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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Many thanks, Bionic Flea! Handy base, and nicer than you implied. Does anyone know how difficult it would be to allow export/import or Copy Base to Test server functions? It would facilitate at least some testing a great deal. (Full disclosure: Saying this as a pretty terrible base builder...)
  2. Seriously, just run the Talos Exploration gauntlet. That 5 or 10 minutes gets you access to a zone where the Tunnel, the Tram, the Base Portal, and a Trainer are all within arm's reach. Plus 5 merits and a cookie. It's really not going to be as much trouble as it first seemed.
  3. F'ing Nemesis has nothing on Verizon! I tried queuing up a power then Combat Teleporting next to them, and I got stuck in a Teleport animation when I arrived. May be my fault, a bug, or WAD as a kind of Travel Suppression. Out of testing time tonight, but I'll keep checking.
  4. Is there any chance that DJ Zero might allow the use of /enterbasefrompasscode within the bounds of pocket D? That might go a long way toward mollifying roleplayers. (BTW, I was just there, and War Witch seemed pissed about something. I think she liked eavesdropping on the roleplayers...)
  5. We have always been able to define bind modifiers as lctrl/rctrl lshift/rshift. The notes on controller changes suggest otherwise. Enjoying what I've played with so far!
  6. A little bit more testing. I am officially in love with Combat Teleport, and am planning to propose as soon as this goes Live. You're all invited to the wedding. /bind lshift+button1 "powexecname Combat Teleport" /bind lctrl+button1 "powexecname Teleport" /bind lshift+lctrl+button1 "powexecname Team Teleport" Makes for a teleporting fool! Oh, (Peter Falk voice) one more thing: Any chance Team Teleport might get a bit of a range increase? I appreciate the slightly lowered END cost, but that wasn't the biggest problem with the power. It could also use a longer, easily-exitable Hover state just like Teleport could.
  7. I hope it's an "Oh, that sucks!" exploit and not a "Damn, that's cool!" exploit. Just saying.
  8. I think one thing some folks are missing, particularly the roleplayers (and roleplayers can be quite particular), is that we still have this power available. If you are near a portal of almost any sort? Still works. If you are in anyone's base? Still works. For roleplaying purpose specifically, what exactly are we losing?
  9. Fair enough; refactoring is hard work, though, and developer resources are limited. A free fix in exchange for a little player effort isn't unreasonable. No one says you have to take all these powers, after all. We've been hoping for trays A-F to accompany trays 0-9 for some time, maybe now is the time?
  10. After minimal testing, it seems the Assemble The Team P2W power still has a 30 minute cooldown. Is this intentional? If it can't be 10 like the others, could you settle for 15?
  11. Playing a professional teleporter, who has Gravity control and a secondary I forget, I think most of these changes are excellent. He has every teleport power in the game. All of them, even the sucky ones. Concept character, what can I say? Recall Friend and TP Foe combined? All win! Team Teleport is used only for pranking team members, or the occasional trip to the top of a building. Won't miss it much. (I'll just have to find a different way to remind them they need to visit the Gull if they don't like being moved.) I am a bit concerned Wormhole will lose some of its situational excellence, with Fold Space being available to everyone. I like the changes to TP itself, but could you address the Hover issue? It is currently the only travel power that needs you to take another pool power to be safe while travelling. Aloft sounds like an excellent idea, thanks, cohRock! Combat Teleport sounds like fun, and I suspect the idea behind +To Hit is, you can TP behind someone and knife them by surprise. OK, but I'd prefer a different side effect. The no-END-needed Defense of Hover or CJ is a real draw for those pools. +To Hit is easy to find. LRTP -- counting the opportunity cost -- is currently a complete and utter waste of a power choice. I'm not sure everyone here realizes how limited it is. After spending all the power pool choices to get to it, LRTP lets you -- slowly -- travel to inconvenient places in: Atlas, Kings Row, The Hollows, Skyway, Faultline, Steel, Talos, Independence Port, Croatoa, Brickstown, Founder's, Peregrine, and Kallisti Wharf. That leaves, IIRC, 40 zones unavailable. Most of your destinations already have Auction House teleports to them. Not to mention Ourobouros. ALL are easily reached by the Base Portals. Or you know, maybe the Tram? Making it into an "I know this place so well, I can get there blindfolded!" power is kind of neat, I'll have to see how it plays out. Does everyone remember that you get 5 merits and a dash of XP for exploring each zone, not to mention an accolade for doing all of them plus a little fighting? Seems like a bargain. Overall, I have to say in theory I applaud these changes. Give me a while to test them out, I'll provide an update. (The problem is, in theory there is no difference between theory and practice. However, in practice...) Regardless, these changes seem like you put a lot of thought into them. Thanks, guys! Remind me to double your pay!
