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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. OP can be reduced by shifting the damage to more resisted types, or spreading the set out a bit among types. I think that depends on if you're looking at it as a blaster set or a defender set... For a blaster, yeah, For a defender, maybe it's a bit much but they can be tuned by controlling the time the debuffs are effective (or the END cost/recharge for the more valuable debuffs). For my part, I don't care for fancy tricks like stacking. Especially since so many fights are over so fast you never really get a chance for stacks to matter.
  2. I can't quite work out why this appears, and it does disappear after a bit... It appears to be related to having an untrained alternate build.
  3. You do have them slotted for ACC and DMG? This is especially important for the Battle Drones. Another factor is controlling your difficulty level.
  4. OK, took my bots/FF out in her lvl 29 form... And didn't really encounter any Endurance problems. Looks like Upgrade is where the problem starts to kick in.
  5. "Attack on Titan: The Final Season, no, really, we mean it this time." 🙂 🙂
  6. A fellow fan of the Mountain Climbing Girls?!? Mob Psycho never caught my eye, but I know a lot of my ani-twitter mutuals are excited about it.
  7. By my scale, that's more hardcore than casual... 🙂 Either way, it's considerably more difficult than I'm running.
  8. Don't throw the baby out with bathwater though! There's plenty of useful (and not heated or necessarily off topic) discussion in the current threads... For example the post I just made in the Robotics thread replying to a player who, in the course of replying to an earlier post of mine, drew my attention to a hole in my testing methodology. Testers have used those threads to create feedback, to ensure that things weren't missed or skipped. To theorize and then go test those theories. That's what blew up in Page 4 and again here in Page 5 - testing was overwhelmed by talking. As I see it, problem isn't so much one of separating feedback from discussion as it is seperating testing from talkers. Testers (and Devs) should not be forced to compete with talkers. (And no, before anyone brings it up, testers shouldn't be forced off the forums and onto the Discord either.) I give and grant that devs want feedback, as pure and undiluted as possible... But over the years, there's also been a great deal of useful dev interaction in such discussions. Devs have pointed out things that don't need testing or further testing as they'll change in the next patch, or they're actually WAI. They've said (in replies to testers) "Whoops! Missed that!". Etc... Etc...
  9. I've never slotted endurance reduction in the past, never seemed to need it. I never really looked until the discussions in this thread drew my attention to it. But then I'm a casual/low level player, not a AV/GM hunter and in the past anything above +0x1 was often more than I could handle. Now I'm running +0x2. Might be able to handle +0x3... That's why I was asking for a touch more +recovery rather than endurance reduction. Not a big change, but enough to let the SO player and the less skilled make better use of the increased lethality without paying a slot tax. I'll try comparing my Live toon to a new copy on Beta, but I'm not sure how valid the test will be because they're not playing in the same league...
  10. I don't know that I agree. That doubles my work in trying to keep up with what has and hasn't been tested, what's working and what's not, etc... etc... It makes the signal to noise level markedly worse than it already is. If folks want to gripe and complain about a change - well, the General Discussion forum exists. Let's keep the Beta forums for those of us actually testing the Beta.
  11. Spinning off from the Bofuri fan thread... My top prospects for Fall 2022, in no particular order: Encouragement of Climb: Next Summit Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury My Hero Academia 6 Spy X Family: Part II Bocci The Rock! shows promise after one ep, but I'm not ready to call it a contender yet.
  12. Farted around with my lvl 30 bots/FF at +0x2... Definitely hitting endurance issues with all three pet classes. Never actually ran out in any one battle, but there were a couple of times it came close when I tangled with another spawn too quickly. A touch or three of +recovery definitely seems in order.
  13. I do NOT miss Mentor Tetris. Auto-sidekicking to the star holder's level or the TF level was a godsend.
  14. 2nd season premiers in January! New Key Art! New Trailer!
  15. It does not effect a "small subset of the game" - it affects every TF, SF, story arc, and radio or newspaper mission from lvl 21 (the lowest you can exemp/Ouro and have a T9) onwards to level 34 (currently the lowest you can have a T9 fully slotted). And that's without considering players that are exemped up [into things like the very popular PI radios]. @ScarySai is correct that it mostly effects the mid 20's, but there are effects above and below that range. And significantly there are effects on one of the most popular TF's in the game. True. Above a certain minimum sample size, it will remain a significant number no matter how large the base number. We also don't have the numbers to support your assertion that there won't be a significant impact.
