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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Gods bless GOG! Always buy games from them if you can. The fact that all their offering have NO DRM is worth the trouble hunting them down! Plus you get to support their efforts in patching/emulating oldies like these for modern machines.
  2. Oh, yes! Being able to customize inherents would be incredible!
  3. Try /window_resetall and /keybind_reset and see how it goes.
  4. If you cleared the registry keys and deleted the game folder after uninstalling, you should get a clean slate. Have you tried /window_resetall and /keybind_reset in-game?
  5. While looking through the wiki I found this: How exciting! I've been looking for a way to do this for some time (even good ol' Process Lasso throws up its hands). However, in addition to not recognizing that the game actually runs at Below Normal, it does not seem to work. I tried integers, various "magic numbers" and so forth, but no luck. Does anyone know if this useful command still exists? If so, what kind of "number" is it looking for? I get no error when I try, just no joy as far as the process priority is concerned. If no news, I will update the wiki that this function no longer works.
  6. I would personally love it if we could have the Freem! version of Brawl back from April Fool's Day!
  7. Wow! Thanks1.0x10^6!! Your are right, he's an unlockable David Hassselhoff-lookalike called Agent Hassel! Thanks so much!
  8. Redside, once you get Hero Slayer badge you unlock Lord Schweinzer, who will give you all the mayhem missions for which you have the required level. Grab those explore badges! (If you reject his first offering, you can "Talk about something else" and get an ordered list, very handy.) He's my favorite contact in Port Oakes. I dearly wish he had a counterpart on blueside!
  9. Nafsmar is right. Happens too often to be a coincidence.
  10. Maybe if he sent out a global saying he'd return two inf for every inf someone sends him? He could even use Twitter... Worked for those other guys.
  11. I'm glad you liked it! I don't know why they didn't get Arleen Sorkin (originator of the role, and co-creator of the character, really, with Paul Dini -- they used to commute to the city together, and came up with her en route), but Melissa did a very good job.
  12. Isn't pink an RP warning sign? I don't know how to set it, though, I prefer stealth RP.
  13. Yeah. As I said elsewhere the only thing I liked about the most recent reboots was Green Lantern being convinced Batman must be a vampire. And I thought Flash fixed Flashpoint! He did in the animated version. Also, Wonder Woman doesn't need a sword! Justice League: DOOM was pretty good though, even though it came out post-52. Good script, right voice cast. Dwayne McDuffie was my favorite DC writer. RIP.
  14. Ah! Thanks much! I guess we weren't fighting stuff that resists resistance debuffs, so for us it wasn't noticeable. Shame it's not working as intended. Seems seriously lackluster compared to the Ice set equivalent. Maybe if it didn't stack?
  15. Can you point to this? It's news to me! Been playing a D/D corrupter and not feeling very overpowered, despite liberal Tar Patching.
  16. Well, Chernobog is a dark god, after all. Too much Cherenkov radiation!
  17. Cool! Enjoy! If you are in the mood for teaming, you might try getting a team of Defenders together. Smoothest steamroller in the City!
  18. From 2017. If you haven't checked it out, please do! It's the funniest Kevin Conroy Batman thing I've seen. Has Melissa Rauch (the tiny blonde from Big Bang Theory) as Harley, but otherwise mostly the traditional DCAU voice actors. (She does fine, including two musical numbers that -- well, sing!) The scene in the dive bar is worth the price of admission all on its own! Five stars from this cynic! Justice League vs. Fatal Five isn't bad, either. Four stars. PS: Just noticed I misspelled "Recommended" in the topic title. My apologies! Trying to fix...
  19. I was amazed it was better than the movie. Not Buffy the Vampire Slayer better, but still, wonnerful! Matt Berry is also in an odd little BBC show called Year of the Rabbit that's worth hunting down.
  20. I think I have to concur, though, that the p2w Rez, End boost, and self-heal pretty much obviate the Med Pool. It could use some serious Dev love. As it stands, skip it! Disclaimer: Not a medical doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.
  21. OK, how about this: base the object on the least significant digit of the server time. That gives you 10 different objects, but everyone sees the same ones. If you want more options, take it to 2 digits. Everyone sees the same thing, no need for network chatter. Please! I want my Buick jokes!
  22. There used to be a website parodying the moon landing conspiracy buffs that revealed the moon itself is a hoax. I went looking for it to cite here, but alas, no luck. I hope it's still out there somewhere. "Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up." - I. Montoya Notice how old pictures of the moon are in black and white, and only recently it's in color? That's because the technology They use to fake it has gotten better over the years.
  23. And don't forget Lord Schweinzer! You need the Hero Slayer badge, and to be at least level 10. He gives all the Mayhem missions (in order if you like) to get the villain Invader accolade via exploration badges. (Equivalent to Portal Jockey.) Not much of a conversationalist, but a handy guy to know! OK, ok, not a story per se, but Mayhem missions are some of the most fun things you can do in this game, and that's saying a lot!
  24. Wow! Misadventure and Taskforce especially, good catches! And grats to your kid. Very creative! I remember teaming up with a player on Live, he played fine, but was very slow to respond to tells or team messages. Eventually, he confessed he was about your son's age. We cleaned up our language*, but we were delighted to have him! * I run with the profanity filter on all the time. If I want to express my displeasure, it is a point of pride not to say anything the filter would catch. Think Python: "vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!"
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