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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. You'll be able to buy the tokens off the AH, so no need to grind for them.
  2. Fort Trident - Submarine, tested the teleport, all links work. But they're all one way... (Fort Trident -> Zone) WAI or bug?
  3. Confirmed. Created an SG from scratch, entered the base and opened the Base Editor. Placed both an Icon and Facemaker NPC in the entrance room, neither acted as a cosmetic surgeon. (The option was present, but greyed out.) This persisted even after logging out and logging back in.
  4. That assumes you want to rush the characters past all the low level content. Not everyone skips low level content, not everyone rushes to 50. Not everyone wants to concentrate on a new alt to ensure they reach a "safe" level. There does have to be a certain minimal level of investment for the system to work at all, but the level of that investment must be balanced against a wide variety of playstyles. This is a good change as it dramatically reduces the burden on active players while penalizing inactive accounts. (Sure, sure, more campers will be able to slip through the net - but "better a thousand guilty go free than a single innocent be unjustly punished.") You can't put such a system in place with inconveniencing someone, but somewhere in the single digit levels is probably going to be the best place to set the bar to minimize that. Level 6, which can be rushed with the investment of half an hour, or easily obtained with a few evenings of regular play, seems to be about right.
  5. What word are you looking for? What's missing in the patch notes or what's wrong when you visit?
  6. I'm neither here nor there WRT herding (unless it's being done by an incompetent or personally unpleasant tank), but the return of a more tactical playstyle (as opposed the current uncoordinated zerg) is certainly welcome.
  7. And if you don't want to mess with a DFB, hit the P2W vendor for a Double XP boost and do a bit of street sweeping (especially west and northwest of City Hall)... I didn't formally time it when I tried it this morning, but it didn't take very long to hit lvl 6 with a melee character. And given that it's more than two years since Homecoming opened to the public, the names on truly inactive 'early adopter' accounts will go available as soon as the dev team flips the switch and activates the system.
  8. Fort Trident: = The info guide is very helpful. Nice touch. = I'd move the Longbow Guide to the other side of the entrance arch if possible (they're easy to skim past where they are), but maybe that's just me. = The P2W vendor doesn't have a ring at their feet, but then neither does the one out in that Plaza...
  9. Same here. I think the basic problem is that the MCU writers/showrunners/what have you... have never really figured out what to do with Thor [the character]. They just keep rebranding him hoping that this time it'll be different. This time it'll stick. They tossed away their last, best hope when he handed over the reins of New Asgard to Valkyrie.
  10. In some universe where the "only real interest" is hearing "everything you're doing is great" - that would be a valid question. We don't live in such a universe. According to Number Six that's already part of the system. (A suggestion has already been made to update the patch notes to reflect this.)
  11. Agreed! I also use "last logged in" to help me remember if a particular character has run the WST or not.
  12. Oh? Since you have access to the player database and can cross reference from forum handles - tell me how many level 1 characters I'm squatting on. (I won't hold my breath because you don't and you can't.) Interesting how the people against burdening active players are "entitled", but those who feel they have a dev-given right to the names they want... aren't.
  13. Vigilant gloves and boots would be *chef's kiss* if the hand and foot area was true color - the actual color the player selects... instead of having a layer that changes the color to something paler and brighter.
  14. No, thank you. It's onerous enough as it is for active players to have spend time proving their continued worthiness to a character.
  15. Certainly it's possible. It's in no conceivable way desirable, but it's certainly possible. Just because the community wants it doesn't mean it's desirable, and vice versa - just because the community hates it doesn't mean it's bad for the game. And, as @Wavicle said, this isn't a democracy. Never has been, almost certainly never will be. Down that path lies madness [for an MMO].
  16. In a world when every possible combination of English words yielded a desirable superhero name, that would be a rational point. We don't live in such a world. We live in a world where only an impossibly tiny fraction of all possible combinations yields a desirable superhero name. We also live in a world where words have meaning and meanings are significant - and thus some desirable combinations are seen as more valuable than others.
  17. Might have to be a long term goal, but adding it to the Shining Stars arc might also be a good idea. (It's a pseudo tutorial anyhow...)
  18. The system tries to have its cake and eat it too. If it's hard for active campers for hoard names (per a GM comment elsewhere in the thread), then it's going to be difficult for normal players to maintain their roster as well. Under the proposed system you can't have it both ways - both difficult for the campers and easy for the active players. It's an onerous burden on active players to have to "prove" their worthiness to a name on an ongoing basis. That's why I've always been an advocate of account level action. It may be difficult from a developer point of view, I appreciate that... But if it can't be done right, minimizing the burden on actual active players (accepting that a few bad apples will slip through), then it shouldn't be done at all.
  19. - Fort Trident appears on the Long Range Teleporter menu, but does not appear on the Long Range TP Zone Check menu. - If there's a teleporter for Posi, I couldn't find it. As a member of the Freedom Phalanx shouldn't he get one too? Scratch that, finally found it tucked off in a weird corner. Should be moved to the main floor level like the others if possible. - Those teleporters, they're kinda counter-intuitive. - Agreed with suggestions to add a quartermaster and nurse.
  20. There's no yellow warning mentioned in the patch notes, and all of my characters on Brainstorm were either clear (no warning) or orange. So I had no way of knowing that the yellow warning existed... hence my suggestion. Instead, I'll substitute the suggestion that the patch notes be updated to fully describe the system.
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