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Everything posted by BazookaTwo

  1. I honestly really like this. I always wanted a hybrid of scrapper powers and defender powers in an AT.
  2. If you can't deal with cones, that's a personal problem.
  3. Calling Corruptors "like controllers with more damage" is a huge mistake.
  4. I play a Shield/Kin Melee for this reason. It's great on a team but not so great solo. It was a challenge to build a total team support guy with the most ranged attacks possible.
  5. Poison/Dark is pretty potent, just needs attention for accuracy.
  6. Combat Jumping, Infiltration, and Mighty Leap/Take Off are pretty potent together, too. Take off is like a poor man's Fly power. I love it on my tank.
  7. One of the ATO sets for sent can be split three ways adding a triple range bonus. Add a two set from Bombardment where you can for even more. No snipe in DP so you can't leverage Experienced Marksman 2 slot range bonus. But... Cryo ammo also adds range. It's fun being able to cone and aoe from the back of the room, or run into melee.
  8. My main is an Archery/ninja² and while the damage is subpar compared to maybe other primaries, it's still decent. The /Ninja +def clicky is great for soaking alpha strikes and diving head first into melee, and the Ninja epics are all slotted for -Res, so stuff tends to go down faster after some sword action.
  9. DP/Regen/Ninja Training + any temp powers that apply. Think the revolver, baseball bat, golden wrench, the weapons from the zig event... Etc. I think you'd find DP/SR or DP Ninja decent too. Depends on if you want primary ranged or melee though, really.
  10. I was talking about price only, not the stats. Paying to upgrade SOs will eat your funds like nothing else
  11. Generic IOs are typically a better deal than SOs. Buy em when you can, and make choices about what needs bumped up first. It's procs and real IOs that cost a lot. Me personally? I use my altitis to my advantage, and end up pillaging a finished toon from a similar archetype if I like this new character better. It's a quick way to get 100-200 million in a hurry.
  12. Yep this will be a Vorpal fer sho. I like it on my savage/shield stalker too...Maybe dabble in Vorpal and Void. 🙂
  13. Let me explain for those who don't "get the AT" why it works. One more time... Versatility - you can choose ranged or melee in a combat situation, dare I say it? Situationally. If someone else is overwhelmed, I can hop in and save their bacon. If no one else is around me, I can dive head first into a mob, and be whittling down the boss as it's standing there amazed it's mob is suddenly ashes. I can swap team roles in a heartbeat, and do exactly what the team needs from me at that moment. Be that damage dealer, soft controls, or alpha strike absorber. And then do something else in the next moment. Aggro management - if I'm not attacking it, it's looking elsewhere, period. Sentinels peel off aggro like a Stalker going into hide. When solo on a Sentinel, I can easily manage exactly how much aggro I'm taking on at that moment. Mitigation - oh, is that a problem for other ATs? I never noticed any mitigation problems on my Sent. Unique tweaks - all the primaries and secondaries have really interesting little tweaked powers in them that other ATs don't get. Fire/ has complete lack of movement suppression, /SR gets master brawler, DP/ gets additional range with cryo ammo, etc. etc. Read up on these, find an exploit that sounds profitable, and go to town. For example: My fire/bio is indeed a more steady damage dealer than a fire/anything, and never gets mezzed. I haven't even finished the build on it yet and it feels pretty boss because of the movement non suppression, the uptime of the nuke, and the repel baked into the snipe.
  14. I went classier than Rambo, with Yeet Shooter, my AR/Sonic. I use Sonic thrust to launch enemies away from me, and then snipe them, as a signature trick. Sonic has lots of hold possibilities, and I can leverage Lockdown +Damage Procs to make my Holds OP. If you're going to Yeet a target you might as well slap a hold on it too! I will probably go Soul Mastery for Power Boost. Which will make holds more epic still, and add to knockback where relevant. I may just do something silly like slot Overwhelming Force into Sonic Thrust to see how it goes, or slot it in Sniper Rifle. The idea being that CC at extreme range is how I keep my hands clean.
  15. Necro to death but she should play with my character...Rector Salamanca
  16. a few recent ones... Shrimptim of Changes - Peacebringer with a Fishhead and hell bent for leather. Yeet Shooter - skeet shooting AR/Sonic blaster You Gave Me Cancer - Energy/Rad Stalker Rubber Room - Straight Jacketed Clown Illusion/Savage Dom Lil Half Lyfe - Rad/Rad Blaster Dr Vajilok - Zombies/Poison MM (female Mortificator look)
  17. I love my Archery sent. Explosive arrow > Grenade all day. Grenade is the crappiest Kb/Kd power in the whole game.
  18. What's funny is I took Scorpion epic pool, with the Mace attack, then because if that I rolled an identical scrapper with Mace/Ninja. Shadow Shell becomes... Shadow Mace. 😎
  19. Recommend splitting the one ATO into 3 pairs of two, for max range. You can add 2 slots of bombardment to appropriate powers for even more range (dmg, fire proc, are what I usually slot)
  20. AR/energy is the first thing I built in game (and is my forum handle). It's still my favorite blaster. And fun to troll melee folks with! Widen your cones all the way out, and dark/em/dark should be beastly. Don't discount the stun mechanics in /EM either! Power Boost works on damn near everything.
  21. So far... Stacking up the recharge with +ff procs and lotg Added a Sudden Acceleration kb > Kd in Repulsing torrent. Added Overwhelming Force Dmg/kb% to Shield Charge. It plays like a walking quake maker... Nothing gets to stand up for long if I don't want it to. Added SF Prot KB and Winter's Gift slow prot so I'm never on my butt. I'm 29 and this is quickly becoming my favorite tanker. All the little mitigation things between force of will and kintetic melee blend very well too. Great on TF's. I think I'm going to add Darkest Night to it for the toHitDebuff.
  22. I knew that, I didn't know you could do mini mode there. How many prismatic ether is mini mode costume?
  23. Not to Necro, but can someone toss me a bind or macro that does each of these? Savage leap+ costume change Shield Charge+ costume change. My stalker, Bury N Hyde, is a Mr Hyde/Werewolf shifter, you see.
  24. I didn't know you could do that! How about Savage Leap? I have a Savage/Shield Stalker that really needs to leverage this stuff.
  25. First off I don't have Mids, but I know roughly how to build just seeing what people think of this idea. So far.. Shield/Kin tank. Force of Will pool giving me a second cone and a second ranged attack to go with Kin Melee's cone and St range, the foot stomp extra power, Burst, and Shield charge. Stuff flying everywhere. Messy, sloppy fun, and no need for taunt. Probably take the fighting or leadership, but not likely both. Debating hasten or Combat Jumping. Debating which epic goes with this. The point is to debuff/mitigate and be a great team anchor. I did FF with this guy today and had a blast with just shield charge and the Kin Melee Cone. Any advice on epic and incarnates? (Thinking Muscular or Agility, Mighty, and Melee Hybrid. Maybe Reactive too. Tsoo pets cause he's a Shaolin Monk with a Shield.
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