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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. We're not beating them up them for standing around, we're providing forcefully applied relocation services.
  2. Heroes. Villains. I'm the person with the gun.
  3. Ever since Freedom Corps. took over policing the transit lines, things have gone downhill. Bums camped out under the stations, a competitor opening up a new transit line right by stations, giant monsters harassing people... they don't even show up for work at all of the stations!
  5. All of my TAs use the Sleep in PGA while leveling/exemplaring. My Ill/TA, for example, has no other AoE control on short recharge, so PGA fills a pretty notable void there, providing both Containment on the cheap and reliable mitigation that she otherwise lacks. My TA/Dark, with TT and NF slotted heavily for procs and not so much for Accuracy, relies heavily on it when fighting things like Earth/Air Thorn Casters (the assholes with the Defense shields). When my Bots/TA doesn't have access to the AoE upgrade, PGA allows her to focus the damage on the hard targets while the easy stuff naps, which saves me a lot of frustration. On all of my TA characters, I can, if I choose to, PGA a spawn to pull the lieutenants and bosses without the minions and underlings. Every power is as useful as we choose to make it.
  6. This is a video game, not a job. It's what you do when you're not doing a job. When any team or content makes it feel like a job, walk away.
  7. Point: Missed. If no enticement would sway you, perhaps it might be best to believe the same of others, especially since the sentiment expressed by multiple respondents has been fundamentally the same as yours (you couldn't pay them to play villains). T M I.
  8. You proposed doubling the merit rewards for Rogue Isles content, essentially paying people to play there, so you're either open to the idea of being paid to play in an environment which you don't particularly enjoy, or your suggestion was hypocritical.
  9. Wouldn't even need to teleport to the arena, actually. Just phase them.
  10. That reminds me... many of the statues in Paragon City have little telltale signs, like the soles of some statues being black and textured, exactly like the soles of our characters' boots, and zipper/seam lines on the boots, that indicate they're actually character models run through the costume editor, resized and locked into one pose. When I realized this, something else occurred to me. Galaxy Girl has been holding it for almost two decades. I don't stand under statues any more.
  11. @Jimmy! I want the Leadership travel power to be servants carrying me on a golden throne! And a red carpet travel rolling out in front of me for the Presence travel power (with huge crowds along the sides, and cameras flashing and people saying, "Ooo!" and "Aah!", and reporters asking for interviews)!
  12. I noticed the same thing last night. Usually, I clear the room first, too, but I was rushing through at -1 last night and went straight for the Guard. Once it was taking a dirt nap, I figured I'd stick around and drag Posi back through the cavern for some easy, quick XP, but he wasn't doing anything. Thing is, I also decided to polish off the Unveiler badge, using the Jaeger SSA first mission, and decided to see what happened if I ran it with the Freedom Phalanx, and discovered that Posi was useless there, too. He toggled on a PBAoE, and proceeded to just follow me, never doing anything else. So he's either scripted to do nothing, or his script is broken, and it's affecting him across multiple instances.
  13. No. But I don't expect Co* to be Ghost in the Shell, Akira, The Killing Joke, All-Star Superman, or any of my other favorites. This game will never be ascend to that level of story-telling because it wasn't designed to be that kind of comic book super* game, it was built to reflect the basic, common super* experience of using powers to accomplish goals. I accept it for what it is, a monthly serial focused on freeming/biffing/zonging down the bad/good guys. If I want better story-telling, I read a book, or watch a great film, or play a different game.
  14. Waiting until now to tell him is what makes you a real villain. You monster.
  15. Works fine using a smart phone as a hotspot, including mothership raids (noticed that one was happening last week, went to see what the fuss was, stayed to "help"). A 3GB/month plan would cover it easily and still leave data for surfing (would hit a wall with streaming music or video, though).
