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Posts posted by Blackfeather

  1. 2 hours ago, MTeague said:

    With the exception of Shining Motes, this is closer to what I always wanted Illusion Control to be.  Deception / Sensory Overload / Sensory Deprivation, not phantasms.

    I approve!  (I'd still prefer a petless version, but eh, I like the T1-T8 enough that I don't care)


    Glad you like the proposed concept! And as for a petless T9, it did get me thinking, and I came up with this:


    1960645279_GleamingSphere.png.bd89df70fbcb039e88008c4e90ba7c11.png T9: Gleaming Sphere

    You summon an immobile, shining sphere of light that surrounds your current location, preventing anything inside from being seen from the outside, and vice versa. Area of Effect powers may still damage those obscured by the sphere. The luminous intensity within the sphere can cause enemies to take minor Energy damage, have their chance to hit reduced, and even cause them to exit the area if possible.


    Minor DoT (Energy)


    Long (120s)



    Minimum Level



    Summon Sphere: Location (PBAoE)

    Foe -To Hit, Afraid (Mag 50)


    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Set Categories

    Melee AoE Damage

    To Hit Debuff


    It's pretty similar to Gravity Control's Dimension Shift, except just blocking line of sight instead of outright stopping entities from being affected by things. I figured it might have some neat applications, such as preventing outside enemies from attacking, or providing a safe zone for allies to stay inside. I was also inspired by Assault Rifle's Ignite, with its powerful Fear effect; since Light Control has an immobilise, it's easier to regulate if that's not wanted.


    Would be interested in hearing your thoughts on it, and whether it'd be something that you'd find useful!

    • Like 1
  2. Hey all! After writing up a proposal for Insect Control, I’ve decided to try and create another Control powerset, and decided to fill an obvious elemental gap – there’s a lack of Control powersets in general, so I’m trying to do my part to help resolve that.

    As a secondary goal, I wanted to make Light Control relatively unique, while still maintaining a decent amount of lockdown despite its larger amount of non-standard powers.

    Given this decision, I’d definitely be interested in hearing everyone’s thoughts on this: is it too divergent/weak/overtuned/unenjoyable?

    Special Effect: Illuminate

    Similar to how Time Manipulation's Time Crawl inflicts the Delayed effect on enemies, Light Control's 1352599153_RayofLight.png.b44117c53fead96564eb0c84be7bd09a.png Ray of Light and 1676291688_DazzlingGlow.png.a5610320e77a10c63623ec414ef7bc26.png Dazzling Glow inflict the Illuminated effect, enhancing the strength of some of its powers on the targets it's applied on. The idea behind this was to allow for stronger amounts of control against enemies that require it. The affected powers are as follows:

    • 1352599153_RayofLight.png.b44117c53fead96564eb0c84be7bd09a.png T1: Ray of Light, bonus damage
    • 1676291688_DazzlingGlow.png.a5610320e77a10c63623ec414ef7bc26.png T2: Dazzling Glow, Mag 3.5 Sleep -> Mag 7 Sleep (+3.5)
    • 245456132_RadiatingTies.png.9debb404b3f189c3780bb2f0c9c77ac5.png T3: Radiating Ties, Mag 3 Immobilize -> Mag 4 Immobilize (+1)
    • 1975604704_BlindingHalo.png.324caf2c9fd1a29bf9599d753c78a038.png T4: Blinding Halo, Mag 2 Hold -> Mag 4 Hold (+2)
    • 122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption, bonus damage
    • 804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field, 2% chance Disorient -> 4% chance Disorient
    • 782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion, 2% chance Confuse -> 4% chance Confuse

    Design Rationale

    Light Control's powers were made to primarily work at close range, with their long range powers being either single target, or soft/temporary control. Additionally, the main power of this set (T4: Blinding Halo) is meant to not only gradually lock down nearby enemies, but help draw their attention to the user by reducing their range, away from other allies: a very 'selfless' powerset by way of taking up more enemy time.

    The -ToHit in several of Light Control's powers is meant to synergise with this intent, making it a little harder for enemies to hit the user. Their up-close-and-personal approach is also supplemented with a few weaker location based powers, either for layering on top of their current controls, or for distracting additional mobs.

