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Giovanni Valia

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Everything posted by Giovanni Valia

  1. Ironic considering I joined a kill all LRSF last night, and it was much more enjoyable to any "speed" runs. To each their own. When you have all the inf you could possibly need, 30+ lvl 50s, all the badges, the combat itself is the reward. We all know how to run speed LRSF, that is not fun though. Edit: One major problem with leading teams redside is they almost always take a long time to fill. I sometimes wonder if the in-game LFG queue system would be faster if everyone used that to randomly generate teams.
  2. Yeah, that's a big problem for me. I doubt the random people I recruit on PUGs all happen to be in the same discord chat. The most enjoyable teams are those when everyone is engaged, interacting, and friend-ships are built. For me, CoX is supposed to be a social game. Especially when the combat is as easy as it is compared to other games. Take away the social aspect and what is left? As I told my friend that night on the LRSF, it just felt "soulless" and really drained any enthusiasm I had for leading. I'm not sure what the solution is to this, and I'm not going to tell people how to play the game.
  3. A friend of mine wanted to do the LRSF a couple nights ago, so we recruited random people from [LFG]. He hadn't completed the patron arc on his character, so I ended up with the star. The people that joined our team said nothing for the entire SF and rushed through to the end. I just don't find "speed-running" to be any fun, and quite frankly I'm not sure what is really gained by playing that way. Do people really need merits that badly? Mid-way through the SF I'm already thinking, "Let's just get this over with." This sort of "IDC about game-play, I just want the reward" behavior really puts me off from leading teams.
  4. The redside population thing has always been a problem for a lot of reasons. People go where the action is on an MMO, and that happens to mostly be on blue (hero) side. I only play redside, and will often join PUGs if I see someone in LFG recruiting for teams. On villain-side, the missions are better written, characters more interesting, and players generally more fun.
  5. Yeah, this is one of those annoying limitations to teaming redside. It's highly restrictive for people that want to run more PUGs at level 50. Ouro arcs have that annoying feature of locking the team at the beginning of the arc. People come and go, and sometimes only have time for a few missions, not a whole arc. Being able to select another patron after completing the previous one's arc would be great.
  6. I don't play on everlasting hardly at all, but from the times that I have, you have to actively seek it out. Pocket-D, and private bases are the places for that kind of thing afaik. There is no policing whatever goes on in SG bases. I've... stumbled across that kind of thing a few times.
  7. My thoughts exactly... are people really spending time hunting down these folks in pocket-D? The internet is not a "Safe-Space". Heck the ESRB ratings used to say "Game Experience May Change During Online Play", expect it to with any online game that has a chat function.
  8. When I'm doing missions I'm usually focused on combat, and not as focused on coordinating the team or chatting. Most people will expect the team lead to give out instructions or have some sort of conversation, occasional witty banter. Minor annoyances when leading teams; people rush off completely apart from the team lead, people enter mission map before the leader is even in zone (all enemies on map then scale to their level), people who actually go afk without any notice or expect you to carry them while they continuously die. The only time I'll put up with any of that nonsense if if I'm with friends or too drunk to care. Leading is like herding cats in this game.
  9. You're probably thinking of Adjusted Targeting: Recharge IO. That will give you the biggest boost to recharge in Mind Link. You can stuff a LoTG, and Shield Wall IOs in with recharge as well. Boosting the IOs will help cover the recharge gap a bit. I'm able to get perma Mind Link this way.
  10. I'm sold. Where/ when can I get one?
  11. Not that it matters here on homecoming, but cake server has increased difficulty options. You can scale missions up to +6x16. So yeah, it's that easy.
  12. I'm replying to a very old post here... but in case someone has the same question... the answer is No, there is no link to all available music in .pigg. You can use the list posted on this thread to find available music, or check the wiki. There are additional songs/ music that can be used in the .pigg files, however, it requires you to individually open each .pigg file with a tool such as "PiggViewer", and then search for the specific music file you want.
  13. Do not remove the non-intrusive NPC emotes. The Zeus lightning strike one is annoying, but I see no reason the others should be removed.
  14. This is the "Cosmic Council" SG isn't it. Why not just use discord to coordinate for events, teaming, etc. 300 SG limit x 8 coalitions should be more than enough...
  15. It's been suggested before. unlikely to happen since #1... villain AT, #2, cosmetic change, Weapon redraw and optional backpack still hasn't been added on VEATS; probably the biggest requests.
  16. I agree with the need for more incarnate content updates since so many people have incarnate uber characters. I'm not seeing anyone else on the forums saying this, but the updates to travel powers is really not something we needed at all. I do not support any across the board nerfs to IOs, set bonuses, or anything like that at all. The solution is to have additional difficulty options. AE is great for this. I've ran AE mission arcs that I've created with all boss/ AV enemies. I find teaming a lot more satisfying when everyone is needed to complete challenging missions.
  17. Certainly, story is important and can really make the game experience enjoyable, especially at low-mid levels. Getting back to @RogueWolf OP's point though, is it really enjoyable to have 2-3 people steam roll through all the enemy mobs while the rest of the team sits back? I think there would be more opportunities for people to contribute to teams if the difficulty could be ramped up even further beyond +4/8. The power-creep is here to stay. Sure, I can wear cement shoes to "increase the difficulty". But do people really like limiting themselves this way rather than making their characters as strong as possible?
  18. As a test for how OP our characters have become, I've taken to creating AE arcs with enemy groups composed entirely of custom bosses/ AVs. Even this is not a challenge for many of the people I've played with. The ease with which we can obtain "uber" level has changed the game IMO.
  19. I can echo this sentiment. Myself and about a dozen or so other people I know have virtually stopped playing on HC because of this. We have "Completed" the game. I have obtained every badge, can solo +4/8 content with ease, and have a full roster of various lvl 53 alts. There isn't much else the game can offer us at this point, only so many times we can run the SF/ TFs. The solution? More content, especially high lvl, endgame, difficult content. HC is really dragging it's feet in this regard.
  20. I have also had this happen to me and witnessed it happen to others. Final mission is completed, everyone is congratulating each other after defeating the AV, and then says their goodbyes. Oh wait, WE GOT NOTHING??? This is not the norm for SF/TFs. There has to be something to prevent this from happening. It's not an isolated event,
  21. There are some theories about who was behind the hacking/ brute-force of their server. I'm not going to go into details here, but apparently the security around their server was pretty weak. The other servers have suffered similar attacks, but have additional security and redundancy to prevent a complete shutdown.
  22. I will chime in and say @Nightmarer that Thunderspy server has done almost exactly what you are suggesting. They have also removed the T1 requirement from your initial secondary power. IMO, remove the extraneous powers that NO ONE wants. e.g, "punch"/ "kick", and the prerequisite powers for mastery/ patron sets. I personally see no reason why we should be gimped in our power choices.
  23. I have a Katana/ Regen scrapper as well. I ended up shelving it and cannibalized all the set IOs on it though. From my experience playing it, [Moment of Glory] was absolutely essential to take. I found myself using it often to survival big hits. Anxiety would inevitably set in when instant healing/dull pain was down. Regen on a whole has been nerfed into the weeds imo. As a few others have pointed out, it just doesn't compare to other power-sets now, such as /willpower, or /bio. Even with all boosted set IOs and vigor alpha I was struggling to take big hits in high level content. The one place that I've found regen preforms surprisingly well, PvP in Recluse's Victory, if that is your thing.
  24. Would be very cool to see VEAT powers have more customization for colors. Don't get your hopes up though. Updates like this are slow on HC.
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