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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. We're only 4 pages in, and half of this has been random side discussions. Go look at some of the longer threads, like when someone suggests nerfing Defense, or the removal of bonus inf* when XP was turned off if you want to see what panic and hysteria look like around here. This? This is a pleasant stroll through a park.
  2. A generation is however long it takes for a group of newly hatched homo sapiens larva to reach the point of spawning their own larva in significant quantities. Typically, that's around 15-18 years. In the past, generations were shorter, sometimes as low as 12 years, because that's when the species reaches sexual maturity in both genders (it wasn't uncommon for people as young as 12 to be married and have full-time jobs in the 17th, 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, for instance). Generational length tends to vary as society changes in response to different factors, such as economic growth, better medical care, educational quality and technological improvement, so it's not something that can be accurately predicted, only recorded. That's the best summation, that I can give, of what constitutes a generation.
  3. This isn't mob justice, it's a neighborhood watch meeting. The tenants in 4B have been testing their home-made flamethrower indoors again and we don't want the entire apartment complex to be burnt to the ground. It would be mob justice if we dragged the tenants of 4B into the street and beat them to death, but we're not doing that, we're just telling them not to be self-centered, thoughtless, careless assholes.
  4. NPCs with slightly better chat scripting, but the same basic combat AI.
  5. No. It had apparently been shelved when the game was still in Paragon's hands, due to a combination of lack of commercial entity interest and expiration of licensing agreements with the company who provided something (not sure if it was part of the code, or the servers on which ads were stored, or something else). And the relevant bits have been removed, so it can't just be turned back on. That's apparently why the billboards which used to display ads are now showing in-game joke ads, like ZomBCare.
  6. The fixed end, according to the Interwebs. Apparently, no-one at Bioware was happy with the original ending, either, and decided to use this opportunity to make the fixed end the real one. Oh, I forgot, the ME1 Mako physics were improved, and it's got the boost function from ME2, and you don't have to exit it to earn full XP for combat. Weapons aren't restricted to specific classes (so you can go full biotics and still rock a sniper rifle, for instance). Fewer elevator rides. Looks like they lost the source code (existing copies were corrupted) for Pinnacle Station. That's a sad panda moment. But that's why it's not included in this release.
  7. Also, leveling in ME1 was made easier (don't have to play through it 2+ times to reach max level); items drop more frequently and shops are more appropriately stocked; inventory management was improved; ME1 and ME2 completion status applies to the war effort instead of multiplayer participation; Tali has a real face (in the picture, instead of a tweaked stock image); and the "we fucked up and the fans are pissed" ending is canon. Those are the ones I remember from the article I read earlier today.
  8. Yes, it's hurting everyone who plays the game, directly, by placing the game at risk of further legal issues and potentially forcing the HC team to abandon the project entirely. If this kind of behavior continues, it will, eventually, force a confrontation with a comic book publisher, which will, in turn, force NCSoft to take action in order to distance themselves, and then it's all over. Furthermore, the HC team, collectively, would be held responsible in a copyright infringement lawsuit, which could cost them their savings, their homes, their jobs and their futures, and as decent human beings, we shouldn't be shrugging our shoulders and ignoring the risk they're taking in order to do everything they have done and are doing for us. Since they aren't properly staffed to monitor every zone and every mission map on every server, it falls to us to police ourselves to some degree, and this sort of thing is exactly where that kind of self-policing comes into play. Don't act like this is a victimless crime. We all stand to lose, and the HC team stands to lose big, if this goes unchecked.
  9. Probably not well enough to get the full damage possible with Ignite's 4' radius, but since Ignite's target cap is 5, I doubt you're going to be expecting that much from it. Ignite's recharge time is short enough that you can basically spam it anyway, and Glue ensures that nothing's wandering off to the high hills while you're laying down Ignite patches. If it were my TA/AR or AR/TA, I'd be using Ignite with Entangling on single targets, and Ignite with OSA on spawns, and Ignite with both Glue and OSA on +X spawns to counter purple patch reduction without having to put extra slots in Glue. Those combinations all work well (unless you're fighting something like Crey Power Tanks, or Warwolves, but those kinds of critters are also rocking mag 8 Immob protection, so you're screwed no matter what).
  10. https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/SuppressCloseFx_(Slash_Command) https://hcwiki.cityofheroes.dev/wiki/SuppressCloseFxDist_(Slash_Command) Those might help. Remember to scroll back a click or two on the camera if you're going into the costume editor, though, or you won't see any power effects during editing.
  11. I'd expect Scourge interacting with the Assault Rifle DoTs to outstrip the small trade-off in debuff strength, so corruptor would be my suggestion. And since both sets include fire powers, Pyronic Flea might be a fair name.
  12. Fear was originally a single effect. Feared foes just ran away... sometimes bringing back lots and lots and lots of friends. Players didn't really like that, so Cryptic created Terrorize and replaced Fear with Terrorize in certain powers, but kept Fear in other powers. Both were blanketed under the same categorization, in the same way cones and AoEs were folded in together, for convenience. If I recall correctly, there's a third effect, Avoid, which functions almost identically to Fear, but isn't a Fear or flagged as such.
  13. My post was, in fact, applicable to any change targeting a single damage mitigation vector. Any change, whether it's limiting the number of set bonuses achievable, or halving values across the board (set bonuses, power sets, pools), or even implementing harsh restrictions by archetype, if it's constrained to a single mitigation method. Any nerf to one type of mitigation is absolutely guaranteed to fail to achieve the goal of adding challenge, because all it will accomplish is to prompt players to pursue other types of mitigation, or other sources of the nerfed mitigation, or both, and they'll keep on keeping on. Moving the goal post one inch in any direction isn't going to fix anything.
  14. That's not a stream, it's a creek. CREEK CHEATER!
  15. I avoid taking them along whenever possible. If I can't bypass or avoid them (i never accept "help" from NPCs when it's optional), I try leading them back to the entrance and Stealthing away at maximum speed. And if I can't dump them that way, they follow me until they get themselves slaughtered, and I don't sweat it. I don't like NPC allies. They aggro too quickly when I'm approaching a spawn, which throws off my opening sequence, and they run close to other spawns and pull aggro, which fucks with my key mashing Zen... they're not helpful, they're a hinderance. Except Fusionette. ❤️
  16. If there are any former Co* developers here, and they're not speaking up about that, it's best to assume they want their anonymity and privacy and leave them alone, rather than try to ferret them out.
  17. Legionette only uses Body. She has enough endurance (120%) and +Recovery (261%), she has enough global recharge to make complete AoE and single-target attack chains, she's slotted well enough to hit +3 critters with everything, so the -Res is the only useful effect for her build.
  18. Perhaps we could talk @Captain Powerhouse into adding some kind of additional graphic, like a recolored orange "I've been hit with a Psi attack and my brain is sparkly now" glow on critters.
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