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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Purse attack with mag 50 Avoid and Haunt taunt = angry women chasing purse snatchers all over Atlas Park. @Mike Morbid - there's at least one belt with a large pouch attached to it (on the rear). If you're asking for Bags of Holding to increase salvage storage, several auction house badges grant increased storage, and you can also use Vanguard merits to bump it up another 10 (one time purchase). And this thread should be in the Suggestions & Feedback forum.
  2. During the Troll Rave event, yes. The Supatrolls who aren't defeated or droned eventually run to a door and go inside (how the game despawns them), when the event ends.
  3. Refers to player interaction with other players. Not to bad guys written to be bad guys and making comments about other bad guys. Cole isn't addressing you, your character, your teammate, your pet/hench, your employer, your family members or anyone else in the real world. The content guidelines don't apply to this situation, no matter how hard you bend and twist them.
  4. So, basically, no-one's the "boss of you", you aren't obliged to explain your reason for asking that something be changed, it just needs to be changed because you said so and that's that. Okay, who's taking bets on how long this one remains unlocked? Anyone? I have a tenner that says it won't make it to 8 p.m. EST.
  5. Fuel prices have doubled in the last couple of months. There's talk of a new Cold War, and even WW3. And someone's up in arms over a dystopian dictator's internal monologue in a video game. Personally, seeing number three on that list gives me great comfort. As long as people are contriving reasons to be offended, they're too distracted to make the serious problems worse and I'm not likely to be vaporized in my sleep by nuclear warheads, starve to death because I spent all of my money putting gas in my bike or have to resort to cutting down my forest to cook. I'm going to go buy some ice cream. A Dove bar, not one of those shitty $0.50 ice cream sandwiches. Woo!
  6. Defenders Modifiers (at level 50) Melee Ranged Damage Scale 0.550 0.650 Defense Buff 0.100 0.100 Damage Buff 0.100 0.125 Max HP Buff 0.100 0.125 ToHit Buff 0.100 0.125 Defense Debuff 0.125 0.125 Damage Debuff 0.125 0.125 ToHit Debuff 0.125 0.125 EndMod 1.250 0.125 Fear 1.490 1.490 Heal Other 133.862 133.862 Heal Self 101.735 Immobilize 1.490 1.490 Knockback 2.077 2.077 Damage Resist 0.100 0.100 Sleep 1.490 1.490 Slow 1.250 1.250 Stun 1.490 1.490 Taunt 1.030 1.030 Threat Level 1.0 1.0 Corruptors Modifiers (at level 50) Melee Ranged Damage Scale 0.750 0.750 Defense Buff 0.085 0.750 Damage Buff 0.085 0.100 Max HP Buff 0.070 0.100 ToHit Buff 0.085 0.100 Defense Debuff 0.075 0.100 Damage Debuff 0.075 0.100 ToHit Debuff 0.075 0.100 EndMod 1.000 1.100 Fear 1.192 1.192 Heal Other 96.381 117.799 Heal Self 107.090 Immobilize 1.192 1.192 Knockback 2.077 1.662 Damage Resist 0.075 0.075 Sleep 1.192 1.192 Slow 1.000 1.000 Stun 1.192 1.118 Taunt 1.030 1.030 Threat Level 1.0 1.0 It goes a bit deeper than a simple flip of the primary/secondary.
  7. Corruptors use the same buff/debuff scales as controllers. Defenders have no Scourge, no Containment, and 0.65 Ranged Damage scale and 0.55 Melee Damage scale. Their buff/debuff scales are the only thing they have going for them. Bad suggestion is bad.
  8. That's not a bank, that's a Buried Accounts & Numismatics Keep. If you're sent to one in a cemetery, don't go. That's the Buried Accountants & Numismatists Keep, and they're touchy about being bothered when they're tabulating and sorting.
  9. Then your original sentinel plan would be fine. Dark/Invuln would be a good pairing, with Dark's -ToHit complementing /Invuln's Defenses. Throw in Darkest Night from one of the Dark *PPs and you probably won't have much need for resistance buffs.
  10. Phantasm doesn't like sewer maps. I believe I left a shouty post somewhere around here about that. Phantasm and Singularity both fly. Might be flight pathing. Someone give @Faultline a recipe for floating bacon.
  11. Sentinels have no aggro management tools, and sentinel damage output isn't sufficient to overcome the aggro generated by most other archetypes even with the higher Threat modifier, so you'd have to invest in the Presence pool. Without that, you wouldn't be able to pull a -1 underling off of a "healer". Also, sentinels have good damage mitigation and status protection. They can handle melee combat very well, and some of their secondaries and *PPs include PBAoEs which would help with aggro management once you have a Taunt. Staying at range would be a gross underutilization of sentinel capabilities for this project. You'd be better served by any other archetype if you're insistent on range tanking.
