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Everything posted by Doc_Scorpion

  1. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a very long time... a very long time indeed.
  2. Yeah... "stating this character hasn’t used a OP feature that makes the game to easy" and "You have no life.", those aren't negative at all. (Narrator voice: Yes, yes they are.)
  3. This. People keep harping on Thor, because it's such an obvious and egregious edge case. If you're afraid of getting genericed... Then don't use Thor. It's that simple. Your life won't end over it. That being said... I wonder if we'll see the people we had on Live again - folks that set out to be genericed to get the name.
  4. Though it would be a bonus for those of us w/o billions of inf and the disinclination to farm for it. Especially if the recipes didn't use rare salvage.
  5. 0.o It's almost like you didn't actually read the material you linked to. If you had, you'd have noticed it was the defendants who called the suit "frivolous" - which is nothing but meaningless posturing before the court. Nor is there anything in there about the court being happy or unhappy, that's something you've pulled out of thin air. In the same vein, the assumption that they settled because they knew they had lost is also something you've pulled out of a place that would get me moderated for name. Or, to put it simply, you're 0-for-3. Precisely this. We have absolutely no idea who cried "Uncle" and caved. It could just as easily been NCSoft as Marvel.
  6. Bovine exhaust. I worked with a system a couple of orders of magnitude more complex and powerful than the Apollo systems - and guess what? We had printed checklists and manuals. The currently deployed version of the same system is a couple of orders of magnitude more complex and powerful than mine... and it too has printed checklists and manuals. Your average modern jetliner is more complex than the Apollo systems... and printed checklists and manuals are required to be onboard or it can't carry passengers. And in that last is the key. The existence of checklists and manuals is independent of the complexity of the system. Checklist and manuals exists because the relevant authority (management, customer, regulatory body, whoever) demand that system be provided with them. (And that they match the system.) Modern business systems are undocumented because documentation is seen as a cost. And costs cut into the bottom line. And the bottom line rules over everything.
  7. Coyote too... Those most folks probably skip the tutorial nowadays and don't even know/realize/remember he's there. I've never heard of Luna, I'd love to hear her story.
  8. Even if they start out that way - after a few years of bugfixes, patches, updates, etc... They'll be as spaghetti as anything. That's the real problem with refactoring MMO code, it's an ever moving target. You simply can't freeze the code and work on it in any kind of structured way. I still remember the horrified post by UO dev, who'd decided one day to dig into core combat loop and fix a longstanding but minor bug... He couldn't even find some of the basic functions because they were so obfuscated by almost a decade of changes.
  9. You're absolutely correct. Which is why everybody in this conversation has repeatedly agreed with you. You may not have said anything, but others have - and it's a point worth discussing.
  10. I wouldn't say that they're inherently of lesser quality... But based on what happened on Live when it F2P, it definitely attracts a "different" (and that is not a compliment) quality of player. But yeah, the prevalence/popularity of micro transaction and PTW based games has nothing to do with the sustainability of the game. It's all about preying on the playerbase to maximize profit.
  11. My toggle heavy characters vary in how often they use it, but they all use Rest to some degree or another.
  12. The conclusion does not follow from the premise. Just because corporate MMO's (ever in search of ever more profit) have largely shifted to microtransations (read: loot boxes), that does not mean that the subscription model is faulty. Ok, let's cherry pick - Ultima Online still sticks with monthly subs.
  13. I that tanker unique? Because I certainly can pick T2 (Battle Drones) when I'm creating a bots/ MM.
  14. Doesn't do much for folks working from memorized recipes.
  15. +1 for one of the funniest CoX fan vids evah!
  16. The Other Side of the Wall - VoidChords ft.MARU (Princess Principal OP) Can you feel that nothing turns around Like a gear in sync inside a clock Who can be sure of how to make it work Recognize Inner sight Gotta stay alive I will never be deceived I’m a girl that sees through lies Cuz I know Know it all Gonna fly so high
  17. Hmmm.... in no particular order: geocaching, photography (serious amateur grade), various computer games, cooking, the SCA, bookbinding... And then there's anime. I'll talk your ear off about anime.
  18. No, I basically chimed in to say that it's not the game's fault you let your inventory pile up. Thus, it's not on the game to fix a problem it didn't cause. It's not on the devs to spend time they could be spending on other, more pressing, problems to fix a problem they're not responsible for. The AH is seeded with salvage (and other items) to keep prices low... meaning it will never run out until the devs turn off the seeding.
  19. To be brutally honest, this isn't a problem with any game mechanic. It's a problem because you haven't sold unwanted salvage and have allowed it to pile up. It's on the one who caused the problem to solve it.
  20. Assuming the star is familiar with any playstyle that isn't an uncoordinated zerg rush... (As I've said elsewhere, tactical play is almost extinct in Homecoming.) Heck, assuming the star wants to (or is capable of) exerting any control or setting any direction in the first place. Both are somewhat dodgy assumptions.
  21. When you put it that way, (with the perspective of the intervening years) it kinda makes me go "WT-actual-F were they thinking?". They already had one badly underutilized route (redside), so why add another?
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