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Everything posted by Fatman

  1. Must've been one heck of a mistake for it to persist for that long.
  2. I don't think they're selling JPEGs of costume pieces for increasingly ludicrous sums of real money.
  3. Uhh, ACKSHUALLY... Energy Aura also works off of Defense, my dude. Your point still stands, though.
  4. Reaction Time is /Martial's sustain power. As a reminder, sustain powers--introduced in Issue 24--tend to be the Tier 6 picks in a secondary, though /Ice has its sustain at Tier 4, while /Energy has it at Tier 5. Remember, sustain powers were created to help solve the Blaster's END problems and also because prior to I24, /Mental was heads and shoulders above the other secondaries because of Drain Psyche boosting your Regen and Recovery. Dull Pain with theatrics Hoarfrost is not a sustain power because while it keeps you alive, it does absolutely nothing for your END. Hibernate is not a sustain power because while it does fill up that blue bar, it actively prevents you from fighting while it's active. Actively. Also, because you get it very late in the game. Also, like brasilgringo stated, you leave Inner Will on auto so that it pops whenever you get mezzed. In fact, you can probably get away with just shoving two or three Recharge Reduction IOs in there and use the slots somewhere else. Do keep in mind that while you can activate it at 50% END or less, this is actually a trap, as Inner Will does absolutely nothing for your END. Well, you're certainly not going to top the DPS scoreboards, but you will be able to style on everyone, outside of maybe Street Justice users. Absolutely. With Burst of Speed, you can drop yourself into a group of enemies, pop your nuke dance and maybe Bullet Rain, and get out of Dodge in one fell swoop. Plus, you can use it three times before it needs to recharge, with each use's Defiance boost stacking. I use the following binds for Burst of Speed on all two three of my /Martial blasters. This also applies to Combat Teleport and whatever equivalent Warshades have. /bind button5 "powexec_location target Burst of Speed" /bind shift+button5 "powexec_location 180:50 Burst of Speed" /bind ctrl+button5 "powexec_location self Burst of Speed" The first will teleport you to your target. The second will turn you around 180 degrees, then drop you 50 feet away from your current position, so you can get some much-needed distance. The third will, of course, execute the attack where you stand. Personally, I used it as a Numina's set mule. The enhanceable portions of Reaction Time are the slow, the Absorb component, and the Recovery; I chose Absorb because, well, why not? Get comfortable in melee range. With all of the melee-range and targeted AoEs, Pistols/Martial practically begs to get up close and personal. Do not treat Piercing Rounds as an AoE attack. Treat it as a single-target attack that can probably tag one or two other enemies, like Head Splitter from Broadsword, Weeaboo Headsplitter Golden Dragonfly from Weeaboo Broadsword Katana and Great Value Weeaboo Broadsword Ninja Blade, or even Sweeping Cross from Street Justice. Seriously, that punch's range is deceptively small for how wide its animation is. Get your sustain power as soon as it's available, no matter what your secondary is. If you're not hover-blasting, then Leaping is an ideal pool choice--Combat Jumping gives you a good amount of Immobilization protection, and Acrobatics protects you from most knockbacks and holds of up to Magnitude 2, freeing up Inner Will for other uses. You'll still have to manually pop Inner Will if you get Confused, though. This probably shouldn't even need to be said, but... have fun. If you don't like your blaster, there's no shame in shelving / deleting the character and moving on to another powerset combination, or another AT altogether.
  5. My sibling born under the warm light of the sun, it's literally the second stickied topic in the Everlasting forum.
  6. Pretty much this. Like at this point I'm not even a bit player; I'm just some asshole with a tub of popcorn and a cup of liquid diabetes, all because my character's name isn't Unbelievable-Man or Dr. Stephen Fayte, who's simply a talented doctor and nothing more.
