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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Is that what they call Taco Bell in Praetoria?
  2. See, this is why no-one likes the wealthy elite. You and your 8 bits. Did you ever stop to think that some of us couldn't afford that much? Some of us have to settle for 6 bits, and be grateful to have that much. Think of the bit impoverished!
  3. There are missions in which people die. They're killed before they can be medi-ported out. Those black, human-shaped bags you click aren't keeping pizzas warm.
  4. Goodbye nipples, my old friends. I'd love to see you once again. But the devs were afraid of creeping, Nerfed the nips while we were sleeping. Of the areola that once graced my chest, Nothing's left. Within the City, of Heroes.
  5. I'd find who was responsible for putting me in the game and beat them as much, as hard and as long as necessary in order to be sent home. I can't tolerate being separated from my cats for more than a few hours.
  6. Some people think it's ridiculous to take offense at everything under the sun, and emphasize that ridiculousness by satirizing what people think is offensive. That's not bullying, it's reminding people that they're adults, and adults need better coping strategies than expressing mortification and outrage at every minute thing that gets the teeniest bit under their skin. Somewhere along the way, we forgot how to let things roll off of our backs. People who force us to either remember how to do that again, or die of a heart attack at a young age because we're freaking out over meaningless bullshit, are necessary. We can all use some "Lighten up, Francis." in our lives. It gives us the proper perspective so we can see what's really worth being offended over (pro-tip: a ribald name, off-color joke or bit of skin isn't it).
  7. The minimum is 6.67 endurance per tick (barring insane debuffs like Nectanbo's Curse). If you're bopping into spawns quickly enough to short yourself only two ticks that you otherwise would've had before getting to the spawns, that's 13.33 endurance not recovered. And with unslotted Stamina, it's only 6.4s for those two ticks to occur. Essentially, shaving 5s of travel time between spawns shorts you about 13% of your endurance when you start fighting. And if you're starting every fight with 13% less endurance than you had when you started the previous one, it's not going to take long to be completely out of endurance. That's the math.
  8. If it were a toggle, it couldn't double-stack the Defense Debuff Resistance it includes. As little as I like click status protections, this one works better as a click.
  9. Unless the reason you're bottoming out your blue bar is because Sprint is allowing you to rush from one spawn to the next, depriving you of two or more endurance ticks between spawns and eventually leaving you completely drained. Toggle cost is only part of the picture. It's what you're doing with Sprint that matters, not what Sprint costs.
  10. None of these issues appear to be present with Athletic Run, per testing on a similarly leveled and gendered character.
  11. If Dreck stopped thinking with his dongle, he wouldn't run into problems like this.
  12. Zoning or exiting a map mission while still in a combat state removes the combat state. Consequently, any change of zone, be it into a map, out of a map or across city map zones, leads the Beast Run not playing any grunt sounds for female characters until/unless re-entering a combat state (using an attack or other power which puts the character into the combat state). Wow. This power is a fucking mess. I'm just going to shelve Squeakaboo until it's working properly.
  13. The failure to play any jump grunt sounds unless recently in combat persists across zones and into and out of missions. Transiting from one zone to another, entering or exiting a mission doesn't re-enable jump grunts. Toggling mitigatory powers on and off, toggling Sprint on and off, also doesn't re-enable grunts. Using an attack, setting the character into a combat state, does re-enable grunts.
  14. More testing: Female sounds only play when moving forward while jumping. Male sounds play when moving backward, left or right (i.e. pressing and holding A, S or D). Moving forward and to either side simultaneously plays the correct female sounds. Moving backward and to either side simultaneously does not. All jump grunts, male and female, fail to play at all after about a minute, unless the character uses an attack. Using an attack seems to reset whatever timer is disabling the sounds, allowing the grunts to be heard for another minute. Recap: female jump grunts only play when the female character is already moving forward (or forward and to either side at the same time) before the jump key is pressed; movement backward, left, right or backward and left or right at the same time plays male jump grunts on female characters; and all jump grunts cease playing if the character hasn't been in combat for roughly a minute (somewhere between 30s and 60s, anyway (haven't timed it, sorry)).
  15. With a female character, with Beast Run active, jumping while not otherwise moving (i.e. from a standstill and not pressing a movement key) plays male jump sounds. Jumping while moving (i.e. pressing and holding W, then jumping) plays the correct female sounds.
  16. Clamor is Eva van Dorn. Countess Crey is Julianne Thompson, who supposedly murdered Clarissa van Dorn. van Dorn isn't Smith, or Brown, or Jones. It's not going to be a common surname, not even in a fictional universe, so it's very likely that Clarissa and Eva were sisters or cousins. Why, then, isn't Clamor clamoring for Countess Crey's head? If she's as devoted to violence as her profile indicates, wouldn't she be frothing at the mouth when presented with a completely justifiable opportunity to unleash hell, to bring the full might of the Freakshow down on the Countess and her business? I smell the foundation of a killer story arc, maybe even a task force, just waiting to be made. @Piecemeal!
  17. Sounds like they're working very well as an inflationary control measure. I'd leave things alone.
  18. I lost Ivan, my white Maine Coon, ten years ago. I loved him more than I loved anything else, including my own self. He was, and in so many ways still is, the center of my universe. So I understand where you're at. I would rather have had my other lung collapse than lose him, and in all honesty, a collapsed lung was less painful to endure and long term effects less traumatic than living without Ivan. I still can't speak about him without tearing up and struggling to keep myself together. So here's my advice - Grieve. Just let it come. There's no point trying to push it down, it's going to roll over you like a tsunami, so embrace it. Grieve. While you're grieving, remember the love she gave to you, and you to her. Remember the good times. Remember every moment of laughter and joy, and every shithead antic she ever pulled. It hurts so much, and it feels like betrayal because something inside of you says you should be sobbing, not chuckling or smiling, but those memories... those are all she is now, and you have to hold on to that and remember what she was, not that she's gone. She loved you. Don't push it into a box in your mind and cut your heart off from it, hold onto it. You'll want to try to pretend she never existed, to excise out that part of you that hurts so much, but don't. Remembering her, remembering everything good about her, will make it hurt less in the long run. Get another cat. Don't wait. Don't worry about whether it's an older cat or a kitten. Just find another cat. Part of what's tearing you up inside is the absence, the void left behind. Another cat won't completely fill that void, nor should it, but it will help. It's not dishonoring her memory, it's not too soon and it's not the wrong time. It will be different, and that difference is what will help. Making new memories with a new friend takes more of the edge off of the grief... and having a new cat to comfort you when you're overwhelmed will also make a world of difference. Nothing will help with the grief right now. It never really goes away... it just rears its head less frequently over time. Remembering her, all of the good she brought into your life, and making new memories with a new cat, are the only things that will really help. The sooner you do them, the easier it becomes to deal with the grief you're feeling and the less it will affect you over time. You have my deepest sympathy.
  19. Ooo, are we playing a guesting game now? Peek-a-boo, guest who!
  20. It's eerie the way the eyebrows follow you no matter which way you move.
  21. I appreciate their concern, but I'm stable. They can turn them back on now.
  22. That's when someone bumps the server rack and all of the Internets spill out.
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