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Everything posted by BazookaTwo

  1. It really depends. Sometimes you have a character tuned *just so* for maneuverability, and Ninja Run + Speed boost feels fiddly.
  2. It really depends. Sometimes you have a character tuned *just so* for maneuverability, and Ninja Run + Speed boost feels fiddly. Sometimes your Celerity Stealth proc is in Sprint too. Speed boost is largely annoying, movement wise. The other day I was on an ITF with 3 kins. The only person not dying all over the place was me, and it was the triple speed boost's fault. 😂
  3. If you hate speed boost, go to Null the Gull in Pocket D, and turn it off for your character. You'll still get the recovery bonus anyway.
  4. I gave away a perfectly awesome SG base when I migrated everything to Excelsior from Reunion, back in the day. What does a cool non-bespoke base go for usually? What about a bespoke one?
  5. Kinda stalkery. No thanks
  6. I don't have mids, so an embed in the forums would be appreciated. Thanks for an attempt at least! I'm hoping someone with a killer mace build can speak up. I kinda know shield fairly well.
  7. This. Bats, knives, titan weapons, staff (pool cues) etc. Street Justice and Martial Arts too!
  8. So I leveled a Mace/Shield to 50. I wanted to love it, but it ended up feeling lackluster. I've since field stripped it to feed alts, but I'd love some help building something that is as impressive as possible in the DPS department, and at least doesn't get pummelled too badly at +4/8 content. This is a long term project, and I'm willing to invest in it before I start working on Incarnates. I'm open to whatever epics and power pools help the most with DPS/recharge. I'm willing to listen about optimal ST and AOE chains, and skip attacks not needed. Anyone have some advice or a great build to share?
  9. I read that as "internationally" make a mess of things. I think it's a good motto.
  10. all great advice! I am having trouble not choosing powers from the primary and secondary! Everything is so good. The only pool stuff I took is Hasten and Speed...and I might take burnout just to for extra recharge oomph in a pinch. I don't see myself caring much about defenses on this guy! Everything is tactical!
  11. with superior invis, I can be standing in a mob wailing on one enemy, and the rest don't even notice. it's pretty funny.
  12. So I 50'd and Incarnated my Gravity/Arsenal Assault/Power Manipulation Dom. It's loads of fun. I'm no stranger to Arsenal Assault. I have never taken an Illusion anything to 50 or even into a solid build. So I'm looking for advice. It is fun so far, at 16 or so. I don't have Mids, so please if you do share a mids anything, embed it in the forum post, pretty please? So far I read a recent thread about ILL/Martial and I think I will skip Phantasm. Does Contagious Confusion do great stuff in Deceive or Gleam? So far I've taken Blind, Spectral Terror, Superior Invis, Hasten, Super Speed, and the first 4 arsenal attacks. I'm less impressed with Spectral Terror. There is;'t much I'd skip on Arsenal. I know I want PA, and Gleam. Any ideas on Epic/Patron sets? Any advice welcome.
  13. And none of them tested and verified
  14. That's what's great about it! I've found that engaging the person and bringing up infringment just leads to childish outburts, so I do this instead.
  15. Some of us even chat you to say 'kewl costume' just to get your character name, global name, and petition you for harrassment/conduct - specifically to get you in front of the GMs...
  16. Good guide. I am running a Grav/Arse/Energy and ended up having a build that didn't focus so much on Defense at all. I have more Resist than Defense, but even that isn't capped. I did take Combat Jumping, Tough, Weave, and Temp Invulnerability. What I built for, aside from Recharge, was Endurance tools, Damage Bonuses and Accuracy, and lots of procs. I'm not running any purple sets, and honestly I don't need them, which is a relief. Force Feedback in Propel and Buckshot early on were my bread and butter for ghetto recharge. Even before Hasten it was noticable, I even put one in Kick. 🤣 I also ran Kismet until I got Targeting Drone, then I dropped it. My recharge with Hasten up is 132.50%. My recharge with Ageless up 152.50%. It's the most fun I've had on a Dominator so far.
  17. The mines are fine with wormhole. But I tend to also drop mines all over the place, including and especially near Singularity. Buckshot and propel can also knock mobs into minefields.
  18. I have a very, very solid Grav/Arsenal build. I'm working on the incarnates now. It's loads of fun to play too.
  19. My first character was an AR/EM. That meant I had a serious love for punching things and sending them across the map. All the better if I slotted Knockback so I could you know, follow up with my ranged powers. We all follow the tank, so I would of course, also target through the tank. You can imagine the love I got.
  20. Bazooka Tooth was my signature on Live. He's an AR/EM blaster. He's not fully kitted out yet as far as Incarnates, but he's done otherwise. My other signature character is Iron Bow, my badger, who is an Archery/Ninja/Ninja Sentinel with Natural origin and no real travel power. I am now working on two signature SGs - one hero and one villain, with the original ATs the game had when CoH and CoV launched. The villain group is going to only do redside, and the Hero group will only do blueside, with the coolest bases I can muster for each.
  21. Also I'll add that you can use the superbase temp powers available to purchase with salvage to shore up various things, if you're planning ahead. And I would plan ahead for any solo AV fight.
  22. Brilliant. Did not realize that
  23. Untrue. You can still access the START Vendor in pocket D during a Task Force
  24. Ok, I apologize. That's surprising to me!
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