  7. Sentinels don't get shields.
  8. It'd certainly explain all the posthumous CamelCase super names in the Faultline arcs.
  9. This is incorrect. Ninja Run is subject to travel power suppression, just like any other travel power. I present this poorly-encoded WEBM as evidence.
  10. That's it, dude. The only other time where the Lords (and Lady) of Death are mentioned in any significant capacity is in a level 35-50 story arc. Perhaps if the game had survived long enough for an actual "issue 25" patch, there would've been one or two more arcs in the level 15-25 range where you tie up any loose ends regarding the Skulls, but as it is, those two story arcs are the best you're going to get.
  11. Because I don't want to play in the Rogue Isles. I want to play in Paragon City and Praetoria. But there is no Pocket D entrance in Atlas Park. There is one in Kings Row, though.
  12. You just posted them.
  13. Use imgur albums.
  14. I see people on the Everlasting TFs global channel advertise their I-Trials every now and then, especially during the weekends.
  15. You can use Android emulators like Bluestacks or Nox. Wouldn't exactly recommend it, but it is an option.
  16. Truly outrageous. Do you have a variant themed after the Misfits, though? I mean, their songs are better.
  17. I would imagine that Loyalist and Resistance Praetorians are counted in the stats as villains and heroes, respectively, going by the Valentine's Day event team-up conditions from the live servers' events.
  18. After speccing into Burst of Speed, I can safely say that it's pretty good. Ain't the greatest, but I've found its uses. Being a teleport power, you're going to want to use something similar to these binds: /bind shift+lbutton "powexec_location target Burst of Speed" /bind shift+rbutton "powexec_location me Burst of Speed" /bind ctrl+lbutton "powexec_location back:50 Burst of Speed" The first will dump you at your current target--friend and foe--when you execute the power. The second will have you execute the power in place. The third will have you do an about-face and move you 50 feet away from the target. I still need to refresh my knowledge with slash commands and the like, because that third bind is a bit too quick-and-dirty to my liking. If you have at least the Chance for Knockdown/Knockback to Knockdown enhancement from the Overwhelming Force set thrown into this power, then you can use this as a sort of very soft control. Reach For the Limit is indeed this set's Build Up, and while I still don't like the RNG nature of it, I do notice when it goes off--I'd have to, since that second brown power icon on the upper right-hand corner of my screen is pretty noticeable, even among the rest of the icon vomit. I still stand by what I said regarding Reaction Time: it's your sustain power, and skipping it like I initially did is extremely ill-advised. Likewise, I still say that Inner Will has a dumb animation. You can only enhance half of its heal total, so you can't really rely on it as a self-heal. However, with enough global recharge (see Fez's build--really good stuff, by the way!), you can basically have it up every 35-40 seconds or so with just one level 50 recharge IO. Even with that in mind, it's still basically a free Break Free.
  19. He's using an ancient guide, so it's understandable. OP, at the very least, you should definitely take Chilling Embrace Frigid Protection at Level 10. It's your "sustain" power, and while it's a toggle, it doesn't cost any END to use, and you'll get a buttload of +Recovery just for running it. Also, a little bit of +Absorb. For a little more information on sustain powers, please refer to Novacat's thread.
  20. Five merits for a Booster, and twenty merits for a Catalyst. The same way you combine your regular enhancements: go into the Enhancements screen, click on the set IO you want to attune, then add your Catalyst. Yes. Catalysts work on all Enhancement sets. That's set IOs, ATOs, and the Winter sets.
  21. You can get both Boosters and Catalysts through the Merit Vendors and ATMs. You can also get Catalysts as a very rare drop once you hit 50 and start earning Incarnate EXP.
  22. Just using it on its own should grant you the "sustain" bonus, so yeah, pop it every time it's off CD.
  23. But I'm not a DPS. DPS is just what I do.
  24. Sustain toggles in general have zero END cost, not just Devices/Field Operative.
  25. Yes, but keep in mind that the knockback occurs after the "slo-mo" repel and hold part.
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