  16. This is not some we, the volunteer playtesters, can adequately test in Beta. You'd need hundreds of runs with a wide variety of teams to even begin to approach valid numbers. (There's simply too many variables.) And, as has been explained to you before, that's the problem here - we're attempting to examine the cumulative effects of hundreds and potentially thousands of runs of a wide variety of TF's, SF's, story arcs, and radio/newspaper missions. Approached as a Fermi problem, it's fairly straightforward to see that over time decreasing the effort (time) needed to complete a task will result in many more completions of that task. I mean, if it takes me thirty minutes to finish a task, I can complete it 16 times in an eight hour working day. If I can reduce that to a 27 minutes - I can complete it 17 times. A 6% increase in productivity. (And that's rounding down and ignoring the leftover .779 completion each day.) Now multiply that by dozens of people working on the same task and multiply it across time.... That 6% starts to add up to Really Big Numbers of increased completions. And that's where the questions come in. How will it affect the market? What are the long term effects of playing into the existing meta that speed and steamrollering is desirable behavior? Etc... Etc... Because it's absolutely unquestionable that there will be effects.
  17. Did some farting around with my lvl 30 bots/FF and lvl 14 bots/EA last night... At low levels of difficulty, robot endurance wasn't really an issue on either toon. Streetsweeping against orange and red conning mobs, endurance wasn't quite an issue but the Protector Bots and the Assault bots were very low by the end of the fights. I can see how higher difficulties and longer fights could have problems. Maybe a bit of a Regen boost to help offset the increased END usage? Or add something to Supremacy or the Maintenance Drone?
  18. People had lives then too. Your argument is nonsense and will always be nonsense. "Casual" means "can play without complex prerequisites". I.E. you don't need raids, or groups of specific character types, or specific equipment, or specific builds, or max levels/skills, or any of the other crap that infests other games. At it's heart, CoX was built around the PUG - "every archetype can contribute, no archetype is required". It very emphatically does not mean "ever decreasing levels of effort for ever increasing levels of reward".
  19. *nods* That's my Beta pattern. Street sweep around Atlas for a level or two, jump to 6 and run KR radios, then work upwards by steps - generally right at the bottom of a zone's range. (Because in my experience that's where the rude surprises usually lurk.)
  20. A couple of minutes shaved of a single run of a single TF, no. That's not that big a deal any more than one raindrop is that big a deal. When you consider hundreds or thousands of story arcs and task forces over a span of time... That one raindrop becomes a flood. Reward merits are based on the time and effort required - and if those averages drops markedly, then the rewards must perforce follow.
  21. Playing my bots/EA into their mid-teens, and dang am I glad I have a heal [Rejuvenating Circuit] because otherwise these levels are sucking without the support previously provided by the Protector bot. Secondaries w/o a heal and/or builds w/o the Healing pool are going to be at a serious disadvantage in these levels. Proposal - take a leaf out of the Mercs powerset. The first Protector Bot summoned is a CSU (Combat Support Unit) with the ability to cast Force Shield and and to perform minor repairs on other robots. (I.E. it has the current Repair ability, but w/o requiring Equip.)
  22. Please, remember, exemping is a thing. And you also have to consider 'trollers and Masterminds - which, especially the latter, don't need slots do be significantly useful. (And honestly, in my experience, most T9's provide some level of usefulness even with the default single slot.)
  23. I copied over my lvl 29 bots/FF from live, and she pretty much cruised through street sweeping in Bricks and a number of Alignment missions. (Especially when I leveled to 30 and picked up Upgrade.) I'm currently running a low level bots/EA through King's Row on Brainstorm and not noticing any significant problems. Both on default difficulty. The lvl 29 especially felt more lethal. No changes were required to my usual playstyle other than becoming a bit bolder with my bots/FF.
  24. Potentially. Much depends on how, if, NCSoft decides to handle the matter... and we just don't know for certain.
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