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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. Making Group Fly a slash command or option in the options window was suggested during Page Two beta development, but was deemed too difficult (if not outright impossible), by developers. It's why it was added as an option to Null the Gull in the first place instead of a slash command or option in the options window.
  2. It wouldn't end them as there are instanced mothership raids, and even if Null the Gull was added to the instanced mothership raid people would still complain. In any case, Page Three updated the loading screen tips, and one of the new loading screen tips is: "Annoyed by Group Fly? Talk with Null the Gull in Pocket D!" Sound advice. At level five, every character I make goes to Pocket D for a chat with Null the Gull. One of the things I change is disabling Group Fly. If people can't take two minutes to do that, then that's really on them.
  3. I have now done this mission about a dozen times over the past two years, and for the first time I have just encountered this bug. The NPC "Point Blank" will not spawn, and the mission cannot be completed since he can't be defeated. This mission appears to have been bugged since at least the start of Homecoming, but again, this is the first time in about a dozen times running Warrant's story arc that I've encountered it so it's definitely not every time. Weird. If it helps: Edit: I've tried logging off, and redoing the mission. No good. So I've tried abandoning the mission four times now, and I keep getting the exact same map with no Point Blank. I am well and truly stuck.
  4. This is still ongoing for my friend. He's tried his notebook computer keyboard, a USB keyboard, and a gamepad. I also believe that he's tried windowed mode. He still keeps continuously running whenever he enters the game and/or zones.
  5. 1. You are replying to a two and a half year old post. You would be much better off starting a new thread in the help forum here. 2. Homecoming doesn’t support any mobile OS, including iOS and ChromeOS. You will need a desktop or notebook computer, running Windows, macOS, or Linux.
  6. I'm perfectly capable and willing to speed run, but personally there are some TFs/SFs that I don't like to speed run, and it's not really for XP nor drops. Off the top of my head, I dislike speed running the LGTF, ITF, Mortimer Kal SF, the ASF, and Market Crash Trial. I usually don't speed run the lower level TFs/SFs either as I know that a lot of people join them for XP. I will also never, ever run anything at +0, and anything above level 30 below +2. Any difficulty setting below that, even while speed running, and I get bored quickly. LGTF - I like killing arresting Rikti. I regularly lead Rikti mothership raids. Sue me. ITF - PTSD from the first time I ever ran the ITF. A couple of months after the ITF came out, a friend asked me to join an ITF led by a friend of hers that I didn't know yet. I've since come to be good friends with him and he's easily one of the best players CoH has ever had. Anyhoo, I was on a Mastermind, it was my very first ITF, and I had never done a speed run of any TF/SF/Trial before this. Just about every mission, everyone else was at the end of the mission while I was stuck trying to solo the Cimerorans with my pets near the entrance of the mission. I felt completely useless, and at the end of the TF I had no idea what actually happened. I've since sped run the ITF countless times on both live and Homecoming, but that initial run has colored my perception and I still dislike speed running the ITF to this day. It's also one of the reasons why I advise people to never make the first time they run any content a speed run. Mortimer Kal SF - It's short enough as is, and I like killing arresting robots. Sue me. ASF - It has so many moving parts that it feels a shame to speed through. Sometimes you have to take the time to smell the roses, and the ASF is one such time, IMO. Market Crash Trial - The first two missions feel like a perfectly good Freakshow farm and it feels like a waste to speed them.
  7. IMO, the Dr. Aeon SF is a nice counter-balance to Paragon Studios’ trend at the end of making short TFs/SFs. IMO, Apex TF, Tin Mage TF, Mortimer Kal SF, and especially Penelope Yin TF are too short. Penelope Yin TF feels like it’s missing a mission, and you can spend nearly as much time forming those TFs/SFs as you do running them. Now does that mean that I want to see every new TF/SF be as long and entailed as the ASF? Heck no. Balance. IMO, the perfect TF/SF in length and content is the Admiral Sutter TF. That’s the sweet spot. In regards to Praetoria, I think the best bet would be a level 25 - 30 co-op TF in First Ward for Loyalists, Resistance, Heroes, and Villains. Perhaps something regarding the Shepherds and/or The Awakened.
  8. Don’t worry. You’ll always have Synapse.
  9. Ranged: Water Blast/Trick Arrow Corruptor Melee: Dual Pistols/Sonic Manipulation Blaster
  10. Yep. I know of someone back on live that had thirteen accounts and farmed himself for PvP IO enhancements for years.
  11. Is it just me that is amused that some of the key arguments in this thread in favor of Brutes are "Make Brutes because Scrappers don't have Energy Melee and neither Scrappers nor Stalkers have Stone Melee?" Brutes... even less reason to play them than a year and a half ago.
