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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. https://homecoming.wiki/wiki/Enhancement_Diversification To sum it up, the closer you move toward an enhancement schedule's (schedules are the broad categorization for enhancements, read more about that in the above link) soft maximum (soft because there are no sudden hard limits on IOs, like 100% or 112.5% or 56%), the less each subsequently slotted enhancement will boost that effect. All enhancements, regardless of origin, type or method of acquisition, are subject to this rule. IOs (and HOs and similar SO-based multi-boost enhancements, and Winter/AT enhancements) follow the same schedules, and the same ED rules, but most IOs combine multiple boosts (Acc/Dam, or Acc/Hold/Endurance/Recharge, for instance), which allows them to buff multiple effects. Consequently, they allow players to maximize almost all aspects of powers, as opposed to being restricted to maximizing one aspect with SOs and having to settle for less in other ways (2 Acc/3 Dam/1 EndRdx with SOs, for example. contrast that with using IOs to add 45% Acc/95% Dam/49% EndRdx/73% RchgRdx using an IO set in the same power). IO set bonuses are NOT subject to ED, and are applied outside of ED's restrictions, which is why those bonuses tend to be highly valued by many players. Common usage of set IOs includes frankenslotting (slotting multi-boost IOs from different sets to totally optimize a power, without regard for set bonuses), set slotting (when a set offers "enough" boosts and the bonuses are desirable), proc-slotting (packing powers with procs and designing a build to maximize proc chances), and muling (slotting powers exclusively for set bonuses or with unique IOs, with no intention to ever use said powers). My kitten is trying to swallow my ankle, so that's all I have time to explain at the moment.
  2. Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls. Or just ask @Yomo Kimyata for some. Inf*, not Skuls. He doesn't traffic in Skuls.
  3. Salvage selling for 10k+ inf*. BOOM, dragged this train back into the station!
  4. Oh, boy, here comes a round of bitching about the little strings left on bananas after they're peeled.
  5. There are a lot more ass-clowns than there are clown clowns. You could expand your list to practically every enemy in the game if you add an ass. Nemesis? Total ass-clown. Fifth Column? Bunch of ass-clowns. Circle? Ass-clown central!
  6. Wouldn't that be his grave?
  7. *spends 100,000,000 on yellow salvage* *sits down in front of @Snarky and eats it, one at a time* Lemony. 😁
  8. The irony here is that you're playing on these servers while implying that playing on said servers constitutes copyright infringement. No-one's forcing you to play this game, but here you are, showing the very moral decrepitude which you attribute to everyone else. Willingly. Knowingly. Eagerly. Here's another link, just for you. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypocrisy But, to address the accusation of irony, what makes our presence here not ironic is that we're not taking something away from anyone by playing on these servers, or stealing by using the game in this form. NC has no active Co* servers, no players to poach, no subscription numbers to be impacted, they've abandoned the IP in all but legal filings and are negotiating with the HC team for a licensing agreement. We have, to a degree, permission from the owner to play with this toy, and are working toward ensuring that we will continue to be permitted to do so. We are not stealing from NC, we have tacit approval to use the IP while negotiations are conducted. We are not counterfeiting anything, we are not attempting to pass off the HC version of Co* as the original. We are not plagiarizing, nothing has been stolen, copied or "borrowed without permission". In contrast, directly copying another Co* server group's assets would be theft, as those are original works created with the specific intent of drawing players to their servers and creating a unique experience. We do not have agreements with other Co* server groups, we are not negotiating agreements with those other server groups, and stealing their assets would not only impair their ability to draw in players with their unique content, it would also constitute theft of original works, counterfeiting of distinct server groups and plagiarism of their assets. In other words, you're full of shit.
  9. I don't. And that has nothing to do with my post. Also, an homage is a tribute, a nod, a respectful gesture. Taking another server group's ideas to diminish their uniqueness and reduce their player base is not an homage, it's malicious and reprehensible. Finish kindergarten so you learn what words mean before you use them.
  10. "You think we'll get more controllers in here if we set 'em on fire?" "Remember when that Drab the Destructor guy came in, got drunk and fought a rabbit?" "We could get some of those Cage boys, and that actor, and have a Cage Cage Cage match!" "If we put 'em in pants, we could sell it as 'family-friendly entertainment'." "Oooooooooooooooooh, right in the banana." "It's your turn to clean the kennels."
  11. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counterfeit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plagiarism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copyright_infringement
  12. I am Groot. I am Groot. I am Groooooooooooooooooot! I aM gRoOt. I am Groot. I am Groot. We... are... Groot. I am Groot. i am groot I am Groot.
  13. Stop using lube. 😁
  14. Stop eating those burritos.
  15. Because the power is flagged "Ignore external strength boosts", not the Resistance. It's a package deal, the whole power is affected by that flag, and the only comparable flag which could be applied exclusively to the Resistance is "Ignore enhancements and other boosts"... which would obviate the purpose of Resistance being enhanceable in the power.
  16. I had no idea poison toads smoked, much less engaged in role-playing. Fascinating.
  17. Oh freddled gruntbuggly, Thy micturations are to me As plurdled gabbleblotchits on a lurgid bee. Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes, And hooptiously drangle me with crinkly bindlewurdles, Or I will rend thee in the gobberwarts With my blurglecruncheon, see if I don't!
  18. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=brute_defense.fiery_aura.consume&at=brute Consume gives 50% resistance to -Endurance, not -Recovery. Resistance to -Endurance isn't shown in stats, resistance to -Recovery is.
  19. No sheep anywhere, badgers in every household, technological differences, mad scientists running things, shapeshifters... we're playing in Walternate's universe.
  20. My brain went somewhere weird again. Just finished making Kaolin Monk, a porcelain statue suffused with Qi, on Everlasting.
  21. Looking over a couple of other scrapper Taunt auras, the discrepancy appears to be two-fold. The second set of Taunts (there are two in each, a PvP/non-Raid PvE, and a Raid PvE), behind the Redirect, should be the actual, and only, Taunts, based on a comparison to other Taunt auras (Invincibility and Against All Odds). But all four of the Taunts in Entropic Aura are using the wrong table, too. They're using Melee_Ones instead of the Melee_InherentTaunt table used by other Taunt auras. Deleting the redirect entirely and setting the 2.25s Taunts to Melee_InherentTaunt at scale 1 would resolve the issue. While I was poking around, I also noticed that Electric Armor's Power Sink has a +5% Rage effect, presumably another dangling left-over from the brute inherent.
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