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Everything posted by Grindingsucks

  1. I feel like I've seen this exact suggestion a half a dozen times, or more, over the last year (and have made it, myself). I think it was decided that the code wouldn't allow for it- either that, or it was simply too time/labor intensive to be implemented given the size of the team. I fully support the suggestion, in all respects, though.
  2. @Darmian Okay, actually, given the subject of your topic, I could totally get behind a change like this. I'm all for making the place(s) more interesting by making them very useful to the whole player base. 👍
  3. Or completely replace that loud, garish, crackling tube of energy with something less visually obscene; a nice, simple, glowing circle, or some such (tinatable, as you suggest, of course).
  4. Man, I love this idea! Hope it's possible! 😁👍
  5. Easily done by making each contest (themed or not) have the description field also be an aspect of the judging. Of course, contests would then necessarily take much longer to judge. Maybe holding such contests on the forums would be more practical. Make a topic, set the parameters, and anyone interested can post a screenshot of both their costume and character description. The topic could be locked after a certain date/time to allow the judge(s) to look over the entries and make their selections. Prizes could then be awarded in-game, afterwards, at an appointed time.
  6. Well, I know it exists, but I never go there. Honestly, with Pocket-D and several score player-owned Bars, Clubs, and Pubs, I feel we have more nightclub scene stuff to utilize than I would ever use. Granted, I use Pocket-D pretty much for Gull the Null, AE, and P2W. I may use cool-looking player bars as set pieces to set up heist/contact rp's and the like but, other than that, that's about it. I suppose you're feeling some strong nostalgia from your live experience here and, though I never played during live, I do get where you're coming from. Having said that, I would rather have the teams limited time and resources focused on things that the entire player base would find appealing, not just those that played during live. Still, apart from pulling time and effort away from more interesting projects, I'm not really against it in any way.
  7. So, I was thinking about PvP for Roleplaying purposes, today. What if there was an optional non-lethal pvp mode you could switch on. In this mode, you can attack and injure other players who also have the mode turned on, but you don't gain or lose experience or influence while in the mode. Possible uses: Danger room training in a base. Simulated battles between groups of heroes and villains in the streets, GM's Rp'ing Arch villains when groups run roleplaying events/adventures. I do get concerns about griefing, but this solution would provide a buffer against that by eliminating experience/influence loss concerns and requiring both attacker and defender to be flagged into the mode before one can even be attacked. Basically, just a slight variation of what @Nayreia had suggested. Of course, I'm not sure how complex (or even possible) it would be to code something like this.
  8. -Danger Room (Interior)- -Danger Room (Interior, looking back towards exit)-
  9. -Danger Room (Control Room, Interior)- -Danger Room (Entrance)-
  10. -Command Center (From down in the "Pit", looking up at the lift entrance/exit)- -Danger Room (Control Room Entrance)-
  11. Well, besides that, just starting up a group for the first time and building the base for it is as much as I feel like taking on right now. Thanks for the suggestion though, @Steampunkette ! Speaking of the base, in addition to the ground terrain, I have the Command Center and Danger Room/Holodeck finished. A few pics to look at: -Command Center (Overlook from lift entrance)- -Command Center (Looking Left from same position)-
  12. Also, with regard to joining, if you want to shoot me a tell or whatnot when I'm online, I'm happy to invite anyone that's interested. My global is @Razorshrike (and, of course, I'll be logged on with Pennance). Base is still a work in progress, but coming along nicely.
  13. A Grindingsucks Nutshell Review: Help the Amazon of Heraclea's Themyscira analogue (Colchis) defeat a plastic surgeon who grafts Rularuu to Nazi thugs. Battle-Crazed Combat Lesbians (mostly Femme): 9/10 (A few more butch ones would have garnered a perfect 10). Nazi Punching Bags: 10/10 (No surprise, since many foes are Council and/or 5th Column) Rularuu with pizza cravings: 10/10 Boss/Archvillain Coolness: 3/10 (Bosses seemed a little lame-O. Sorry). Writing: It's no epic, but it's concise and competently written, with a splash of humor. No grammar or spelling errors that I could see, which is kind of rare for an AE mission. That garners a 9/10 from me. Total Score = 6/10 (Mostly due to the underwhelming bosses. You should still play though- cause Combat Lesbians. 😁👍)
  14. Someone logged in as Ultramarine shot me a tell with a SG invite request last night. I was base building and didn't notice until they had already logged off. If you happen to be reading this, Ultramarine, my apologies. I'm happy to send you an invite if you're still interested.
  15. No problem. I'm not looking for anything so binding as commitments- just people interested in joining the group. Whenever you finally get some down time, we'll be here. 😉 👍
  16. Cool. 😎 No problem. 👍 Also... just a general FYI: I went ahead and created the SG (The .38 Specials wasn't taken. Woo!). I'm working on building the base presently (something that I very much enjoy doing and feel that I've gotten quite competent at, over time). Setting-wise, I placed the base in Boomtown. It's both an above and below ground base, although the base proper (meant to be an old, abandoned base that we reoccupied and are in the process of refurbishing) is almost entirely underground. The above ground bits are just the blasted cityscape that Boomtown became, after the Rikti attack.