    Light Control


    "You can manipulate light in a variety of ways to overwhelm and bewilder your foes. Several Light Control powers emanate from you, requiring you to stay close to your targets for maximum effectiveness. Others can have their effects enhanced by applying Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow on your foes."


    Power Table






    Ray of Light


    Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe -To Hit, -DEF(All), Special


    Dazzling Glow


    Ranged, Moderate DMG(Energy), Foe Sleep, Foe -To Hit, Special


    Radiating Ties


    PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy), Foe Immobilize, Foe -To Hit, -Fly


    Blinding Halo


    Toggle: PBAoE, Foe Hold, Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Range, -To Hit, -Stealth




    Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Visibility, -To Hit


    Incandescent Eruption


    PBAoE, Minor DMG(Energy/Smashing), Foe Knockdown, Chance for Disorient


    Prismatic Field


    Ranged (Location AoE), Minor DoT(Energy), Foe -Speed, -DEF(All), Chance for Disorient


    Luminous Distortion


    Ranged (Location AoE), Foe Attract, Chance for Confuse


    Shining Motes


    Summon Motes: Melee, Minor DoT(Energy)


    1352599153_RayofLight.png.b44117c53fead96564eb0c84be7bd09a.png T1: Ray of Light

    You generate a luminous beam of light and fire it at a target, dealing Energy damage to them. Its brightness can temporarily reduce the chance to hit of your foes, along with their defences. Additionally, Ray of Light applies the Illuminated effect on its target, and deals additional damage to enemies who are already Illuminated.


    Moderate (Energy)


    Moderate (6s)

    Minimum Level




    Foe -To Hit, -Defense(All), Special (Illuminate)


    Enhance Accuracy
    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance Range

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Enhance Defense Debuff

    Set Categories

    Accurate To Hit Debuff

    Defense Debuff

    Ranged Damage

    To Hit Debuff


    1676291688_DazzlingGlow.png.a5610320e77a10c63623ec414ef7bc26.png T2: Dazzling Glow

    Causes a dizzying array of light to appear before a foe. The target is left mesmerized and illuminated by the display, even as its brightness damages them, though subsequent attacks will free them from this effect. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. The strength of this Sleep will be increased when used against targets illuminated by Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow.


    Moderate (Energy)


    Moderate (6s)



    Minimum Level




    Foe Sleep (Mag 3.5), -To Hit, Special (Illuminate)


    Enhance Accuracy
    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance Range

    Enhance Sleep

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Set Categories

    Accurate To Hit Debuff

    Ranged Damage


    To Hit Debuff


    245456132_RadiatingTies.png.9debb404b3f189c3780bb2f0c9c77ac5.png T3: Radiating Ties

    Beams of light spring forth from you in all directions, trapping nearby foes in an array of blinding incandescence, rendering them immobilized. Enemies powerful enough to resist this effect will still have their chance to hit reduced. The strength of this immobilize will be increased when used against targets illuminated by Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow.


    Minor DoT (Energy)


    Moderate (8s)



    Minimum Level



    Point Blank Area of Effect

    Foe Immobilize (Mag 3), -To Hit


    Enhance Accuracy
    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Immobilize

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Set Categories

    Accurate To Hit Debuff


    Melee AoE Damage

    To Hit Debuff


    1975604704_BlindingHalo.png.324caf2c9fd1a29bf9599d753c78a038.png T4: Blinding Halo

    While this power is active, you are surrounded by a bright halo of light, reducing the chance to hit and range of nearby foes. The halo is so bright that enemies may take Energy damage over time, inhibit their stealth capabilities, and even blind them to the point of holding them in place. The strength of this blind will be increased against targets illuminated by Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow.


    Minor DoT (Energy)

    Endurance 1.04/s


    Slow (15s)



    Minimum Level



    Point Blank Area of Effect

    Foe Hold (Mag 2), -To Hit, -Stealth, -Range


    Enhance Accuracy
    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Hold

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Set Categories

    Accurate To Hit Debuff


    Melee AoE Damage

    To Hit Debuff


    Eclipse.png.ad1aa9468e64d19928d03d3c3c86dfb8.png T5: Twilight

    Draws light away from all foes near your target, inhibiting their vision. Most foes will not be able to see past normal melee range, although some may have better perception. If the foes are attacked, they will be alerted to your presence, but will suffer a penalty to their chance to hit.


