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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. I've led every Task Force, Strike Force, and Trial in the game as a Rogue, and I've never had this issue. Sounds like a bug. None of the SFs' first missions are in Mercy Island nor Port Oakes, which is where that mission marker issue is.
  2. Yeah, if I were to do it on melee, it'd be an Energy Melee/Radiation Armor Brute. On the contrary, Corruptor does great on giant bags of HPs. Once you get them down to about 40% HP, they just positively melt thanks to Scourge.
  3. I soloed GMs on my Rad/Rad Brute, (before I deleted it as I decided that I didn't like Radiation Melee nor Radiation Armor).
  4. I have an Illusion/Dark Affinity Controller. It's a monster. I know I've mentioned it in thread before, but Trick Arrow also has a massive amount of -regen and -resist as well.
  5. Like I mentioned above, Fire Blast and Beam Rifle would both be good. Water Blast is great, but it’s primarily AoE. Great for taking out minions and lieutenants, not so great for AVs and GMs.
  6. You mentioned soloing in your original post, so I would not suggest Cold nor Thermal. They are both great support sets, but neither are really solo friendly. I would go with Dark, Rad, or Trick Arrow instead. Preferably Rad or Trick Arrow. Yes, Rad has a small heal.
  7. Ice Blast/Radiation Emission Corruptor would be pretty great for that. You'd hit like a truck and have a ton of debuffs, and some self-buffs and a minor heal for yourself. Plus Scourge. Scourge is love. Ice Blast/Trick Arrow Corruptor would be pretty great for that as well. Trick Arrow is pretty much the best debuff set in the game, (fight me, Cold lovers ). Plus, again, Scourge. If you don't want Ice Blast, try Fire Blast or Beam Rifle. Both would be great with Radiation Emission and Trick Arrow as well. There's also Demons/Dark Miasma Mastermind and Demons/Thermal Mastermind. Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind would work as well. FWIW, I've been soloing GMs lately on a Thugs/Time Manipulation Mastermind. It doesn't pack as much debuff oomph as Dark Miasma or Thermal, but it gets the job done.
  8. I always go with Longbow Core personally, but if it's support you want, I'd go with either Longbow Radial (for the nice AoE heal), or Knives of Vengeance Radial (for the AoE +dmg and +to-hit buff, along with AoE mez protection if you need it).
  9. Just passing this along. This was announced today on the Champion server Discord server: R.I.P., Marut. Another Champion fallen, but never forgotten.
  10. I kept getting attacked by Swarm in Crey's Folly, which kept interrupting Mission Transporter. Took me about four tries for it to successfully go off. By the time I got to Atlas Park, someone had already entered the mission. And I would never, ever intentionally set a mission at +0 difficulty. Too easy, and it bores me to tears.
  11. Especially seeing as the original poster hasn't been on the forums at all in the past two years. If you want a builder, it's Mids' Reborn or bust ATM.
  12. Just led a Manticore TF tonight, set at +3 difficulty. I went to Atlas Park to talk with Ms. Liberty, while everyone else on the team went to Kings Row for the "Rescue Councilman Burch" mission. When I got to the mission, I noticed that it was set at +0, not +3. All of the mobs were level 35, instead of 38. Then for the final mission "Defeat Hopkins and his minions," someone else entered the mission before I managed to get to the zone. When I entered, again it was set at +0, not +3, and all of the mobs were level 35, instead of 38. So it seems that the bug fixed in Page Three was not entirely fixed.
  13. Don't forget Cap au Diable, (which is the red side hub).
  14. I swear that my Darkest Night just keeps somehow winding up on Crimson Prototype as soon as we start fighting Castillo. And somehow my Mastermind's henchmen will run off and take a couple of potshots against the Crimson Prototype as soon as we start fighting Castillo, and then run back. Completely out of my control, honest.
  15. Welcome back!
  16. Where do I begin? 1. I really like Dual Pistols. IMO, I think it's one of the better ranged damage sets, but a lot of people think it's "bad." I strongly disagree with that, but c'est la vie. It's only bad compared to Fire Blast and Ice Blast, but every ranged damage set is bad compared to Fire Blast and Ice Blast. 2. I like Force Field. Granted, more out of nostalgia than anything at this point as it was my most played support set on live, but still. 3. I strongly dislike proc builds. Too gimmicky, too reliant on others, and they unbalance some ATs and power sets, IMO. 4. Related to #3, the vast majority of my characters use the Agility Radial Paragon Alpha. 5. Every single character I have in the game takes both the Fly and either Super Speed or Speed of Sound travel powers. I use Fly outdoors, and Super Speed or Speed of Sound indoors. Super Speed or Speed of Sound is a necessity for speed running. I also take Fly because I'm a big Superman fanboy, and personally I don't see the point of playing a super-powered character without some form of flight. I may as well play one of the thousand other MMOGs without flight. It takes away one power pool choice that may be better for the character in a min-max sense (like Leadership or Combat Jumping), but I'm okie with that. Now, it's debatable if these are "bad build decisions" (IMO they aren't), but I know that they make quite a few eyes twitch. Now for actual bad build decisions I've made: 1. My first character on Homecoming was a Thugs/Sonic Resonance Mastermind. I soloed him red side from level one through 50, turning XP off every five levels. Got him accoladed, grinded and grinded to get all of the enhancement sets, got him all tier four Incarnated out... The combination itself turned out to be a bad build decision, IMO. They just don't mesh well. C'est la vie. Masterminds didn't get Sonic Resonance until about a year prior to sunset, and I never got the chance to see how it paired with Thugs or Robots. Now I know. :D 2. Back on live, I generally didn't take Hasten until level 47 or 49. 3. My first Thugs Mastermind, a Thugs/Dark Miasma Mastermind back in Issue 7, skipped Gang War. IIRC, it wasn't respecced in until a couple of years later. I don't think I truly understood the power and thought it'd be as useless as your typical Mastermind personal attack. Big mistake.
  17. Just need the mission set and then it works fine.
  18. I meant more for Nature and just to make sure that the pets are in melee range. Time has PBAoEs as well, so I try to stay within range of my henchmen.
  19. Nah. You would just have to stay in roughly melee range of the mobs. My Thugs/Time Mastermind’s Bruiser was literally standing on top of the Rikti drop ship in a mothership raid a couple of weeks ago, riding the drop ship while pummeling it. It was hilarious. Wish I had gotten a screenshot of it.
  20. Of course, there's Plaid Lad: He would be the ultimate villain in the game. Turn all PCs' and NPCs' costumes to plaid!
  21. Both Steam Spray and Geyser can light Oil Slick.
  22. Wonder Woman - Shield/Broadsword Tanker with Web Envelope from Mace Mastery. Web Envelope isn't exactly a lasso, but the effects are the same. Arsenal - Okie, Archery/Devices Blaster then. No grapples, but Ninjitsu Stalkers get a power called Smoke Flash and another called Blinding Powder. Weapon Mastery will give Shurikens for that classic Batarang.
  23. Invisible Woman is arguably an Illusion/Force Field Controller. Wonder Woman is an Invulnerability/SS Tanker. Arsenal and Huntress are Archery/Tactical Arrow Blasters. Most of the Bat-Family are Street Justice/Ninjitsu Scrappers or Stalkers.
  24. Man, I love Matter-Eater Lad. I remember one panel: "Captain, he's escaping by eating his way through engineering!"
  25. Spider-Man. No web swinging, nor wall crawling. Both are intrinsic to the character. Colossal Boy. Can't go past about eight feet.
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