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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. 100,000? Five zeroes? What is this, a job offer from McDonalds? Guards. GUARDS! Remove this peasant.
  2. Want.
  3. 50% +Range fixes that. My TA/Dark's entire attack chain is TT/NF/Moonbeam and I don't move an inch once I start.
  4. Shards were only for Alpha components, and Alpha components only used shards (or related components in the shard path, like Grai Matter/Notice of the Well/Favor of the Well/etc) when the Incarnate system was implemented. Shards originally only dropped from Incarnate content when it was in beta, until the forums went batshit at the implication that no Incarnate progress would be permitted unless the player ran Incarnate trials, at which point Paragon added shards... at a drop rate which would require 8-9 months of grinding for 4-6 hours every day to reach T4 (that was when i went batshit, too (i was the one who calculated the time based on the drop rate)). Thread paths were added to Alpha post-shutdown, and threads added as regular drops on non-Incarnate critters, so players wouldn't have to grind endlessly to complete the Alpha slot.
  5. We're supposed to be in clothes? Huh. Interesting.
  6. A series of alphanumeric characters arranged in groups which are placed sequentially in order to convey articulated thought? Unless it was Welsh, in which case it was a series of alphanumeric characters arranged in groups which were placed sequentially to drive readers insane. BUY A VOWEL, WALES!
  7. Just make another shortcut. Or check the trash, see if you accidentally threw it away. Go to the Tequila folder. Drag tequila.exe to the desktop while holding Alt. Drop it. You can rename it later. Easy peasy dirty sleazy.
  8. They exist so critters have the tiniest chance to kick your ass. Auto powers and clicks couldn't be suppressed, shut off or otherwise set to remove their effects when the game was created. A toggle, being a short duration click which the game automatically clicks for you at pre-determined intervals, can have its effects removed. You can be sapped and have your toggles shut off. You can be mezzed and have your toggles shut off. You can run out of endurance through your own actions and have your toggles shut off. In a game with enemies so stupid that they can't walk up a ramp, some concessions have to be made to give them any semblance of equivalency to player characters. Toggles are one of those concessions.
  9. Could it have been automatically archived due to lack of use? Is it possible you switched desktops or logged into your computer with a different account (also would show a different desktop)? And, why not just make a new shortcut to the launcher and fuggedaboudit, since I'm asking questions?
  11. I've always prioritized Fire/Cold and Energy/Negative over anything else, because those are what the killer debuffs, -Recharge and -ToHit, are attached to. Damage is survivable, debilitation is what leads to defeat. Page 4 didn't require, or warrant, a single respec for any of my characters.
  12. My petless mastermind hasn't even noticed the aggro and attack type adjustments. If you're finding the game harder despite having better and stronger characters, it's you, not the changes.
  13. Change is painful at times. Not knowing what's coming, not knowing how or if we can adapt, it's unpleasant. Routine is comfortable, and comforting. Uncertainty is terrifying. But change is also growth, and routine, that's just another word for stagnation. Change is necessary. It makes us sharper, forces us to develop new skills and refine existing ones, and drives us to be more than we were. It helps us become better, not just as players, but as people. And that makes it worthwhile, worth enduring, worth adapting.
  14. We've secretly replaced @Troo's launcher with Folger's Crystals. Let's see if he notices...
  15. I'm constantly tweaking my level 50 characters. The more I play them, the more I find things I can remove, replace, revise, and there's usually a lot of room for change because I tend to get stuck in a rut when I'm building, using the same IOs on everything, chasing the same set bonuses, making the same decisions even when they don't make sense or serve no purpose. Why do I have the 5% +Res (All) unique on a character who never gets hit because everything is always mezzed? Get rid of it! Do I need a fifth attack for a character with a perfect attack chain using four powers? No! Can I wean myself off of all of this extra Slow Resistance I've accumulated and replace it with a little more Fire/Cold Defense? Yes, I can! It keeps the game fresh, even with characters that would otherwise be "done". And that's a critical retention feature for me. If this were another MMORPG, I'd be at max level and have no real path forward, nothing to do but level another character or wait for an expansion. There are only so many ways you can adjust a "skill tree" build, whereas the flexibility of Co* offers almost endless possibilities, even within a single build. And half the fun is testing theoretical improvements and seeing how they actually perform in the game.
  16. I didn't even know there was a hidden AE, or that it had been nerfed. They really hid it well!
  17. 25,000,000 inf* to create rare Incarnate salvage out of threads, plus enough threads to make all of the common and uncommon salvage to combine to the rare. 200,000,000 inf* (4x rare + 100,000,000 inf*) to create very vare Incarnate salvage, plus all of the threads to create the common and uncommon salvage used to make the rares. Each T3 requires one rare salvage, each T4 requires two T3s, so 250,000,000 inf* total to create a single T4 Incarnate ability. Six Incarnate abilities, 1,500,000,000 inf*. Empyreans aren't going anywhere. I'll give the ultimate power wedgie to anyone who tries to take them out.