  12. I found it here: https://forums.homecomingservers.com/topic/6675-superprisms-reshade-preset/ Good luck!
  13. Wow. I have no suggestions to offer, no nits to pick. That is an amazingly well-thought-out design, and the implementation seems solid from this end. /em praise
  14. Lucid, well-written, and dead-on AFAICT! Thanks for the extra effort! And blessings upon you for including Fedora! So many companies claim their programs run on Linux, then you find out it means "install this Ubuntu PPA and trust it implicitly." ... Again, many thanks! Edited to add: I had the fun of following your directions at work on Fedora 32, on a ThinkPad 440T, I believe. Initially, I got caught out by the fact that Fedora 32 shipped with Wine 5.1.2. This seemed to work, but as soon as the actual game launched, black screen followed by your new crash client. (Nice, btw.) Once I noticed the Wine version, a quick trip to WineHQ to add their repo, followed by sudo dnf erase wine\* (was required, otherwise had conflicts) and a sudo dnf install wine\* soon had me up and running, 64-bits wide and treetop tall! (Your launcher really, really likes Wine 5.0.2! Do those two want to be alone?) All told, a stellar job, folks!
  15. I figure the Gray Goo will be one of these, but good point on SkyNet!
  16. Lutris is just another system to help Linux OSes emulate Winders (I know, W.I.N.an.E.) but it makes it easier for folks to share settings/scripts that work well for particular games. If you are running Winders, if won't help you unless you switch to Linux. * There is a utility call ReShade for Winders that can make the game look better, at least to some people's eyes. It has a preset for COH. Good luck! * Which you should totally do. You can thank me later, after SkyNet. Or the Matrix. Or the Gray Goo. All of which will run on Winders. Guaranteed!
  17. I'm still disappointed there is no official Talk Like a Pirate Day (19th of September), Pi Day (3-14), or Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you)! But I'm up for a Hurricane event. Just, please, can we NOT have a pandemic event? Escapism is why I'm here!
  18. May I ask what Linux distribution you were using when you got the high FPS results? And what emulation? I had some good luck early on with "bare" WINE and Winetricks, on Fedora 31, but since rebuilding my machine I haven't delved into that rabbit hole. I see LUTRIS has some CoH scripts, but again, haven't tried them out.
  19. An excellent technical writer and great all-around person. My last interaction with him was a few weeks ago, he was on Torch with one of his many cat-themed, punny characters. IIRC, it was named "Catlike." I send him a tell quoting "With catlike tread..." from the Pirates of Penzance. Without even pausing to think, he fired back, "I am the very model of a modern kitty criminal!" He could even make the damned Doc Q and Faathim the Kind TFs fun to play. (Not to mention buying Assemble the Team for anyone who lacked it, at 10 million inf the pop.) He will be missed. Rest in Peace, RT*F*M!
  20. Still a stand-out among my favorite albums! I happened across the CD at the public library, and checked it out on a whim, circa 1993. I was really pissed at all my friends when I raved about it and they all said, "Well, yeah, we knew about TMBG." Bastards didn't tell me, did they? I have since forgiven them, but it took a while. Damn! This, kids, is why you should never be your own proofreader! I'll turn in my press pass. I can't remember his character's name, but the "Missus Hu-whiggins" and the agonizingly slow shuffle (to the point where he could regularly corpse* Carol) was one of the funniest things I can remember from that era. * Beware tvtropes link: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Corpsing
  21. Wow, fascinating! I had read what I reported in an interview with Julius Schwartz, so the reporter must have gotten it wrong. Because comic industry celebrities never misremember their history. >KAFF< Excelsior >KAFF!< Thanks for the details! My introduction to the Freedom Fighters was in a ~100ish issue of JLA, and I still remember the scene of the Batman scaling the Nazi tower and terrifying the "Gott in Himmel!" out of some nasty brownshirts! (Phantom Lady was pretty sweet, but I always liked the Daffy-Duck-I-can-do-this-trick-but-only-onceness of the Human Bomb!)
  22. OK, Ben Grimm could certainly superjump, but he's a test pilot with access to a Fantasticar. He gets an all-season pass! Plus, he can take the Hulk out with judo. Smarter, not harder FTFW! And when Reed or Plasticman (or Elongated Man, who was created because Julius Schwartz didn't realize DC had bought the rights to Plasticman -- true story!) needs to cover lots of ground, they could pull off some serious leaps!
  23. AFAIK, it was absolutely the animation team trying to make it easier on themselves, and DC just said, "Whatever, he can already do almost anything, flying isn't much of a stretch!" The Silver Age later took this to extremes, with far less justification. Leading to the Super Creep Problem. If anyone cares, and doesn't know, the radio show was responsible for the invention of Kryptonite, when Bud Collier desperately needed a vacation, so they came up with a plot device that would weaken the Man of Steel so that he could be whispered by another voice talent. Thus giving the writers a slight antidote to the Super Creep Problem.
  24. ABSOLUTELY! First thing I do on MMs, and thanks for bringing it up! MMs with well-behaved pets are a joy, and more of us should be out there making teammates joyful. (Now, if my Illusion pets would allow me to control them the least little bit, I, too would be joyful.) One can but hope...
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