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Everything posted by Apparition

  1. Some Excelsior shard players legitimately think that the Cosmic Council SG’s teleportation hub SG base was actually made by the Homecoming developers and is a feature on all of the shards. It was an amusing argument made against the removal of the base macro exploit two years ago, and it’s amusing to see that some people appear to still think that two years later.
  2. For better or for worse, most communication is done on the Homecoming Discord server.
  3. It's been explained by Homecoming staff on the Homecoming Discord that hardware issues have been ruled out. The hardware is fine, as it's shared among all of the shards and only Excelsior is having issues. What appears to be happening is that too many people consolidated on Excelsior and the shard has occasionally become more active than the Freedom server was on live. As a result, Excelsior is occasionally hitting hard City of Heroes database limits as Cryptic Studios never planned for a shard to have as many people nor as much activity as Excelsior. It isn't a coincidence that Excelsior seems to be going *boom* more often when a Hamidon or mothership raid is being run or recently ended.
  4. You should probably mention that this guide is Excelsior shard exclusive. There are other bases on other shards.
  5. Zero. I don't play on Excelsior.
  6. Bingo. IIRC, this behavior was added in the last few issues of live IIRC. I have the suspicion that those attributing it to Homecoming didn’t play much the last two years or so of live. I also have the feeling that it was intentional. For example, Director 11 terrorizes himself to make him flee.
  7. Congrats, @UberGuy !
  8. Electric Armor is your best bet. There’s a lot of energy and psi damage gold side, both of which Electric Armor is great at handling.
  9. Cheesecake is life.
  10. Yeah. It's sounding more and more like that Homecoming, Excelsior in particular, is starting to run into hard SQL table limits. The game's databases were just not designed to handle having hundreds of thousands of accounts with up to 1,000 characters per shard.
  11. In the meantime, the other shards are just fine and seem to be experiencing an uptick of activity ATM.
  12. There are four other shards for what it's worth.
  13. Create a /petition in-game and make sure to specifically mention that it should be brought to Telephone's attention.
  14. For the OP, try DeepL Translator. It does a much better job than Google.
  15. Ahh, you're right. Sorry. Was thinking of the old/new version.
  16. Yep. 5.5 out of 25 so far. Who knows with Page Four and beyond.
  17. Yep. Someone beat you to the punch of trying to kill Paladin, but couldn't pull it off and walked away.... but their damage still counted towards the badge, overriding yours.
  18. Time is funky in CoH. I mean, clearly there were advances in the story line. The Rikti invaded twice and were fought back, twice. Sister Psyche and Statesman both died. We watched Penelope Yin grow from a kid into the world's strongest psychic and become a valuable member of the Freedom Phalanx. But yet, there are telephone booths everywhere, which were already antiquated by 2012, you can see Windows XP and CRT monitors everywhere, which again were already antiquated by 2012, and on some computers you even see Windows 98, which was way antiquated by 2012.
  19. I'd like this as well. I'm an introvert that co-leads a SG and co-leads raids. Eventually, my social battery is just completely drained but I still want to play CoH so I go on global hide and solo... and sometimes forget to set it after switching characters, so I have to turn down stuff and feel bad. No big deal and minor in the grand scheme of things, but still would be nice.
  20. Raise the minimum level for the Rikti mothership raid back to level 35. - The instanced Rikti mothership raid was added to the game, which does just this. Raise the minimum level for the Lady Grey TF back to level 45+. - Done in Page Two. Make Corruptors the best debuffing AT in the game. - ? Add knockback resistance to Electric Armor's Grounded. - Told that it was "not thematic." Increase the immobilization protection in Electric Armor's Grounded. - ? Cathedral of Pain Trial reward buffs should also affect Mastermind henchmen. - ? Add the "Unabashed" badge to the instanced Rikti mothership raid. - Done in Page Two. Require having two level 50 characters on an account in order to gain XP in AE missions. - ? Remove Calvin Scott as the point of contact for the Resistance in Praetoria. - ? Add Praetorian signature summons for the signature summon temporary powers. - ? Proliferate Darkness Affinity to Defenders, Corruptors, and Masterminds. - "Not happening." Enable access to "the Matrix room" in Port Oakes. - ? Add a support power set for Defenders, Controllers, Corruptors, and Masterminds that uses dual pistols. - ? Buff Force Field by turning most of its +defense to +absorb. - ? Add some sort of Strike and Task Force tutorial to the game. - ? Increase the reward merits for the Barracuda SF. - ? Grant all ATs the Power of Black Scorpion for the Barracuda SF. - Done in Page Two. New Giant Monster for St. Martial. - ? Add a way to combine dual inspirations, like regular inspirations. - ? Ability to form co-op teams in supergroup bases. - "Not possible." Put Back Alley Brawler back in Echo: Galaxy City. - ? New Rogue Vanguard co-op SF. - ? (although we do fight Vanguard in the Dr. Aeon SF) Give Mastermind henchmen Super Speed. - ? Let Essence of the Earth and Ambrosia inspirations affect Mastermind henchmen. - Done in Page Two Double the INF and reward merits for red side content. - ?
  21. We really need this now.
  22. Plus, I know of one Torchbearer shard player that permanently lost a level 50 character due to a shard transfer about a year ago. Transferred his main from Torchbearer to Excelsior for something. Transferred it back after... except the character never materialized. It was on neither shard. It just disappeared. The GMs looked into it, but never located the character. He had to make a new main from scratch. I am sure that that is incredibly rare, but I personally haven't trusted the shard transfer process since. YMMV.
  23. 1. Did you check all five shards? 2. Do you have a playerslot.txt file in your accounts folder? If so, delete it, and check again. 3. If the Brute or Tanker still cannot be found, would it possibly be on another account? Many people have a farming Brute or Tanker on a second account. 4. Welcome back to Paragon City and the Rogue Isles!
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