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Everything posted by DoctorDitko

  1. That does seem to help, many thanks!
  2. Agreed! Plus, you can have up to 5 Lagranges! And extra credit for Misadventure and Scrapperlock!
  3. I meant, what name did you get? Wardenclyffe Tower? Tesla's Wardenclyffe? Edison's Bane?* *Sucker deserved it. What a jerk!
  4. How about positioning the darn window? I move mine where I want it, but it keeps jumping around the window, usually a thumb's width down the screen. I put it to the top, and it moves back down in a minute or so. Drives me mad. (Well, madder.) Any suggestions?
  5. Excellent combo! (The slows help keep bad guys in range of the stormy chaos goodness.) Hailstorm Warning is my Storm/Ice Defender (recommended), on Torch. Way too much fun!
  6. lol! (Possibly NSFW) Davinci's Notebook is a local band:
  7. And now I have that song stuck in my head! Going to have to do Door missions till it goes away!
  8. lol! I can see that! It might slow them down, too, if they can't pronounce it! "Boss! It's the Cer-- uh, the Cerool-- oh, heck, it's that bug guy! He's behind-- Oh, never mind!"
  9. Enjoy Storm, Mr. Breeze! Embrace the chaos! One of my favorite sets!
  10. It's always been easy for me to get some name... It just varies how deep into the wordhoard to delve. Eventually, I give up. The Cerulean Coleopterid just doesn't have the same punch as the Blue Beetle!
  11. Have you ever just tried a character name, knowing there was no way you'd get it... And got it? It's happened a few times with me, once with CAPTAIN CAPS LOCK, another time with The Merry Tsoo. But recently I made a tiger-themed scrapper, and just for fun tried Apex Predator -- and now he's mine! On Torchbearer. Tremble, villains of Torchbearer! The Apex Predator is on the prowl!
  12. You play a long-dead MMO based on classic superheroes. Which exists in defiance of all odds, reason, and financial sense. Of course you are strange! Profit! You are in excellent company! Welcome home!
  13. Damn human bodies! Where's my upgrade? Eating should be for fun, not forced on us by an unfeeling Dev!
  14. Maybe we need a badge for awarded for leveling only from non-AE missions. Maybe with a power analyzer temp power attached. Appeal to the badge-hounds and mini-maxers among us. (I might be a bit of both.)
  15. That's a very interesting idea. Today, though, that would just mean endless begging in LFG for PLing via Dreck mishes or some such.
  16. Sorry to hear it! Good luck with that! I'm allergic to tobacco smoke, but turns out to be the additives. And I'd miss hot peppers terribly. Maybe Science will find a cure... (Disclaimer: Doctor Ditko is not a real doctor. Do not take medical advice from Doctor Ditko.)
  17. Sympathies! Just potato, or the whole nightshade family?
  18. No worries! I need translating for many of your phrases, also. Took me a month to figure out what "A hiding to nothing" meant, and I'm still not sure. "Two countries separated by a common language," indeed! (Plus, better with fish than steak. Steak calls for baked potato!)
  19. Mmmmm. Malt vinegar on (US) Steak fries or (UK) Chips. Good comfort food!
  20. When I summon my Phantasm and he charges into melee despite having only ranged attacks. When my Phantom army appear then stand around looking at each other, making me have to fly over to the other side of the bad guys to get them to engage. When other people's pets get in MY way! Thankfully, the HC devs seem to be working on most of these. Non-blocking MM pets have been a welcome change! What, I thought the topic was pet peeves?
  21. But not slotted sprint, unfortunately!
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