  16. This is a comic book superhero/villain game. Comic book superheroes/villains beat each other up in comic books. They don't do research to treat kidney diseases. They don't participate in the first manned moon exploration. They don't open and run rescue shelters for abused/abandoned animals. They don't stage interventions and organize discussion circles with their foes so they can explore their feelings and develop better coping strategies. And the heroes in this game aren't portrayed as lackeys. They aren't Statesman's sidekicks, they're the next level above Statesman, and the game does a really good job of displaying that. It falls flat on its face in attempting to do so with the villain journey, but it succeeds remarkably well for the hero journey.
  17. Hey, look, brown. And over there, more brown. There's some reddish... brown. And that spot has a little green... in the brown. Eh, I'll hop on top of this building... oh, the windows are just textures, not windows with ledges, so I can't hop. Okay, I'll run over here and... fuck me standing, it's a dead end. There isn't a single dead end anywhere in Paragon City. Why are these three buildings jammed together like this? Who decided it would be awesome to have blind alleys and dead ends with no way out unless you have a vertical movement power? Ugh. Never mind, I'll go- what the hell happened to my framerate? How... THIS FUCKING PLACE HAS FLAT TEXTURES FOR WINDOWS AND STILL TANKS MY FRAMERATE?! Deep breath. I can tolerate this. The writing is "better" on this side... except, at no point am I actually a villain, I'm just a stooge, a shill, a lackey, a toady, a C-lister... this is better writing? Who came to that conclusion and was that person actually literate, or... not in a fucking coma? That's my annual five minutes in Browntown. Back to being a hero.
  18. It looks like someone sneezed while saying Paragon.
  19. He's not trying to cut you, he's trying to shave those hairy legs. A sexy flea is a clean-shaven flea!
  20. Acid debuffs Regeneration debuff resistance by 40% (defender). Resistance to Regeneration debuff resistance debuffs (and this is why we refer to these types of debuffs as Special, so we don't have to struggle through that phrasing for every one of them) would reduce that debuff's final effect somewhat, and the math is the same as you'd use for calculating -Res to damage when the target has +Res to a damage type if you want to figure it out. But, essentially, the result would still be MOAR DEBOOF POWAH. It may not be much, such as in the case of facing a +4 AV (purple patch reduces debuff strength right out of the gate) with 70% resistance to Regeneration debuffs, but it does reduce the resistance some, and every little bit counts at that point.
  21. Special is a catch-all term for debuff resistance debuffs. Benumb does, in fact, debuff ToHit debuff resistance. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=defender_buff.cold_domination.benumb&at=defender The detailed info is bugged. It's a mag 3 Hold, 50% chance for +1 mag. I use EMP Arrow, I know what it does, and you can verify this information by testing it yourself. You don't even have to level up a character, just hop on the test server and auto-level to 50, waltz into the Portal area of PI and pop it on the first lieutenant you see. With TA, you can have both. EMP Arrow's radius is 25', and it's location-targeted, so you can target a spot 24' away from the AV, stand 24' away from that spot and have almost 50' of distance between you and the AV, and still both debuff said AV and enjoy the benefit of having status protection. TA even gives you a ridiculously short recharge time Immobilize to use on that AV so you don't have to risk entering melee range, with bonus -Res in that Immobilize on top of what you get from Disruption. The -Regen duration is 45 seconds (double -Regen strength for the first 15s, then listed value for the subsequent 30s), and with aggressive slotting and some IO set bonuses, you can swing a 50% up time on it. In concert with Acid's -Regen, it's shown to work as effectively as the best Regeneration debuffs in other sets even without being permanent. If you throw in perma-Hasten and the Spiritual Core alpha, you can bring the recharge time of EMP Arrow down to ~65s, if you really feel the need to push it further.
  22. That's correct. The target resists your 30% -Resistance by 70%, resulting in a 21% debuff, but only for that specific damage type. The target will still be debuffed by the full -Resist value for all damage types to which it has no Resistance. So if that target has no Lethal Resistance, it will take 30% more damage from Lethal attacks, as expected. All resistances work the same way, even the Special resistances.
  23. Mag 3, 10.43s duration (defender). https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=redirects.trick_arrow.emp_arrow_burst&at=defender
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