  12. FWIW, while Indomitable is the unofficial PvP server, the hardcore zone PvPers all moved to and consolidated on the Excelsior shard about a year ago. (Partly why the Indomitable shard player numbers are so low these days... it has the stigma of being the unofficial PvP server, but a good number of the PvPers moved to Excelsior so Excelsior is now really the unofficial zone PvP server, but I digress.)
  13. The feedback is interesting, but ultimately I disagree with most of it. IMO, AE has done tremendous damage to the game since it was introduced. Almost immediately after Mission Architect was added, the game was flooded with AE babies. It got so bad that I was ready to move to Champions Online and kiss CoH goodbye... but then the Champions Online launch day patch happened. This suggestion isn't even really my preferred solution to the problem, although it would be better than nothing. IMO, if it were up to me, I'd lower experience while in AE to 25%, lower experience while on newspaper and radio missions to 50%, and charge a ton of INF for the 50% and double XP boosters. Newspaper and radio mission Council farms are just as bad as AE for churning out low information CoH players. Admittedly, I've only experienced these issues twice since moving to Torchbearer, but while I was on Excelsior, I frequently ran into new players... many on level 50 characters... who had no real idea how to play the game. Some had no idea how to get to another zone except for the base macro exploit. Many assumed that an ITF could be ran at +4x8 with only one level 50 character on the team, because... after all... they were PLed up on AE farms and/or Council radio mission farms with only one level 50 character on the team, so it must be able to be done, right? Indeed, some even complained if the team leader dared to run the ITF on a lower difficulty when the team composition was clearly not up for the task of running the ITF at +4x8, and insisted that it be run at +4x8. I can't count how many people quit or logged off while in the middle of a TF, SF, or trial, because they thought that it was just another newspaper or radio mission with more variety that they could leave at any time. I'm talking even level 50 TFs, SFs, and Trials, like Apex TF and Tin Mage TF. That's all just a tip of the iceberg.
  14. LibreOffice FTW.
  15. Far too many veteran players assume that everyone else playing are also veteran players and that there are few to no new players to the game.
  16. Ammo swap didn’t affect Pistols until Issue 24 beta. Prior, you only could do the standard lethal ammo with Pistols. Probably why.
  17. That’s one of its bonuses. Between that, less lag in the instanced, and Brutes and Tankers receiving and earning Vanguard merits while pulling, Vanguard merits count averages higher in the instanced.
  18. I hate to be a Debbie Downer, but as Kaizen intends on soloing gold side, I would not recommend a Mastermind either. Praetorian ambushes completely ignore your pets, and zero in on the Mastermind itself. Masterminds being the squishiest AT in the game, that can be a death sentence for your MM, depending on the mob and mission setting. A frequent death sentence at that, considering how much Praetoria likes its ambushes.
  19. I know quite a few people whose opinion I value a lot really, really like Radiation Armor, but I concur. It just feels squishy and much more clicky compared to Electric Armor. Electric Armor can take more of a beating without having to resort to heals and/or green inspirations. I am sure at least part of that is me and my bias towards Electric Armor, but it’s true.
  20. Yeah I would definitely advise against Tanker. Just way too slow, IMO. You would spend the first 30 levels or so whittling bad guys to death. I have started the same project, on a Staff/Stone Stalker. Stealth, +def from Guarded Spin, decent AoE, AS helps with the poor single target damage from Staff, Staff is endurance friendly, Stone has a lot of utility baked in, and the Brimstone damage proc.
  21. There's a lot of misinformation floating around CoH. Part of it is due to people not playing for a long while, there being changes made to the game, and then people come back and assume things are still the way they were when they left. Part of it is due to people wishing things would be a certain way, despite it not being that way. Then part of it is just assumptions made. This case is most likely the last.
  22. You know, a friend of mine just raised a valid point. Paragon Studios introduced AlienFX/Alienware lighting support in Issue 18, and enhanced it in Issue 19. Issue 18: Issue 19: Since this issue seems to be on newer Alienware computers... is there some sort of incompatibility with the AlienFX/Alienware lighting support? FWIW, the option is grayed out on my computer even though it is Alienware and AlienFX is installed and operational. It may be entirely unrelated and due to some incompatibility with the motherboards Dell/Alienware uses perhaps, but it is interesting.
  23. Yeah. Out of a long time habit (dating back to live), I always restart the game after a raid (both Hamidon and mothership) to plug memory leaks, and considering I lead raids... well... I'll just have to extend the intermission between mothership raids a few minutes to give myself time to reset and reconfigure graphics settings. 😛
  24. Yep, or a Radiation Emission Corruptor. Beam Rifle, Fire Blast, or Ice Blast for primaries.
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