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Everything posted by BasherBot

  1. So, have the SO changes been canceled? Or will we be expecting them some time in the near future?
  2. Update #1: Radiant Gem is currently lvl 10. So far I am enjoying the set up and it's damage potential... but the defense capabilities are still lacking. Having no toggles is interesting as it allows me to use my endurance a bit more freely without fear of losing my damage mitigation to do so. Let's go over my current set up a little and explain my reasoning and experiences with each power. Radioactive Smash: Standard T2 grab for level 1. The move does good damage and has an added knockdown for utility. I do not regret grabbing the T2 over the T1, but I am tempted to try out a build with the T1 to see how it feels. Fast Healing: The game doesn't give you much of a choice for your secondaries, but I've found the passive regen from this power quite useful so far. Proton Sweep: Grabbed this at level 2 for the AoE. I quickly learned how annoying it is to properly position point black cone effects... luckily the DoT more then makes up for my horrendous positioning skill. XD Reconstruction: As much as I would love to grab Super Speed at level 4... I found that my durability was lacking. The amount of passive healing I got wasn't making up for the lack of defenses and resistances I also had. Reconstruction gave me a tool to actively heal myself in a pinch. I just wish it healed a tinny bit more then it did sometimes. Fusion: Build up is love, build up is life... a build up that actively uses my special gimmick to it's advantage? Yes please! Just need to remember to use it more often. lol Radiation Siphon: I felt it was time to grab my big hitter going into level 8 (as tempting as Quick Recovery was), so I grabbed Siphon on level. It hits hard, has a high chance to apply Contamination and will heal you if you hit a contaminated target. My one complaint is that, since Contamination is RNG based, you can't always rely on Siphon to give you a heal when you need it to. Otherwise, big damage, big heal, big fun. Quick Recovery: Literally just because I wanted to extra endurance recovery to spam more skills out with. so far so good on the Rad/Regen Brute. As for Madam Nightblade, she's level 6 at the moment and in the middle of the Twinshi- I mean Twinshot storyline. Ninja Training seems a bit standard at the moment, while Dual Pistols is interesting to say the least. Dual Wield: Another Standard T2 grab, though the Knockback is an interesting piece of utility for it. The knockback doesn't seem often enough to pose a problem, but I might want to look at grabbing Sudden Acceleration for it sometime in the future... especially for group content. Don't want to throw a important enemy overboard. Immobilizing Dart: Some situation as Fast Healing, with less effectiveness because T1 Blast secondaries are always sort of middling at best. The crowd control is nice at least. Empty Clips: A Standard AoE grab at level 2. Having an AoE knockdown is always nice and it has good range behind it as well. Choking Powder: Fun fact, I like stuns. So I decided to play around with the stun in Choking Powder instead of grabbing a movement ability for level 4. I'm liking it so far. The ability to temporarily remove a mob from combat (if it hits) is always nice to have. Swap Ammo: Seems pretty standard for Dual Pistols to grab it and use Incendiary Rounds. I do have one question with Swap Ammo so far, does it's secondary effects replace the secondary effects of the other skills? Or is it added on top of them? That's it from me for today, going to be making the poll character tomorrow when it closes officially. I hope everyone has a fine day this friday and enjoy some good old fashion City of Heroes.
  3. Calling him immature and a zealot has your line of defense towards an "insult" where he tried to drop the topic all together and move on to something more important... I think his point as been made
  4. So using one's psionic powers to mitigate or amplify pain?
  5. It's looking like the Psychic/Pain Corruptor has a high chance of winning... so, anyone have any thematic suggestions?
  6. I like the look, but I was hoping for something a bit less gloomy looking (he's supposed to be a hero after all). If it helps, the name I picked for him was Radiant Gem
  7. Looking for some help with making this Radiation/Regeneration Brute look better. The concept is that his blood was crystallized by a experimental cancer treatment (gone wrong).
  8. As someone new to this... why are Dark Miasma and Dark Affinity banned?
  9. I mean... if they were going to balance around TOs and DOs (apart of the vast portion of the game btw) then why are they planning on removing both origins all together in the next update?
  10. Mini update: Radiation Melee's gimmick is very fun to play around with. Just with the t2 basic and the aoe at lvl 2 I can easily cleave down groups early. Contaminating lieutenants or bosses and then using the spread to kill minions has given the best results for me so far. Just got fusion on my last session, eager to play around with that and the power that comes right after it. Regen is... surprisingly squishy. Without reconstitution, you get burned down relatively fast while clearing early groups if you're not careful. One advantage Regen has is the sustain it proves and on-demand healing allow you to more reliably move from pack to pack without having to use Inspirations or Rest as often as other builds would. Combined with Rad's built in healing, I'm expecting Radiant Gem to be a self sufficient tank with strong aoe and little need to worry about endurance usage. Haven't touched Madam Nightblade since creating her, planning on player her tonight or tomorrow though, so expect to hear more about her on the official update on friday.
  11. I'm just happy that Trick Arrow Defender isn't winning, I've been told bad things about TA XD
  12. unfortunately for you, the Psy/Pain Corrupter is pulling ahead by one vote so far 😛
  13. today I am restarting my archtype challenge, where I attempt to level all possible powerset combinations to lvl 50 (with maybe some end game progression tacked on towards the end). The goal: To learn how each powerset works and what synergies they have with other each other (all while having fun) The process: Standard leveling for this one, with some TFs here and there. Starting with the Matthew story arc and moving onward from there. Note: There will be no use of p2w utilities. This is meant to reflect the new/average player, using powerlvling strats would only devalue the process. The Toons: Arrow of Lose (Archery/Atomic Manipulation Blaster) There will be updates very once in a while (will aim for once a week, but no guarentee) and some AT combos will be up to vote. I will keep the number of in progress toons between 2-3 to keep variety, which also means all toons will be of different ATs. Suggestions and Feedback are always welcome... just remember to be friendly and have fun!
  14. Alright, it's a final, I'll be going back to the challenge and revamping the thread either tomorrow or friday. If anyone has any build suggestions, feel free to let me know so I can throw a few of them in a poll and let the community decide who my secondary lvling boi will be (A Rad/FH Brute/scrapper is off the table, one could talk me into doing a FH/Rad Tanker)
  15. I would need to find 7 other people as crazy as me for that to work lol
  16. considering I lack the meaningful, fruitful life you are afraid I'll destroy... I'll stick with this (plus I would no doubt slow down once I got a job)
  17. I actually had planned to do 2-3 toons for this, funny enough
  18. I'm gonna give this a few days for everyone to discuss and allow more votes to pile up (and give myself time to plan a system out) For the meantime, I'll be on a Natural Rad/Fast Healing Brute called Radiant Gem on Excelsior. Hope to talk to ya all soon and don't be afraid to ask any questions here or in game :3
  19. You still have my thanks for doing the math I'm too lazy to do XD
  20. from what I remember, the 1000 slots is server bound, not account bound. So, theoretically, there are a total of 5000 slots to work with
  21. now the question is should I do the slow route, the power lvling route or a mix of the two? with how many methods of getting a character from lvl 1 to lvl 50 there are, determining the preferred method for this challenge would help with the control part of this controlled experiment 😛
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