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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. It always seemed to me the Red Sun was just holding Kryptonians back. Why else would Superman lose all his powers immediately under its light? He's not just losing a power source, his reserves are immediately drained. Or suppressed. So maybe they evolved under a yellow sun, then over the eons as their star went red, they had access to fewer and fewer of their natural abilities. Then Moses Kal-El is exposed to a yellow sun, which catalyzes (thanks, 0th Power!) the physics-breaking powers latent in every Kryptonian.
  2. I did not care for the prequels... Well, I kind of liked seeing a well-trained Jedi in all his glory, must confess. But I never wanted to watch them again. Then I encountered a fan edit called "Star Wars I-III A Phantom Edit" and whooh-boy, someone found one really cool movie in amongst 3 George Lucas indulgence projects. It keeps only the climactic battle from Phantom Menace, then splices the next two into a fairly seamless movie that's actually very good. The ending is particularly well done. So much better than wasting the most iconic voice in recent films on a line like, "Nooooooo!" Have a look for it, I think you'll be impressed. Plus, that's 4 hours of your life you get back to play some CoH!
  3. If you usually solo, team up! Or vice versa! Back on Live I made a tank that was an obligatory extrovert, and the first time someone blind-invited him, I realized, "This guy is indestructible, has no fear of social situations, and kicks all kind of ass. Of course he's gonna accept all invites!" He continued to do so, and was a blast to play!
  4. Preach it! Just colorizing would do for now!
  5. Every once in a while Masterminds need to see how the other guys feel the rest of the time!
  6. Empowered fan, by any chance? Well worth tracking down, for anyone who hasn't read them. Readable for free online at https://www.empoweredcomic.com/ (Possibly NSFW. But why are you working for such fuddy-duddies?) Size Queen and King Size were a brother and sister who could grow to Atlas-Park-Statue heights.
  7. Wait... So you're wasting 896 character slots? What are you thinking?
  8. This bit drives me crazy! Seems like every damn time I want to clear out some junk enh drops, I fall for those guys saying, "Take a look at my wares." Then I click to sell something, the game makes the right beep noise, and... Nothing happens. Jerks!
  9. Just recently, I was tickled to get: The Wavicle (Rad/Atomic Blaster) Anthropic Principle (placeholder for now, maybe a Kheld?) Sir Thomas Mallory (the copper-topped knight) Auntie Depressant (Dark/Dark Defender) And for the holiday time warp I've put some time in on Santa's Stunt Double. (You think Santa does his own stunts?) What can I say? I'm a sucker for concepts!
  10. Yeah, when you can run your own server for nothing+hosting costs (if any), there is little incentive for gold farmers. Thank goodness!
  11. Darn it! And I'm not math-phobic, like so many of my colleagues. Just better at statistics than exponents. Thanks for the correction, I'll keep that in mind. So, doable in theory, but still not likely practicable. Bet 'em double or nothing?
  12. Wow! I bow to your expertise. Kudos for designing solar panels, that's a very heroic thing to do! I guess you need seven times more carts, then! Or reflectors to focus more than their fair share of sunlight while they charge? Hmm. Maybe Supes spends a lot of time hanging out on Mercury to get the benefit of the inverse square law? (That would mean the golf carts weren't under-engineered, just badly located!) Move your golf course to Mercury! (Real estate is very cheap there, it's the commute that kills you!)
  13. Solar-powered golf carts are fine, you just have them sit in the sun for 2 or 3 days between each 18-hole gig! Supes could do something similar. After all, we only see his interesting days in the comics. I've always thought the only way Iron Man could work was if he was 100% robotic, a drone piloted by Tony who is safely back in his base in a VR rig. I know, screws with the whole Risk/Reward Hero dynamic, but c'mon! Where's the fuel for those jet boots? Where do those rockets get stored?
  14. Thought it was 10. In any event, more would be gooder. Maybe a dev request?
  15. Well, perhaps it's working as designed, then. After all, those people who can hear the difference between "normal" speaker cables and "tuned oxygen-free copper" cables for 1000x the price couldn't possibly be wrong!
  16. We actually don't know about his ability to charge from indirect sunlight. He travels in space (in at least some continuities) and compared to moonlight, distant starlight is a pittance. Yeah, him and Nightwing! What was up with the Mullet Age of comics? Also, at the risk of jinxing it, +! for no one mentioning Kleenex!
  17. They're supposed to be Schnauzer-like! Unfortunately, the West End Games art department lost the originals and their in-house guys came up with the fox-like/faun-like illustrations. Shame... They were inspired by the writer's pet Schnauzers, who, as every Schnauzer "owner" knows, consider garbage their lawful prey. And then Disney came along, and they were excised from canon. Sic transit gloria mundi
  18. I'll confess to this, and also the stupid waste of unslotters to rearrange the order of IOs in a power to make it look "right." Sigh.
  19. Now if we could only make a Squib costume to go with it! (It's OK, nobody else will get it either...)
  20. Agreed! Of course the best thing about GOG is the strong anti-DRM stance. (The online requirement from Steam and Epic is just a less-egregious DRM scheme, after all.) Reference Defective by Design.
  21. Me, too! From (ahem) the bio of the Ineffable Doctor Ditko: Once a powerful and arrogant magician, he overreached himself and suffered a sorcerous backlash that left him unable to access the higher magics. In despair and wandering, he was taken in by a kindly relativistic physicist who taught him the ways of his field. Now, having achieved his own advanced degree, he uses his knowledge of both science and sorcery to make the world a better place. "Never Eff with Doctor Ditko!"
  22. Minimum of: END Consumption Recovery Rate Regen Rate Recharge Rate Sometimes the appropriate Movement Rate. If I'm whiffing a lot, I'll throw in To Hit. If I'm getting hit a lot, I'll watch Defense of one or more types. BTW, Just recently learned that you can scale the window with "/windowscale CombatMonitor .8" or whatever you like. Saves me some screen space.
  23. Oh, absolutely! Didn't mean to take anything away from DOSbox! It's true though, that the GOG team tweak settings and package the whole game+emulator up nicely so even non-techies can use it!
  24. That's great! Where did you run across that?
  25. Prestige Power Slide does have one redeeming feature: It nullifies many of the animations from Ninja Run. Good for characters who aren't really the Ninja type. Might do the same for Beast Run, I don't know. That said, adding it to the P2W Sprints package wouldn't be a deal-breaker for me. And being able to customize it or making a few elemental versions would be very cool.
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