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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. I almost used that analogy. Not enough going on at the top, though, to be accurate.
  2. Always been that way.
  3. Honey, you need to talk to your plastic surgeon. He messed you up.
  4. It's high in the front, nothing in the back. Not much on the sides. Really doesn't animate like a PBAoE, definitely gives the impression of a cone when you watch it. It's not the same animation used by Spinning Strike. Or, it's not the same animation used by a Street/Shield Spinning Strike. I don't know of the shield changes anything, I only have that one Street Justice character.
  5. No. The rest of the game is the Shed of Doom. Google it. You're welcome.
  6. This tip is supposed to require you to rescue Blast Furnace, place two bombs and defeat Flambeaux. The mission is completing without defeating Flambeaux. You don't even have to fight her, or the spawn she's with. Once the second bomb is set, the mission completes. I've run this mission dozens of times with this character and I'm certain it required her defeat until very recently.
  7. I'm loving the adjustments that have culminated in everything running as soon as you looked at them funny, and especially fix that makes critters respond to Taunts by running even faster and farther. I can do so much more with my life now! While I'm waiting for the bad guys to remember where they spawned and stroll back, I can do other things, like dig the hole for my outhouse, write the great American novel, cook a banquet, bury the bodies, build a new cabin, walk all the way around the world, study to become a neuro-surgeon... productivity is finally mine!
  8. 100,000? Five zeroes? What is this, a job offer from McDonalds? Guards. GUARDS! Remove this peasant.
  9. Want.
  10. 50% +Range fixes that. My TA/Dark's entire attack chain is TT/NF/Moonbeam and I don't move an inch once I start.
  11. Shards were only for Alpha components, and Alpha components only used shards (or related components in the shard path, like Grai Matter/Notice of the Well/Favor of the Well/etc) when the Incarnate system was implemented. Shards originally only dropped from Incarnate content when it was in beta, until the forums went batshit at the implication that no Incarnate progress would be permitted unless the player ran Incarnate trials, at which point Paragon added shards... at a drop rate which would require 8-9 months of grinding for 4-6 hours every day to reach T4 (that was when i went batshit, too (i was the one who calculated the time based on the drop rate)). Thread paths were added to Alpha post-shutdown, and threads added as regular drops on non-Incarnate critters, so players wouldn't have to grind endlessly to complete the Alpha slot.
  12. We're supposed to be in clothes? Huh. Interesting.
  13. A series of alphanumeric characters arranged in groups which are placed sequentially in order to convey articulated thought? Unless it was Welsh, in which case it was a series of alphanumeric characters arranged in groups which were placed sequentially to drive readers insane. BUY A VOWEL, WALES!
  14. Just make another shortcut. Or check the trash, see if you accidentally threw it away. Go to the Tequila folder. Drag tequila.exe to the desktop while holding Alt. Drop it. You can rename it later. Easy peasy dirty sleazy.
  15. They exist so critters have the tiniest chance to kick your ass. Auto powers and clicks couldn't be suppressed, shut off or otherwise set to remove their effects when the game was created. A toggle, being a short duration click which the game automatically clicks for you at pre-determined intervals, can have its effects removed. You can be sapped and have your toggles shut off. You can be mezzed and have your toggles shut off. You can run out of endurance through your own actions and have your toggles shut off. In a game with enemies so stupid that they can't walk up a ramp, some concessions have to be made to give them any semblance of equivalency to player characters. Toggles are one of those concessions.
  16. Could it have been automatically archived due to lack of use? Is it possible you switched desktops or logged into your computer with a different account (also would show a different desktop)? And, why not just make a new shortcut to the launcher and fuggedaboudit, since I'm asking questions?
  18. I've always prioritized Fire/Cold and Energy/Negative over anything else, because those are what the killer debuffs, -Recharge and -ToHit, are attached to. Damage is survivable, debilitation is what leads to defeat. Page 4 didn't require, or warrant, a single respec for any of my characters.
  19. My petless mastermind hasn't even noticed the aggro and attack type adjustments. If you're finding the game harder despite having better and stronger characters, it's you, not the changes.
  20. Change is painful at times. Not knowing what's coming, not knowing how or if we can adapt, it's unpleasant. Routine is comfortable, and comforting. Uncertainty is terrifying. But change is also growth, and routine, that's just another word for stagnation. Change is necessary. It makes us sharper, forces us to develop new skills and refine existing ones, and drives us to be more than we were. It helps us become better, not just as players, but as people. And that makes it worthwhile, worth enduring, worth adapting.
  21. We've secretly replaced @Troo's launcher with Folger's Crystals. Let's see if he notices...
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