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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. There used to be a website parodying the moon landing conspiracy buffs that revealed the moon itself is a hoax. I went looking for it to cite here, but alas, no luck. I hope it's still out there somewhere. "Let me explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up." - I. Montoya Notice how old pictures of the moon are in black and white, and only recently it's in color? That's because the technology They use to fake it has gotten better over the years.
  2. And don't forget Lord Schweinzer! You need the Hero Slayer badge, and to be at least level 10. He gives all the Mayhem missions (in order if you like) to get the villain Invader accolade via exploration badges. (Equivalent to Portal Jockey.) Not much of a conversationalist, but a handy guy to know! OK, ok, not a story per se, but Mayhem missions are some of the most fun things you can do in this game, and that's saying a lot!
  3. Wow! Misadventure and Taskforce especially, good catches! And grats to your kid. Very creative! I remember teaming up with a player on Live, he played fine, but was very slow to respond to tells or team messages. Eventually, he confessed he was about your son's age. We cleaned up our language*, but we were delighted to have him! * I run with the profanity filter on all the time. If I want to express my displeasure, it is a point of pride not to say anything the filter would catch. Think Python: "vacuous, toffee-nosed, malodorous pervert!"
  4. I think the debuff from Hurricane extends far beyond either the sfx or the knockback, but I'll test to be sure. And I know that guys picking themselves up off the floor aren't attacking effectively! But fair enough. Do you find having KB-KD impairs your ability to herd mobs into corners? It seemed to, to me.
  5. Portal Jockey is actually easier to get redside. Lord Schweinzer gives out all the Mayhem missions you need to get the exploration badges for. He unlocks by killing 25 "heroes" which can be Freedom Phalanx. Or switch to blueside and run the Brickstown Signature Arc. When you see him, tell him "Talk about something else" to any mission he offers you. The you can pick them Mayhem missions in order, which helps to keep track. All you need is the exploration badges, you don't need to win the missions. Vidiotmaps is your friend.
  6. Doesn't the fur get in your teeth?
  7. I have a radical idea. Have you considered 4-slotting Stamina? Power Transfer End Mod and Chance to Heal self (gets you 6% Regen as a set bonus), with Performance Shifter Chance for +END, and a regular ol' End mod IO (boosted to 50+5 when available) essentially took care of my Stormie's END issues. In Health (also 4 slots) she has a Panacea, Numina's Regen/Recovery, a Miracle +Rec, and a Miracle Heal (which grant a +2.5% set bonus to recovery). Grab the Atlas Medallion, as roleki says, and you should be pretty good. Portal Jockey accolade helps, too. Together they add 10% to your END, 5% HP, and these boost every source of heal and endrec as well. It's kind of odd that the Health procs benefit END and the Stamina procs tend to help HP, but that's the way it works. The synergy is excellent! PS: Scientist is quite right about Hurricane, it's the main defense provided to Stormies. Don't put a KB->KD in that one, you want it to make the bad guys back off. An END reducer is a good idea, though. With practice, it makes an excellent herding tool.
  8. Definitely not in my case. This was a toon that had been duoing from the tutorial all the way to 50, all in the "real" world.
  9. Bio editor bug fixing would be very welcome. I am a fan of writing bios (product of a misspent youth) and have been bitten by these bugs more times than I can count. Extended character count is not a priority for me, but I can see it being popular. Thanks for looking into this! Also, dice-rolling would be cool. Now, kidding: Can we have a pack of cards and a roulette wheel, also? Or bingo, bingo would be neat!
  10. A thousand blessings upon your collective heads!
  11. Have you guys tested your new launcher under WINE?
  12. Anecdotal only, but on one character I never got the good Captain as a contact. I had to pick him up manually, by starting his arc from Ourobouros. ("Eye of Judgement, Dark Astoria Prologue"). After that, things proceeded normally.
  13. It reminded me of old-school AD&D where one joker would secretly be psionic, and everyone had to deal with squid-faced guys in dressing gowns all night long. (No, I'm not dating myself. That's illegal in my state.)
  14. I remember when just having a Kheldian on your team, however briefly, "tainted" the whole team until they all logged off. Those Crystals and Void hunters would keep showing up forever unless everyone logged off. Good times!
  15. That was pretty damn spectacular. They could make a movie.
  16. Cool! When Some Random Player in CoH is better behaved than the most generous in other MMOs. That's so very CoH!
  17. Even just the more innovative use of standard maps is refreshing. Tip mishes are s nice change of pace!
  18. There are some... technical legal issues that need to be addressed first. Then, sure!
  19. I believe the accepted wisdom is to organize into "cells" of three people, only one of whom knows the higher-up contact. That way, no one can betray the entire organization. CoH runs fine from a USB stick, so cloning parties ("samizdat") are one way to spread the word. Of course, if you are compromised, the Devs will disavow all knowledge of your actions. Good luck, Jim! (This message will self-destruct in five seconds.)
  20. That's a very interesting idea. I'd like to see that. Current PVP zones don't do it for me, but that sounds fun.
  21. Oh, so much this! I have one toon who uses the Rocket Board as a quick way to detoggle, but it's a pain on literally every other character.
  22. Steven Spielberg has a lot to answer for in this regard, also!
  23. Nice ones! I especially like Buzzkill and Thunderbird, good catches! On Torch I have (named after a friend and frequent duo-er who can always seem to avoid my AOE heals and buffs): Buff Dodger (Of course, he has a retro spacesuit costume.)
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