    Slow (15s)



    Minimum Level



    Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

    Foe -90% Perception, -To Hit


    Enhance Accuracy

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance Range

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Set Categories

    To Hit Debuff


    122333432_IncandescentEruption.png.bed1d861415a435328a8b4fe6b7b8443.png T6: Incandescent Eruption

    Light swells out of you in a powerful burst, knocking enemies to the ground and dealing some minor damage. Some foes may even be disoriented for a short period of time after the blast, overwhelmed by its luminosity. Incandescent Eruption can deal bonus damage to targets illuminated by Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow.


    Minor (Energy)


    Moderate (10s)



    Minimum Level



    Point Blank Area of Effect

    Foe Knockdown, Disorient (Mag 3, 25% chance)


    Enhance Accuracy
    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Knockback

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance Disorient

    Set Categories


    Melee AoE Damage



    804575760_PrismaticField.png.37db79635018f16e4f24feb5430f294e.png T7: Prismatic Field

    A painfully bright field of light appears at an area of your choice, dealing minimal Energy damage to foes inside of it. Enemies inside this field will have their movement dramatically slowed, and their defences weakened as they attempt to navigate with their perception compromised, with a chance of even becoming disoriented. Targets illuminated by Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow will have their chance to be disoriented increased.


    Minor DoT (Energy)


    Long (60s)



    Minimum Level



    Ranged (Location Area of Effect)

    Foe -Speed (90%), -Defense(All), Chance of Disorient (Mag 3, 2% chance)


    Enhance Damage

    Enhance Defense Debuff

    Enhance Disorient

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Range

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance Slow

    Set Categories

    Defense Debuff

    Ranged AoE Damage

    Slow Movement



    782392347_LuminousDistortion.png.0e95fd0f5450964b893be683ad3a8eca.png T8: Luminous Distortion

    You twist the way that light behaves in a selected area, deceiving foes into moving towards it. Enemies caught in this distortion may even become confused, targeting their allies by accident as their perception is warped. Targets illuminated by Ray of Light or Dazzling Glow will have their chance to be confused increased.


    Long (60s)



    Minimum Level



    Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect)

    Foe Attract, Chance of Confuse (Mag 3, 2% chance)


    Enhance Confuse

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance Range

    Set Categories



    278989210_ShiningMotes.png.cee815dd22c339ad160973a3f8e8a36f.png T9: Shining Motes

    You concentrate light together to create three Shining Motes at a target location. Shining Motes are fragile and have little intelligence of their own, instinctively moving towards enemies, damaging all those close to them. Upon expiring, they explode in a small but powerful brilliance that knocks down nearby enemies, and may disorient them. Shining Motes can be healed and buffed like any teammate.


    Minor (Energy)


    Very Long (240s)

    Minimum Level



    Summon Motes: Melee

    Pet Powers

    Fly (Auto: Flight)

    Nova (Post Defeat: PBAoE (Energy), Foe Knockdown, Disorient)

    Shining Halo (PBAoE, DoT (Energy))

    Resistance (Auto, Res(E25 N25, P25), Res(Immobilize))


    Enhance Accuracy

    Enhance Damage

    Enhance Disorient

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Set Categories


    Pet Damage

    Recharge Intensive Pets



    Alternate Non-Pet T9

    Credit goes to @MTeague for inspiring me to write this up here, for a petless T9 power. While I've posted this alternative later in the thread, I'm pasting it over here too.


    1960645279_GleamingSphere.png.bd89df70fbcb039e88008c4e90ba7c11.png T9: Gleaming Sphere

    You summon an immobile, shining sphere of light that surrounds your current location, preventing anything inside from being seen from the outside, and vice versa. Area of Effect powers may still damage those obscured by the sphere. The luminous intensity within the sphere can cause enemies to take moderate Energy damage, have their chance to hit reduced, and even cause them to exit the area if possible.