  18. 7.5 seconds (Barrier Radial Epiphany) or 10 seconds (Barrier Core Epiphany), from cast. Drops to 30% for the next 15 seconds (Barrier Radial Epiphany) or 35% for 20 seconds (Barrier Core Epiphany). Then it's 5% for the next 22.5 seconds (Barrier Radial Epiphany) or 7.5% for 30 seconds (Barrier Core Epiphany). The final drop brings it to 2.5% for the last 45 seconds (Barrier Radial Epiphany) or 5% for 60 seconds (Barrier Core Epiphany).
  19. I am an unrepentant Agility Radial Paragon junkie. I'll fight anyone who tries to come between me and my zoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom. I'll shiv a mofo. SHIV A MOFO. So I was really struggling with my Dark/Martial dominator. I had the build "perfect", but it just wasn't perfect. The more I played it, the less I enjoyed it. I just wanted to defeat +0 critters without having to use one more attack to finish off that 0.001 HP they always had left, and nothing I was doing seemed to make that happen. I respeced into Cross Punch. I respeced out of Cross Punch. I respeced into Spring Attack, and out of Spring Attack. Nothing was cutting the mustard and I was close to abandoning the character and trying a /Martial blaster or MA/* scrapper (really didn't want to do that, because none of the other variations have as much AoE). Until I tried Musculature. Night and freaking day difference. All of those kicks and shuriken throws finally felt right. An absolute joy to play. I love it. It's my second favorite character now. AND I STILL HAVE ZOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM! Thank you, Musculature gods!
  20. You can please some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time, but you can't please all of the people all of the time. They're doing their best. There were things which didn't thrill me in this update. There were things I didn't notice or care about in past updates. This extends to the 7 years I spent playing on the original servers. But I've learned to expect that with every update, in every game. Do I agree with every decision they make? Shit, no. But I also don't disagree with every decision they make, because even the ones I don't like are intended to make the game better in some way. That's all they're really trying to do, make the game better. Where the problem you see arises is how your definition of "better" may differ from theirs. Co* isn't perfect. It launched with serious design flaws and oversights, some of which still haunt us today. It's never been well balanced and probably never will be. And right now, the HC team appears to be going wild, buffing this and buffing that and everything seems like it's spiraling out of control. But they have a game plan (pun intended). They have a goal. They have a direction. They understand that they can't balance anything if there are massive disparities between things which are supposed to be similar. So before they can start grab a level and start working on balance, they have to either bring the over-performers down (which would incite mass riots), or bring the under-performers up. We have a lot more over-performers than under-performers at the moment, but that's because they've been whittling away at the under-performers for three years. Would you, honestly, have even considered taking a pre-I27 Trick Arrows anything along on a Hard Mode run? Or even a basic Incarnate trial? Honestly? I wouldn't, and I've got more experience with TA under my belt than anyone else here. That's what they're addressing now. They're maybe halfway finished. Maybe. Still a lot of work to do before it all starts to come together, but it will come together. We will get there. In the meantime, make your own challenges. Stop playing hyper-powerful builds. Play Kinetic Melee. Play a petless mastermind or dominator. Play something that isn't easy mode, there's a lot of it still in the game. You're the author of your experience with this game. Or leave. Go, play on a server without HC's changes. Whatever makes you happy. Me, I'll be right here, enjoying the ever-loving fuck out of the game for as long as I can, because I had to live through two Snaps. The first when I quit in 2011 and longed for it every day until I decided to come back, and the second in 2013, when I tried to come back and discovered that it was gone. I don't care what the HC team does at this point, I'm not going through that again. I'll be here until they drag me away, kicking, screaming, biting and flailing wildly. The HC team isn't going to meet my expectations every time they do something, and that's fine, because I'm looking three years down the road, not at tomorrow, not at yesterday, and I see it all falling into place. I'm willing to wait, to put up with annoyances, to have faith. That said, I'm also not the kind of player who soloes GMs and AVs, or who builds anything to do so. That shit takes too fucking long. I know because I did it a long, long time ago, when I thought I had something to prove. I did it with SOs. I did it with a 0.55 melee damage modifier and no Damage enhancements in my attacks. II did it without status protection. I'm quite content, now, to take the lazy approach of making builds to play +1/x5 at 50+ and just run around kicking the crap out of minions, lieutenants and regular bosses. I'm happy that the game has finally reached the point of allowing me to do that without feeling like I'm pushing a boulder up a hill. Fuck the days of scrounging and scraping to afford a single purple IO. To hell with feeling lucky to have one reasonably kitted out character. Not being able to make a Greco-Roman character at level 1, or having to grind for weeks to unlock content, or being forced to team in order to make any Incarnate progress can bite my perfect little ass. I'll take a game that allows me to build what I want and not struggle over a "challenge" any day of the week. I can make my own challenges and keep the game fresh for myself, I don't need imposed poverty and arbitrary, senseless restrictions to do it for me. But that's me. You want something else, and that's cool, too. Just don't disappear forever, because you still have friends here.
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