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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. As far as I can recall, the badge has never been cumulative.
  2. A couple of people suggested that just before I close CoH, I drag the screen back to the first monitor and then close it so I don't have to reset my graphics settings. However, I tried that, and doing so disabled the water, desaturation, bloom, and depth of field effects so I still have to tinker with the graphics settings every time anyway. It just feels like that CoH really dislikes either newer Alienware computers, newer Nvidia graphics cards, or both.
  3. I deleted the gfx.json file again, and this time selected "Quality" graphics instead of ultra, and moved the game to the second monitor. I touched nothing else. Restarted the game and... black screen. I have since learned that a good friend of mine who also has an Alienware Aurora desktop computer experiences the exact same issue. Since all three people reporting the issue are using Alienware computers, I'm wondering if this is something specific to Alienware or just newer Nvidia graphics cards in general. Because I know that I'm forgetful and will more than likely usually forget to move CoH back to the first monitor before closing, I decided that I'd try adding "-gfxreset" to the Homecoming launcher's extra launch parameters. The exact extra launch parameters I tried: "-cov, -gfxreset, -maxinactivefps 15" Except it didn't work. I didn't receive any error message, but CoH opened a black screen. I had to manually tick "Reset graphics settings on next run," in the Homecoming launcher. Let me tell you, having to manually tick that and reconfigure my graphics settings each and every time I want to play is going to get really old, really quickly.
  4. I still don't heavily use procs. No more than two per power at the most, and usually just one. IMO, procs should have been nerfed to the ground two years ago.
  5. Because I don't care for how it looks, and it's overpowered and due for a substantial nerf at some point.
  6. Thank you, @Marine X and @Ura Hero . I do not have GeForce Experience installed. I learned a long time ago to either not install or uninstall that. I discussed the issue with GM Crumpet on Discord late last night. It turns out that GM Crumpet experiences the exact same issue as well, and it is believed to be an issue with newer Nvidia graphics cards and multiple monitors. The only known workarounds at the moment are to either reset the game's graphics every single time I play, or to make sure that I move the game to the first monitor just before I close it every time, or to continue playing CoH on Shadow PC. None of those three options are great. Hopefully @Faultline and/or @Number Six will be able to find and develop a fix at some point as I imagine that this issue will impact more and more people as time goes on if it indeed is an issue with newer Nvidia graphics cards and multiple monitors.
  7. A lot of people find raids extremely boring. Some find Hamidon raids boring, others find mothership raids boring, and yet others find both boring. Personally, mothership raids are my favorite thing to do in the game, but some friends of mine find them extremely boring. I myself am in the camp of finding Hamidon raids boring. Once you've done a Hamidon raid with only five people with no temporary powers... meh. I couldn't bring myself to do another Hamidon raid for over a year after that.
  8. I found this thread: However, I did try windowed mode, and it made no difference. The window was entirely black. I'm curious though that both systems are Alienware, although the OP in the other thread has an older system. Even then, it's not just the second monitor. Water, desaturation, depth of field, and bloom were all disabled on the first monitor. I'm beginning to wonder if it has something to do with the 1440p resolution and/or the 165 Hz refresh rate.