  17. What I ought to have said, is you may only slot the procs and globals from each set. No partial or full sets. Where something like LotG is a universal and you can get the bonuses from more than one enhancement of that type (in the same set) you can only have one from that set. Example: You can have Panacea +HP/End, Miracle + Recovery, Performance Shift Proc and Luck of the Gambler + recharge. You may not slot 2 or more enhancements in the Panacea set, or multiple LotG+recharges, or Hamidon Enhancements, or Standard IO's. Any remaining slots must be filled with Single Origin Enhancements. Do keep in mind, I'm open to alternative suggestions. I just felt this would be a good place to start. If we begin play and feel the characters are too strong or to weak, we can adjust the build parameters as needed. Having tested Pennance slotted this way, I find that he can handle +3/1 content pretty reliably and +4/1 content with a great deal of difficulty. +4/2 would probably not be viable for him to solo. Obviously, depending on your individual AT and build you may find you perform slightly better or worse than myself, but I think this is a pretty good balance of challenge to start with and should allow for us to enjoy equally challenging team combat. We'll have to test it, of course, but I'm fairly confident it will be close to where we want to be. For further clarification, here's a screen shot of my enhancement screen: EDIT: Also, when that new update to 2nd Chances goes live, with all the travel power updates (which look awesome! If you haven't read the update, there's a lot of great stuff coming down the pipe, including the ability to choose Story arcs from LFG, just like trials and TF's.), I imagine we'll be all be doing a bit of minor respecing.
  18. That's true. But I figure you can probably still get S/L into the 50 to 60 range, even without IO sets. Regen will be excellent, and Psionic resist much better than most anything except, possibly, Ninjitsu. The main advantages I think that you'll have playing at lvl 38, is two-fold: endurance management, which can become quite challenging when you're running toggle heavy powersets as I am with Pennance, as Willpower just handles this more easily thanks to Quick Recovery and your Mez Protection, since Willpower offers robust coverage against anything that gets thrown at you. I've noticed that fire has two or three mez vulnerabilities that I struggled to address and my build is endurance hungry, so if Consume misses its target (or, I just forget to fire it), I've got serious risk of toggle collapse and impending doom. 😁 This is fine with me. This focus here is on team play, and relying on your teammates to help mitigate your weaknesses by developing team tactics to compensate for them. In other words, all part of the fun! 👍
  19. Cool. I play scrappers more often than tanks, but both are fun. 👍
  20. I think this is gonna be my dude (barring any eventual alts, of course): EDIT: By the way, @TemporalVileTerror in regards to your topic on RP and Character Death... Roleplay: I would say that I fit pretty comfortably into RP2, RP3, and RP 4. RP1 is too casual and RP 5 is too rigid (for my purposes). Regarding scale of continuity: I think Episodic is more practical for online play with people in different time zones, though I'm not opposed to more long-term, serialized plot-lines. Scale of Immersion: varies for me, depending on mood, story format, and who I'm interacting with. Too much exposition can slow down play and cause other players to grow bored and disengage. Too little breaks immersion. I sort of play it by ear. Grim vs Noble: For the comic book genre, I think Noble works better. I'm willing to be persuaded otherwise by a good argument. Bright vs Dark: The genre is quite flexible and can go either way, even within the same series of comics, and/or story arcs within those comics. Obviously, the particular character I'm thinking of starting in the group with would lean more strongly towards Dark (being inspired by things like Ghost Rider, Etrigan, John Constantine, and so on. Of course, even Hellboy has its moments of whimsy and dark humor). Character Death: I think that question is best answered for any particular character, by that character's player. For me, there is always (at least) the idea that the character is mortal and "can" die, although, practically speaking, I would want the character to survive for as long as I'm interested in exploring the character in play. Of course, in the comic book genre, characters often escape certain doom or destruction, over and over again. If they do die, they may return at a later date through various means, so death need not be permanent. The player is, of course, well aware of this (just as readers and writers of comic books are), but the characters themselves must always (in my opinion) believe that injury and death are a very real and imminent threat, unless they are immortal gods, demons or fairies, or some such.
  21. I think this is gonna be my dude (barring any eventual alts, of course):
  22. Ah. Well, that may well be a misunderstanding on my part, then. In that event, you may disregard the first part of #2. Morality conflict may still be an issue, though. Not that there's anything wrong with a bit of that, as long as it doesn't keep members from teaming together or lead to disgruntled players.
  23. Also, a few comments on play times and character alignment: 1) Don't worry too much about your time zone. I'm a stay at home parent, so I have wide latitude with regard to play times. If nothing else, people on the Pacific Coast or in Greenwich Mean Time ought to be able to partner up with my character(s) part of the time. But, if you try the group on for size, and just get bored because there aren't enough players on when you're logged on, that's fair enough; you can leave the group, no judgement. Nobody that's into team play wants to solo most of the time. 2) The main thing about morality/alignment is that I want us all to be the same alignment so we easily have access to the same material and isn't left out of a specific TF, or whatever. Yes, you can always run to Pocket-D and change your alignment back and forth, but it's a bit of pain in the rear, and everyone will have to wait for you to do it, if you forget before starting a TF, mission, or what not. Also, just as importantly, having the same alignment makes the RP dovetail more neatly, since characters have similar outlooks, expectations, and goals regarding crimefighting.
  24. @TemporalVileTerror I'm just crawling out of bed on this lazy Sunday morning, but I want to read the entire topic, which looks very helpful to what we're thinking about doing with our group- so thanks for linking that! 👍 I'll reply in depth, later, after my coffee has kicked in and I've had more time to digest my reading. 😉 With regard to creating characters, while I do hope to get a wide variety of AT's to explore AT roles in team tactics, I do think it's more important (initially, at least) that everyone just makes the character that they're interested in playing, whatever that might be. I want the group to thrive, members to stick around because they're having an enjoyable time, and I just feel that's more likely if you have the freedom to play the exact character that you'd like to play (within our self-imposed level/slotting limitations, of course). So make whatever you like! I'm hopeful that, in time, we'll have enough members that all AT roles (tanking, control, buffing, dps, etc.) are well covered.
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