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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Pretty sure Bats has a root account on the JL servers, but point well taken! Still, it would be a new-user-friendly gesture. Better than charging them a bunch of inf! "Welcome to the Justice League multi-level marketing scheme. When you recruit 4 new members, you'll earn enough inf to buy a teleport token..." Hard pass! PS: That leaves time for a Hostess Fruit Pie commercial! (story continues on 3rd page following...)
  2. Would it be too upsetting to anyone if joining a supergroup granted the supergroup portal power? I mean, when you join the Justice League they give you a communicator you can use to get beamed up the the satellite in Geo-synchronous orbit. Seems like we could do as much for new players. Just seems like a nice gesture.
  3. Yeah, Principle of Charity, folks. Assume everyone is being friendly and trying their best until proven otherwise. It's the civil way to play! Especially when your Devs are volunteers, it's best to assume they are doing their best. If you have a better idea, suggest it! But these guys have no profit motive, no nerfbat addiction, no evil bosses making them misbehave. They're players, too!
  4. I still think they could short-circuit a lot of these complaints by offering an "Exit to Base" option to the end-of-mission "Exit Mission" menu. That would take care of many use cases, without being exploitable. No hoops involved.
  5. That was absolutely what I thought was suggested. I know I routinely stop slotting IO sets once they start having the "move faster than you want to" set side effect.
  6. Not a bad idea! Would approximate the LoTG mule bonus, but still stay a unique buff. My hat's off to you! (Disclaimer: I'm a big hops fan, especially when teamed with barley, yeast, and water.)
  7. If LRTP was like an incarnate Destiny-Incandescence-lite, it would be worth the trouble. Best would be if (as suggested above) it was a "Gather everybody on my team, no matter where they are, to here!" power, that would be a glorious T5 for Teleport. Vector will keep hope alive. But he's not counting on it.
  8. It also sounds like a sweet way to gather mobs after a Wormhole bungie jump, as they tend to wander off.
  9. I don't agree. I've taken this power on my Teleporter-complete concept characters, and I never have a use for the power that can't be done in another way, without using a power pick. I can LFG, self-destruct to base or hospital, Ouro port to Talos, Mission TP, Team Transport, use a Wentworth's charge, go to Pocket D, Teleport to new Contact... As a professional Teleporter my character Mark Vector on Torch literally uses each of his other TP powers more often than LRT. LRT is the one power I feel least happy about taking, though I had to have all of them for Vector. I will not miss LRT as it stood. It only hits 12 or so of the 50 or so possible zones, for goodness sake! And it costs me a power choice!
  10. Fair enough. I was thinking more along the lines of preserving and making use of existing content, rather than in-game rationale. You are right, it shouldn't be easy to do a heel-face turn, but in comics it can happen. (It does usually involves more than visiting a talking bird.) But it would be nice to make use of all the writing effort that went into this game. How can we do that in a universe-appropriate way?
  11. Well, technically they are replacing an exploit with an actual power. All the powers in the game have charges, recharges, or otherwise get used up. What would you suggest as a model for the replacement power? Even Rest has a recharge (though, thankfully, much reduced on HC).
  12. In general, missions written later were better than those made earlier. The devs were better attuned to the system, the writers more knowledgeable of the world. There were also a few non-gaming professional writers who pitched in. I'm not as enamored of villainy or praetoriousness (?) as I am of comic heroics, but there is still some good stuff to be played there. No sense wasting it. I wonder if there is any chance we could have an alignment that encompasses all three?
  13. Just a note, some of us Teleporters use Wormhole to throw bad guys as far up in the air as we can, so they faw down go boom. It's tricky to land them where you want them, but sometimes you luck out and get "descent" damage. A point of distinction between Wormhole and Fold Space which I haven't seen mentioned.
  14. L'esprit de l'escalier says: What if the "Exit Mission" button worked more like the Defeat button and gave you the option to Exit Mission, or Exit to Base?
  15. Different strokes... I have been using the heck out of it, I figured I'd enjoy it while it lasts! I guess I'm part of the problem, but I admire your self-discipline. Deep breath... It strikes me that a lot of the angst surrounding the loss of /enterbasefrompasscode is related to the perceived scarcity of the proposed replacements. I understand. I have had many characters die with a fully charged Wedding Ring that might have saved them, but I didn't want to "waste" it. BTW, is everyone remembering that the P2W Self-Destruct power is both a debt-free trip to the local hospital and one more way to reach your base? (As long as you have a Rez circle there) If you remember to hit it in time it sometimes does enough damage to your murderers that you get some revenge. A bargain at 100,000 Inf! But back on topic: if there was a way to reduce the perceived scarcity of travelling to the base, it might help with player acceptance of the change. Not sure what would be acceptable and easy to implement, but it could be a purchasable inspiration, a temp power, a chance that any particular use wouldn't eat a charge, a way to trade them, being able to get them in a Super Pack, saying Team Leaders travel free, making them able to be sold on the Auction House... Any of these might help alleviate the anxiety I'm seeing here. Just a thought, but I think the perception is the worst part of this change. Finally, to end this rant, please everyone keep in mind that the Devs here are doing this for fun. Everything they are doing is using time not spent with their families, playing with their dogs, or building their own B-9 Lost in Space robots. You know, like normal people.
  16. Well, anything that gives aid or comfort to my Arch-nemesis Mapserver should be killed with fire, stat!
  17. What would be the best location in the Isles for a travel hub? Is there a place with a Base Portal, a Helicopter/Submarine, and maybe a Black Market near each other? I haven't hung out in the Isles much since before Sunset.
  18. For most of my characters (ie, not the professional Teleporters), the LRTP Accolade is going to be the "Go to Talos Central Station" power. Since they moved the landing spots, it is turning out to be much more useful than the old Pool power. And the opportunity cost is nil.
  19. There is probably more than one reason for every change they are intending to make. Doesn't mean anyone is not dealing in good faith. I'm sure they were aware this change would affect PVP. It seems their other reasons were compelling enough to proceed. Let's wait for the finished release, and the exploit notes, before we draw conclusions. OT, I think the tiny, summonable base portal is adorable!
  20. Some changes on the Beta Test Server don't seem to raise anyone's ire. I know, right? But it's true! One of these is a change to most summonable Portals (and the Portable Workbench) that lets you summon them even while airborne. You still have to target the ground, and they appear on the ground, but you no longer have to toggle off flight powers to use them. For some characters, it's a huge QoL upgrade. So, I was wondering if the devs could apply this fix to summoned Pets? I'd love to have my Pets fixed! (Never mind what they say.) Thanks for listening!
  21. What they said. For a laugh, try: /macro eject powexeclocation up:max Teleport "Canopy canopy canopy!"
  22. I really like the fact you can now drop most of these portals while Hovering. That's a huge QoL upgrade for all of my perpetual fliers. Any chance we can have Pet summoning fixed like that? I'd really like to get my pets fixed. Never mind their opinions! Also, if this goes Live, I am forever referring to Talos Island as Grand Talos Station.
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