  9. I have a new Alienware Aurora R12 desktop computer with Windows 10 Pro, 64 GBs of RAM, and a Nvidia GeForce RTX 3060 Ti video card. I also have two new Dell 1440p gaming monitors, each set at 165 Hz. Both monitors are the exact same model. I'm saying all of this in case any of it is relevant. I downloaded the Homecoming Launcher today and installed Homecoming. I launched the game, and selected Ultra graphics. I configured the graphics, moved the game to the second monitor in a borderless window, set FSAA at 4x, and maximized everything else. I played around a little bit. The game looked beautiful. I eventually closed the game. A little later, I restarted... and only got a black screen on the second monitor. Eventually after a few minutes, a window popped up that City of Heroes was not responding, and asked if I wanted to close it. I rebooted the computer, and tried again. Same thing. Out of curiosity, I went to the Homecoming directory, went to settings\live, and deleted the folder. I opened Homecoming, and it worked. It acted like I had not set it up before since I deleted all of the settings. I reconfigured the graphics, moved the game to the second monitor in a borderless window, set FSAA at 4x, and maximized everything else. I played around a bit. It looked just fine. I closed the game, and restarted. Sure enough, a black screen again. This time I just deleted the gfx.json file in the settings\live folder, and the game started fine on the first monitor. It again asked me if I wanted quality or ultra graphics. I selected ultra, but after that all I did this time was move the game to the second monitor in a borderless window again. Nothing else. I restarted the game and... black screen. This time after deleting gfx.json yet again, I selected ultra graphics, set FSAA at 4x, and maximized everything else, but I left the game on the first monitor. I restarted the game, and it came up. However, the water effects, depth of field, bloom, and desaturation settings were all entirely disabled. Any help with this issue would be appreciated. I spent a lot of money on this new computer system, mostly in order to play Homecoming... Edit: GM Kal just advised me to try the "Reset graphics on next run" option in the Homecoming launcher. It basically did the same thing as deleting the gfx.json file. It temporarily worked, but as soon I restarted the game... black screen.
  10. Negative, Ghost Rider. Supposedly by the end of the month.
  11. IIRC, that’s not a bug. It was an intentional change during the “secret server” years to try to prevent the servers from being overwhelmed by people constantly checking auction house prices.
  12. There are a few. Can't select just one, sorry. Instanced Rikti mothership raids. They're better and smoother than zone mothership raids in pretty much every way. The Trick Arrow revamp. A power set I would never play on live is now my favorite support power set in the game. Sonic Manipulation. It's my favorite Blaster secondary now and it gels so well with all of the melee-oriented blast sets like Dual Pistols and Fire Blast. I concur with @AboveTheChemist that the /thumbtack command was a fantastic addition to the game. It makes finding things so much easier.
  13. There are several Homecoming developers. Some are behind the scenes coders and operators, some are powers developers, some are costumes and effects developers, and there are at least two who are content developers. Content developers will... develop content. So while the behind the scenes coders and operators and powers developers can and do work on fixing bugs, the others will continue doing what they do. Would you rather they do nothing for a page?
  14. FWIW, both Dark Watcher and Hero 1 in the Dr. Aeon SF can damage or even destroy Phantom Army. It’s intentional.
  15. Positive Gamer played on Excelsior, and the Hamidon raid he interrupted and took over was also on Excelsior, back around I want to say August or September 2019. I was there.
  16. I always just use the Request channel and tell everyone to make sure that it is added to their chat tabs before we start.
  17. I will be mostly out of game for a week or two due to technical issues, but what shard are you playing on? If you are on Torchbearer, I can help in a couple of weeks.
  18. Suggestion: Make a requirement that an account must have two level 50 characters on it to unlock the ability to earn XP in AE missions. You can still do AE content beforehand, you just wouldn't earn any XP while doing so. I realize that this is a pie in the sky wish that will most likely never happen, but hey, doesn't hurt to suggest it.
  19. Forum Cartel is easy. Go start a thread on how Brutes are better than Tankers, another on how Sentinels are better than Blasters, and a third on how you think damage procs should be nerfed hard, and watch those reactions pile up.
  20. Well, the end goal at level 50 would be +2x8 with bosses at minimum, preferably +1x8 with bosses around level 35.
  21. I moved there in October 2005 and never left, although I do have a vacation home in Praetoria.
  22. What would be a good armor to handle all of Praetoria (from Nova Praetoria through Night Ward), and the Rikti... other than Bio Armor?
  23. It may be one cause, but it is definitely not the root of all of the no shows. Many, if not most, are because the team lead will teleport to the SG base or use LRT from inside the Clockwork Lord mission... probably to go to Steel Canyon for the next mission. But that will result in Babbage spawning wherever the team lead goes... which is why you see quite a few Babbages roaming around Steel Canyon on the high traffic shards.
  24. Yeah. Sadly, that’s the issue. If you want to do undercover stuff, you HAVE to play the Precinct Five tutorial.
  25. Yes. You are calling for a substantial nerf to the power in order to make it a toggle and remove its uniqueness when it’s currently very powerful and the best AoE mez protection power in the game.
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