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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Point of order: They all got the flight rings, which came in handy a few times when, say, kryptonite was involved. Nice to have a device that doesn't use endurance when you are bluelined or supressed.
  2. You should play as you like! If you're not having fun, you'd better be getting paid, 'cause it's not playing! I may have mentioned before, but on Live I made a Storm Defender called Antipodea who was from McMurdo City, in a slightly dystopian future where most of Australia had migrated to Antarctica to escape the anthropocene apocalypse. As I played her, I found myself more and more talking to teams in character. I act as though I was logging in from Antarctica, and even using New Zealand Daylight Time (UDT +13) as a time reference. Granted, I was unemployed at the time, and my entire entertainment budget was $15 per month for CoH, but it happened almost without my noticing, and when I did, I simply shrugged. So, I guess for me it depends on how immersed I am in the character. I broke character when a teammate started having what I considered alarming health complaints, so make of it what you will. Some folks use (parentheses) for out-of-character dialogs, and I respect that. Maybe that's an idea?
  3. I think The Creeper qualifies. Solomon Grundy grows more and more Hulk-like, and has been a superleaper at times. He gets a pass though, as he gets a free respec every time he comes back from the dead. I seem to remember the Shaggy Man did some jumping. And, of course once you get to the 30th century, there's Bouncing Boy!
  4. Thanks, Mum! I always use the advanced pet controls, but I appreciate the good advice. (Now if they were only available for Controllers, I'd be a very happy hero. Actually, I'd settle for the basic controls for er, controllers!) I was embarrassed by my pets going after the minions, still not sure why. Not a huge DFB fan anyway, so it seldom comes up, but I still wonder what went wrong.
  5. I know one of my MMs unintentionally wrecked the badge when I had pets set to passive and a zombie attacked them. So it may sometimes be a legit accident. Dismissing pets first seems to be safest. I would love to know the secret if someone knows how.
  6. OK, I'm crawling all over the roof of the tiki room, and I've found three holes, all of which just show the inside of Pocket D, and none of which I can teleport into. Can you give another hint to the slower students? A /loc maybe? My Time Traveler really needs a screenie next to the Big Blue Box!
  7. Anyone remember the SG called Void Walkers, or Void Explorers (may have the name wrong) from Live? They specialized in finding holes in the geometry. I went with them on one of their endless journeys toward the Moon. I think they got censured by the "Negators of Every Rebellious Fun But Anti-establishment Thing" all-powerful supervillain group.
  8. Hell, "Corpies," set in the SP universe, (featuring Roy & Herschel's dad), was a more recent fix for me. Missed B&B, maybe he has a Patreon? BTW, for anyone who doesn't know, his website is http://www.drewhayesnovels.com/ And I'll gladly buy him one for you. I'm a recovering writer (misspent youth in gaming), and he hits so many of my boxes. Now that I've sold out, I can afford to buy a few beers for writing professionals. Cheers!
  9. TMBG FTW! When my son was six he could sing "The Sun is a Mass of Incandescent Gas" all the way through, but we never got it on video. (I was usually driving him to daycare). I blame the subsequent news that the song is almost entirely incorrect for his later avoidance of a career in Science! "Miasma of Incandescent Plasma" just doesn't have the same ring.
  10. Yeah, he makes redside very much fun! I know Super Powereds and Hephaestus are two different universes, but I'd love to see how they would interact. Frankly, I've enjoyed everything I've read of Drew's. Seconded on Fred. The NPCs series is sort of a guilty pleasure, but I like it, too! When conventions are a thing again, I hope to buy Drew a beer!
  11. Sorry to see the resume_info.txt feature go, but you are right about the lack of security. I should start following my own advice and use Keepass. But, waaah! OK, better now.
  12. Unintended consequence? The resume_info.txt feature no longer seems to function. Lazy me is sad. Now I must remember my password...
  13. Least toxic community I have ever enjoyed. (Citation needed)
  14. So, no messages? Did you get in touch with Yomo? Nothing here. BTW, all post-50s still have my guarantee of a team-up on Torch -- as long as it's not past my bedtime.
  15. Wait a minute... Does that remind anyone else of a certain game? Hmm.
  16. And, don't forget, an autographed, gold-pressed 1 million inf from me. (yeah, I know. "If I were a rich man...") So please copy me as well! Also, can we get "Older than Jacktar" enshrined as a metric?
  17. Before my teleporter respecs out of LRT, (because it's LESS useful than a tram, dammit!) is there something I should know? Once you are dead you can already teleport to a base rez circle. No cooldown, no exploit needed.
  18. I hear ya! I live in a log cabin in the woods of Virginia with 9 dogs (so I guess you could say 9 dogs live in a cabin with me... but I digress) and Verizon Wireless is the only show in town. It sucks. I pay $100+ every month for "unlimited internet", and get 15 GB of data before I become limited to 3g speeds (which I never get anyway) but it's the deprioritization that really kills. At least my ping is good. I'm very much hoping that Elon Musk finishes destroying naked-eye astronomy soon and gives me an alternative. Hang in there!
  19. Welcome home! We kept the kettle on.
  20. Watched the Firefly 10th Anniversary documentary on Youtube. Sigh. Sorry, something in my eye... But I was inspired to make a Mal type character. (Decided on a Dual Pistol/Devices blaster) On Torch, Captain Tightpants was taken -- of course! (Didn't feel like checking for Captain No-pants.) But I got Captain Browncoat, no problem. I'll take it! Can't stop the signal!
  21. Well, the current frontrunners are using different timescales, so I'm a bit confused that's normal for me. Frontrunners include: mereman, at 67 Healix, at kid=56, so... probably older than 67? IronJuke, at 69 Jacktar at 71 (if my math is correct) Discarding Lunchmoney as an outlier, or else he's dead by now. RIP. Honorable mention to EmmySky, who is younger but quite spry for her age!
  22. You beat me to it! I've become fond of interjecting "Paging Doctor Dunning,,, Doctor Kruger" in some situations.
  23. Oh, man, me too! That damn voice scared the sh*t out of 6? year old me. Talk about your behind-the-sofa moments! And my aunt had the tuning-fork-esque clunk remote. Jiggling car keys would also set it off. Folks have started religions on less.
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