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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Shocked to hear he was not originally credited for his role. Hope they fixed that in later releases! Still trying to track down The Phoenix. No luck on the legit channels, may have to go redside for a bit...
  2. My ex-wife and I remain friends. I consider that a point of pride. My kids, on the other hand... Ah, well. You can't have everything. Where would you put it?* * Thanks, Stephen Wright!
  3. Wow, Luminara, you sure live up to your name! Thanks for the enlightenment! Just about anything better than our current coal-fired idiocy would be welcome.
  4. They did some sly parodies of all that stuff in the last season of Justice League Unlimited. Watching the Wonder Twins get beat down was a treat!
  5. Uun for the win! Tesla's AC won out over Edison's DC. Spike Milligan had a radio show called the Goon Show that inspired basically everybody: Monty Python, Tom Lehrer, George Carlin, Firesign Theater, et al. Well worth checking out: https://archive.org/search.php?query=goon show Any time you want to team on Torch, I am your humble & ob't servant!
  6. OK, “You’re in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike,” is in my blood, but Benu I don't know. And, yes the damn Wonder Twins ruined an already marginal Super Friends. (For some reason producers thought teen sidekicks should be a thing.) I prefer my cartoons as teen-sidekick and producer-free as possible. (cf. DCAU)
  7. If it has a branch on Torchbearer, I'm up for a coalition!
  8. How do I find this arc? My duck-duck-go fu is coming up with, in Harley's parlance, a whole lot of nothing.
  9. Oh, man. I know what you mean. I'm hideously allergic to cats, but doglike cats sound amazing. My late wife was a world-class rescuer, and for a while we had 16 dogs, 2 lizards, and a turtle. I'm down to 9 dogs now, and they are all approaching 10 years old. I had to bury two this year, in hard clay soil, and the effort was nothing compared to the grief. I generally say, every dog comes with a heartbreak built in. That said, please adopt dogs and cats if you can! Dogs have evolved along with us, and they need us to survive. Cats? OK, them too. But don't let them kill birds. Seriously. They kill all the birds.
  10. It's a bit cheaper on Amazon. https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B0728P6DR5?pf_rd_r=RYY47E4PY95898KMRT60&pf_rd_p=edaba0ee-c2fe-4124-9f5d-b31d6b1bfbee Disclaimer: Buying from this link may contribute to the EFF. Not sure, but I tried.
  11. Surfing the Frostfire map was a chief joy back in the day! Screw those guys!
  12. I beg to differ. From a game design standpoint, Champs had the crown. Now, it was a pain in the proverbial to run, but it was an almost Turing-complete game system. (Disclaimer: I wrote a virus in Champions.*) All it needed was a computer the help run it (too much math), but it got Champions Online instead. * If anyone cares, it was a contagious telepathy, defined as Telepathy linked to a Transformation attack bought with the cumulative advantage. The more often you read someone's mind, the more likely you'd open the door in their brain and give them the power as well. It paid for itself with an automatic Hunted from shadowy agencies that don't like telepaths. Since the Transformation was only Person to Telepathic Person, it was pretty cheap. Gods, I'm such a geek! Further disclaimer: I'm a recovering game designer. No, not any game you've heard of.
  13. That was on Virtue, my main in the day. I suffer occasional attacks of roleplaying. (My Stormy used to pretend she was logging in from McMurdo City Antarctica. Why, I don't know. RPers gotta RP.) I'm on Torchbearer now because all my RL and Live friends wound up there.
  14. Wow. That's a cool, cool kitty. Almost sets off my severe cat dander allergy. Look at that mane! You win the Cat Internet!
  15. OK, I think I have a tongue-in-cheek test for antiquity: 1. Who won, Nikolai or Thomas? 2. Name Zeppo's brothers. 3. If Carol, Tim, and Harvey had a race, who would come in last? 4. Spike totally won what medium? 5. Where were you on July 20th, 1969 and why? No fair googling, but if you do at least you'll learn something, you dadgum whippersnappers! PS: I live in a log cabin, I don't have a lawn. But if I did...
  16. Have you considered a decoy keyboard? My dogs kept peeing on my computer until I built a new one & relocated. I have 9 dogs so I didn't even know who to blame! (Still a crafty bastard. They'll have to get up early to -- oh, damn, I need a towel!)
  17. Sorry to hear it. If this were P&P Champions, the disad would give you some points to spend. So, uh, grats?
  18. On the other hand... Flying fire monkeys is pretty damn cool!
  19. Yeah. I work at a college and there are very many beautiful girls, but I can't get past the language barrier. Admire, not aspire.
  20. Why not both? First, drink a case of Fuller's Extra Special Bitter, then wake up with a pot of Sumatra Mandheling! Share and Enjoy!
  21. I never thought I'd be be nostalgic for 2019. Or wished I lived in South Korea (good COVID response, excellent Internet speed).
  22. Scary to think that 8 year old might be driving now! I think I'll just go by the honor system. After high school, I don't see many people lying about their age in the upward direction!
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