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Giovanni Valia

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Everything posted by Giovanni Valia

  1. I like the idea of being able to change the orientation/ rotation of the base portal. Expanding on this, allow us to customize the appearance of the base portal. The bright purple vortex really clashes with many base themes.
  2. Things I'd like to see added to the base editor, Combat options in bases; e.g. ability to mark base as a PvP zone or add PvE enemies in the editor menu. Allow us to have more than 10 in-base portals, i.e. Zayin, Daleth. Option to save/ load base designs, or at least backup your base creation. More NPC options with customizable stances/ poses to place around the base; Toxic tarantula, nemesis robots, etc. More villain lair options. I'm thinking the items from the seasonal Halloween haunted house mission and Arachnos base assets found in Grandville. As it is now, villain lairs are hamstrung by the limited assets available. Speaking for other Arachnos loyalists...GIVE US MORE Arachnos pipes/ giant banners, weapons turrets, bombs, those bunkers from Bloody Bay, and the launch pads from Warburg! I'm no coder, but it would definitely be welcomed if more items that already exist in the game find their way into the editor.
  3. City of Heroes is a mmorpg with a superhero/ supervillain theme. Done.
  4. I'll share my pure ranged/ Psi dmg only Fortunata build. I made it for thematic purposes more than anything. High resist/ def, almost perma hasten. I just swap out builds with /selectbuild 2 for my melee widow as needed, depending on the enemies e.g. carnies, robots. Arachnos Fortunata.mxd
  5. My vote goes to more hard mode content. It seems this would be much easier to implement than adding new zones/ missions. I also enjoy the challenge of pushing my fully IO'd chars to their limit in the more difficulty content.
  6. The homecoming GMs have mentioned another name purge sometime Soon™️. That "Soon" being similar to the delay of the /enterbasefrompasscode nerf most likely. I don't really have any names I'm really gunning for, but like OP said it seems a shame to have unused names locked away on lvl 1s. It's controversial, but I think some system should be in place to free up names, given a certain amount of inactivity.
  7. The smaller backpacks worn by Arachnos engineers; The guys wearing the blast goggles.
  8. Lord Recluse's Grandville speech says otherwise. https://archive.paragonwiki.com/w/images//8/8a/Grandville_RecluseVO3_loop.ogg
  9. This area in St. Martial sums up the red-side experience. Wouldn't have it any other way though.
  10. Good advice @candles flame. To add on that, place a "Floor Tile" item where you want to build on top of. Then select any items you want to place on top and press F5 on keyboard until you are in "Attach to floor" mode. Attaching items to the floor or floor tile makes building a lot easier as you can control item rotation and relative position.
  11. I'm thrilled we're getting more badges added. 1,000 seems a bit steep for the jaegers, but it's not a required badge for powers/ abilities, so why rush it? Heck, if previous defeats counted for the badge I'd think many would have it already through normal game-play.
  12. Adding to list of annoying "buffs" with no [No Fx] option, and no way to delete it's obscuring effect. Shadow Fall Steamy Mist 😡😡😡
  13. A whole year of inactivity for a level 21-49 seems extreme, considering how easy it is to PL with double xp bonuses, fire farming, etc. I'd support shortening this window to 6 months of continuous inactivity. It wouldn't surprise me at all if many names are still "locked up" on level 1-5s due at players discovering the game and making a char with only passing interest.
  14. Mr. G's story-arc and the one with Westin Phipps are the best Red-side IMO for lvl 50. I don't know any of the blueside ones well enough to comment on them.
  15. I wholeheartedly support the option to choose "No Fx" for support buffs at Null the Gull. I will often delete buff powers on myself if they distract from my costume. The "Ice" armor buffs are particularly obnoxious in this way.
  16. Farming out the "Damage Taken" badges is much faster using the double stacked fire method in Mercy Isle. When building a SG base, the "Attach to floor" technique is excellent for positioning items at the perfect angle. Especially so when using the "Floor Tile" item as your floor. Big time-saver. Use the P2W [Recovery Serum] to solve endurance problems. Always bring a Mastermind to the Barracuda SF, unless you enjoy fighting an untouchable regenerating Reichsman for 2 Hrs. /selectbuild 2
  17. @DawL https://discord.gg/xZrPMd8g Link expires in 24 hr
  18. Strange, but stranger that anyone would take LRM Rocket.
  19. I've seen it mentioned somewhere else before, but can't seem to figure it out myself. The Villain Epic Archetypes have one Arachnos uniform to begin with. My question is, Is there a method to unlock additional Epic Archetype uniforms? I would like to switch between a Fortunata and Night Widow costume when switching builds. Someone had mentioned completing missions from Brick Johnson in Port Oakes to unlock another costume slot. Only, that slot is a generic uniform slot, not an Epic Archetype.
  20. FYI, Thunderspy server costs are just $160 a month. The servers can still be functional on low operating fees.
  21. It would be nice if something so convenient existed. We all know the code is out there in the public space. There's guides on YT for setting up your own server. It just requires a bit of tinkering to run.
  22. Before the thread gets locked, I'd like to give some of my thoughts for the population decline. Lack of new content or meaningful changes to existing content for quite some time. Game has been out over a year, interest has naturally faded. Covid-19 pandemic; people are busy. (Farming out alts in AE) I realize the dev team is all volunteers, so we can't really expect anything as far as new content creation goes. With all the gaming options these days vying for people's attention, it's natural to see people move on to other things. I myself never played the game during live, so there is still plenty of "new" and fresh content that keeps me interested in the mid-level range.
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