    Moderate DoT (Energy)


    Long (120s)



    Minimum Level



    Summon Sphere: Location (PBAoE)

    Foe -To Hit, Afraid (Mag 50)


    Enhance Damage

    Reduce Endurance Cost

    Enhance Recharge

    Enhance To Hit Debuff

    Set Categories

    Melee AoE Damage

    To Hit Debuff


    It was definitely made with the idea of it being niche-but-potentially-potent in mind. Would be interested in hearing what others think of it as well!

    • Like 17
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  3. I get an error about being unable to equip Incarnate powers, saying that I've activated a power/been attacked too recently to be able to do so...how long is this time-out? I've logged out and back in, waited for a few minutes and so on. Do I need to deactivate my toggle powers? Here is my build for reference - not sure if any powers/enhancements might be interfering with this:



  4. Hey there, thanks for all of your viewpoints on this topic! I'll do my best to voice my own thoughts on them.


    On 3/31/2021 at 8:15 AM, MsSmart said:

    Game built on SOs. originally, but then the devs realized the game was broken and way to unbalanced, especially the support types had no way to survive and to them the die all the time, staus effect murdered all the time, got old and boring. As a result these classes began to experience less and less folks wanting to play them. Lets face it, we play this game, because we want to feel super, be the star! And not a wuss, who a minion can easily murder and is relegated to be a assistant to somebody else, and never a super in their own rights.


    The devs so this, and acknowledged it, and even said so in posting of their own, but they were stuck in a fixed infrastructure. So what they did, the created the IO system, to begin leveling the playing field. And the IOs went a very long way towards accomplishing it. But it was not enough, so enter the incarnate system in a last ditch attempt to level the playing field, and to a great extent they did.


    I think when making assertions - especially ones that go against conventional and established knowledge - it's important to support them with evidence confirming that said points are accurate ones to make. In summary (and do correct me if they're inaccurate!), your post appears to assert that:

    • Game content is no longer balanced around SO enhancements
    • Before IOs, support archetypes had practically no survivability (quote: "no way to survive"/"die all the time")
    • The IO enhancement system was established to resolve this lack of survivability
    • Therefore, IOs are necessary for non-melee archetypes to survive

    The first assertion I've seen brought up in this thread before - but I've yet to see compelling evidence of this outside of citationless statements, unfortunately. Evidence that the game is indeed balanced around SOs however, is quite easily found; indeed, I cite a post saying so from one of the current devs, @Captain Powerhouse in my OP:

    Additionally, even the newest HC story arcs have been tested using SOs, which I've mentioned over here - so it's certainly something that's still being upheld. There's also quite a number of compelling posts on the forum that explain in which ways the game is balanced around SO enhancements, such as from @Luminara over here. I think it's certainly very insightful, and worth looking into if you haven't already!


    As for your following points, that is, relating to the suggestion that support archetypes are unable to survive without the benefit of IO sets, and that the invention system itself was designed to resolve this...I think that requires more evidence to reliably claim, ideally a citation from one of the devs at the time, especially since because I can think of a few examples that run counter to this. For instance, @Coyotedancer has stated before that plenty of characters run around without IOs, and function perfectly well, and I myself have seen a number of such players in teams who do so as well (and yes, some were support archetype characters). They certainly were not "dying all the time".


    On 3/31/2021 at 8:15 AM, MsSmart said:

    As the so many challenge oriented postings, I have come across, what is truly needed is to level the playing field with regards to what classes receive what challenge. Sadly most of the recommendations I keep seeing, continue to place a very, very  disproportionate effect on support while the melee suffers a minimal repercussion.


    One point that I see being brought up fairly frequently across threads such as these ones is that for some players, the IO system makes their support archetype characters feel less significant - @MTeague has a good example of this over here. I think it's important to consider that given your own concern about such archetypes being disproportionately affected by different difficulty options, it might be worth considering the idea that IOs and the set bonuses they bring can have their drawbacks as well as benefits for some players, because each player gets something different out of the game.


