near. Second, you can't position enemies. they appear at you. Not (as I prefer with Wormhole) at max range in the air, to fall to their stunned, partly damaged fate. There is room for both powers. Absolutely agreed! With this one change, we have a nice balance and an overall win! And, yes, Teleport itself needs more range, (we no longer have the hardware limitations that inspired its short range) and a Hover that lasts as long as you want it to (break on move is good). We are getting closer to the Teleport pool being a good travel power choice, let's just stay civil and advocate!
  18. Would there be a possibility of a superbase "station" that teleported you to a "limbo zone" where you weren't in your base, nor in a recognizable zone, but you could interact with the AH and then, on exiting, teleport back to your base? (May I humbly suggest the "Matrix Room?") That would be another use of /enterbasewhatever that could be obviated. Just a thought.
  19. /ah changes? OK, this is true. But we now live in a world where billions are traded on Bitcoin websites, and there is no need to fly to Belgium to buy things. It's not immersion-breaking to have remote access to your market. I think this one is a non-starter.
  20. Pretty sure Bats has a root account on the JL servers, but point well taken! Still, it would be a new-user-friendly gesture. Better than charging them a bunch of inf! "Welcome to the Justice League multi-level marketing scheme. When you recruit 4 new members, you'll earn enough inf to buy a teleport token..." Hard pass! PS: That leaves time for a Hostess Fruit Pie commercial! (story continues on 3rd page following...)
  21. Would it be too upsetting to anyone if joining a supergroup granted the supergroup portal power? I mean, when you join the Justice League they give you a communicator you can use to get beamed up the the satellite in Geo-synchronous orbit. Seems like we could do as much for new players. Just seems like a nice gesture.
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