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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. I'll just leave this here. No discussion of CoX videos is complete without it...
  2. Having leveled a couple of tanks back in the day (and soloing one currently)... You deal with the low damage output one or both of two ways: 1) keep your notoriety level modest. 2) be patient. If you want Big Damage Numbers, roll a brute or a blaster.
  3. To my mind Samuraiko was the CoX video maker back in the day... Her Issue teasers and trailers were awesome. So much better than the ones produced by NCSoft/Cryptic, which were dry-as-dust recitations of new features - basically patch notes in video form. Samuraiko's CoX playlist.
  4. Still plodding away on this build... And at level 18, I've pretty much got a choice between Chain Induction and Jacob's Ladder. Thoughts? Pros/cons? I'm leaning towards Chain Induction as it appears to be more of an PBAoE attack, and a nice complement to Thunderstrike.
  5. Don't. There's quite a few people who will look down on you and/or imply that you're a lesser player for not absolutely twinking out every single character. Ignore them. Play the way that you enjoy. ^^^ This, ten billion percent.
  6. They're justified and they're ancient And they like to roam the land - Just roll it from the top - They're justified and they're ancient I hope you understand - To the bridge to the bridge to the bridge now - They didn't want to upset the applecart They don't want to cause any harm But if you don't like what they're going to do You'd better not stop them 'cos they're coming through - Bring the beat back! -
  7. There's always that one guy... All the rhyming now for aught. Making this up on the fly, The opposite of a Nemesis plot. Rhyming is easy, poetic meter is hard.
  8. It would help to know *what* you're testing... and at what level.
  9. Well, that sucks. Thanks for checking!
  10. Did the trial version of the MSR last night, and even though I had "earn XP" turned on - I earned no XP. Bug or WAI?
  11. A swingin' jazzy tune that feels more like the 60's or 70's than ought-teens J-pop. I love it... (It has English subs, so feel free to check it out.)
  12. It's funny... back in the days of Live, we pored over the quarterly financials from Cryptic to tease out the numbers for CoX. Almost invariably, the numbers were down from the previous quarter. And each quarter, we'd say the same kind of things folks are saying here. "It's the holidays, they'll be back." "It's back to school after the holidays, they'll be back." "It's summer vacation, they'll be back." "It's back to school after summer vacation, they'll be back." I don't want to be a Debbie Downer - but here's the thing. There'd be upswings now and again after a major Issue or a new retail box, but quarter piled on quarter the trend was clear. (To those few of us who pulled back and looked at the pattern rather than immediate results.) They never came back. What this says about the future of Homecoming (which has very different funding and operations models), I can't say and won't speculate on. But I wouldn't bet the rent money on "they'll come back".
  13. Buying back... what? All the shops ingame that I'm aware of will buy back what they sell (and more besides).
  14. I'd rather than the "Lightning Rapier" powerset...
  15. Best at... what? Your whole scheme of balancing against IO's is based on the flawed assumption that there is only One True Build for each AT. Data mining will give you information on the most popular builds. What happens to my scrapper (who is increasingly biased towards being a killing machine) if it turns out that living bricks are the most popular scrapper build? By default, if you're building around the most common, you're disadvantaging those folks who don't play/build around the most popular philosophy. In the case of Brutes, there's a pretty good chance you'll be defining the One True Build as a farmer, almost certainly a fire farmer. Oh, sure, in theory you can balance by AT/primary/secondary... But now you've increased the amount of work required exponentially. Brutes have 216 different potential combinations of primary/secondary - add in power pools (of all flavors) and your potential number of builds to balance soars into four figures. (And you can't ignore power pools, they're a popular place to mule IOs.) Even the Live dev team (larger than the current one and likely larger than any possible current one) couldn't keep up with keeping even one AT completely balanced within itself... let alone against all the others. That's why, after multiple Issues across a span of years, we're even having this discussion.... because, as the game is currently played, tanks are disadvantaged in group play. And that's not even mentioning the question of what level you start balancing around IO's... Twinking is a thing, and I'm seeing heavily IOed builds as far down as the low teens.
  16. On the flipside of "that feeling when" - when the rare recipe you badly wanted but couldn't afford yet drops as loot. From a minion.
  17. So, is there a place for a guy who hasn't done this raid in seven years and really doesn't remember/know what to do or how to do it?
  18. That's what it is - a GM/zone event on par with Lusca or Eochia/Jack in Irons. It's not an endgame raid and was never (NAICT) meant to be.
  19. Generally because they're custom art, not costume pieces. That is, they're not designed to work with character customization system.
  20. I don't think it would be programming intensive... But it would be (very) artwork intensive. Sometimes, you just have to use your imagination and accept that CoX can't fit every possible that every player can imagine into the game.
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