    Whew, this turned out a bit longer than I anticipated. But hope this all makes sense! 😄

    • Like 1
  5. 9 hours ago, Coyotedancer said:

    Pulling in anybody who's ever posted anything in a balance thread is one way to keep your proposal at the top of the thread list, I guess... 😆


    For the record, I'm very much in the "More Options are Good"-camp, and I like quite a few that have been suggested.

    ... Just as long as they actually are *Options*, anyway, and don't become Standard Expectations or a defacto requirement.


    What I don't want to see is low- and mid-range characters tossed out like the baby with the bathwater. (And yes, those kinds of characters absolutely do still exist. They're not even all that uncommon from what I've seen on Everlasting. I'm another habitual bio-reader, and there are still a fair number of characters out there with few-to-no set bonuses listed, even on higher-level teams. At most, those players are running Common IO builds with maybe a couple of the procs or specials that don't show up on the list, so nothing even close to the supposedly-ubiquitous UBERBuilds.)


    Anyway, like I've said about a hundred times over the last couple of years, I think it's just way too easy to look around at the forum regulars, the MIDS Gurus and the TF speedsters and just assume that they're "everybody"... the joe-average CoH player. If those very skilled and very vocal power-builders are the people that you usually talk to and run with, it's only human to start thinking "Well, EVERYONE on Homecoming runs indestructible, soft-capped tank-mages who can solo Lusca on the regular these days. Let's build everything around that!" Which would not be a Good Thing for anyone who wasn't playing Captain PermaL33T or her side-kick Soft-Cap Lad.


    So... Options. 

    Options are the way to go here.


    I can't rely on controversy and clickbait to do the work for me! Only radical proposals have that privilege. 😏


    I do agree that the introduction of further options would be neat for sure, and that there's a ton of player variation in terms of slotting, skill levels, power choices, and so on. It's also true that the forums aren't always representative of the actual playerbase - the 1% rule applies here as it does in any internet community, after all.


    I actually play on Everlasting myself, and I can definitely confirm your own experiences with my own. Thankfully, a Notoriety option like this one wouldn't really have an effect on players with common IOs/SOs - and procs would still apply under this as well. The game is, after all, balanced around SOs, and I don't think that's going to be changing any time soon (indeed, per one of my posts, the new story arcs have been purposefully tested using them).


    The way I approached this Notoriety option was as a means to provide some further challenge for those PermaL33T Captains and Soft-Cap Sidekicks - for those asking for more challenging content...well, they've an entire game they can look to with the help of this. Plus having an easy way to test out story arcs to see if they're too easy/hard while using IO builds would be neat too.


    Thank you for your response! 🙂

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. On 3/31/2021 at 1:04 AM, Sarn said:

    I advertised something similar last night, except it was the no enhancement bonus option (along with enemy buff, player debuff, no inspirations) for running Ouroboros missions. I got one response (and even that one said maybe another time when I explained it fully). I really would like to run a mission where powerset balance and complementation means something, but I think it is going to have to be a well-coordinated event, something like through a supergroup.  


    Hey there again, thanks for sharing some of your experiences!


    I do think this is a nice reason as to why a Notoriety option would be ideal - I know I personally prefer regular pick-up groups as opposed to Flashback missions for convenience's sake. Add onto that the lack of enhancement bonuses, and it makes for a mission where missing is quite common (personally not my jam, and I imagine the same for a great deal of others).


    That being said, how used such a feature would be is speculation on either side if it's yet to be implemented...though I'd say the benefits of it being used for easy story arc testing is a boon in of itself, and further options are always nice.

    • Like 2
  7. On 3/30/2021 at 4:04 PM, Turric said:

    If enough people want this, then by all means! Options never hurt anyone.


    Speaking for myself only, I would not utilize it and I would not want to be on teams that do. I also never utilize any of the conditions for task forces missions (timed, buffed, debuffed etc), but I would never complain that they exist. My instinct, judging by Indomitable only, would be that it would be very very rare to use. I also get bored and look through people's bio / build information to see who I am playing with. There are a ton of people who do not roll with any IO builds as it is. Perhaps this is by choice, but estimating by the number of people who do not know how to get places, I FEEL like there are lots of newer players these days who simply are learning the game. In this case, the forum boards can be a misrepresentation of the greater player base. But then again, I might be way off.


