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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. Weeeellll, for one thing, most of us are a decade older! It's certainly turned my Superleap into Combat Jumping!
  2. I read that as "Fairly Psychic Rose." lol! Made me think of the 9th Doctor.
  3. "Lettuce that wilts, shall be the cole of the slaw!"
  4. OK, that's what I thought. Thanks! I hate giving wrong information!
  5. But if they also install the mod, won't they see his lightsaber as he does? Or is it only for the wielder?
  6. Having played an old-style Willpower Tank to 50 (pre fixed Taunt Aura), I concur that Taunt is the essential Tank trait. Gauntlet is very welcome, but you need the Taunt to be the Tank. And, BTW, Welcome Home!
  7. Nature of the beast. These kinds of mods are client-side only, so not so much a bug as the only way it can be done. Regular teammates can be pointed here so they too can enjoy your bad-assery!
  8. Doesn't matter, there are always N - 1, where N is the number you want!
  9. Ah, Shi'ar! That's the Huckleberry! Very cool links, thanks. Good read! From what I see, they went out of their way to get closer to Superman as he evolved. Didn't mention his power rationale, though. Did they keep the "it's all TK" explanation?
  10. I remember Marvel did a Superman Expy and tried to rationalize his powers. (I think he was Kree? Gladiator or some such? With the big black mohawk haircut.) Anyway, their take was that all his powers are really Telekinesis. TK force fields for toughness, TK to pick up a building by one corner brick, TK flight. I liked it, but not sure it covers everything. Still, the Alan Moore-esque out-of-the-box noodling was cool. (His job on Marvelman Miracleman was inspired! [But, IMNSHO, nothing beats his run on Supreme!]) And of course, his 2-issue farewell to the Silver Age Superman is required reading for all superhero scholars. I'm sorry, what was the question again?
  11. Welcome home! I find Ice to be good, slows help everything go better. You might have room to try more than one character though.
  12. I'll agree with you in the sense that they are the stand-out worst of all possible choices in their universe. "Ooooh, crappy Inherent and I get to spend my first ten levels fighting Vahzilok? Sign me up!" -- said no PC more than once.
  13. Defiance does, if you consider that blasting the crap out of mezzers is a form of mitigation. Six-slot your first two attacks and have at them!
  14. You know you can sort them, right? Just stick the others on the farthest tab you can, no need for.... (Shawn Spenser voice) Murder!
  15. OK, this thread has been going on for a while now. So, somebody sum up: Who won, us or synergy?
  16. Other good adjectives: Silver, Darkest, Original, New, Blazing, Illuminated, Icy, Absolute, Curious, Quixotic, Lazy, Quotidian, Crepuscular, Obscure, Verdant, Ruddy, Silent, Sesquipedalian.
  17. Oh. Teen sidekicks. Never mind. Scrappy-Doo? That's just wrong. There is a hard limit of one talking dog per show. Even Shaggy is pushing it.
  18. Now this sounds like a Thundercats show I could enjoy! That character was a complete immersion-breaker for me in the old show.
  19. I would also, although my current Stormy just uses one in Tornado. (No Gale, Lightning Storm I can handle with positioning, and I like my KB in Hurricane.) Still, options are good!
  20. Depends how you move! What they do is bind the WASD keys to activate/autofire a power AND move in the appropriate direction. Personally, I like to move with the mouse, so no good for me at all. But if you use the movement keys, and at least three of them, you should be able to do it.
  21. It always seemed to me the Red Sun was just holding Kryptonians back. Why else would Superman lose all his powers immediately under its light? He's not just losing a power source, his reserves are immediately drained. Or suppressed. So maybe they evolved under a yellow sun, then over the eons as their star went red, they had access to fewer and fewer of their natural abilities. Then Moses Kal-El is exposed to a yellow sun, which catalyzes (thanks, 0th Power!) the physics-breaking powers latent in every Kryptonian.
  22. I did not care for the prequels... Well, I kind of liked seeing a well-trained Jedi in all his glory, must confess. But I never wanted to watch them again. Then I encountered a fan edit called "Star Wars I-III A Phantom Edit" and whooh-boy, someone found one really cool movie in amongst 3 George Lucas indulgence projects. It keeps only the climactic battle from Phantom Menace, then splices the next two into a fairly seamless movie that's actually very good. The ending is particularly well done. So much better than wasting the most iconic voice in recent films on a line like, "Nooooooo!" Have a look for it, I think you'll be impressed. Plus, that's 4 hours of your life you get back to play some CoH!
  23. If you usually solo, team up! Or vice versa! Back on Live I made a tank that was an obligatory extrovert, and the first time someone blind-invited him, I realized, "This guy is indestructible, has no fear of social situations, and kicks all kind of ass. Of course he's gonna accept all invites!" He continued to do so, and was a blast to play!
  24. Preach it! Just colorizing would do for now!
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