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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. You know, Praetor is also sometimes spelled Pretor in English. "Pretor Weaver" is available on (at least) Torchbearer. Just a thought.
  2. Sad to hear that DCUO played a part. I love the DC universe, especially the Timmverse, but DCUO makes the Redside complaint "I don't wanna be a minion" look like a papercut. Even Kevin Conroy voicing Batman wasn't enough to keep me playing.
  3. It can be disconcerting when a team member is busy posting on Help instead of bantering on Team, but we are supposed to be heroes, so helping is sort of in the job description. I'd say your team leader has "redoubling efforts while losing sight of the goal" disease.
  4. Confuse is your friend for any annoying enemy. I don;t know why it has such a bad rep in the game, it really can do wonders. "Thanks for the force field, Mr. Engineer!"
  5. Enthusiastically seconded on Drew Hayes' Super-Powered series! Very well done, and far more thoughtful than most superhero fare. As far as CoH is concerned, many powersets can be rationalized as just refining the basic concept. An energy blaster gets his snipe? That's just learning to focus his existing power more effectively. But yes, what you propose would be an interesting game.
  6. Shouldn't they have opted for Delaware?
  7. Also, if you'd like some help finding a synonymous name you might enjoy, there's a thread for that. Not the same thing, I know, but... We have free rename privileges here. So you can set a placeholder now, and if your negotiations are successful, you can easily change your name. Good luck! And, welcome home! PS: I remember falling through the world as the original servers were shut down. Got some screenshots, not sure if I still have them, would love to post them if I do. Salt water from somewhere might have rusted my old hard drive.
  8. Personally, I wish there was a Teleportation set. My teleporter (Grav/Time in this incarnation) has literally every teleport power in the game, and he's a blast to play. Wormhole is particularly satisfying. Still want Propel to throw the same objects for me and my teammates, though. Smacking a bad guy down and crowing, "Eat Buick, beeyotch!" loses something when your teammates are seeing gargoyles and mailboxes.
  9. Wait... Do you have a good supplier for shotgun axes? Mine was eaten by something.
  10. Yes, if you go into settings, there is an option to show pet window. It will then appear as a tag at the top of your Team window. Clicking it will give you the basic pet window. Sadly, it does nothing to help you control your pets!
  11. It was literally the worst introduction to task forces available in the game. I have no idea what they were thinking. On the plus side, if you kept doing TFs (against your better instincts), Posi would leave you prepared for Doctor Q!
  12. Just a note, you could activate the clicky while dead, if you were close enough. Er, happened to a friend.
  13. Yes, to both questions. Also, the P2W vendor will give you a jump jet or steam booster (one is free, you need to buy the other). If you buy both, you can always have one ready. Activating either puts Hover at the Flight speed cap*. You just need to aim toward the ground, or you zoom upward. Hover is definitely improved since the old days. *Disclaimer, you may need to slot an SO or better into Swift to hit the cap. It's around 55 mph.
  14. Lost my wife to cancer last year. It is all about the suck. So sorry to hear another superhero is gone. Good to hear he kept inspiring folks to the end. Requescat in Pacem, indeed.
  15. I was always entertained by the combat results tables in (old) games where the result could be "Player Dies." And kids these days think they play hard-core!
  16. I do know that height can affect the ability to target foes. I have a robot that can change size, at his smallest he can't shoot over crates, while at his biggest he can just fine. Anecdote, not data!
  17. Pulchritudinous I love the contrast between how it sounds and what it means. Idiopathic How a doctor says, "F*ck if I know!" Juxtaposition Just because!
  18. Uh, oh! You've pooched it now! (But I'll never tell!) Linux support is very welcome! That bodes well for other parts of the tech: It is a sign of general fitness for purpose.
  19. Absolutely! It's very important not to work in IE. Please prioritize this feature. IE must die!
  20. Go hardcore! Knieval's Stuntman! or, Daredevil's Stuntman (After all, he takes on the stuff too scary for those guys!)
  21. While you're at it, put a base empowerment station next to the medi-porter, so you can buff yourself vs. whatever killed you in the first place! And while you're at it, get a nurse to sell you candy... A trainer is very handy, also.
  22. The up-front cost was one thing, but the shameless "Noice base you got heah, too bad if sometin happen to it." aspect of it drove me crazy! Between the base raids and the mortgage payments, it was an excellent reason to unsubscribe! (I get enough of that crap IRL -- which I keep waiting to see some decent patches for. Talk about your slacker devs! If there was only an alternative, but so far, it's the only game that runs on my system.)
  23. I believe it's just missions. Have you checked your Tips?
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