    But if other people want to play this way, then have at thee, fiend!


    Hey there, thanks for dropping by! A big part of this proposal's definitely its opt-in nature, so as to not disrupt players who aren't interested in such a feature, while also making it as accessible as possible for those who do want something like this. From the posts through this thread, it does look like there'd at least be some people interested in giving it a shot, and for those who aren't, they're mostly happy with it just being an option.


    As implied in my original post, I'm pretty heavy into IO builds myself, and I definitely enjoy the flexibility they introduce into the game as a result of them. But I can definitely empathise with the forum posters asking for further challenge in a game system that's primarily balanced around a much less potent gear system (i.e. SOs). So having an easy way to tune the difficulty of missions accordingly would be neat, I think.


    Thanks again for your thoughts! 😄

  8. On 3/30/2021 at 10:37 AM, DougGraves said:

    I like to play with no IO set bonuses.  The other IO effects are probably not as bad but clearly have a major impact on play as people design builds around procs, miracle and other bonus END abilities.


    I frankly don't think that a notoriety option will be used.  When  I do TFs people do them at +0 with no challenges except maybe 60 min for a tf that takes 30 min.


    I don't see people advertising teams with no IO set bonuses.


    I think to make playing with no IO set bonuses really a thing it would need its own server so that like minded people could play there.  Of course it might only have a dozen people.


    On a slightly different tangent, have you taken a look at @Galaxy Brain's recent testing over here?



    I think it's pretty interesting seeing the impact that procs have on the game - and further suggests that this Notoriety option's a nice middle between an SO build and a full IO build, which was kind of the intent.

  9. 2 hours ago, Haijinx said:

    This probably applies to a lot of these ideas.  


    I would probably prefer a hardmode server that used vastly adjusted mechanics myself.  IOs are one of the few things that allow you to tailor your character.  


    How popular would it be?  Probably not very.  But Requiem for Skyrim does have some following, so perhaps there would be some.


    Slightly off topic, but if you had the means, what kind of mechanics would that entail, out of curiosity?

  10. 19 hours ago, Sarn said:

    I'd be glad to do that, but I have not explored this beyond my experiments with my stone/granite tanker. I will say that the game is still perfectly capable of offering challenges for those that use this option. Finding people that are willing to do that might require coordination through a supergroup or such. I'm not sure that it is amenable to pickup, but I'm tempted to find out. It's not that I don't think I can find a suitable team, it's just that I'd have to find people willing to go through team wipes, I think. Again, not really sure, but I suspect that if my tanker in granite had difficulties, then others are going to be even more fragile. Finding the appropriate level and number of players to emulate, the full effect of temp powers and incarnates (for the highest level missions) is not something I can predict. 


    Thanks for your thoughts on this proposal! Indeed - part of the reason why I thought this Notoriety option would be something neat was to make it easier for people to try out on a whim as opposed to having to slot a specific way, or organise things in advance: it'd just be a team and go kind of deal (so long as people are coming in knowing what settings are going to be used beforehand of course!).


    At the very least, I do think it'd be worth implementing for people looking for more challenge in CoX without having to go and fight specific mobs or create a whole second build. And of course as mentioned before I do think it'd be a neat means of testing out new story arc content to make sure it's not too difficult (i.e. balanced around SOs) without having players go out of their way to slot accordingly - as someone that uses full-kitted IO builds, a Notoriety option would be much more convenient for sure. 🙂

  11. I will say that I do prefer Rune of Protection granting resistance even when used while mezzed, if only because I use the power as an emergency button for when I really need it (i.e. when a mez gets through my lockdown/damage/debuffs), so the lower uptime is less of an issue for me, while the more reactive nature of my use case means that the resistance boost'll be relevant for me. I actually didn't know that was the case...I do look forward to hardcapping my resistances after breaking free from a mez.


    Just putting out a counterpoint as to why I'm personally happy with the change - but I can definitely understand why it could be a problem for some builds (I think Meltdown/RoP cycling's a thing for instance).

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