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Everything posted by Luminara

  1. Pro-tip: you don't have to worry about your clothing being on fire if you're wearing body paint.
  2. And brutes. And Kheldian Dwarf forms. And mastermind Bodyguard mode. And status effects. And scrapper, sentinel, SoA and stalker secondaries. And damage mitigation buffs and debuffs. Have to dump defenders, sentinels and corruptors entirely at this point, since they really will be nothing but gimp blasters. Scrappers, stalkers and SoAs might as well be removed, because they won't be able to do anything that blasters can't. Probably no point having combat at all. Without risk, it's just one of those moronic "idle tap" games. Goodbye Wonder Woman, hello Barbie!
  3. You had the opportunity to engage from a distance on your low health character with ranged attacks, where you would've been safer and guaranteed not to be defeated so quickly. You chose to teleport right into the AV's face and risk having your ass handed to you. Stop blaming the game for your actions. Bad design didn't screw you over, you did it to yourself.
  4. No, there's only one conversation. The AV didn't defeat the OP because the design is bad, or because the design denied the OP the opportunity to react, or because the design allows AVs to one-shot, or because the design has a flaw in not making allowance for low HP archetypes. The AV defeated the OP because the OP was within 5' of the AV. The OP should've been at range, not bumping and grinding on the AV. Ranged attacks deal less damage than melee attacks. Almost all low HP archetypes are also capable of staying out of melee range at all times. This is by design. This is the design. Ranged = less risk. Low HP archetypes = ranged archetypes. The design didn't fail the OP, the OP ignored the design.
  5. Hold it. I dare you.
  6. No, you've been very clear. You're upset because AVs, the class of enemy designed to be capable of defeating tankers and brutes, can't be face-tanked by a defender, and feel that the game would be more "fun" (for you) if they were significantly less powerful. I believe I've been equally clear that the fault was with your reliance on +Defense and -ToHit instead of -Damage, +Resistance and a heal that you could benefit from, your decision to stand within 5' of the AV (Hopkins' TF has a range of 5') instead of keeping him at the edge of Hurricane's radius (25') where you would've been very safe since he only has two ranged attacks and they're both comparatively low damage, your failure to react in the 1.865s between Total Focus' damage and Foot Stomp's damage (and no, you weren't "still in the teleport animation". you stated that you teleported next to the AV and used "an attack"), your lack of coordination with your teammates (they should've been spamming O2 Boost on you before you even activated Teleport), and your lack of knowledge of the relevant mechanics and numbers. Well, there are two pages of it here, so... Something has to be capable of defeating tankers, brutes, Dwarf form Kheldians, Banes, Crabs, Scrappers, bodyguard mode Masterminds and Sentinels who built to tank. If you don't want to be defeated quickly by that something, don't bring a broom to a gun fight.
  7. Stop sexually abusing that angle grinder.
  8. And?
  9. You weren't Cuisinarted because the game isn't fair, it happened because you tried to bend the rules without understanding them. AVs aren't ordinary foes, they're not supposed to hit like kittens batting at cotton balls and you shouldn't have been humping Hopkins' leg. You could have moved away before that second melee attack turned you into marinara. You could have used green inspirations to restore yourself to full HP. You could have let a more suitable archetype take the aggro. You could have worked out a strategy with your teammates beforehand, with the other two Storms spamming O2 Boost on you and anyone who might've had an Absorb shield keeping it on you (there's one available at level 4 in the Sorcery pool). You could've done a lot of things, but you chose to stand in melee range of the AV and let him pound on you. You defeated yourself, the AV was just the tool you used to do it. If you want to tank AVs as a defender, you have to be more creative than popping a few inspirations and throwing yourself at their fist.
  10. I crafted for all of the badges a couple of weeks ago, and there hasn't been a patch in that time period, so I guarantee you that it's not bugged. Read to the badge hints.
  11. I don't know. The AV version of Hopkins has a level range of 32-44. https://cod.uberguy.net/html/entity.html?entity=crey_hopkins If the level range goes to 44, he must spawn at 44 somewhere. Players Debuffed: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=temporary_powers.temporary_powers.challenge_debuff - reduced hit chances, reduced damage, easier to mez. Can't find the temp power for Enemies Buffed, but it does this: https://cod.uberguy.net/html/power.html?power=objects.challenge_buff.challenge_buff - increased hit chances, increased damage, harder to mez. An Enemies Buffed +9 Hopkins AV using Total Focus on a player saddled with ~150% -Res could hit for around 11k damage.
  12. Both. I've memorized the equations for most of the effects in the game, but there are hundreds of scalars and modifiers. I don't try to remember individual numbers, I use CoD and the wiki. I'm a nerd, not a masochist. Even if I did memorize the variables, I'd verify them with CoD and the wiki because that's just good practice.
  13. In at least one case, it's definitely not animosity. It's full-blown hatred.
  14. His strongest attack is Total Focus. TF deals base 1024.3802 damage at level 35, and he's internally capped at level 44, so the maximum base damage would be 1502.8998. Presuming he was at 44 and you were 35, TF would deal 3,005.7996 per hit. The only way he could deal 11,000 damage would be if the TF were set to Enemies Buffed and Players Debuffed. At level 35, an AV has 77% resistance to -ToHit. An AV has a base 75% chance to hit (50% ToHit * 1.5 AccMod). Without slotting Hurricane for ToHit Debuff, you only reduced his hit chance by 8.625% (37.5 * 0.23). With Hurricane optimally slotted for -ToHit (56%), you'd still only reduce his hit chance by 13.455%. And that's without taking into account challenge settings. The problem wasn't AV damage. The problem was that your TF was set to Enemies Buffed and Players Debuffed.
  15. Originally, no. You had to run a few filler missions before a contact would offer inspirations, then a few more missions to unlock enhancements, and still more before you could call them (most were set to unlock calling simultaneously with unlocking their story arc, or after the first mission of that arc). Origin dictated which contacts you received until the 40+ game, so you could always get usable DOs, but not always usable SOs, which was why the stores and store contacts were so important.
  16. You're not flagged Vigilante simply because you complete a Vigilante tip. Nor are you restricted from Hero tips if you run Vigilante tips. If you never complete a Vigilante morality mission (or switch at Null), you'll never be a Vigilante.
  17. Shut up and taste the painbow. TASTE IT!
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