  12. The game recalculates the XP based on a different maximum HP total when Confused critters deal damage. When XP is factored, 3/4ths of the damage dealt by the Confused critter is treated as nonexistent. If that damaged foe originally had 400 HP and your Confused critter dealt 200 damage, the game would ignore 150 of the damaged critter's HP, treat it as though it were never there, like the damaged critter only had 250 HP when it spawned. The remaining 1/4th of the damage your Confused critter deals is counted against the total XP possible for that damaged critter. In the same example, that would account for 50 damage. When you deal the remaining 200 damage, the game calculates XP as if the damaged critter originally had 250 HP, and you would gain 80% of the maximum possible XP because you accounted for 80% of the damage (200/250) while your Confused critter accounted for 20% (50/250). You will still receive 0 XP or drops if a Confused critter defeats another critter without you dealing any damage. It always worked this way. You can check the patch note archives, there were no changes to Confuse's XP distribution at any point in the game's history. It just wasn't understood until some players who were fed up with the "STOP STEALING MY EX PEAS WITH UR CONFUSE!" bitching (C-Force in particular), took the time to measure exactly how much XP was being gained and lost and posted the results with all of the extrapolated math behind it. That explanation and accompanying math was posted around the same time Issue 6 was released, though, so that may be why you remember that specific period.
  13. Damage dealt to critters by any non-player source, including Confused foes, reduces XP which could be gained from those critters. That XP loss caused by Confused foes is currently minimal, because of the lower hit chance which critters have, and over time, players see a net XP gain from using Confuses, due to the buffs from Confused critters, critters using their most dangerous controls/debuffs or devastating attacks on their allies, players not needing to buff/rebuff/recover since the enemies aren't attacking them, and other relevant related mechanical interactions. We don't want them to hit more frequently, we don't want to turn them into raging combat gods, we don't want them to be efficient in defeating their buddies, we don't want to actualize the perceived XP loss by making it a real XP loss over time (as well as loss of potential drops). We want our Confused enemies flailing aimlessly, impotent and harmless, while we harvest their buffs and rake in the XP and drops at a more rapid pace. Confuses were specifically designed and balanced to function this way, and they're both very effective and very well balanced as they are now. Adding your buffs to Confuses would not make them better, it would make them the most avoided and hated powers in the game, unless and until multiple systems and mechanics were revised or redesigned to account for that change, because the end result, without those additional changes, would be depriving players of drops and XP. Solo, that would put such a dent in progression speed as to make nigh impossible to level at a reasonable pace while using Confuse powers. Teamed... well, try using your +ToHit-on-critter Seeds or Mass and see what your teammates do to you after you've reduced their drops and XP to zilch over and over again. Confused critters are not combat pets. If you want a combat pet, summon one.
  14. Because you don't get five stacks of Accelerate Metabolism by defeating Rikti Guardians, you get them by Confusing them.
  15. Alternatively, runs on desirable enhancements which lead to shortages and increased prices in the short term due to the sudden influx of newly minted level 50 characters.
  16. If you can name a single travel power which grants 55+' Stealth, you'll have a point. If you can name a single travel power which also grants +Def (All) in combat... nope. Second point moot. They also can't be slotted at all, aren't as fast, are specifically excluded from benefiting from +Movement granted by powers like Alpha Agility and Spiritual, and have a higher endurance cost. If you really work at it, you can almost hit 78 mph Run/Jump... but you can also do that with the default slot in Infiltration and no piles of +Run/Jump from set bonuses (which costs slots and doesn't necessarily give you a return on investment as high as using those slots in other ways), day job and base buff. It's better than Athletic/Beast/Ninja Run out of the box (10% faster/higher movement, lower endurance cost), and much better with a single enhancement. Three for three, all misses. Yeah, you've made it clear that you don't like Infiltration. That's fine, you don't have to like it. But inventing reasons for it to be "bad", and ignoring that the same reasoning applies to every other travel power, isn't even semantics, it's just hypocrisy. If you dislike Infiltration because it doesn't give you a Defense bonus, then you dislike all travel powers for the same reason. If you hate Infiltration because it's not Stealthy enough, then you hate all travel powers for that reason. Your argument is meaningless because you've gone out of your way to create distinctions which don't actually exist. If you have a valid reason to complain about Infiltration, by all means, complain. Don't make shit up to justify your complaint, though.
  17. Because it offers the best compromise of horizontal speed and vertical movement without requiring the player to take supplementary powers to compensate for limitations.
  18. I'd rather have, "I Beat Up GMs For Fun". *glances around to see if @GM Impervium is watching*
  19. Ouroboros is already in the game as a solution to all of your requests. Having spent the last month running Flashback missions to build up my main's badge count, everything is already hilariously easy when exemplared. Scaling a Hellion with two ROFLsobad attacks up to level 50 wouldn't make it more challenging or fun, it would make it an even bigger joke because it would still only have those two crap attacks. Ouro the content you want to play if you've out-leveled it. It's really not hard.
  20. I wouldn't live anywhere in the game. No deer. No bears. No foxes. No skunks or raccoons or opossums or phoebes or fence lizards or water snakes or anything else interesting and engaging. Nothing to talk to, nothing to pet, nothing to watch and experience a sense of wonder and happiness. I'll stay in my magical forest here in the Lumiverse.
  21. Until two days ago, I was using a Stealth IO in Sprint on my Grav/TA and it stacked normally with both Infiltration (66' total Stealth radius) and Stealth (85' total Stealth radius), and nothing about either the IOs or Stealth in general has changed in those two days. You're either running a PBAoE toggle with a critter-affecting component, or you're forgetting to toggle on Stealth.
  22. I'd go with Gravity. Wormhole brings the spawns to you and Stuns everything below bosses, so you can take full advantage of Kinetics' tool kit without (much) hazard of being mezzed. Top it off with Stone Mastery for Fissure (stack those Stuns and get some AoE damage in the bargain) and Seismic Smash (instant boss disabler). And at low levels, with Kinetics buffing your recharge, you can machine gun Propel.
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